TNA Charlotte: Round 1, Match 7: #10 Jake Roberts vs. #55 Frankie Kazarian

Jake Roberts vs. Kazarian

  • The Snake

  • Kaz

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Kissin Babies and Huggin Fat Girlz
The following match takes place in the TNA Region in the six sided ring in Charlotte, NC.

#10. Jake "The Snake" Roberts


#55. Frankie Kazarian
Kaz's latest gimmick is that of a psychological wreck, and Jake was a "cerebral assassin" before Triple H ever wore a jock strap. Kaz may get in a few good matches, and this match has the potential to be a poor man's match between Roberts and Steamboat.

Ultimately, this ends with a hard DDT in the middle of the ring, and Damien's first of hopefully many appearances.
Even though Kaz can put on a decent match here and there but I don't think he can beat Jake Roberts. Roberts hits the DDT or he lets Damien bite Kaz. Either way Roberts gets the win.
Kaz is faster and more agile than Jake, but he also will make far more mistakes. The key to Jake's existence as a wrestler is based on one move, but that's all it takes. Kaz will indeed slip up and when he does, what does that mean? It means the DDT. And what does the DDT mean? As Roberts put it: the end.
i'm taking kaz in an upset. for two reasons, 1. kaz is a giant killer. he beat christian in a ladder match. and has some other big upsets, 2. he isn't going to beat anyone else other than someone he can truly out quick.
Jake Roberts was one of the first wrestlers to start using "psychology" to get into his opponents heads, and then hit them with a DDT. The only thing is, is that unless Kaz is afraid of snakes, then he will be ahead of Jake's mind games.

Kaz has a history of making upsets, and Jake is the sort of wrestler who isn't too good to be beaten by surprise, and I think that Kaz, TNA through and through, would be able to sneak this one, by using his superior pace, six sided experience and a little luck. Unless he's afraid of snakes.
This is actually a pretty good match up. Jake and Kaz are both very talented wrestlers and they could both win. Jake was just purely badass in his time. I've become a huge fan of his after going back and watching some of his old promos. But in my opinion Jake was never nothing spectacular in the ring. So I'm going to pick Kaz to win. Kaz's athleticsism would be too much for Jake in the end. But it could really go either way.
I think Jake wins it here.while kaz is faster and more agile he is bound to make more mistakes,therefore jake will catch him in one and hit a quick but painful ddt for the win.Also jake has far more experience in the ring than kaz so he will know what to do when kaz does something.i dont see this match lasting very long.
Well if you're talking about the six sided ring, and a TNA wreslter having an advantage, this is it right here. Perfect scenario for an underdog X-Division guy to get over one of the more established names in the business. However, throw that out the window when you get one of the most boring and over rated workers ever in Frankie Kazarian. The guy was dull as a butter knife, and he doesn't have what it takes to hang in with a wrestler like the Snake.
Here's why Frankie Kaz won't win...

It's because there is no such person as Frankie Kazarian. He does not exist. Think about's a picture of Frankie Kazarian:


Whom have you never seen in the same place as Frankie Kazarian? That's right, folks, de sexy himself...Antonio Banderas.


Do you know why?


And Kaz will lose to Jake Roberts, because Franktonio Kazderas will be on location filming - "Spy Kids 4 - This Film Will Sell Better than I Do!"

Plus, Jake is smarter and just overall better.
"The snake" wins by outsmarting Kaz, even though it's in the 6 sided ring which makes it close. Now if Antonio Banderas was in "Snakes on a Plane", it would be a whole different story.
I still think Kaz. Believe it or not, Kaz has main event experience, something Jake does not. He has aslo held a higher position in his company than Jake - Jake never won any titles at any level in a top company, and Kaz has challenged for the Heavyweight title and has held the X-division title. Kaz was over massively in TNA, whereas the DDT and Damien's popularity eclipsed that of Jake himself.

If this was a competition of favourites, then I'd vote for Jake all day long, but I actually think Kaz will win here, albeit undecisively.
I still think Kaz. Believe it or not, Kaz has main event experience, something Jake does not.

Jake may not have main event experience, but he did have a feud with Andre. No matter what point in Andre's career it is, a feud with Andre is big. He also had some classic matches with Ricky Steamboat.

Kaz has had great matches with...Christian? Petey Williams? While they were good matches, they weren't exactly Andre and Steamboat.

Kaz is also a headcase. He walked away from TNA because he "let down the company", and returned as Suicide. Tell me how Jake wouldn't use that to his advantage?
Kaz is an anomoly for me. He has a great look, and is usually solid in the ring. He's quick and agile yet he bores me to tears. THis guy has about as much charisma as a paper bag. He just doesn't do it for me. Jake Roberts, on the other hand, is built like a mustard packet, is on the slower side and doesn't possess much power. However, he was a phenomenal wrestler. HIs character was built around the psychological aspects of wrestling and he played up his gimmick as well as anyone.

This match is not even a contest. The Snake takes this one with ease.
Kaz to me is TNA's Jeff Hardy. A guy who can get to the main event but always ends up losing the big match. Now I think he is very capable of pulling the upset here, but I see this as one of those big time matches where he'll put on a hell of a show but comes out on the losing end. Kaz will go high risk, make the mistake and Jake will plant him with the DDT. But it wouldn't surprise me to see Kaz pull the upset, plus it is in a TNA ring. Like I said, Kaz will put on a show and make you root him on, but will fall oh so short in a very very good bout.
It appears as if this contest is the beatdown it should be. Frankie Kazarian has no business being in a match with Jake Roberts. If this one happened in real life, it'd be over in 3 minutes, with Jake Roberts STILL somehow making Kazarian look good.

Roberts, in a walk.
snake roberts would waffle kaz with the DDT before 5 minutes are up. this would be a walk in the park for snake. kaz is just boring and dull.
Roberts all the way. Has Kaz even had a prime yet? It seems to me like the highlight of his career will end up being engaged to Traci Brooks. Also, let's not even get started on Roberts' drug problems; when this man was on, he was on. Furthermore, I don't think there is any mid-carder that has been as influential as Roberts in American professional wrestling. So, Jake in a cakewalk.
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