Every lower card talent should be working there ass off to impress

Chris Masters needs to be kept and put on tv in the midcard because he has vastly improved in the ring and looks great. he also will fulfill the missing amount of faces with the influx of heels on both rosters
They should keep Chris Masters since he's already been released once. Also, upon his return with a second opportunity, he has been in great condition and has vastly improved.

The rest should be released. I'm talking about guys like Primo, Yoshi Tatsu, DH Smith, Tyson Kidd, Tyler Reks, Skip Sheffield, Michael Tarver, the USO's etc. Basically, any guy the WWE isn't really using or has anything for should be future endeavoured.

Brodus Clay should be kept 'cause that guy has a unique look and is the only guy currently on the roster using an exploder suplex.

i totally agree i believe Masters was released because of the wellness policy i could be wrong but i believe that was the cause. When he debuted he was every bit as hot as Del Rio was when he debuted.

Primo has never done anything to impress me

Smith & Kidd have bad luck because they shouldnt have been sperated and are no where near relivent as singles wrestlers

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