TNA iMPACT's moving back to Thursday Nights.


Dark Match Winner
"The TNA Impact replay from Thursday, April 29 on Spike TV drew an audience of 894,000 viewers.

That is a pretty decent increase from the 739,000 viewers Impact drew on the first-run airing from this past Monday night."

Given the fact that this has happened, do you think it would be safer for Tna to move back to Thursdays to keep the ratings going strong, as Last Monday didn't seem to do so well, perhaps Tna went a bit too fast into the Monday Night Wars, and perhaps they should have waited a while.

I think they could switch to Friday nights and challenge Smackdown, before they start with Raw, or at east move back to Thursday nights. I think Thursday suited it more anyway.

What are you opinions?
I agree this move to mondays was way to soon .they at least should have waited until they could charge ticket prices and started to tour "IMPACT" .they wanted to pickup the pace but they definitely moved to quickly.
Thursday was a great day for TNA because they are still a small company that have a small fan base compared to WWE and Thursday had no other wrestling. TNA should move back to Thursday because they dont have a big enough fan base to compete with RAW. Maybe TNA could air their replays on Monday but move back to Thursday.
Just my opinion
They should go back to Thursdays. WWE's ratings haven't been affected by TNA's move to Mondays. However TNA lost ratings in the move. This shows me TNA has it's die hard fans that will watch it whenever it's on, but the fans that watch both WWE and TNA are choosing WWE.

To me it's simple go back to Thursdays keep building the product, and keep putting on good shows like the last couple weeks. More people will watch the show the ratings will go up. They need time to grow and I don't think they will going against Raw getting .5.
Are you guys really that dense? TNA has been drawing the same ratings on Mondays except this one was slightly different. I wonder why? Could it be that it's one of their competitors biggest nights? A night that shapes how the brands will go for the rest of the year.

Not to mention that it was a taped episode. I'm guessing TNA and Spike knew they wouldn't compete with Raw at all this Monday, no matter how bad it was, and just decided to do their normal thing. If they had made a bigger deal about this Monday they would have failed but this was expected.
I think they should stick it out a little longer on mondays. This past monday was going to be hard for TNA. WWE had just came off of a ppv, and they had their yearly brand shake up, and it started at 8pm. TNA needs to stay consistant and stay on mondays, and they will grow. They will pick up more casual, and more WWE fans from 8-9 pm before raw starts.
I honestly enjoy the TNA product more than I have of WWE as of late. TNA just needs to stay consistant with some great wrestling and the ratings will eventually climb because of word of mouth.
TNA just needs to stay consistant with some great wrestling and the ratings will eventually climb because of word of mouth.
Maybe they would if they would stop focusing on Flair/Hogan/Sting.

Probably wouldn't hurt if the wrestlers wouldn't start gushing blood at the first sign of a stiff breeze, either.

TNA is unwatchable lately, and I'm a fan. Hopefully Samoa Joe turns it around but he'll probably just f*ck around with Kaz or something.
I agree with dwith on his assessment on the situation. There are several reasons for TNA to stay in the current time slot at least for right now. If this keeps on going, then I would seriously consider taking a look at moving back to Thursday Nights.

I would also add that TNA might want to consider doing a live Monday Night program every week. I know the light workload is what attracts talent to the program. However, TNA might need to drop this taping schedule. I think I read somewhere that coming up next month, they are planning on doing 2 or 3 tapings for three weeks worth of tapings. If that doesn't equal ratings killer, I don't know what does. This company can't afford to go into a battle with the big dog and be conservative in how they do it. Taped shows will mean 3 weeks worth of lackluster ratings due to results being revealed 2-3 weeks in advance. If TNA goes that long of a period without a live TV show, they may not be able to recoup that amount of viewers.
Maybe they would if they would stop focusing on Flair/Hogan/Sting.

Probably wouldn't hurt if the wrestlers wouldn't start gushing blood at the first sign of a stiff breeze, either.

TNA is unwatchable lately, and I'm a fan. Hopefully Samoa Joe turns it around but he'll probably just f*ck around with Kaz or something.

Up until recently WWE used to do the same thing, then they suddenly went to pg. Now everyone hates TNA for continuing to have some blood on their brand, just because WWE stopped. No one ever cared that WWE did the same thing.
This past monday there was no blood through the whole show until the last match. It was only because it was Rick Flair, and it was still a fresh wound. (I will admit plain and simply that Flair does need to cut back on Bleeding, and should concentrate more on just being a Manager of sorts.)
Hogan should be content with just doing some office vignettes, and stay out of the ring.
They should really IMO pick up a GENERAL MANAGER, to keep him off screen more.
I agree with dwith on his assessment on the situation. There are several reasons for TNA to stay in the current time slot at least for right now. If this keeps on going, then I would seriously consider taking a look at moving back to Thursday Nights.

I would also add that TNA might want to consider doing a live Monday Night program every week. I know the light workload is what attracts talent to the program. However, TNA might need to drop this taping schedule. I think I read somewhere that coming up next month, they are planning on doing 2 or 3 tapings for three weeks worth of tapings. If that doesn't equal ratings killer, I don't know what does. This company can't afford to go into a battle with the big dog and be conservative in how they do it. Taped shows will mean 3 weeks worth of lackluster ratings due to results being revealed 2-3 weeks in advance. If TNA goes that long of a period without a live TV show, they may not be able to recoup that amount of viewers.

I agree with you. They should go live every monday. Why throw ratings out the window, because of spoilers. Just be live every week so people have to tune in to watch, not just read it online, and then the switch over to WWE cause they already no what's going on in TNA cause of the tapings.
I think they should go back to Thursday. Monday nights are a tough ratings night to start with with 2 of the top rated comedies on CBS on top of competeing with Raw. What will happen to the ratings in Sept when Monday Night Football comes back. They jumped into the Monday night war thing too soon thinking that they were back in the WCW days.
goldphoenix hit the nail the 1 big factor is not the current raitings but the reason wwe just pulled all its stars from smackdown monday night football tna raitings arent good now imagine when mnf is back wwe loses bout 9-17% of its fan viewership to dvr's or mnv imagine that stat for tna .5 would be a blessing go back 2 Thursday or challenge smackdowns water down product because mnf is worse that worrying bout the wwe
I personally don't think TNA should move back. Win or lose, war is only gonna help. Yes they could do some things different with the product and this is not the time to get into it but Mondays or Thursdays they have a long way to go before challenging the E.
No. No. No. No.

The last thing TNA needs is more changing. They need to stick with something. Leaving Monday nights would be like throwing in the towel less than two minutes into the fight. It is sooo early yet it's not even funny. If anyone expected TNA to compete yet, they're nuts.

TNA has a long way to go, but moving back to Thursday won't help. So they draw better on Thursday than Monday. As long as both nights are combining for somewhat decent ratings, I don't think it's that big of an issue..yet. As long as Spike is giving them both timeslots, it's not a problem.

They need to go live on Mondays. Taping two, three shows at a time, whatever they do, just isn't getting it done. Spoilers are out there, and that without a doubt hurts ratings. But if TNA can combine for decent ratings on Monday and Thursday, I don't see a reason to switch back. They need some consistency. And switching timeslots...again...won't help.
Here in Utah, we get Impact 4 hours earlier than Raw. So there's a 2 hour break in between shows.
Both shows could get their same audience here but either way it would be better to go back to thursdays. It would help ratings a lot and in other places you can get both shows without having to choose between which you watch. TNA wouldn't be able to blame their ratings on things like Dixie did about Shawn Michaels' last Raw.
Why does everyone have to run their show on Monday night? I admit I'm a big wrestling fan, mostly for RAW, but occasionaly have switched TNA off & on when they haven't been acting silly. Now when I heard that RVD was going to join I thought I might give it another chance when I read off of Dixie Carter's Twitter TNA was changing to Monday night at the exact same time as RAW.... WHY??? I wasn't happy that they got rid of Jim Cornette - I've always respected Jim plus he is a hoot in and out of the ring.

Okay Jim now works for ROH and their show runs on - you guessed it Monday night! One hour before RAW and no repeats anywhere.

Personally I think the wrestling fans are being screwed - can I say that ???
Are you guys really that dense? TNA has been drawing the same ratings on Mondays except this one was slightly different. I wonder why? Could it be that it's one of their competitors biggest nights? A night that shapes how the brands will go for the rest of the year.

Not to mention that it was a taped episode. I'm guessing TNA and Spike knew they wouldn't compete with Raw at all this Monday, no matter how bad it was, and just decided to do their normal thing. If they had made a bigger deal about this Monday they would have failed but this was expected.

This would be perfect if it wasn't for the fact that this monday raw drew no higher ratings than the previous week, completing throwing out your statement.

TNA has had a ratings struggle ever since the move, and in my opinion... it was way way to soon for them to try and compete, they can make up as many excuses as they want for why the ratings were low or not as high.

Besides, like half of the people that watch Impact have any idea it was a taped show, so it shouldnt affect the ratings.
Yes they should Moving to Mondays was a bad Move There rating is worse now then it was on Thursday sure they hit a 1.5 once but they have been doing a lot of sub 1.0 . I think the wise thing would have been stay Thursdays and don a once a month Special on a Monday. Not Long Until They got Monday Night Football as well to compete against is im not mistaken. But i cant see spike keeping them on the Monday night slot if there rating don't improve.
To be honest I don't think I would watch TNA on Fridays... I think Smackdown is the best show on tv without a doubt. Obviously the ratings don't show this of course..

IMO Smackdown should move to Thursday Nights before Impact moves back that way forcing TNA to make the hard decision even harder. This way you can introduce Smackdown back to a night where a lot of people will be at home.
A part of me says yes move back, but that would be moving backwards, they have taken on new audiences since moving, and are moving forward, all they need to do now is get out of the impact zone..
A part of me says yes move back, but that would be moving backwards, they have taken on new audiences since moving, and are moving forward, all they need to do now is get out of the impact zone..

New Audiences? But they have lost audience viewership since moving to Mondays? They use to be getting solid 1.3/1.2 on Thursdays and are only getting 0.8/1.0's on Mondays... so wouldn't you be losing some viewers.

Also while i see your point, i don't believe that getting out of the Impact Zone would really change anything that drastically at this point in the game.
I've been surfing the net and a lot of sites have been saying that Dixie Carter's big announcement is that TNA iMPACT! is moving back to Thursday nights. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that this is true, but it's something that's just now beginning to make the rounds on the net. Allegedly, the announcement was made to the gathered TNA talent earlier today.

If this is true, then I've little doubt that the honchos at Spike have had enough of the horrible numbers iMPACT! has been drawing since its move to Monday night. If this is legit, then "Monday Night Wars II" will be declared officially over tonight.
Why am I not surprised that you of all people would be the first to post this Jack-Hammer? Yeah you're always there to break the news even though you claim to have no interest in TNA whatsoever and seem to secondguess everything they do. And lol at Monday Night Wars II being over. Yeah Monday Night War II, session 1 maybe over but that doesn't mean the war is over. There can always be a 2nd session within this war so keep that in mind. As long as TNA is still alive, they can always return to Mondays if it's even true that TNA is going back to Thursdays. So yeah, go ahead and hooray in your home for now. The underdog will come on top.
If this is true this is smart. They tried, it didn't work out so go back to Thursdays and do your thing there.
Why am I not surprised that you of all people would be the first to post this Jack-Hammer?

Dunno. Personally, I think you just have problems with posters that don't hype TNA the way that you and all the other hopeless marks do.

Yeah you're always there to break the news even though you claim to have no interest in TNA whatsoever and seem to secondguess everything they do.

Where's this coming from? I happened to run across the news as it was breaking, nobody else had posted a thread about it so I did. If you're going to say what I'm doing, then you really, really need to start being accurate about exactly what it is that I do. When did I ever say I have no interest in TNA whatsoever? In fact, in my response to your post in the WWE vs. TNA section, did I not say that I was enjoying the TNA World Championship and main event scene in general? You really need to pull TNA's pecker out of your mouth and actually think about things before you say them. You wouldn't look like such a mark then.

And lol at Monday Night Wars II being over.

Ummm...well, if TNA is no longer going to be running iMPACT! on Monday nights, then yes, the so called second coming of the Monday Night Wars will be over. WWE Raw can't be involved in a ratings war with itself, after all. You truly do have difficulties grasping simple logic, don't you?

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