TNA copying wwe ?

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i saw on for the tna ppv there is wwe ppv type
exp:30-man Iron Man (wwe)
elimination match (wwe)
last man standing (wwe)
is tna copying wwe ppvs
:wwf: fan
how do you figure tna is copying wwe? wwe didnt invent any of those matches(to the best of my knowledge).Those match types are what tna feels is necessary to further their storylines and attract ppv buyers. Buying a ppv without any gimmicky matches is rather lame thus they re spicing it up a bit.

Was there some Tna bashing/tna copies wwe bandwagon meeting i wasnt aware of so that i could crash it?
tna did have them specialty matches till Kurt Angle jump to TNA wwe had them first
Those matches are old staples in wrestling that WWE hardly has the patent on. An Iron Man match is nothing more complex than setting a time limit and letting each guy get as many decisions in that time as he possibly could. It's just an excuse to get fans to care about a main event that is going to actually go the distance for once. Main events used to typically run over forty minutes all the time, but as the attention span and appreciation level of the average American fan waned in the 90's, this no longer proved effective (and a lot of newer wrestlers couldn't work that long of a match well enough.)

Elimination matches are also old-school and ECW had the market cornered on the tag variant of this type.

Last Man Standing matches are just boxing matches with bodyslams for a ten count instead of a pin. Texas Death Matches did a variation of this before I was even born.
Riiight. TNA copies WWE about as much as WWE copied WCW back in the day there's nothing that shows WWE even invented those kind of matches.

In reality Nova invented everything there has to do with wrestling :)
If you say that TNA copys WWE with those match types because of Kurt Angle then its obious that you dont watch that much TNA. Have you ever seen the Styles/Daniels iron man match ? that was way before Angle in TNA was even an idea.
I am sorry what?.....Those match stipulations have been round since the beggining of wrestlinh history and are the types of matches that appear most commonly across wrestling cards. If TNA were running Hell in the cells matches, Elimination Chamber matches or maybe TLC matches, then credit for those match types would go to WWE. (and TNA wouldnt be able to run them as i am sure all three names are copyrighted, just about everything wwe runs has a copyright on the name of it)
the only matches tna will never think of using will be HIAC and EC just like wwe will never think about using king of the mountain or ultimate X
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