TNA Cancels India Tour, Cites "Safety Concerns"

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According to, TNA will be announcing very soon that its upcoming tour of India has been canceled.

About two hours ago TNA talents who were scheduled for the tour, which was to feature the semifinals of the TNA World Title Series, were informed that it has been canceled.

Talents have been told the tour has been postponed due to safety concerns, and will take place sometime in 2016. Talents are said to be scrambling at this point to find weekend bookings.


Wonder if there's actaully a terrorist threat here? Instability in the region type of thing?
There is no security threat or instability. The leftists have lost power and they are bitching about it. Unfortunately they still have a lot of loyalists in media and other position of influence.
India is one of the few countries where you had to be either socialist or communist to be promoted in the government. That has changed drastically in the last one year so there is a lot of leftist rant but no violence.
TNA probably cancelled because they'd lose money doing a show in India. Unless its cricket people don't care particularly when purchasing power of people here is still very low.
I doubt even if WWE will be able to to get a full house.
As far as terrorist threat goes there is infiltration attempts each and every day from pakistan but the army usually handles it.
Safety Reason is a pretty lame excuse for cancelling it as its totally safe here.... I think Real reason is the amount of money and most probably their show wouldnot have been sold out... Here many are interested in WWE but in TNA, too few.... :shrug:


Wonder if there's actaully a terrorist threat here? Instability in the region type of thing?

Let me tell you something mate, I'm residing in India at the moment and am a British Indian. As far as the security concerns or the terrorist threats that the TNA have been projecting as the reason for the cancellation of the tour is just bullshit.

There are no security or terrorist crisis in India at the moment. There's been heavy rain and floods in the southern part of India, but it's like 2000+ kms to the south of where TNA would be touring. The reasons TNA framed so far seems to be a fallacy.

I'll post a thread regarding this, if there's some legitimate threats in India at the moment. Cheers!
As the first commenter mentioned, the whole deal about security concerns and "intolerance" are over exaggerated claims by those out of power and their loyalists, to create a false sence of fear and insecurity, making the ruling govt and the country look bad in front of the world, scaring away foreign investors, and also use this situation as an excuse to disrupt parliament proceedings... amongst other things. There is no threat of life or harm in the country, no matter what certain sections would want you to believe.

I think TNA is just using this as an excuse to cancel the tour. The India tour was a flop idea right from the beginning and was never going to be a success. 99% of the people here don't care about wrestling.. and even when some of them do, it's only John Cena, Undertaker, Triple-H etc. that they will want to watch, not Lashley, EC3 or Tyrus. Thankfully, they probably came up short on money or something, so this will actually help them save the amount they would have wasted.

I don't really mind TNA's comments about safety in India, because they are foreigners, after all... they are going by what they have heard. We have enough traitors and parasites within the country that are busy talking ill about it while making their livelihood here.
This is a situation where TNA has lost its credibility and it's killing them.

Let's say TNA really did have legitimate security concerns and canceled the tour as a result. Ok, fine. Remember about six months ago when they were allegedly going to tour China and that fell through? Or the reports that they can't pay people on time? Or being thrown off two networks in a year?

The point is it's always something with TNA. It might be a bunch of legitimate issues, but there comes a point where TNA is looked at as the cousin who talks about all these big plans he has and all this money he's going to make and he's still sitting in a trailer going through a six pack a day while on unemployment.

TNA hasn't gotten something right in a long time. Yeah they got a new TV deal on a low level station that most people haven't heard of that draws no ratings. I'm sure the ratings will be fine for a few weeks and then they'll taper off, just like they do every single time. Now it's this India tour, which sounded really cool, and has since fallen through for whatever reason. TNA ran out of excuses a long time ago and it's at the point where I have no reason to believe a single word they say anymore.
TNA can't be any farther than base. I am pretty sure the real reason is their show won't sell. Interest in TNA is very low here. WWE live event tickets were sold out within a day(at least the pre-sale tickets), but same can't be said for TNA.

Yeah, not buying it.

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