TNA booking isnt that bad

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Dark Match Winner
I firmly believe that TNA booking isnt as screwed up as people think. Its just not as cut and dry as WWE. Many people can predict WWE pretty well at any given time. TNA just goes about things a different way to keep people from figuring out ahead of time. This of course leads to people getting confused and turning it off.
Why cant we just watch wrestling and not analyze every fart and sneeze?
I firmly believe that TNA booking isnt as screwed up as people think. Its just not as cut and dry as WWE. Any true fan with half a brain can predict WWE pretty well at any given time. TNA is just throwing more swerves and randomness to keep people from figuring out ahead of time. This of course leads to people getting confused and turning it off.
Why cant we just watch wrestling and not analyze every fart and sneeze?

How exactly are they throwing more swerves amd randomness when they tape a month worth of shows in advance ??

I have at least half a brain, but can't predict what will happen on Monday night because it hasn't happened yet. But I can damn sure tell you what happens on Impact next Thursday.

People turn it off because it's basically Jerry Springer with wrestlers - lots of talking and yelling with an occassional wrestling match thrown in.

Not that WWE is much better when it comes to loads of wrestling content, but at least their storylines are above decent and the guys they put on the mic can cut promos fairly well.

There's problems with both organizations right now, but one has a lot of catching up to do and the way to do it is with quality wrestling matches, not subpar chatter.
After so many years watching WWE ive now got predictions down to a science and many others I know do as well. I apologize if I sounded like a jerk or something it wasn't my intention. And what I think they are doing is looking at a longer time line. WWE stories generaly see the pay off in abt 8 to 12 weeks. You dont see it im TNA for about 6 months.
TNA's booking is screwed on many fundamental levels.

1) Who is the company's top face? Is it AJ Styles? J.J.? Samoa Joe? I have no idea. Nobody is being pushed as the number face in the company. They seem to have random people anchoring the main event spots on a massive rotating basis. For example: Rhino exists in the sub mid card for months, is suddenly catapulted to main event a PPV, and then is immediately tossed back into sub mid card.

2) Out of this list, who is the crowd supposed to cheer and who are they supposed to boo: Samoa Joe, Sting, Mick Foley, Kevin Nash. I have no idea who is heel and who is face in that lineup.

3) Who is part of the TNA Frontline? Is Team 3D? They sure as heck seemed to be at the top of that group just a few short months ago, but haven't done anything with them in a good while. Lethal Consequences? Rhino? Samoa Joe?

4) Who is the on air character in charge of the company? Executive Shareholder Mick Foley? Founder J.J.? Commisioner Jim Cornett? I am so confused as to who is supposed to be "in charge".

5) Booking idea of the year: Let's make a live character out of a character designed for a video game nobody played!

6) Runner up to the booking idea of the year: Ok, we have the two worst announcers in the history of the business. Let's make one of them heel, old school completely unreasonable heel, *that* won't be the most irritating thing ever!
1) Who is the company's top face? Is it AJ Styles? J.J.? Samoa Joe? I have no idea. Nobody is being pushed as the number face in the company. They seem to have random people anchoring the main event spots on a massive rotating basis. For example: Rhino exists in the sub mid card for months, is suddenly catapulted to main event a PPV, and then is immediately tossed back into sub mid card.
2) Out of this list, who is the crowd supposed to cheer and who are they supposed to boo: Samoa Joe, Sting, Mick Foley, Kevin Nash. I have no idea who is heel and who is face in that lineup.

It was mentioned earlier. TNA isn't as cut and dry as WWE. Is anybody in reality all good or all bad? No. During the start of the MEM/Frontline storyline, MEM was "supposed to be the heels", yet they were making the better points and the crowd was split. Even within the "heel" stable, you had Sting more of a "face" than the rest. Nash is the voice of reason that never really took part in carrying out Angle's wrath. If you want advice on who to cheer for, cheer for who you want. I'm glad you rely on the business to tell you who you like haha

4) Who is the on air character in charge of the company? Executive Shareholder Mick Foley? Founder J.J.? Commisioner Jim Cornett? I am so confused as to who is supposed to be "in charge".

They've explained that. You may have missed that episode.

5) Booking idea of the year: Let's make a live character out of a character designed for a video game nobody played!

Is that a reason why the character is bad? The character is working, the crowd seems to enjoy it, so who cares where it came from? Having a masked guy like that pays off because you can rotate the person behind it, and that'll make for something interesting (like now with Daniels). How about this...they made a live character into a video game before he debuted. does that make you feel better?

6) Runner up to the booking idea of the year: Ok, we have the two worst announcers in the history of the business. Let's make one of them heel, old school completely unreasonable heel, *that* won't be the most irritating thing ever!

Remember Vince McMahon as an announcer? I honestly have no idea what's wrong with West and Tenay. They've never irritated me. I think that someone got annoyed, wrote a post on how they were the worst ever for some random subjective reason, then like what usually happens, everyone just jumps on board because TNA is the weak company so obviously everything they do is terrible! I watch old AWA every night and the announcers on that seem to have been introduced to wrestling earlier that morning.

Perhaps you'd be less confused if you didn't rely on the company to tell you what to think. It's not too difficult to understand things if you just pay attention and think for yourself. It's a shockingly revolutionary concept, so I figured I'd just clue you in to it
It was mentioned earlier. TNA isn't as cut and dry as WWE. Is anybody in reality all good or all bad? No. During the start of the MEM/Frontline storyline, MEM was "supposed to be the heels", yet they were making the better points and the crowd was split. Even within the "heel" stable, you had Sting more of a "face" than the rest. Nash is the voice of reason that never really took part in carrying out Angle's wrath. If you want advice on who to cheer for, cheer for who you want. I'm glad you rely on the business to tell you who you like haha

Yes, confuse the crowd, that makes great business sense. It really sells PPVs when you have a guy who was nobody last week main eventing at the PPV. Nothing sells merch like having no idea what the pecking order in the company is.

This is exactly what happened during the decline of WCW, and look where it got them.

They've explained that. You may have missed that episode.

More than possible but it still doesn't make a great deal of sense to have three authority figures if you aren't playing that angle against the lot of them.

Is that a reason why the character is bad? The character is working, the crowd seems to enjoy it, so who cares where it came from? Having a masked guy like that pays off because you can rotate the person behind it, and that'll make for something interesting (like now with Daniels). How about this...they made a live character into a video game before he debuted. does that make you feel better?

Maybe I haven't heard the crowd enjoying it past the deafening silence they've been throwing at him.

And of course it matters where a character comes from. A tie-in with an unsuccessful video game is not exactly a great thing when you try and sell the character as being from that game.

And the angle with Daniels is about as far from interesting as anything, and yet another example of TNA booking. He comes back super hot, crowd behind him and joins the Frontline in a tag match at a PPV. Right after what is he doing? He's shoved in a ridiculous angle where the MCMGs and Lethal Consequences are convinced he's Suicide. This of course comes after the brilliant decision of making the guy Curry Man for months...

Remember Vince McMahon as an announcer? I honestly have no idea what's wrong with West and Tenay. They've never irritated me. I think that someone got annoyed, wrote a post on how they were the worst ever for some random subjective reason, then like what usually happens, everyone just jumps on board because TNA is the weak company so obviously everything they do is terrible! I watch old AWA every night and the announcers on that seem to have been introduced to wrestling earlier that morning.

I do remember Vince McMahon as an announcer. Tenay and West would be doing themselves a great service to look up McMahon/Ventura footage on how to play face vs hell commentators.

Tenay and West are terrible because neither man has any idea how to support the story in the ring. Listen to JR when he works. He is reinforcing the story told in the ring, adding to it, making it more complete. Tenay and West just spout whatever comes to mind, spouting off stuff that doesn't add anything to what's happening.

Perhaps you'd be less confused if you didn't rely on the company to tell you what to think. It's not too difficult to understand things if you just pay attention and think for yourself. It's a shockingly revolutionary concept, so I figured I'd just clue you in to it

Yes, that's it, my opinion differs from yours so a personal attack is in order. :rolleyes:

Feel free to defend TNA all you like. Heck, maybe you like what they're doing. That's fine and good.

I listed out many reasons as to what the problem is with TNA booking. Feel free to counter them with more than "think for yourself lol!"
TNA in a lot of ways is screwed up & let me tell you why TNA is screwed up by listing a few reasons below.

1. Main Event: Now this doesn't apply so much for the heels as it does the faces, but who the hell exactly are the main event faces in the company. Just months ago Rhino went up from mid card to fighting Sting for the World Title & then back down to the mid card again. I think things will be better once they permanently establish who exactly the main event faces are.

2. The Frontline/MEM angle: This angle had so much potential to be great, but the booking bombed this angle big time. I can't tell who the hell is in the Frontline or whether the Frontline exists anymore. Hell I can damn sure tell that the MEM exists. They need to either fix this angle big time & sort it out or just disband the Frontline & start up another stable to take down the Old Fuckers.

3. Announcing: Jesus fucking christ their announcing is atrocious. I think West has gotten more annoying since they turned him heel. I believe Tenay sin't as much of the problem as Don West is here, but he can't truly carry the announcing team all by himself. I wish they would just actually get a heel wrestler like lets say Kevin Nash & pair him up with Tenay. I think that team would be gold as the MEM would have a representative as a color commentator.

4. Who's in charge on air. Seriously who the hell is in charge of this damn thing? You hardly see Jim Cornette anymore as it is & now it seems that it's down to Double J & Cactus Jack as of who the hell is in charge here. I say there needs to be just only one guy that's in charge of all this & keep it that way.
I did stop watching TNA however recently got drawn back into it. My biggest problem with them is they bill themselves as a wrestling show and claim to have more pure wrestling matches and less soap opra compared to WWF (and yes I say WWF cause I refuse to say E). Yet it seems like they have just as much promo and soap opra time if not more and I know what will fix that and bring it back to the wrestling show it started as. Everybody join with me here are you ready here it goes just one statemenþ....FIRE RUSSO. That's all Russo is king of the gimmick matches and soap opera in wrestling, he showed it when he went to WCW and it soon went under and now he's doing it in TNA when will these companies realize just bc he worked for Vince during thr wresthing rebirth doesn't mean he was the reason for it? Need I point out him having Buff Bagwells mother involved in storylines? Anyone remember that disaster? if I recall correctly Russo did one ONE good thing in WCW while he was there and that was come to the ring and bitch out Hogan for bein an egomaniac and refusing to put over other talent. That was one of the greatest things I've seen and that's bc it was real not scripted not a rehashed and recycled wrestling storyline it was REAL damnit DAMN REAL.
Vince relies just as much on promos and soap opra and comedy as TNA does and everyone knows its true. Just bc his "A" show Raw is live doesn't mean its not predictible, I knew HHH was goin over at WM since January and losing it at Backlash in some sort of gimmick match and you know how I knew? CAUSE IT WAS OBVIOUS LOL. Put the pieces together, first of all just based on the storyline the character has to get his revenge and if you look at the passed 5 WMS HHH missed 1 cause of injury and jobbed out the others so he was "due" to go over at WM and of course would drop it a b-list ppv that nobody orders. John Cena winning the title at WM another disgustingly obvious and predictable move that everyone should have seen coming. The last 2 TNA PPV title matches I had no idea who would win and was shocked when Foley went over Sting can't say the same for WWF ppvs and titles. Another obsurdly predictable match as good as it ended up being was MITB, once CM PUNK agreed to drop the IC belt to JBL with no storyline no build and no hype on an unadvertised Raw match I knew they had to make it up to him somehow for doin them a solid and that's exactly what happened. Don't get me wrong I love Punk, I also think he would work better as a heel (for those of you that have seen him in ROH you know what I'm talking about) but he didn't deserve it 2yrs in a row. Especially when poor shelton gives the best performance in that match year in and year out and gets no love from Vince.
On a final note even when you read spoilers and read what gonna happen on the next IMPACT you still can be suprised and shocked at what you're reading and think "wow they really did that I wonder where that's going" or "wow I can't believe they did that I didn't see that coming" however when I see SD spoilers I end up thinking more along the lines of "wow really that was f'in obvious, way to drop the ball vinny mac" or "who didn't see that one coming how original" bc most of what goes on in WWF land now a days is a joke. They need to stop scripting every last word the guys say in promos and let them really wrestle not order them to wrestle the "WWF WAY" which consists of playing to the crowd and getting in all your signature moves. Stop that crap and let them be themselves in promos with no scripts like Austin Rock Undertaker HBK Jericho that's what made the boom possible they were allowed to be themselves and the audience knew it was real. How phoney and fake would it sound if you had Austin reading off a script written by some hollywood guy that Vince would have final approval of? it woudnt be Austin and his personality wouldn't have shone thru and we wouldn't have had that Attitude Era. Ok I'm done ranting lol gimme some feedback.
What Vince has done to the ECW brand name is a gross miscarrige of Justice and he should be ashamed of himself. I feel for all the ECW "Originals" and Paul Heyman they build something from the ground up and were the REAL reason there was an ATTITUE ERA in WWF cause of their hardcore and non scripted always say what's on your mind original style and booking and once Vince got his grubby lil paws on it he destroyed it. UUUGGGGHHHHHH ECW I think not Vinny Mac I think Not, ECW died when Paulie was forced to file for bankruptcy.
'Bout time this thread popped up.. I'm not a very big TNA mark, primarily because I think they focus on their Knockouts a little bit too much, and their Main Event scene is just soooo boring. However, I thoroughly enjoy the rest of the mid-card bookings.. The X Division is good, despite me not being too big of a Suicide mark.. Matter of fact, I've come to despise him.. And just the general mid-card bookings in general.. It's about time Beer Money Incorporated had the titles taken off them....... I mean, they were more over as a team than half the people TNA was trying to throw into the Main Event.

I love what they're doing with Daniels.. Despite the name change >_>. I love this rising British Invasion-faction angle. I can't wait for Homicide to get an X Division Title run, that has been LONG overdue, and I can really start seeing it happening.. Motorcity Machine Guns are finally getting somewhere, getting plenty of television time, and this Suicide thing.. Not to mention TNA FINALLY put the X Division strap on Shelley..

But here's my point.. I think TNA's main event is more politically oriented than that of WWE's. MVP is getting a push, as is Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy, Christian even... They don't play politics.. They straight up earned it.. But everyone in TNA's main event other than, perhaps, Samoa Joe, has a pretty big political influence over the company. Booker is unhappy with not being a World Champ, Nash has said he wants one last go-around.. Angle is willing to put people over, but he wanted to be TNA's #1 guy when he signed. Sting just raped TNA, contract expiring just before Bound for Glory every year, or right after.. So he negotiates to get the TNA Title at the event, or TNA puts it on him to try and get him to stay.. I'm not even going to mention Jeff Jarrett.. And the only reason Mick Foley is champion (What a horrible idea, might I add) is because he's straight over from WWE and is, like the majority of TNA's upper-card players... And he's waaaay over by the global wrestling community..

Regardless, everything in TNA is excellent, except their Main Event scene, and the Knockouts just put me to sleep.. Most of them are actually worse than WWE Divas... Who'da thought a place about equal opportunity and pushing for talent would have fuckin' Angelina Love as their champ? But whatever... Not touching that one with a fifty foot pole.
Where do I begin to asses what's wrong with that statement? Either you're a complete and total WWF mark or just seriously blind and deaf as Hellen Keller. Let's see HHH hasn't had a good match since Hell in a Cell against Batista and hasn't been main event worthy since that time either but bc and ONLY BC he's married to Stephanie is he even still in the main event. He is in the decline of his career and refuses to be anywhere lower than part 2 of a double main event at ppvs. That alone destroys what you said about no politics but I will continue.
Jeff Hardy had one of the worst title reigns it lasted one month and then they gave up on him eventhough he's one of the most over guys in WWF. His current number one contender spot is due to the fact his contract is up this summer and he's turned down 3 offers to resign already and Vince don't wanna lose him while Taker HBK are on the shelf and Edge needs time off to heal injuries and Cena is going to film another movie. So you can call him the Sting of the WWF cause if Sting is raping TNA for the main event spot and title you can say the same about Jeff.
Christian has been getting the shaft from Vince since he came back, he should have never left TNA. When he came back he was supposed to have the storyline with Jeff and be on SD not Matt, Matt was given that role cause Vince doesn't like Christian and didn't want him in a major storyline.ECW is a joke and being used as a minor league for the WWF its not taken seriously by anyone in the company except the young guys who are on it and finally get to be on tv. Christan was sent there as a castoff and the only reason he was given the belt is cause Vince couldn't ignore the POP he gets everyweek from the crowd. If Vince really believed in him and wanted him to shine then he would atleast be on SD in the main event scene cause he is one of the best in ring and on the mic they have right now. PS Christian is not a young guy getting a shot he's been around along time and this is prob his last contract before he retires.
John Cena is only on top bc he sells merchindise, kids and little girls love him and he kisses Vince's a**. Its a widley known fact that he's so far up Vince's a** that even some of the wrestlers in the company make fun of him cause that's how bad it is now. Ill give him his due, he works extremely hard and gets better and better that's all true but he doesn't deserve to constantly be main eventing, maybe give him a rub once in awhile and a title here and there but not almost every PPV. Look at WWFs recent PPV history the same guys are in title matches/mainevent every show, its either HHH (bosses son in law) Cena (Vince's num 1 a** kisser and yes man) Orton or Edge tell me I'm wrong I dare you but you can't.
MVP had that 1 match with Orton only bc they needed someone to further along the Orton/Mcmahon Story and they wanted to play off his appearence on the View.He's not going to be a regular mainevent guy he's already been dropped to mid-card with Regal.
The Miz his thing w Cena is already over and if they continue it he will just get squashed in a match and made to look like he doesn't belong thus killing his push dead in its tracks. Plus the storyline is just a recycled WCW storyline that was between Jericho and Goldberg and that was a better storyline cause Jericho brought out Goldber immitators (Gillberg) and had his 60yr old fat bodyguard Ralphus which was histerical. Also jericho is actually entertaining and funny as well as far more superior on the mic than the Miz.
Ok if anyone on here thinks they can dispute what I have written here go ahead and try you will fail cause everything I've stated is FACT and all you have is opinion.
Ok, not that I necessarily disagree with you all that much, but methinks that you are not 100% up on what exactly a fact is. Let's examine:

Let's see HHH hasn't had a good match since Hell in a Cell against Batista and hasn't been main event worthy since that time either

This is a fact?

but bc and ONLY BC he's married to Stephanie is he even still in the main event.

This is a fact?

He is in the decline of his career and refuses to be anywhere lower than part 2 of a double main event at ppvs.

Really? Please cite the source of this fact.

Jeff Hardy had one of the worst title reigns it lasted one month and then they gave up on him eventhough he's one of the most over guys in WWF.

Have youheard the crowd reaction he's gotten lately? THey gave up on him just because he had a short title reign? Have they given up on CM Punk?

His current number one contender spot is due to the fact his contract is up this summer and he's turned down 3 offers to resign already and Vince don't wanna lose him while Taker HBK are on the shelf and Edge needs time off to heal injuries and Cena is going to film another movie.

Again, please cite the source of this fact

Christian has been getting the shaft from Vince since he came back, he should have never left TNA.

ECW Champion? Featured on PPVs? Man, Vince really knows how to stick it to guys.

When he came back he was supposed to have the storyline with Jeff and be on SD not Matt, Matt was given that role cause Vince doesn't like Christian and didn't want him in a major storyline.

Or they changed the storyline because it got leaked on the internet...

ECW is a joke and being used as a minor league for the WWF its not taken seriously by anyone in the company except the young guys who are on it and finally get to be on tv. Christan was sent there as a castoff and the only reason he was given the belt is cause Vince couldn't ignore the POP he gets everyweek from the crowd.

Or having a guy like Christian on the show gives it some legitimacy? Having him on the lower tiered show also ensures that Christian is constantly featured and gets a good PPV spot? MEaning he doesn't get lost in the shuffle like he would on Raw or Smackdown.

If Vince really believed in him and wanted him to shine then he would atleast be on SD in the main event scene cause he is one of the best in ring and on the mic they have right now.

This is a fact?

PS Christian is not a young guy getting a shot he's been around along time and this is prob his last contract before he retires.

He's 35! If he wants, he had plenty of years left in him.

John Cena is only on top bc he sells merchindise

Um... isn't that a good reason to be on top?

Its a widley known fact that he's so far up Vince's a** that even some of the wrestlers in the company make fun of him cause that's how bad it is now.

There you go stating something is a fact again without citing a source. Just because you read something on the "internetz" doesn't make it a cold hard fact.

Ill give him his due, he works extremely hard and gets better and better that's all true but he doesn't deserve to constantly be main eventing, maybe give him a rub once in awhile and a title here and there but not almost every PPV. Look at WWFs recent PPV history the same guys are in title matches/mainevent every show, its either HHH (bosses son in law) Cena (Vince's num 1 a** kisser and yes man) Orton or Edge tell me I'm wrong I dare you but you can't.

Finally! An actual fact! Yes these guys have been main eventing PPVs. Imagine that! The guys that can sell PPVs are in the main event! Who woulda thought?

MVP had that 1 match with Orton only bc they needed someone to further along the Orton/Mcmahon Story and they wanted to play off his appearence on the View.He's not going to be a regular mainevent guy he's already been dropped to mid-card with Regal.

The guy holding the mid card title is wrestling on the mid card? Who woulda thought?

The Miz his thing w Cena is already over and if they continue it he will just get squashed in a match and made to look like he doesn't belong thus killing his push dead in its tracks.

It's the Miz... Does it really matter?

Plus the storyline is just a recycled WCW storyline that was between Jericho and Goldberg and that was a better storyline cause Jericho brought out Goldber immitators (Gillberg)


and had his 60yr old fat bodyguard Ralphus which was histerical.

That's a fact?

Also jericho is actually entertaining and funny as well as far more superior on the mic than the Miz.

Technically not a fact, but about as close to one as you can get...

Ok if anyone on here thinks they can dispute what I have written here go ahead and try you will fail cause everything I've stated is FACT and all you have is opinion.

Yes, the sheer amount of "facts" being tossed out here is amazing. The sheer factitude was enough to kill a yak! For realz.
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I've watched TNA from when they first started airing on Spike, I can honestly say I didn't know if I was gonna like it or not and, overall, I'm far from impressed with it. Like the WWE has done, and still does on some occassions, TNA has a locker room full of talent that could be cultivated and made to work. Also like WWE, they don't do shit with them. I thought TNA was supposed to be something different, a company where young talent is showcased and pushed, but it's just like what I saw in WCW 10 years ago.

Half the TNA roster is filled with guys that were big names in WCW, WWE or both and those guys are the ones that are primarily getting pushed, or are featured in the most prominent storylines. A couple of those guys are well past their prime and it truly shows. Watching Nash this past Thursday in his handicap match was embarassing. He can barely move, which means his extremely limited arsenal is made to look even more limited. Same thing whenever I see Scott Steiner in a match. As much as I love Mick Foley, he should not be TNA World Heavyweight Champion. He's way past his prime, he's been sitting on the belt ever since he won it and, with Sting basically announcing he's going to retire if he doesn't win at Sacrifice, you already know how the match is gonna end. Sting is gonna regain the title. It's so completely predictable that it's beyond pointless.

The only aspects of the show I enjoy really are the tag team and X Divisions, although the X-Division is starting to grow a little stale to me. This whole thing with Suicide just doesn't interest me whatsoever. The whole gimmick, name excluded, has been done a dozen times before in different companies and has been done much better. The Knockout division is an absolute waste of time. It started out, honestly, as the best thing on the TNA roster and it's losing ground to the WWE Divas fast. The Knockout division includes a handful of lap dancers and one monster heel that none of them can remotely handle. TNA needs to put a little less tits and ass into the division and actually get some credible female wrestlers in there that can actually do something against Awesome Kong.
First off I wasn't addressing you I was addressing Ben secondly I work security at MSG as a side job and I've actually heard ppl talking badly about Cena so its not internet gossip its stuff I heard with my own ears. Next is Jeff Hardy yes it IS a fact his contract is coming up and you would know this if you read some of his blogs, he however has not confirmed he turned things down but did state he wanted time off to recharge and persue other life options. In response to the Christian storyline how can you say Vince changed it when it got leaked when half of what they do gets leaked and he don't bother to change it, you want an example ill give you some. How bout the raw script that leaked and had the CM Punk/JBL storyline script? They didn't change that and everyone found out. How bout HHH winning at WM everyone knew that was coming but he didn't change that outcome now did he? Or what about John Cena winning the triple threat? Another obvious outcome left unchanged. I can keep going if you like but I think you get my point.
Onto my comments about HHH if you actually watched his matches you would realize he's not near the in ring wrestler he used to be that is a fact all you have to do is watch and pay attention. Based on his current in ring ability he doesn't belong in the main event nor as a champion, also you want proof nobody watches for HHH how bout this..... His segements according to ratings breakdowns avaible online are usually in the lower rated segments on Raw. If that's not enough the 2 most ordered and highest buyrates for WM are WM17 and WM23 that is also fact. WM17 he was nowhere near the main event and wrestling in the midcard with Undertaker and losing and WM23 he was out with an injury to me that shows he isn't the reason they draw on raw or ppvs.
Anything else you want me to clarify for you I'd be glad to so feel free to ask. Oh by the way the US Title isn't the top midcard title the IC title is the top midcard title the US title is a carry over from WCW which Vince claims he put out of business all on his own when it was really the Time Warner merger that did the Bulk of that damage. As they didn't want to put that kind of money in a wrestling company and had no interest in trying to save the show cause its a known fact they wanted nothing to do with that type of entertainment.
First off I wasn't addressing you I was addressing Ben secondly I work security at MSG as a side job and I've actually heard ppl talking badly about Cena so its not internet gossip its stuff I heard with my own ears.

Of course, just because you heard people talking bad about him and it wasn't on the internet he sucks, thanks for clearing that up.

Next is Jeff Hardy yes it IS a fact his contract is coming up and you would know this if you read some of his blogs, he however has not confirmed he turned things down but did state he wanted time off to recharge and persue other life options.

First of all, those weren't acutually his blogs, they were fake. Secondly, how do you know that's the only reason he is in the Main Event? What if it's because he can put on some really good matches and is the most over guy on Smackdown.

In response to the Christian storyline how can you say Vince changed it when it got leaked when half of what they do gets leaked and he don't bother to change it, you want an example ill give you some. How bout the raw script that leaked and had the CM Punk/JBL storyline script?

I'll give you that one, I do agree that Vince may have something against Christian, but being ECW Champion is not that bad.

They didn't change that and everyone found out. How bout HHH winning at WM everyone knew that was coming but he didn't change that outcome now did he? Or what about John Cena winning the triple threat? Another obvious outcome left unchanged. I can keep going if you like but I think you get my point.

When were these leaked out? I am sure that A LOT of people were expecting Orton to win at Wresltemania and the Triple H victory was kind of a shocker. As for Cena, it was never acutally leaked that he was going to win, it just seemed logical that the face of the company would win a match on the silver anniversary of the biggest event of the year.

Onto my comments about HHH if you actually watched his matches you would realize he's not near the in ring wrestler he used to be that is a fact all you have to do is watch and pay attention. Based on his current in ring ability he doesn't belong in the main event nor as a champion, also you want proof nobody watches for HHH how bout this..... His segements according to ratings breakdowns avaible online are usually in the lower rated segments on Raw. If that's not enough the 2 most ordered and highest buyrates for WM are WM17 and WM23 that is also fact. WM17 he was nowhere near the main event and wrestling in the midcard with Undertaker and losing and WM23 he was out with an injury to me that shows he isn't the reason they draw on raw or ppvs.

This seems like all opinions to me. You could say the Triple H sucks, others could love him. It's all a matter of preference. As for the buyrate statistics, where did you exactly get those from, and how do you know the Raw segment ratings are not due to Orton, who was involed in pretty much every segment with Triple H?

Anything else you want me to clarify for you I'd be glad to so feel free to ask. Oh by the way the US Title isn't the top midcard title the IC title is the top midcard title the US title is a carry over from WCW which Vince claims he put out of business all on his own when it was really the Time Warner merger that did the Bulk of that damage. As they didn't want to put that kind of money in a wrestling company and had no interest in trying to save the show cause its a known fact they wanted nothing to do with that type of entertainment.

That doesn't even make an sense and isn't the least bit relevant. The US and IC titles are equal, just like the WWE and World Heavyweight Titles, they are on different brands.

Wow, that was way off topic. On to TNA, I have a few major problems.

1. Who is a face and who is a heel. Ever since I started watching TNA about a year ago, I've had trouble determining who I should be cheering for. Booker T or Samoa Joe? Sting or Mick Foley? Jeff Jarrett, why should he be a face? The whole main event scene is just a complete mess right now and they better use this Mick Foley title reign to push someone new into the main event.

2. Ridiuclous matches. I understand gimmick matches, but some of TNA's are just stupid. Feast or Fired? I want an X Division Title shot so bad I'm going to risk my job, I don't think so. King of the Mountain seems like a total clusterfuck to me, same with that match they had a couple of months back with like everyone on the roster to see who would be team captain for the dodgeball team, or something like that.

3. The last 3 Impacts, maybe more, have ended with something other than a match. In the WWE a show ends with a mathc 9 times out of 10, but in TNA you have to end with refs reversing decisions or stupid Mick Foley DVDs, it is just stupid.

Well, I could go on all day but those are my main problems with TNA booking as I see it today.
First off I wasn't addressing you I was addressing Ben

My apologies. However, when you wrote
Ok if anyone on here thinks they can dispute what I have written here go ahead
, I took that as an invitation to chime in as it were.

secondly I work security at MSG as a side job and I've actually heard ppl talking badly about Cena so its not internet gossip its stuff I heard with my own ears.

Yes, heresay from MSG is absolute proof.

Next is Jeff Hardy yes it IS a fact his contract is coming up and you would know this if you read some of his blogs, he however has not confirmed he turned things down but did state he wanted time off to recharge and persue other life options.

This I know. That still doesn't prove that his current spot is due to his contract ending anytime soon. That is conjecture. Heck, it might be true. It does not, however, make it a fact.

In response to the Christian storyline how can you say Vince changed it when it got leaked when half of what they do gets leaked and he don't bother to change it

So you think the more likely situation is that Vince McMahon just plain hates Christian? Think that one through. Not only is that absolutely ridiculous from a business standpoint, Christian himself has come out stating it isn't true.

you want an example ill give you some. How bout the raw script that leaked and had the CM Punk/JBL storyline script? They didn't change that and everyone found out.

That was also nowhere near the large storyline involving issues with the World Title.

How bout HHH winning at WM everyone knew that was coming but he didn't change that outcome now did he?

No such leak existed. Common sense does not equal a leak.

Or what about John Cena winning the triple threat? Another obvious outcome left unchanged.

Again, the obvious does not equal an actual leak. Collunists writing on their blogs and IWC sites about what they think is going to happen isn't a leak. It's conjecture.

I can keep going if you like but I think you get my point.

No no, no need to expose the internet leak of Taker winning at Mania. That one was out of left field.

Onto my comments about HHH if you actually watched his matches you would realize he's not near the in ring wrestler he used to be that is a fact all you have to do is watch and pay attention.

Here's the thing. That's an opinion, not a fact. A crap load of people might very well agree, but it still is an opinion.

Based on his current in ring ability he doesn't belong in the main event nor as a champion

Again, opinion. How does this explain Hulk Hogan, Batista, Sting, Ric Flair, Steve Austin, etc...

also you want proof nobody watches for HHH how bout this..... His segements according to ratings breakdowns avaible online are usually in the lower rated segments on Raw.

Well, at least we are hitting what could possibly be thought of as fact territory. It isn't true, mind you, but at least we've moved past opinion.

If that's not enough the 2 most ordered and highest buyrates for WM are WM17 and WM23 that is also fact. WM17 he was nowhere near the main event and wrestling in the midcard with Undertaker and losing and WM23 he was out with an injury to me that shows he isn't the reason they draw on raw or ppvs.

It is true that 23 has had the highest buyrate. No doubt. 17 however is not in second. Both 15 and 16 outsold it.

Your point is valid though, and I don't have an answer. I wouldn't consider it concrete proof, but yeah, I can definitely see people being sick of HHH headlining Mania.

Anything else you want me to clarify for you I'd be glad to so feel free to ask.

Dictionary definition of a fact might be nice...

Oh by the way the US Title isn't the top midcard title the IC title is the top midcard title the US title is a carry over from WCW which Vince claims he put out of business all on his own when it was really the Time Warner merger that did the Bulk of that damage.

Never said it was. All I said was that the guy was carrying the mid card title. Currently on Raw that's the US Championship. Never said it was higher or lower than the IC title.

As they didn't want to put that kind of money in a wrestling company and had no interest in trying to save the show cause its a known fact they wanted nothing to do with that type of entertainment.

Again, you are using the word fact... It is NOT a known fact. It is conjecture, an educated guess.
TNA booking is pretty bad. It has improved. They managed to get someone more over than Sharkboy, so that's an improvement.

But what the fuck happened to the Frontline. They made T-Shirts and everything! Seriously though, the Frontline has been non-existant. Look, if Mick Foley winds up full on turning and joining the Mafia, Jeff Jarrett will have to lead the Frontline. If that doesn't happen, I will be fully convinced that the entire booking team just forgot they made it.

I will give them kudos for not letting the Main Event Mafia completely engulf other shows. They have managed to maintain the womens division. Beer Money and 3D are out of the mess and doing extraordinary things in tag team wrestling. The British guys have their own agenda, and it seems that Bashir and the Japanese guys will be joining them. The show is varied.

The problem is that the variety has very little continuity. Things just tend to get lost in the shuffle sometimes, and there are always loosed ends. They let things go for too long too. I love the slow burn on feuds, but on big ones. Six weeks of Jenna Morasca and Sharmell, even if it's just for a couple of minutes, is getting old. I want to see some kind of resolution on that. On the other hand, the Main Event Mafia is already falling apart. There are too many power struggles. They never should have had a different leader and World Champ at the same time if they weren't going to split up the group. That is how you end a stable, not start one. It seems like they have never gotten completely on the same page, and that is a characteristic of face stables, not heel stables. Heel stables are always led by a master manipulator, who keeps everyone in their roles. Too many chiefs and not enough Indians. Scott Steiner is gold on the mic, I can never tell if he is drunk or not, but it's always funny.
TNA's booking isn't that bad at all. Only thing they seemed to mess up was the MEM/Frontline angle. It was going good in the first few months, but has fizzled out since then. I believe it started to go downward since Sting and Rhino's bad match at Genesis. Now Samoa Joe has this Nation of Violence gimmick and there barely is any Frontline anymore. At least they are and have been developing the other divisions without giving the majority of time to the MEM and I believe ratings will continue to improve.
I've read this comment and i could help myself but to give some answers to these questions that probably alot of fans are asking themshelves so here we go.

TNA's booking is screwed on many fundamental levels.

1) Who is the company's top face? Is it AJ Styles? J.J.? Samoa Joe? I have no idea. Nobody is being pushed as the number face in the company. They seem to have random people anchoring the main event spots on a massive rotating basis. For example: Rhino exists in the sub mid card for months, is suddenly catapulted to main event a PPV, and then is immediately tossed back into sub mid card.

That a easy one, it'S all goes by the ranking of the feud they are in. Presently, it's Jeff Jarrett, then you got A. J. Styles, samoa Joe And Sting. The reason nobody is being push at the number one face is because they don'T want to depend on just one guy the carry the company .

2) Out of this list, who is the crowd supposed to cheer and who are they supposed to boo: Samoa Joe, Sting, Mick Foley, Kevin Nash. I have no idea who is heel and who is face in that lineup.

That'S a simple answer, whoever they want, if they want to cheer for the legends, go ahead and do it. TNA isn't going to tell you who you should and shouldn't cheer for like the WWE is doing and i for one think it's a good thing.

3) Who is part of the TNA Frontline? Is Team 3D? They sure as heck seemed to be at the top of that group just a few short months ago, but haven't done anything with them in a good while. Lethal Consequences? Rhino? Samoa Joe?

Right now nobody since the group as pretty disbanded, Joe is doing it's thing alone, so is A.J. and since they already thank 3D for all their help and ask them to let them do it themselves, then i'm guessing that 3D is doing there own thing. The Frontline doesn'T exist anymore , it as simple as that.

4) Who is the on air character in charge of the company? Executive Shareholder Mick Foley? Founder J.J.? Commisioner Jim Cornett? I am so confused as to who is supposed to be "in charge".

Here where it's get tricky but at the same time it'S really simple, Jarrett and Foley are in charge right now. The storyline is that Foley bought a part of the company from Jarrett and got as most power as Jarrett has. Cornette is only there to enforce the rules that all he'S there for right now.

5) Booking idea of the year: Let's make a live character out of a character designed for a video game nobody played!

Yes it was simply because look at how popular Sucide as become since he started as a character, sure the main purpose was to sell videogames out of it but the TNA fans did adopt him and are buying is merchandise. They took at gamble and it worked sort of.

6) Runner up to the booking idea of the year: Ok, we have the two worst announcers in the history of the business. Let's make one of them heel, old school completely unreasonable heel, *that* won't be the most irritating thing ever!

Again, i think this was the best move they ever did. Let'S face it, Mike TEnay and Don West were getting a little stale as 2 face announcers, since Don West turn heel, it brought a whole new direction to the announcing team and the more Don plays the heel announcers the more confortable he become. If you don'T believe me, just listen to the sacrifice PPV, especially the Daniels/Suicide match and the Kong/Angelina Love match. Some of the best color commentaries have heard in a long time. Some of the stuff he said during thoses match were pure gold. There reminded me of when Bobby Heenan was doing commentaries.

So the point is, TNA isn'T that bad as far as booking is concern, you just have to sit and roll with it. TNA isn'T the WWE, they don'T book storyline for a 3 weeks periods. So i hope that i was able to help by giving some answers to these questions and if somebody has more questions about TNA bookings just reply to this post and i will try to give you and answer.
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