TNA in 2011


Championship Contender
Many things have changed in TNA in 2010, so what things would you like to see occur next year? Who would you push? What storylines would you like to see? Who would you like the champions to be this time next year?

The main thing I would like to see change next year would have to be revamping the X division and mid card titles. When AJ Styles renamed the global title the TV title didn't he say, " I will defend this title every week on tv." He has defended it how many times? Like twice. I hope the television title gets some exposure because TNA truly needs it. Imagine all the feuds that could take place for this strap. AJ and Joe, AJ and The Pope, Aj and Morgan, AJ and RVD, and that is only AJ Styles as champion. As I stated at the top the X division needs new life. The X division championship is one of the many things that used to draw people to TNA. Now the X division has lost its touch and seems so stale and boring. They should bring back old X division guys back into the mix. For example Samoa Joe, AJ Styles, Kaz, and Shannon Moore could go back to contributing to the division. Plus I thought the X division wasn't about weight limit, it was about no limit. So other guys like Rhino, The Pope, Orlando Jordan, and Jesse Neal could also bring there game into the X Division. Although it wouldn't happen in 2010 I would like to see the X division look like this,

Jay Lethal
AJ Styles
Samoa Joe
POpe - An X Division reign could help elevate him into the main event.
Eric Young
Jesse Neal
Robbie E
Amazing Red
Doug Wiliams
Brian Kendrick
Desmond Wolfe

The main superstar on the roster I would push would have to be The Pope. This guy may be the most popular superstar in TNA at the moment. So why not let him develop into a top star?

Another well deserving push is Matt Morgan. The guy has been with TNA for four years and hasn't had a decent push. He needs to turn back to a heel and run into the Main Event. I my opinion I think an AJ STyles/Matt Morgan feud would really help Matt become a top star. I thought his match with ANgle last year helped develop him and he would get a push. Guess I was wrong.

Here would be the champions I would like to see,

TNA world heavyweight
Mr. Anderson
The guy has tons of potential and could have been a multi time WWE champion but I guess we can all thank Randy Orton for that one.

Tag Team Champions
In my opinion Generation Me has the potential to be the best tag team in the world. I think they are better than the Guns were there first year.

Desmond WOlfe
SInce joining TNA he has accomplished nothing. After his fued with Angle, I thought man this guy is going to be a star. I guess I was wrong yet again.

X Division
He hasn't brought anything to Fortune and an X division reign yet again could help him with that.

KO Title
WOuld love to see some classic Hamada/Mickie matches.

KO tag title
I would drop them. Don't even know who that champions are at the moment and quite frankly I really don't care.

There are many feuds I would like to see take place in the upcoming year but the main one has to be Jarrett/ANgle.

Remember how great the Edge/Hardy feud was in 2005? This one could be better with effort from TNA. Angle's kids live with Jeff Jarrett, so Jarrett could come out on national television and say "Kurt, last night I read your kids a bedtime story. Where were you at? Shouldn't you be tucking your kids in at night? Instead I have to do that. I am not there father,you are Kurt"
Imagine how personal that would be.

I would like all of that to take place in 2011. Some of it may and some of it probalby won't but what do you think?
I would change alot. but to narrow it down ? hmmm Drop The Television Title and The Knockouts Tag Team Titles.

I Would want to see alot less gimmick matches on free Television.
no more "shoot segements" the appeal does not last when it happens week in and week out.
no more shockvaule -Ev.2 beat down etc. because to me it devalues the product and makes it look cheap. also I dont find that Adult Entertaiment or appealing

also break up the Beautiful people and BM. Inc .I Would Want to See Roode feud with Samoa Joe and Storm Feud with Kaz (Face)
Their are only a couple things that truly piss me off about TNA that i would want to change. The first being make Samoa Joe a fucking beast again. He is probably one of the best wrestlers on the roster and has been in 3 5 star matches since 2004. Have him wrestle guys like Shelley, Williams, Wolfe and of course AJ Styles. He can bring a different type of energy to the company and probably be considered one of the best in the world again.

My next thing is to get rid of the weak links. This could allow for more wrestlers who are actually talented to come in. Remember when they had the workin relationship with ROH imagine that in this day and age the tag teams the x division and guys competing for the big strap it could really rival WWE as a serious wrestling company if it does away with all the overbooking
Jeff Hardy is going to remain the champion into 2011. there are going to be face wrestlers that get a shot. Morgan, Pope, Angle, Anderson, maybe even Sting or Nash returning. IMO there will be more members of Immortal. I think eventually there will be a split between Immortal and Fortune, maybe even Immortal causing AJ Styles to lose his belt. they could feud with each other.
I think the guy to take the title from Hardy would be Anderson.

AJ Styles is the current "TV" champion. I would rename this title back to the Global championship. this is the mid card title. Immortal could cost Styles to lose this title. he could lose it to Samoa Joe. this would cause friction between Immortal and Fortune. this could cause them to split. maybe some could question weather Joe is going to join Immortal. maybe even have Immortal thinking Joe will join them. only when Immortal offers Joe a spot, he attacks them and declines.

I'm not really a fan of the X division, but this could still remain. this could be the title for the cruiser weights. these are some exciting wrestlers. they could wrestle in the 1st half of Impact. maybe give a title run to Amazing Red. fans seem to like this guy, so having him as champion could make TNA wrestling fans happy to watch him on Impact.

I can't see breaking up Beer Money. they are IMO the best team in TNA. MCMG are likely going to hold the titles for awhile now. next in line is maybe 3D, because more people would know them and they could bring in more general fans. if 3D was to join Immortal and there is a split between Immortal and Fortune you could have many feuds between Beer Money, 3D, and MCMG.

IMO Generation Me are a ways off from a title run. they need some work.
i am a wwe mark. after THEY were revealed, i quit watching. idk who to cheer for, confusing, blending storylines, and so much wasted talent! have more face champs, dont have immortal and fortune take over, heck, have dixie start a resitance, pope, mcmg, not sure. but if they continue at this pace, they'll be done at MOST early 2012;
TNA just had a heel group take over, it's going to be awhile before the face wrestlers can get back on top.

I think it's going to be something like months into 2011 before Hardy loses. at some point Dixie is going to try and get her company back. that likely won't happen for what, another 5-6 months? no reason to have face win anytime soon. TNA spent months planning the take over with Immortal, they aren't going to have that last less than the time it took to put together.
how is Dixie going to try and get her company back? who is going to be on team Dixie? at some point when Dixie returns your likely going to have some type of group of Immortal vs a group that Dixie puts together.
I imagine maybe one or both of Sting and Nash come back to help Dixie. would one of these be the person TNA uses to beat Hardy for the championship? I would say no.
Pope? I'd put Anderson higher.
I like Morgan face turn and think he can be a beast, but I think Anderson is ahead of him as to who should be champion. IMO Morgan turn will come in the future.

Joe is the guy I'd like to see get a major run with the Global title. the guys I could see challenging him. Pope. Hernandez? Desmond Wolfe? Matt Hardy?

I hope at some point in 2011 AJ Styles can get back into the TNA title scene. I think he has it all, but he was just never a big enough name to general wrestling fans to bring in ratings. once more people are watching TNA Styles can shine again.

what has been up with Rob Terry? I think he needs work in the ring, but he has a great look. big strong muscular guy. I don't remember him on the mic so no idea what he talks like.

eventually down the road I think Robert Roode could be in singles and do well, but right now I'm not even sure I see that in 2011. I hope 3D is not retiring. even if 3D remains who else is there with Beer Money and MCMG. Ink Ink, GenMe, Young/Jordan? I'd like to see TNA add at least another tag team, and that's even with 3D remaining. I have no idea who else TNA could put together as a tag team, but I don't see any of the current tag teams splitting up anytime soon. TNA has a great tag team division.

I don't know what non TNA wrestlers will be available in 2011 except for Matt Hardy, so I can't really put anyone else in who I would like to see. a big name out there is Batista, but he is a wild card and no clue if he would be interested. I'd love to see him myself.
I'm pretty sure your going to see someone new at some point in 2011, other than Matt Hardy. seems every year there are wrestlers changing companies.
Many things have changed in TNA in 2010, so what things would you like to see occur next year? Who would you push? What storylines would you like to see? Who would you like the champions to be this time next year?

First off dude, its obvious youre invested in the TNA product. But you cram too much shit into your threads. Try picking one topic and staying on it, rather then cramming 15 into one thread. But ill bite....

The main thing I would like to see change next year would have to be revamping the X division and mid card titles. When AJ Styles renamed the global title the TV title didn't he say, " I will defend this title every week on tv." He has defended it how many times? Like twice. I hope the television title gets some exposure because TNA truly needs it.Imagine all the feuds that could take place for this strap. AJ and Joe, AJ and The Pope, Aj and Morgan, AJ and RVD, and that is only AJ Styles as champion.

He actually said he'ld defend it every week "if he had to." He's defended it 3 or 4 times actually, but the larger issue is that the title means absolutely nothing. If AJ Styles can't elevate the belt, then it needs to go away. That's one thing Id like to see. There are too many titles as is. Not every feud has to involve a title. Especially one that couldn't mean less.

The X division championship is one of the many things that used to draw people to TNA. Now the X division has lost its touch and seems so stale and boring. They should bring back old X division guys back into the mix

A couple of things here. One, as I said, there are too many titles. Two, Bischoff has never been a fan of the x-division style of wrestling. You're right, it's lost its touch, and those are two of the biggest reasons why. They don't need to bring old guys back, they just need to focus on the division and give the guys time. Don't get your hopes up.

The main superstar on the roster I would push would have to be The Pope. This guy may be the most popular superstar in TNA at the moment. So why not let him develop into a top star?

I like the Pope, but I can think of quite a few names that are more popular. Do Kurt Angle, AJ Styles, Rob Van Dam, Jeff Hardy, and Ken Anderson ring a bell? They're all guys who bring far higher name recognition then the Pope. Id argue that Mickie James brings higher name recognition then the Pope. And I really like the guy! But, Is he a main event player? Maybe, if given the right opponent and a decent feud. Right now, he's mired in a feud with Abyss, which is pretty much as low as you can go.

Another well deserving push is Matt Morgan. The guy has been with TNA for four years and hasn't had a decent push. He needs to turn back to a heel and run into the Main Event. I my opinion I think an AJ STyles/Matt Morgan feud would really help Matt become a top star. I thought his match with ANgle last year helped develop him and he would get a push. Guess I was wrong.

Maybe I was wrong, did you watch Impact these past two weeks? Morgan is going to be in the MAIN EVENT on PPV. How is that not him getting a push? They could have plugged Pope, Joe, or RVD into that spot, and they went with Morgan. That's quite the vote of confidence.

TNA world heavyweight
Mr. Anderson
The guy has tons of potential and could have been a multi time WWE champion but I guess we can all thank Randy Orton for that one.

What the heck does Randy Orton have to do with Anderson? Orton doesnt hire and fire people last time I checked. Anyway, if Hardy avoids jail, he's going to be champ for a long time bud.

Tag Team Champions
In my opinion Generation Me has the potential to be the best tag team in the world. I think they are better than the Guns were there first year.

Maybe they are, but they're not over as heels AT ALL. Yeah, they can do fancy flips and dives, but can they actually tell a good story in the ring? They haven't shown me they can, unlike the Guns, who do.

Desmond WOlfe
SInce joining TNA he has accomplished nothing. After his fued with Angle, I thought man this guy is going to be a star. I guess I was wrong yet again.

That's because he's been hurt and been having neurological problems. Do some research man. He had two fantastic matches with Kurt when he first got here, but he's been ill for awhile. He and Magnus were supposed to get a title shot against the Guns, but Wolfe didn't pass physical tests, so they were pulled. This is just a title they need to scrap.

X Division
He hasn't brought anything to Fortune and an X division reign yet again could help him with that.

Kaz had a chance when he came back, and he didnt do anything. They even gave him a token title reign, and it was a joke. Lethal is a far better wrestler and champion.

KO Title
WOuld love to see some classic Hamada/Mickie matches.

They didn't bring in Mickie to take a backseat to Hamada. Hamada can go, but she doesn't talk. She'ld make for a boring champ. Mickie will win the title before 2011. It still baffles me why WWE let her go.
Mickie's the biggest name they've ever had in the KO divison. It's not even close.

KO tag title
I would drop them. Don't even know who that champions are at the moment and quite frankly I really don't care.

It's Hamada and Taylor Wilde. But I agree, these titles need to go, they mean even less then the TV title, which is really saying something.

There are many feuds I would like to see take place in the upcoming year but the main one has to be Jarrett/ANgle.

Remember how great the Edge/Hardy feud was in 2005? This one could be better with effort from TNA. Angle's kids live with Jeff Jarrett, so Jarrett could come out on national television and say "Kurt, last night I read your kids a bedtime story. Where were you at? Shouldn't you be tucking your kids in at night? Instead I have to do that. I am not there father,you are Kurt"
Imagine how personal that would be

Real life issues need to stay out of wrestling. If they want to focus this feud on anything, it should be that Jarrett's group cost Angle "his career" by screwing him out of the title. Why re-hash something that has probably played out in real life? Last time I checked, Matt Hardy got fired due to the personal angle. It would be personal, and maybe real, which is why it should be left out of wrestling.

I would like all of that to take place in 2011. Some of it may and some of it probably won't but what do you think?

I think they need to focus on the feud between Immortal(w Fourtune), and the guys like Joe, Morgan, Anderson, and Pope. When you have two factions going to war, that generally sells when its believable that either side can win, especially if they have to overcome the odds to do so. I think that's the direction TNA needs to head in going into 2011, not re-hashing personal storylines, or keeping around belts that mean nothing. This has been the big storyline that Bischoff/Hogan has put all their eggs in one basket over, so they need to go all out.
LifeStartsnow80, what was the point of that? The guy asked a few questions and you go ape shit all over his opening post. He asked a few questions and shared his opinion. No need to quote the hell out of it. Lol.

First and the most important-the age of Anderson. TNA needs to use him and shove him down our throats. I want to see him as the face of TNA. Like the OP said, he has so much potential. And he's young. They could really lean on him and trust him to lead their company into the next decade. Anderson is young, has a great look, and has the "it" factor to make it big, not only in wrestling, but make it big in the spotlight. He's already had a movie come out...put him on tv, talkshows, guest stars on sprts center, MTV whatever. Push the dude.

next I would really like to see them back away from the WWE. Maybe sign some guys that aren't WWE retirees, and sign independent talent from ROH or whatever. Build your own stars. Also use what WWE doesn't have to your advantage such as the tag or woman's divisions. Put more spotlight on those divisions so there will be an alternative to the WWE.

That's pretty much it. Besides advertising a lot more, staying away from WWE, and pushing Aderson, there really are no problems with TNA in my view. Keep up the good work. Nice thread BTW Taylor:)
Very frankly I think that 2011 will be the age of Immortal rather than the age of Anderson. I do not see him winning the title until at least Bound For Glory 2011 and rightfully so because Immortal is supposedly the most dominant stable in TNA history and so they should dominate at least for a while.

I do like the fact that you want to push Pope though. The way I'd do it is to have Immortal hold all the belts except one which would be held by The Pope. It could be either the TV title or the X-division title. I'd like to see almost everybody from Immortal to try and take the belt from Pope only to fail each and every time. I'd like to see Immortal getting extremely frustrated this way because they are unable to bring all the belts to their stable. Then have Pope cut a promo about how he is ready to give up the belt if he is given a chance to compete for the TNA heavyweight title.
There are several things I would like to see in TNA in 2011.

There are many feuds I would like to see take place in the upcoming year but the main one has to be Jarrett/ANgle.
Angle's kids live with Jeff Jarrett, so Jarrett could come out on national television and say "Kurt, last night I read your kids a bedtime story. Where were you at? Shouldn't you be tucking your kids in at night? Instead I have to do that. I am not there father,you are Kurt"
Imagine how personal that would be.

I think you hit the nail on the head with this one. Angle v Jarrett in a feud over Kurt's kids could be as good as the famous ECW feud between Sandman and Raven, where Raven got with The Sandmans wife and became close to his kid, Tyler. An Angle v Jarrett feud could be the 2011 edition of this legendary storyline. I like this idea alot, and hope TNA do go ahead with something like this.

I would like to see Raven become the mentor and manager of Jeff Hardy. Raven is a legend in the business, but is really past his best now and is very much out of shape. I think he can still contribute to TNA due to his great mind for the business and masterful promos, and I think the new, darker Jeff Hardy character could benefit from the master of the evil, twisted mind games. Hardy is new to being a heel, but showed alot of promise in his promos a couple of weeks ago. With assistance from Raven, Jeff could really grow into this role and be something special in TNA.

I would like to see Jeff Hardy be given a long run as TNA World Champion. There are several wrestlers in TNA who could be credible champions, but Hardy is one who's aura has really declined since joining the company. A long, dominant title reign will build up his credibility and that of the belt and make him look like a genuine superstar again, as long as he stays out of jail.

The X-Division needs to become a priority for TNA. It used to be something special, and has been criminally ignored over the last few years. This needs to change. With wrestlers such as Jay Lethal, Kazarian, The MCMG, Shannon Moore, Sabu, Brian Kendrick, AJ Styles and Samoa Joe on the roster, the talent is there to produce some exhilarating matches. The division is no weaker now than it was back in 2005 so there is nothing stopping TNA from re-energising the division and giving it some focus and TV time.

I would resign Petey Williams, Christopher Daniels and look at bringing in a few fresh faces for the X-Division too, such as Teddy Hart (if he can behave himself), The man who gravity forgot Pac, and other up and coming talents from the indie circuit to give the division some real depth and allow more established talents such as AJ Styles, Amazing Red and Samoa Joe the chance to move back up to the World Title hunt when needed.

The talent I would look at elevating this year would be The Pope D'Angelo Dinero, Mr Anderson, Matt Morgan and Desmond Wolfe (if he has recovered from his health issues). All these guys are very talented, both in ring and on the mic. TNA needs to ensure they have ready made replacements for when the veterans such as Angle, Jarrett and the EV2.0 guys leave the company. These guys certainly have the all-around ability to be top level guys in this business, and are just crying out for the opportunity.

I would see about bringing Shane Douglas back to TNA, but not as an active wrestler. I would wait until current ECW nostalgia storyline to be over before doing so, as I would not stick Shane in with that group. I would use him as a manager and mouthpiece of a newly debuting wrestler who is promoted as the "New Franchise Player" in TNA. Douglas is always golden on the mic and can provoke a reaction from the crowd, something which is very much lacking in the business at present. We all know about his real-life hatred of Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan, so maybe this would not be a possibility. However, Flair managing AJ and Douglas with his new wrestler could be fantastic. Some amazing promo material right there.

I would look at making Abyss more pyschotic, and stop him from talking. I cringe whenever he opens his mouth, and I think he would be better suited with a manager and mouthpiece, rather than being a member of Immortal. For this reason, I would resign Father James Mitchell, the initial mentor of Abyss and THE BEST manager in the game today. This would make Abyss relevant again, and Mitchell could rebuild a new, evil faction. Generation Me could also benefit from this, and could become a more gothic style tag team with new attire and make up. Currently, their look is not suited to being heels. I have already suggested TNA should rehire Christopher Daniels, and adding the Fallen Angel to a Mitchell faction would be a good idea.

I think Robert Roode will outgrow Beer Money in the next few months, and has the talent to be a really good singles wrestler. For this reason, I would have him feud with James Storm after the break up of Beer Money, and then go after TV title and later in the year, the World Title. Storm is not cut out to be a singles guy, but is awesome as part of a tag team. For this reason, I would bring Chris Harris back to TNA, and reform Americas Most Wanted, who in my opinion are still the best tag-team in TNA history. Reuniting The Wildcat and The Cowboy would freshen up the Tag-Team ranks as well as.......

If RVD and Sabu are both still with TNA, I would give them as run as Tag Team Champions after MCMG drop the belts. A 3 way feud with MCMG, Generation Me and RVD/Sabu could recreate some of the magic of the legendary WWE rivalry with the Hardyz/ Dudleyz/ E&C and if the 2 teams were put inside a steel cage, or given ladders then something special could happen. Also.....

I would bring in The Worlds Greatest Tag Team, Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas. The TNA Tag Team division has some very talented teams, no doubt about that, but it is a tragedy that two wrestlers this good are not on the roster of either of the 2 major wrestling companies in the US. With these tag teams:

Worlds Greatest Tag Team
Generation Me
RVD & Sabu
America's Most Wanted

Plus all the other tag teams, you have a very strong tag team roster!

I would continue with the long running storylines, as wrestling works best with genuine emotion in the storylines from both wrestlers and fans. With too many swerve turns, and short month long storylines it is too hard to build an emotional connection to a wrestler or storyline, which hurts the product. Vince Russo I am looking at you!

I would sack the Jersey Shore rip-off characters. They suck. End of.

If at all possible, I would do everything in my power to bring Paul Heyman to TNA. If anyone is capable of helping the company become a genuine rival to WWE, it is Heyman. What Hogan and Bischoff are doing is decent, but it has not yet had the desired or expected effect. I would keep Hogan and Bisch as on-air characters (Bischoff especially as he is extremely entertaining), but give sole booking power to Heyman. I know that is what he wanted if he ever joined the company, and I think he should get it.

To free up roster space, I would get rid of the dead weight on the roster:

Jesse Neal: He contributes nothing. He would be gone, and Shannon Moore can be aligned with Jeff Hardy and Raven, and could go after the X-Division title.

Robbie E and Cookie: Useless, and should never have been signed. GONE

Orlando Jordan. Has a great physique, but hopeless and will never be over with the crowd. GONE.

Kiyoshi- Just doesnt do anything, he is just a waste of space

I would spend some time on developing the TV title into a credible 2nd tier championship. The changes from Legends title to Global Title and now TV Title has made the title worthless, but at least AJ is trying to bring it up again. TNA has enough depth on its roster to put on some very good feuds for a 2nd tier belt, and until now there has not been one. I would look at having AJ Styles, RVD, Robert Roode, Rhino, Hernandez and Doug Williams compete for this title.

These are just a few of the ideas I have come up with for TNA. I would love to hear what you think of any of my suggestions.
Their are only a couple things that truly piss me off about TNA that i would want to change. The first being make Samoa Joe a fucking beast again. He is probably one of the best wrestlers on the roster and has been in 3 5 star matches since 2004. Have him wrestle guys like Shelley, Williams, Wolfe and of course AJ Styles. He can bring a different type of energy to the company and probably be considered one of the best in the world again.

This is another good point, Joe is a very talented guy and if he can get himself motivated again and be given some better booking then I see no reason why he cant become a dominant force on the roster again. I would like to see Joe in a war with Abyss, i think those 2 could work well together.

Or Joe v Jeff Hardy. With Jeff, I think their contrasting styles could gel well, and give us some great matches
Here's how I would book TNA in 2011:

1. The Immortals and Fortune will piss off a lot more wrestlers and the entire company will get involved. The regime need to make all of TNA angry to make it an us vs. them storyline.

2. Matt Hardy comes in when he can and joins Jeff on the Immortals. He would play a Paul-Bearer-like valet to Jeff for a few months and help lead him on an even darker path, so dark that even the Immortals are afraid of him.

3. Jay Lethal would beat A.J. Styles for the TV title in a supershow the first week in January in the main event. Lethal is the perfect representative for the TV title and TNA, and main eventing with Styles will give him the rub. He'd keep the belt until at least the summer, but building him up as a tough champion who keeps the belt despite overwhelming odds.

4. Robbie E. would wrestle every two weeks and cut shorter promos. I'd also have him hang around the Immortals more. If he's going to garner a lot more heel heat use it by putting him in such matches and aligning him with the group. In March he'd lose the belt to a re-signed and returning Christopher Daniels.

5. Beer Money would win the tag team belts in January but lose them back in March to Motor City. Reason being is to keep them relevant and show that Immortals wants all the gold.

6. Ink Inc. and Generation Me would switch alignments. Shannon Moore would see that his buddies the Hardys are in and he and Neal will join the Immortals, while Generation Me would learn respect in another match with MCMG and shakes hands, making them faces.

7. Douglas Williams would turn face due to his issues with Kaz, and he'd be an influence in taking out Jeff Jarrett, who would be good to help build him up. Jarrett is past his prime, and Douglas' ability to wrestle would counter the normal opponents (a wrestler instead of a brawler)

8. The Knockouts: Mickie James will align with Taylor Wilde and re-establish the Knockouts Tag Team Titles. I would actually phase out the Knockouts Title for a time because only one or two females can wrestle well alone. I'd re-establish the women's division by making a unification match between Mickie James and Taylor Wilde vs. Tara and Madison Rayne, combined all of the belts into tag team titles, then bring back the Knockouts title in August once the women's division is re-aligned.

9. Jeff Hardy would keep the TNA World Title, going through opponent after opponent with tough yet vicious matches, each one getting more dangerous. He'd finally lose the belt at the next Bound For Glory in an epic match vs. The Pope D'Angelo Dinero.

10. Around the summer Dixie Carter would come back and align her own group of wrestlers to face the Immortals best for power in the company. It would culminate in a Lethal Lockdown match at Bound for Glory in the semi main-event.

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