TNA keeping their audience..


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For the second week in a row, TNA iMPACT! scored a 1.26 which will round up to a final 1.3 rating. That's 3 weeks in a row providing a strong rating, and 2 weeks in a row keeping steady in the Thursday night time slot of iMPACT! Last 3 weeks read 1.5, 1.3 and 1.3.

This is fantastic news and tells us that the main audience TNA has captured is coming back for more and holding that steady 1.3 spots for 2 weeks is something to be proud of and grow on, esp creating strong storylines week in and week out. Also, the 1.5 posted on Monday (1/4) tells us that other audiences, preferably the WWE fanbase touched base with TNA and with the ongoing current events of last weeks iMPACT! if TNA can move forward and keep the energy and buzz, expect a permanent move to Monday night where the rating could hit a 1.5 or even stronger rating with momentum to build.

They got the fans attention and we aren't blinking. Hope they pull through for the long run!
Really awesome news. They are well on course to reach a 2.5 during the summer. Hogan is doing what he promised. I never wanted him to fail but there is no doubt he has a history for booking stupid things (See KB's WCW reviews).

It seems to be a success which is great as the talent for the most part deserve the opportunity.
TNA maintaining their audience is a positive sign for the company. They pulled a 1.26 this week and pulled the exact same number last week. These are good ratings for TNA but let's not get carried away here. A 1.3 is something that TNA was able to draw consistently last year. They started having some trouble around September when ratings typically started to hang around the 1.0 area.

TNA is still in the early stages of the Hogan Era and there are still questions regarding TNA being able to sustain the momentum they've got going right now. Could nostalgia have anything to do with it? It's possible. It's also possible that people are interested in the direction that TNA is going and are watching it now whereas they weren't before. Eventually, however, TNA is going to have to start pulling in numbers higher than a 1.3 in order for Hogan running the company to be considered a success. As I said, TNA has been able to pull these kinds of numbers without Hogan and numbers that are more substantial are going to be needed eventually, particularly with all the smack Hogan has been talking and all the promises that he's made regarding TNA.
Well, to give one example, TNA didn't 'poach' this viewer from WWE. What they're up to just drew me back into wrestling. I'd say there could be a lot more like me in that 1.3. I don't know about anyone else, but I find HHH/HBK's Toys R Us segments excrutiating. Thats why I haven't watched WWE (Or wrestling) in about 6 years.
This seems like the twisting of reality here by TNA fans to me. They got a 1.9 in their first hour of their 3 hour Monday night show and lost .6 of their viewers going into the following two hours. They end with a 1.5 and then drop another .2 in the ratings the next week. Now they're steady at 1.3, which is the EXACT ratings they were getting last year at this time and that's great? That's something to praise and use words like "really awesome" or "positive" for? They've always steadily done around a 1.1.. so they've gone up .2 since then. While they lost a .2 from two weeks ago. How is that a positive?

Same old same old, is what it is.
The good thing is not only did they maintain a 1.3, but that the total number if viewers actually increased.

Hopefully, they can maintain and build on the rating, we'll see how is goes going forward.

However, remember that Impact is no longer going up against Thursday night college and NFL football. So it might be too soon to give all the credit to Hogan / Bischoff.
This seems like the twisting of reality here by TNA fans to me. They got a 1.9 in their first hour of their 3 hour Monday night show and lost .6 of their viewers going into the following two hours. They end with a 1.5 and then drop another .2 in the ratings the next week. Now they're steady at 1.3, which is the EXACT ratings they were getting last year at this time and that's great? That's something to praise and use words like "really awesome" or "positive" for? They've always steadily done around a 1.1.. so they've gone up .2 since then. While they lost a .2 from two weeks ago. How is that a positive?

Same old same old, is what it is.

The thing is, TNA iMPACT on Thursday nights isn't all that well known as of right now and never has been to the majority of the viewing audience, or to the new wrestling fan or wrestling fans that casually tune in. Monday Night caused a stir in the wrestling world and I'm sure old timers came back to witness what was going on.

After that Monday, it was like, okay now what? Will the show be next Monday? Is this permanent? When's the next show? TNA, to the average fan never clarified or hyped TNA's programmed iMPACT on Thursday nights the way they did for the January 4th show. My opinion, they need to get more Monday nights, live mind you, under their belt and then plug iMPACT on Thursday's more so the audience has a guideline and what to follow and that's why I think the rating fell significantly in the post weeks.

The reason it's so intriguing is because TNA over the coarse of a long time was barely hitting 1.0's and for it to spike back up to the 1.3 range tells anyone that attention is being drawn and it is being held, regardless of what's happening or what people or haters might want to think.
Given the ratings of TNA Impact lately, it shows that tna has loyal fans. I am excited to see what is coming down the pike in the near future. Granted, TNA is in a transition period as far as story line development goes and you can see that because most of the story lines are flat and a good chunk of the top talent in tna dont have a real story line like daniels or joe, motor city machine guns, etc. But hogan and bischoff will push the young talent and continue to grow company by also elevating the tna originals as well and by doing so, that will keep the main tna audience and bring about a new audience as well.
I agree that TNA did not plug their Thursday night show very well on January 4th. Not only that, we had to wait 10 whole days for another episode. During that 10 days a lot of the hype died off. Hopefully Hogan and Bischoff noticed this and next time they do a Monday night show, they have an Impact that coming Thursday to keep the momentum. Doesn't even have to be 2 hours if its hard to come up with story lines, just something new.
The thing is, TNA iMPACT on Thursday nights isn't all that well known as of right now and never has been to the majority of the viewing audience, or to the new wrestling fan or wrestling fans that casually tune in. Monday Night caused a stir in the wrestling world and I'm sure old timers came back to witness what was going on.

After that Monday, it was like, okay now what? Will the show be next Monday? Is this permanent? When's the next show? TNA, to the average fan never clarified or hyped TNA's programmed iMPACT on Thursday nights the way they did for the January 4th show. My opinion, they need to get more Monday nights, live mind you, under their belt and then plug iMPACT on Thursday's more so the audience has a guideline and what to follow and that's why I think the rating fell significantly in the post weeks.

The reason it's so intriguing is because TNA over the coarse of a long time was barely hitting 1.0's and for it to spike back up to the 1.3 range tells anyone that attention is being drawn and it is being held, regardless of what's happening or what people or haters might want to think.

I'm not hating, I'm being realistic. The fact is is that TNA Impact had been getting these same numbers last year at this time, which means they had the same audience.. they had the same interest.. it's TNA's fault and no one else's that they lost all of that. It's a constantly reoccuring cycle with them, and I don't see that changing this time because of Hogan and Bischoff, sorry. Time will certainly tell, but this whole argument people keep saying about Impact getting low numbers and now it's spiked up to a 1.3 is a bit of an exaggeration and false hope, because so what if they dropped in ratings before this? So what if they'd begun to take a down turn? The fact is, they've been here before and the audience they're getting, much like the product they're putting out, isn't anything that hasn't been done before. When they start getting in the high 1's THEN people can start praising them and giving them credit for what they're doing.. until then, it really is the same old same old.. just different people running the show.

And the only one's they have to blame for not plugging their Thursday show and leaving any audience they had (which was really only TNA loyalists to begin with) is themselves. Like always.
I'm a TNA fan and I'm not excited about 1.3. It's nothing. They had it last year. What I'm excited about is the fact that they're not LOSING ratings, that's what matters right now. Gaining ratings is a slow built process and I don't expect any huge jump in them in the next few months. Unless Hogan has a magic wand and a pointy hat that is...
TNA could've lost some viewers due to the DVR schedule changing up on people. I had my DVR set to record TNA Wrestling; however, it did not record last week's Impact. Why? The DVR schedule changed it from TNA Wrestling to TNA Impact. So my DVR totally skipped over recording it. Pissed me clean off, but it is what it is.

SN: NBC did the same thing to keep Conan from having a lot of viewers too. Changed ti from The Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien to The Tonight Show and my DVR skipped over it too. Weird. Time to set manual record times.
I'm not hating, I'm being realistic. The fact is is that TNA Impact had been getting these same numbers last year at this time, which means they had the same audience.. they had the same interest.. it's TNA's fault and no one else's that they lost all of that. It's a constantly reoccuring cycle with them, and I don't see that changing this time because of Hogan and Bischoff, sorry. Time will certainly tell, but this whole argument people keep saying about Impact getting low numbers and now it's spiked up to a 1.3 is a bit of an exaggeration and false hope, because so what if they dropped in ratings before this? So what if they'd begun to take a down turn? The fact is, they've been here before and the audience they're getting, much like the product they're putting out, isn't anything that hasn't been done before. When they start getting in the high 1's THEN people can start praising them and giving them credit for what they're doing.. until then, it really is the same old same old.. just different people running the show.

And the only one's they have to blame for not plugging their Thursday show and leaving any audience they had (which was really only TNA loyalists to begin with) is themselves. Like always.

I get what you're saying and there is pretty much no wrong or right answer to where they should be at this stage in the game. With little resources they do have, and with a complete wash of the process of suites in the back mixed in with a different direction of the company, is a lot thrown at fans in this short period of time. The consistency is what is important and even though the 1.3 isn't like "Holy fuckin' shit, we're monsters" it is still a sign in the positive direction only because the hype is keeping the audience at a week to week basis and if they can signify that solidness so to speak, then they could only expand from here regarding the hype, promises, faces and quality that we've seen so far.

We all know not to expect the 2.0's right out the gate since it's going to be a slow process since Hogan/Bischoff and also the talent are still adjusting and also building. Fact is, for some reason they've lost part of the audience for quite some time and getting back to solid 1.3's tells us people are tuning in when they've haven't in awhile.
tna has been scoring 1.somethings for a while, ive even seen drop to .8. but the very(no offense) old wrestling fans want to see the old guys, and show their grandchildren hulk hogan and the nasty boys, same like wcw, boosting their ratings. whether or not they still watch the program, from what ive been told, after the old guys are "done doing their jobs" has yet to be seen. but u cant tell me that nasty vs 3d is helping elevate youner talent. as good as aj vs angle is, ive seen it enough. everybody complained when they had to watch a dx and cena 6 man tag match for like 5 weeks straight. tna did the montreal
The thing is, TNA iMPACT on Thursday nights isn't all that well known as of right now and never has been to the majority of the viewing audience, or to the new wrestling fan or wrestling fans that casually tune in.

I'm afraid that this is a crutch that TNA is no longer going to be able to lean on. In preperation for the show on the 4th, Hulk Hogan was out promoting the show on any radio and television talk show that would have him. The commercial for the show aired on a number of different networks and TNA actually put up a billboard in Times Square. Now, while I won't say this for a fact, I'm pretty sure that TNA's regular night and time were mentioned as well. Even if it wasn't, it's not going to be difficult at all for anyone to find out when TNA iMPACT is on if they really want to watch it. All one has to do is go to any internet search engine, type in TNA and any number of websites, including TNA's will pop up and all the air date info one needs will be there. Now, TNA is doing well right now overall compared to what they've been doing and that's a good thing, but don't make excuses where one doesn't exist. If someone is too lazy in this day and age to find out the day and time a show airs that they're curious about, then they're not all that interested in the show to begin with.
TNA is WCW in disguise!!!!!!! Eric Bishoff is in charge of the running of things and Hogan is also drawing a huge salary from the company just like he was in WCW. Dont get me wrong, I watch TNA each and ever week but if its to survive and to be able to compete with WWE then both Eric and Hulk need to distance themselves from WWE storylines and copying gimmicks. (The Montreal screwjob) was a real life incident and not penned by a creative writer. That affected Bret Harts career dramatically. Why do TNA have to then use that same story in their company? whether or not it was real or just a publicity exercise to get new or just keep their fan base, it did not work in my opinion. I watched 12 years ago when Bret was screwed and now I see it almost mirrored again. only differance, differant people. I want to see differant things than WWE storylines all the time. Is that too much to ask??
I have watched TNA for along time now. Its the only wrestling I do watch. I have tuned into the Hogan era every week now though. Which is more than I can say before. TNA is doing ok. The feeling I get from alot people is they love seeing "The Band" and the other old guys. They are still a little uneasy about Aj Styles as the champion but are warming up to him especially since Ric Flair is with him. The thing is all the die hard TNA fans have to realize is that AJ isnt over in a mainstream aspect. If they want to get AJ over then have him face Sting at the next PPV. I know plans are right now to have him fight Joe. I have never liked Joe he became uninteresting like Goldberg when his undefeated streak was lost. Thats always a bad gimmick. Sting is a credible guy for AJ to beat or even to loose to and be in a long fued. if Joe defeats AJ then to alot of the new fans its just AJ loosing to another no name guy. If he wins against sting then wow he beat an Icon. Or if he looses even and has a good match then great. He needs to be in a big fued with a mainstream guy for these new fans to take interest.

ALot of people i know like seeing Hogan and Bishoff. They like ANgle and Foley. Even the Nasty Boys are ok. The Band is great but upong seeing the young talent they get bored quickly. You want to get AJ over then have him fight a big name. Or at least have him fight Angle agains but AJ has Flair in his corner and Hogan is in Angles
When you look back, TNA hasn't scored a 1.3 in at least a year or more. They have consistently drawn a 1.0 or maybe a 1.1 these past few months. Whether people agree or not, a 1.5 on prime time on a Monday night against Raw and football is huge. Some may say oh that's only a few points up. I mean to go from a basically a .09 the last few weeks in December to a 1.5 and gain 700,00 new viewers. It's pretty big for a first time.

I didn't even think they would get that. I thought they would be lucky to get a 1.0. They have drawn 1.3 the past 2 weeks. I feel TNA has kept their audience. What ever six sided fanatic audience they lost, they made up for with a new audience.

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