TNA-Bad microphone skills

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Dark Match Winner
Jerry Jarrett spoke on Hogan possibly helping TNA talent with their microphone skills.

I've noticed that TNA has some guys that are terrible on the microphone, examples being Bobby Lashley (no passion) and Scott Steiner (fumbling his words).
Is microphone skills more important than in ring talent?
Look at some of the biggest names in wrestling, Hogan, Austin, The Rock, none of them were all that good in the ring but were excellent on the microphone.

It seems like a lot of the x-division guys are not that great on the mic but are good in the ring. Vice versa goes for the main eventers/veterans, good on the mic bad in ring.
It seems like TNA doesn't really have a total package kind of guy (good both on mic and in ring).

Anyways if TNA wants the guys to get better on the mic, then Hogan and Flair would be a good asset for this reason alone.
Look at some of the biggest names in wrestling, Hogan, Austin, The Rock, none of them were all that good in the ring but were excellent on the microphone.

First off I'd like to start with disagreeing here, all of them were very good in ring for the style that they were given, Hogan in my opinion being the worst but still above average in ring during the 80's and early 90's. Rock and Austin though were two of the top in ring talents of the 90's in my opinion, they were always very consistent with what they gave you every week, no matter what was called for.

It seems like a lot of the x-division guys are not that great on the mic but are good in the ring. Vice versa goes for the main eventers/veterans, good on the mic bad in ring.
It seems like TNA doesn't really have a total package kind of guy (good both on mic and in ring).

Now, with this I have a few problems as well, I will agree that the X-Division has mainly wrestlers based around their in ring work, but lets face it, many of them also don't get mic time so can we really judge how well they are? And as for the total package, did you completely forget about Kurt Angle or does he not count to you? He is one of the best in ring performers, and his mic skills have continued to impress with how he can play both the comedy roll and the serious one, switching as needed.

So all in all I have to disagree with your statements, but agree with some of the ones that Jarrett did make, there is always going to be room for improvement, and there are those who are good and those who are just horrible on the mic, but what would make it easier for me would for them to first give people actual mic time instead of just a few words here and there and then move on.
One of the main reasons why a lot of TNA main eventers are bad or not what they used to be in the ring is because they're veterans, and they're bodies have been through a lot. I will agree with you that Lashley is bad on the mic, but Steiner? While I don't like the guy, he still can cut some pretty damn good promos. He has been able to do a good job of getting heat because he plays the heel role to perfection.
What you have to remeber about the x-divison guys is that wrestling is their strength. Notice TNA's X matches, we never really see any great promos leading up to them. Fans are always excited to see them because we know we're going to see an insane moment during them. The one at BFG this year had plenty of them. Look over at WWE, Yoshi is able to put on some pretty exciting matches, and you hardly ever hear him talk.
TNA is mostly geared towards die-hard wrestling fans. So the thirst for great promos, intreviews or backstage segmnets might not be that great. Most people tune into TNA because they want to see something different, and TNA gives it to them. While I will agree with you that The Rock was great on the mic, when it comes to Hogan and Austin, they just had such an overwhelming amount of charisma, that they didn't really need to cut great promos. Hogan and Austin's promos weren't really great or that memorable, but with their charisma, and catch-phrases, they were able to have the crowd eating out of their hands.​
but Steiner? While I don't like the guy, he still can cut some pretty damn good promos. He has been able to do a good job of getting heat because he plays the heel role to perfection.[/INDENT]

I definitely agree that Steiner is a great heel. But he fumbles his words constantly and last show he said Mike Morgan instead of Matt Morgan, but he covered his mistake up good by saying something like I'm gonna beat his ass so bad he will forget his own name is Matt.
I'm sorry but Steiner is one of my favorite mic workers! Why? He suspenseful, and not a kayfabe suspenseful. When I see him approach the mic I wonder 3 things 1. Who's he gonna cuss out 2. What is he gonna fumble 3. What is he gonna do or say to the person holding the microphone! I love it! His mic work is like a running gag to me. Sh*ts just funny!
I definitely agree that Steiner is a great heel. But he fumbles his words constantly and last show he said Mike Morgan instead of Matt Morgan, but he covered his mistake up good by saying something like I'm gonna beat his ass so bad he will forget his own name is Matt.

No that again is part of his gimmick. He intentionally acted as if he didn't know Matt Morgan's name because it makes him seem like an arrogant self-important asshole who doesn't respect the younger guys. Steiner fumbles his words purposely to make himself seem like an idiot on his high horse. If you need evidence look up some of his promo's as a face, he's much more relaxed and less jittery because he's not playing the same role.
No that again is part of his gimmick. He intentionally acted as if he didn't know Matt Morgan's name because it makes him seem like an arrogant self-important asshole who doesn't respect the younger guys. Steiner fumbles his words purposely to make himself seem like an idiot on his high horse. If you need evidence look up some of his promo's as a face, he's much more relaxed and less jittery because he's not playing the same role.

Actually that's not really true. He screws up his lines as a face or heel. He's done this all the way back to his WCW days. The boys would gather around the monitor at times just to see what he was going to screw up next. He's just not that good on the mic.
I think TNA has some good mic guys. Steiner may fumble his words, but he's hilarious. Check this link for a classy Big Poppa Pump interview. It's well worth it! Speaks the truth.

Scott Steiner talks smack

LOL that video pretty much proves my point. You shove a mic in his face and he's absolutely brutal.

BTW I think someone should tell Steiner that Hunter would still be around without the McMahons. He was wrestling long before he met Steph and was over before he was boinking her.
Jerry Jarrett spoke on Hogan possibly helping TNA talent with their microphone skills.
If you remember,when Steiner first turned heel and joined N.W.O.,after a week with Hogan, he was cuttin confident and funny promos left and right.Now they were often brutal, but you saw the difference Hogan made. He "helped" make that Gimmick get over in a major way.I would say for every five promos Papa Pump cut there was always one that was great, but most of them had me laughing no matter what, because it was over.It's tough nowadays for me to see Steiner not as big a player as maybe he should be.Yeah i know his promos these days are pretty much old recycled lines he's used forever,but as long as hes healthy,he should be a major heel and not playing second fiddle to anyone.not even Angle.Hogan has the history,time will tell i guess how much he helps out TNA.

I've enjoyed watching TNA alot more lately,and when it comes to mic work, my brain keeps pointing out the same thing.I know they're not wrestlers but whenever i watch Jeremy Borash or Lauren conduct an interview,it always seems like they're over acting to the point were it just doesn't seem real,thus making it seem corny and ruining the whole point of trying to sell or put something over.I have noticed this for awhile,and as a recent example; last week Lauren was backstage talking about AJ Styles and what had just happened to him.The whole time she was struggling to not smile when she was talking, which to me ruined the sincerity from her and the severity of what happened. Maybe i'm a ****** and i'm just over analyzing something no one cares about.And i'm not backstage ,nor do I sit in during the creative meetings.Hell you never know, maybe they're told to act that over the top.:icon_neutral:
I've looked through this thread and all I see is Kurt Angle and Scott Steiner

So does Robert Roode, James Storm, Eric Young, Alex Shelley, Chris Sabin, Brutus Magnus, Doug WIlliams, Sheik Abdul, Brother Ray, Brother D-Von, Velvet Sky, Madison Rayne, Desmond Wolfe, Traci Brooks, Matt Morgan, and many more don't count.
I've looked through this thread and all I see is Kurt Angle and Scott Steiner

So does Robert Roode, James Storm, Eric Young, Alex Shelley, Chris Sabin, Brutus Magnus, Doug WIlliams, Sheik Abdul, Brother Ray, Brother D-Von, Velvet Sky, Madison Rayne, Desmond Wolfe, Traci Brooks, Matt Morgan, and many more don't count.

Robert Roode, James Storm, Eric Young, Alex Shelley, Brutus Magnus, Brother Ray, Brother D-Von and Matt Morgon are good on the mic, man. What are you talking about?

So are Angle and Steiner. Am I missing something here?
TNA has alot of decent people who are decent on the mic. Some like Lashley are weak, but alot of the x-division guys, just don't get enough mic time. EY has gotten better and the promo Brutus Magnus did was fine. Amazing Red seems uncomfortable, but that's why he with Don West.

Cutting promos is an art and skill that's really only mastered by practice and repetition in font of the camera or a live audience. I don't know how much of the TNA promos are scripted like the WWE, but it's wrong to generalize that all of TNA has bad mic skills.
Where is all this crap coming from that they suck on the mic? Angle is a genius on the mic, and Steiner is infallible. He always ends up stumbling over something, and then turns it into comedy gold. It's just how he does it. The Dudleys, Rhino, Eric Young, Beer Money, Matt Morgan, Motor City Machine Guns, and so many others are great on the mic. There's no reason to sign anyone, or assign anyone, to come in and help with their mic skills. The guys that are bad on the mic, get limited talking time. When's the last time you saw Hernandez give a forced promo? When's the last time they put a mic in Rob Terry's face? How often does Kyoshi ever speak?

TNA is just fine on the mic without any outside help...Maybe WWE should look into getting someone to help some of their guys.
Thing is, your all acting like someone said TNA's roster are shit at cutting promo's, nobody said that, except me, well, I mainly think it's the younger guys who fucking suck on the mic, obviously there are AJ and a few other exceptions.

I think the point being made is no matter how good you are on the mic, a chap like Hogan can help make you better, he's one of the best promo guy's of all time. If he cant teach you something, then you must be fucking good, and there is no one on the TNA roster that is that fucking good.
I think the point being made is no matter how good you are on the mic, a chap like Hogan can help make you better, he's one of the best promo guy's of all time.

That's exactly my point and Jerry Jarrett's point in the link I posted in the first post in this thread.
Yes their are some guys in TNA that are good on the mic but could use some improvement and there are some guys in TNA that could use A LOT of improvement.
Hogan can help with that, and so can Flair if he comes to TNA.
Hogan can help these guys? Have you guys been asleep since 1997? During the Hulkamania run, he was fun to watch cut a promo, and they were always exciting, but it was largely due to large amount of whatever he "wasn't pumping into his system" ;) Just watch any of his, and then watch some from Warrior or Piper. They're pretty close.

Since '97-'98, Hogan has become slow and boring in the ring, as well as on the mic. He might be able to give them some pointers, but don't expect him to pave the way with amazing promos of his own.
I don't think anyone is particularly weak on the mic in TNA, or no weaker than in past promotions anyway. Even when Hogan was in his prime, there was still people with shite mic skills, it's just the way it goes. Where TNA is lacking in that department is probably in the X division, and the only way Hogan is going to be anywhere near those guys is when he is squashing them in a 1 on 3 handicap match or something equally ridiculous. There are people who could do with improvement, but Hogan won't help them with that, and this is most definitely a false positive.
Just to post my .2cents on the subject. In wrestling, being able to hold your own on the mic is very important when it comes to letting your character slide off your shoulder. This is what made wrestlers like Steve Austin, The Rock, Macho Man, Hogan, Flair, etc etc.

With that said, one of the two most important wrestlers in TNA, Daniels and Styles, shot that promo last night and it was brutally terrible. Daniels makes you want to laugh, or look away, and Styles is a weak champion on the mic. They need to fix this up. But other than that, TNA has the best in ring workers and that will only help them in the long run.
Just to post my .2cents on the subject. In wrestling, being able to hold your own on the mic is very important when it comes to letting your character slide off your shoulder. This is what made wrestlers like Steve Austin, The Rock, Macho Man, Hogan, Flair, etc etc.

With that said, one of the two most important wrestlers in TNA, Daniels and Styles, shot that promo last night and it was brutally terrible. Daniels makes you want to laugh, or look away, and Styles is a weak champion on the mic. They need to fix this up. But other than that, TNA has the best in ring workers and that will only help them in the long run.

I didn't think there was nothing wrong with the Styles and Daniels promo. I think both of those guys are better than Cena & Orton on the mic.
My opinion, when it comes to comparing, say Orton and Cena to Daniels and Styles overall, I believe it's not even close. Orton and Cena, to me, are completely un-watchable in the ring and they are just terrible workers and technical wrestlers. As Triple H said in his bio, the first time he worked with Cena, HHH stated.. "He fucking sucks!"

So, Daniels and Styles easily out perform Cena and Orton by a long shot, I just think they are both weak on the mic and that is correctable, esp if they go mainstream.
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