TNA crew member death new WWE storyline?

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A few weeks ago a TNA crew member "fell" to his death while breaking down the set from Slammiversary.

Yesterday on WWE RAW in a STORYLINE the RAW set fell apart all around Vince McMahon which caused him to "fall" and cause serious injury to his person while more of the set fell on top of him. (yes, a storyline)

My question to every one here is do you think that this is an intentional play off of the real world death in TNA or just a coincidence that it is at least slightly similar to what happened in TNA?

Keep in mind BEFORE responding that I am asking a QUESTION and not making an accusation!

"Things that make you go hmmmm?" - (Arsenio Hall)
No, I really doubt that was the case. It'd be one thing for the WWE to play off something that happened to TNA that affected the product, but I seriously doubt they would play off a tragedy to someone who works in the business. While I think there are MANY things that Vince McMahon would do to make money and there are many reasons to hate McMahon as a human being, he has shown time and again, compassion for people in the business. And I just don't think that they would do that.

I think that the WWE just looked for a way out of Money Mania (after all, 3 million dollars is a LOT of money, considering it's coming out of McMahon's bank account, and not corporate funds), and that was the easiest way to do it, AND provide an intriguing end to a great Raw.

In conclusion, I really don't think it was an intentional jab.
I'd have to say no as well. Vince is a sick human being at times, but with the thin line the company has to walk still after the Benoit issue, I can't picture him doing something like that. Also, just for the sake of argument, let's say it is a jab. It's so subtle that most people, even a lot of people like us wouldn't get. The TNA crew worker's death, while a very sad thing, wasn't a huge story. If Vince was going to take a shot at them, he'd do it about the Elvis thing or the marriage angle, not something that most people wouldn't get. At least I don' think he would, although his mind does amaze people sometimes.
I don't think it was intentional either. WWE axed the Exploding Limo/Vince's death storyline after Benoit's death out of respect and to avoid heat. I don't think WWE would risk bad media attention by doing such a storyline. Plus, they needed a good way out of the Million Dollar Mania which was obviously not getting the ratings that they had hoped for.

But, then again, WWE did exploit Eddie's death so you never know.
Definitely not. Vince is not that much of an ass. I'm sure he cares about people and would not want to make fun of a tragic situation. Would he make fun of TNA? Of course he would, but not a situation like this. Like already said, it was an interesting way to get out of the million dollar giveaway while also trying to keep viewers tuned in. I'll be tuning in to see what happened. To be honest I never thought once that this was a jab at the tragic evens of Slammiversary.
While you do have a point of suspicion, I do not find that WWE was making light of the situation that happened with the TNA worker dying. If anything it was mere coincidence that they angle had similar content. I do find, however that it was in bad taste to go through with the angle considering that someone accidently died just weeks earlier in a tragic accident. I am surprised that WWE went through with it seeing as how they pulled the McMahon Death angle when Benoit died, before they knew what really happened. But then again, this could just be a case where the creative team doesn't follow TNA that closely.
Coincidence? I think so...

Im not all that sure that Vince and the writing people knew about what happened to the Gentleman at Slammiversary, even though it is mightily close in comparison to one another.

Also, people above me have said that Vince wouldnt exploit this (if he DID know) to make money, and give RAW the ratings push, but need I remind these people of the amount of workers Vince has screwed over in the years? He doesnt care about many things, much less a "little" company down south, or their employee's.

In conclusion: I doubt he knows whats happening in TNA, never mind the tragedy that happened, so Id say he didnt know. But saying he wouldnt exploit it, or make something off of the actual event is an understatement.
Yeah I dunno about them doing it on purpose either, Last year after the draft he got blown up in a limo, I think vince just likes to take a vacation around this time, It was just another " accident" I dont think they coulda thought of another way to injure him other than to have the stage collapse
I honestly dont see it as Vince taking it from TNA, as I don't think Vince thinks enough people watch TNA for it to make a huge difference in his ratings. Had TNA been as big as WCW used to be, I could see Vince ripping it off 110%. But since TNA still isn't a HUGE company, i doubt it.
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