TNA is Spoiled With Two Great Heels


Getting Noticed By Management
So I'm watching Impact and I'm really liking the first segment of the night where TNA does their version of the PWI 500 or WWE's Slammys recognizing their wrestler of the year. You got Bully Ray, the former heel trying to change his ways. James Storm the comeback kid who was on the hot streak, Austin Aries the most outstanding heel in the company and Bobby Roode, the most outstanding heel in the company... oops... wow wait there can't two outstanding heels in one wrestling company that just isn't right or is it? Y know sometimes I go back and I look at WWE's attitude era and I look at Austin and Rock and remember how great that was. I knew they were doing something awesome when it was happening but I didn't realize how awesome until they were were both completely gone. As wrestling fans we were spoiled to have Austin and Rock in the same era.

With Bobby Roode and Austin Aries it's almost like looking in a mirror, it's funny TNA actually kind of realizes it as they both came forward to accept a wrestler of the year award they both actually had good arguments to have. Bobby Roode a fantastic specimen, a natural in the ring, a ring general and delivers a promo with a conviction and an intensity that makes legends take notice. Austin Aries, the man that commands attention at all times, with he's on the mike, when he walking to the ring or when he's in between the ropes. They're both conniving and selfish, clever and dastardly. Either one could be the top heel in any company in the world and make compelling TV against a babyface like Jeff Hardy , the eventual TNA wrestler of the year and current TNA Champion. But we're lucky we get them both heels, we get them now. And if you're not watching TNA wrestling right now you should, you'll missing something special. I'm not supposed to get Genesis, PPV's get expensive but Hardy vs Aries vs Roode, oh man, that's gonna be sweet. Triple threat elimination, an old school triangle match even better. A great good guy needs a great nemesis bad guy. Jeff Hardy has two, lucky guy.
It does seem to be a "Heel's Galore" in TNA these days. Hell, even the faces are really good.

You've got amazing heels such as Daniels and Kaz, Roode, Aries and maybe Ray if he stopped trying to get his dicky sticky in Brooke's sugarwalls.

Then face-wise you've got guys like Sting, Hardy, Bully Ray and James Storm.

TNA is nailing the interactions between those guys and it has really been entertaining. All they lack are good storylines that make them shine even more.

What's nice is that when these people turn heel or face, depending on what they are right now, they're still pretty damn good. Except for Hardy, maybe. And Kaz. He's nothing without Daniels shakin' his rump down the isle.
It does seem to be a "Heel's Galore" in TNA these days. Hell, even the faces are really good.

You've got amazing heels such as Daniels and Kaz, Roode, Aries and maybe Ray if he stopped trying to get his dicky sticky in Brooke's sugarwalls.

Then face-wise you've got guys like Sting, Hardy, Bully Ray and James Storm.

TNA is nailing the interactions between those guys and it has really been entertaining. All they lack are good storylines that make them shine even more.

What's nice is that when these people turn heel or face, depending on what they are right now, they're still pretty damn good. Except for Hardy, maybe. And Kaz. He's nothing without Daniels shakin' his rump down the isle.

You know what?
you just listed the best TNA has to offer, great heels, great faces.
yet, Aces and eights is nowhere to be found. just imagine them using the time wasted on this horrible wreck of a storyline and using them on their actual heels and faces... makes me sad...
You know what?
you just listed the best TNA has to offer, great heels, great faces.
yet, Aces and eights is nowhere to be found. just imagine them using the time wasted on this horrible wreck of a storyline and using them on their actual heels and faces... makes me sad...

It is quite interesting considering the evil deeds they've done. They injured important people, big babyfaces. Hopefully this is a signifier for TNA brass. Nowdays heel don't appear to be measured by WHAT they do but how they do it. They're trying to make us hate their guts while we appreciate the heeldom of guys like Daniels and Aries. We don't hate them, we enjoy their work and consider it to be of better heel quality, so in a sense it's like applauding someone for being an asshole, but being an entertaining asshole.

Is that what heels need to be these days? Hope so. More of that please.
The beauty of the whole situation is how perfectly it works out for the benefit of the company considering who they want to push as the number one guy.

Hardy is seen, probably rightfully so, as the company's biggest star/draw that is still a fulltime active wrestler. He is a recognizable and over babyface with a very large and loyal fanbase, yet he is completely incapable of selling a feud with his mic work. However, in spite of that, TNA has managed during his latest push back to the top to keep the main event scene highly entertaining.

This has to be credited to the strength of the heel personalities.

First to earn the chance to regain the belt Hardy had to finish off his BFG series triumph by going through Bully Ray. Ray delivered one of the most emotionally engaging and impactful promos in recent memory prior to their number one contender showdown, and a beat up Hardy just had to get in the ring and play the worn down yet resiliant babyface role he thrives in, and the crowd ate it up without Hardy needing to say a word.

Next Hardy was in line to challenge Aries, a heel who had been face transitioned due to his ability to get over, but had kept the character traits that drove him as a heel. The whole program was built on Aries carrying the mic work by playing the part of the underappreciated champion who felt overshadowed by the company's chosen one. The transition of Aries back to full heel was the whole story leading to BFG. Hardy just had to show up, paint his face, and scream "creatures" a couple of times, while the anounce team drove home his redemption opportunity.

Since Hardy has won the belt back all he has had to do is play occasionally to the live crowd with short promos that supplement the heavy lifting mic work by the two cocky and entitled former champions.

Hardy's fans get to see him wear the belt, while Aries and Roode's fans get to see them carry the feuds and display their personalities by playing the jealous, smug, self important pricks who tout their own greatness and superiority while getting the majority of the mic time. Everybody wins.
Well Roode & Aries the two top heels are meant to challenge the two top faces in Storm & Roode. Right now TNA have a deep main-event, so I expect lots of title changeing.
The continued dynamic between Roode and Aries last night was awesome.

Whether having to share a backstage segment, work a match against each other, share mic time in a promo segment, or be booked as odd couple tag partners- these two just have incredibly entertaining chemistry with one another.

The little exchange about their T-shirts/ring attire when heading out for their match last night was simple and funny. Then the way they worked the match, shifting on a whim between times of actually working cohesively and instances of one-upmanship made for a very fun watch.

In a way their relationship kind of has similarities to the Abs-and-Calves partnership that Roode and Ray formed several months back, but Aries and Roode may even make for a more entertaining pair.

Impact has been blessed for months now with plenty of quality performances by very comedically capable heels.

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