TNA isn't RIP yet

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I am appalled at all the TNA haters jumping on the bangwagon yet again to say that TNA is dying or already dead. TNA fires 5 wrestlers who lets face it 3 were never worth anything. Joey Ryan had great potential and i'm upset to see him go and Madison Rayne was ok and all the Wwe fanboys go crazy saying TNA is dead comeon!

Even this website took advantage to post a video implying that Dixie and Hogan are fighting over the company and that the company is falling apart. The timing of posting that old video now was strategic and a low blow imo. Yet last nights Impact main event was a better match than anything Wwe has put on in a long time.

These are the same hypocrites who couldn't stand Ric Flair and RVD constantly saying how they were old washed up wrestlers while they were in TNA and the minute they joined Wwe they became awesome again smh. Don't these people understand that TNA is great for all wrestling fans because it keeps Vince and company in competitive mode.

Just image if TNA went out of business last year how stale and boring the Wwe would be right now. I guarantee you that if it wasn't for TNA Ambrose,Rollings and Reigns would still be in NXT,Vince would had never rehired Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman (Vince had to swallow a bitter pill rehiring both but he understood it was good for the business to compete against TNA) and many others things in Wwe wouldn't be happening. To want TNA out of business is the same as wanting the Wwe to become boring.

Bully Ray,Roode,Aries,Angle,Sting,Daniels,Styles,Storm,Kim,Kazarian(on mic)Zema Ion, and especially Tessmacher :cool: and others are still awesome. The Mem is back and getting ready to battle Aces. Sure TNA has made some mistakes and it will continue to do so but there is also has alot good going for it and the rumors of TNA's demise has been grossly exaggerated.
Please kids. Hating on the haters is just gonna bring more haters. How's about we discuss TNA in the TNA section instead of talking about non-fans that are not here, 'kay?
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