TNA and 2008 Big or Small?


Hardcore Revolutionist
Alrighty then i know we still have 20 odd more days of this year left, and about 4 episodes of Impact left. But thought would start an official thread for all the TNA 2008 predictions!

So this year we have seen the growth of TNA, more PPVs done outside the Impact Zone, 2 hour timeslot deal and lets not forget the signing of Booker T so things are on the up? So here are a few questions on what you think will happen in TNA 2008 followed by my opinions.....

Next step for TNA? Take more PPVS on the road possibly Impact episode or 2

Who is most likely to be next TNA champ? Samoa Joe or Christian Cage

What mid card wrestler will be put over? Robert Roode or possibly Chris Harris

What X Division star will be put over? Petey Williams or Chrstopher Daniels

Next X Division champ? Christopher Daniels

Next Tag Champs? LAX or MCMG

Wrestler or Wrestlers most likely to leave by end of 2008? Team 3D, Scott Steiner and VKM

Biggest Dissappointment? Kaz

Feud to watch? Abyss vs Judas Mesias, Booker T vs Angle

Okies then sorry about amount of questions and by the way the answers arent based on who i want to leave win or whatever but who i generally think will. :)
Wait Wait Wait one freaking minute here.

Now I agree that most of those are completely right, there is one that is absolutely wrong.

In no way shape or form is Kaz the biggest disappointment, and he is not going to be in 2008.

He's the new face of the main event, whether anyone likes it or not. He came within a fraction of beating Kurt Angle for the title.

How can you call that disappointing? Are blind or something?

I say that Kaz goes on to win the TNA World Title in 2008, because as he says. "Kaz is the Future, and the Future looks good."
alright i see what ur goin for here, pretty interesting, heres my take

- Next step for TNA? seeing as though they have pretty much everything they need to get big ratings now (primetime, 2 hours etc..) i agree with u and would say they will do more ppvs on the road, they've been wanting to do it for some time now but the problem is money, another step will be focusing more on the younger talent, i know no1 will agree with me on this but i think TNA is noticing how the crowd wants the younger guys...

- Who is most likely to be next TNA champ? well i know that there will def be more than 2 champs in 1 year... my guess is booker, christian, and last but not least.. yes dare i say samoa joe too! TNA has been building him as a top guy (even though most ppl dont want to see it) and i think 08 will be his year.. unless hes fired or quits lol

- What mid card wrestler will be put over? hmm here i see robert roode, eric young, james storm, chris harris, and kaz will become a more established main eventer

- What X Division star will be put over? gotta agree on daniels and petey, both well deserved, but im also seeing a push for johnny devine (dont know if thats how u spell it)

- Next X Division champ? hmm in 08? my guess is petey williams

- Next Tag Champs? MCMG

- Wrestler or Wrestlers most likely to leave by end of 2008? gotta agree on team 3D, VKM, and the steiners (dont even know if rick is still with them), but i also see elix (that is if he stays until the end of this year o_O) sonjay dutt, maybe daniels... even though i would hate for these guys to go

- Biggest Dissappointment? im guessing u mean from this year.. interesting u went with kaz, gotta disagree with u on that, but my bigges dissapointment would have to be scott hall lol, i was looking forward to watch the outsiders 1 more time =(

- Feud to watch? abyss vs mesias also, christian vs aj (not sure if they actually will do it from where this is going, but im hoping they will), booker vs angle, jarrett vs angle (if he comes back), and daniels/petey vs jay lethal...
Next Step for TNA: I see them taking more PPVs on the road but they won't do it with iMPACT any time soon in my opinion due to the fact that they aren't big enough yet.

Next TNA champ: Samoa Joe or I will stop watching. His title run has been long overdue and I'm getting very tired of waiting for them to give the title to the one man who deserves it the most.

Next mid card push: Roode. This past week he joined the Angle Alliance

Next X division push: Petey Williams. Watch iMPACT on thursady to find out why.

Next Tag Champs: MCMG. They are on a roll right now

Most Likely to Leave in '08: Kip James. Again watch iMPACT this Thursday

Biggest disapointmet: AJ Styles. He was great but lately he has been playing an idiot lackey to first Christian and know Angle. They should make him a face again and give him another world title run in '08.

Fued to watch: Abyss Vs Judas Mesias. We've already seen Booker Vs Angle in the WWE.
I think we will see an even bigger growth of TNA in 2008 and with all the news going on at the minute i am getting more and more excited with the progress of the company.

Next step for TNA? Take more PPVS on the road, and to get a new set design for the impact zone.

Who is most likely to be next TNA champ? Samoa Joe.

What mid card wrestler will be put over? Robert Roode or hopefully they will see the potential in james storm!

What X Division star will be put over? Petey Williams or Chrstopher Daniels

Next X Division champ? Christopher Daniels and hopefully have a damm long run with it.

Next Tag Champs? LAX or MCMG

Wrestler or Wrestlers most likely to leave by end of 2008? Team 3D, Scott Steiner and VKM- agreed.

Biggest Dissappointment? was the scott hall bullshit.

Feud to watch? Abyss vs Judas Mesias and the inevitable cage vs AJ feud
Next step for TNA? Expansion. This is the main concern of TNA. They have a very big safety net in Orlando, but the WWE is coming to their town for Wrestlemania. The WWE is putting a big fuck you on TNA's door step, how will TNA retaliate? TNA needs to take their show on the road, and go north in a bad way. There should be zero pay per views in the Impact Zone this year. It's time to shit or get off the pot. TNA has their two hours, now it's time to do something with them. Ratings have slowly gone up, and they are establishing more of a fan base. It's time to prove their worth and get out of Orlando.

Who is most likely to be next TNA champ? If TNA is smart, that belt stays on Angle with a Cena like title reign. Piss of the hardcore TNA smarks that claim to be loyalist. They aren't going anywhere. Angle is more well known then anyone in that locker room. You keep the belt on Angle, piss off the original fans, and have a nice diverse crowd. All this Samoa Joe talk is ridiculous. Oh he was a god in ROH, blah blah blah, yup, he also weighed 100 pounds less in ROH too.

What mid card wrestler will be put over? Robert Roode, Harris and Storm are set to be the guys that move up the ladder the most.. Roode has already happened by being paired with Angle.

What X Division star will be put over? I think Jay Lethal will continue to rise and be the focus of the company. X-Division is kind of fading away, but the Black Machismo gimmick manages to stay over. I would say that Homicide is going to get a run when LAX breaks up.

Next X Division champ? Homicide. Without Konnan as a mouthpiece, LAX is pretty much dead. TNA dropped the ball with the heat of LAX, but homicide will stay over.

Next Tag Champs? MCMG. They are getting some legit heat behind them. I think they're star is rising quicker then LAX's.

Wrestler or Wrestlers most likely to leave by end of 2008? Well Samoa Joe will continue to bitch throughout the year, and if TNA was smart, show him the door. I don't think anyone will leave. TNA offered people a chance to leave because of all the bitching, but only two had the balls to act on it.

Biggest Dissappointment? Samoa Joe. He will be exposed for what he is, an out of shape, stiff working, non selling bad wrestler. I don't understand why everyone is so high on him. He's let him self go horribly the last few years. He's like Goldberg, if he's not squashing people, then he's crying that it's hurting his character.

Feud to watch? AJ Styles/Kurt Angle/ Christian Cage. This whole angle is going to be amazing, with Styles eventually getting a clean break from both of them. I see Styles being the guy to take the belt off of Angle, possibly at BFG.
Next step for TNA? Cut the crap. Forget venturing out to new venues they first need to cut the Russo garbage they call storylines and get back to what got them here in the first place and that was being a true alternative to the WWE, focusing on wrestling and their own talent.

Who is most likely to be next TNA champ? I'd like to think it's Samoa Joe. Now's the time to give him the title coming off of that "shoot".

What mid card wrestler will be put over? Probably that douchebag Roode.

What X Division star will be put over? Daniels. There obviously is some storyline to go with his firing. If there wasn't they never would of had him win the briefcase from Ki and they would of just said Ki got the pink slip. He'll return somehow and feud with Lethal.

Next X Division champ? Christopher Daniels

Next Tag Champs? Murder City Machine Guns. If TNA is smart the MCMG will win the feud agaisnt the old fat bastards (Dudleys). Dudleys have done it all. They can start putting over younger talent and the MCMG are perfect. SO if TNA does the right thing the MCMG should get a feud with the tag champs after they beat the Dudleys, which should lead to them winning the belts.

Wrestler or Wrestlers most likely to leave by end of 2008? Steiners. Hopefully Joe will leave next fall when his contract is up and goes back to the more successful promotion, ROH.

Biggest Dissappointment? Styles. What is he doing being a lackey? He's the guy that built TNA. He & Joe should be feuding with Angle & Christian.

Feud to watch? TNA wrestlers vs. the Russo & crappy writers. TNA's feuds suck. They fill them up with garbage and worthless gimmick matches.
Next step: WEST COAST SHOWS. House or PPV.

Who's the next TNA Champ?: I don't know. What does somoa joe want? he's in just about EVERY main event, he's headlined most PPVs and he's not happy. Let him go.

What midcarder gets put up next? Roode, Kaz,

Next X division champ? Daniels, Petey or Devine with help from 3D

Next Tag Champs? MCMG, That's MOTOR City (not murder City, if you watched TNA you'd know that) Machine guns, Roode and styles or Roode and Tomko. lax or vkm

Who's gonna leave? hopefully joe, if he's not happy he should have the guts to leave. VKM is either going to leave or breakup and fued.

Biggest disappointment? Lack of Raven, lack of groups

Fued to watch? Gail Kim vs Kong, Styles vs Christian, Roode vs Christian, Tomko vs Angle or Roode.

Here's one not in the original list,
Who will show up 1st in 2008? Big show

Hope this isn't SPAM!!!
Next step: I'm probably biased, but I say a UK tour. They travel around the US a little more now, and they do house shows. Why not do a Bound For Glory tour, or a Slammiversary one?

Who's the next TNA Champ?: Well, as far as the NEXT champ goes, I say Christian Cage to take the belt from Angle. Then, Joe gets a title run for about a month then leaves, Angle and Cage trade the belt for a while, then I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that, near the end of 2008, Kaz picks up the title belt.

What midcarder gets put up next? Robert Roode gets the next push, then as I say I think Kaz gets up there around Turning Point. Maybe Genesis if Joe does leave.

Next X division champ? Christopher Daniels. Soon to be followed by Jonny Devine (thanks to 3D) and then Petey Williams.

Next Tag Champs? I actually think that it could be Booker T and Kaz. They gelled as a team, and the tag titles could help Kaz's eventual push. After them, I see Team 3D taking them one more time, then MCMG.

Who's gonna leave? Samoa Joe. Around halfway through the year. Also, I see Elix Skipper heading out as well eventually.

Biggest disappointment? The biggest disappointment will probably we the X-Division again. They'll be reduced to lackeys, filler and jobbers, and it's not right.

Fued to watch? Tomko vs. Angle could happen once Cage takes the title. Apart from that, Cage/Styles, Roode/Angle, Lethal/Daniels and Ms Brooks/The Stalker Woman.
Next step for TNA? More ppvs on the road.

Who is most likely to be next TNA champ? I see Booker winning it.

What mid card wrestler will be put over? Chris Harris

What X Division star will be put over? Johnny Devine

Next X Division champ? Johnny Devine

Next Tag Champs? LAX

Wrestler or Wrestlers most likely to leave by end of 2008? Rick Steiner, Matt Morgan, Velvet sky, Sting

Biggest Dissappointment? Styles and Tomko

Feud to watch? LAX vs Motor City Machineguns, Johnny Devine vs Jay Lethal, Christian Cage vs Aj Styles, and Samoa Joe vs Kevin Nash
Next step for TNA? Expansion. This is the main concern of TNA. They have a very big safety net in Orlando, but the WWE is coming to their town for Wrestlemania. The WWE is putting a big fuck you on TNA's door step, how will TNA retaliate? TNA needs to take their show on the road, and go north in a bad way. There should be zero pay per views in the Impact Zone this year. It's time to shit or get off the pot. TNA has their two hours, now it's time to do something with them. Ratings have slowly gone up, and they are establishing more of a fan base. It's time to prove their worth and get out of Orlando.

110% agree with you here. TNA has a massive and very talented roster, 2 hour prime slot as well staying in Orlando is doing them no favours at all, specially when it comes to PPVs they just dont look good production wise. Here is TNA with best young talent and Kurt Angle and Booker T to name a few and they are still stuck in the pathetic Impact Zone stuido it hurts thier credibilty i think and it doesnt come of well on TV. I want by the end of next year TNA to annouce they are either moving else where or they are taking show on road, come on TNA tap into that money from Panda energy!

Oh and i didnt mean biggest dissapointment this year i meant by end of next year, no way would i say Kaz was a dissapointment this year he was awesome but i think he'll be pushed to the top like he is now and in 2008 he just fall and fail to do anything!

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