TNA Against All Odds

Theo Mays

Part Time Poster

List the matches 1-7 with 7 being the match you are most confident in and 1 being the match you are least confident in. All predictions must be posted by Sunday February 12th at 8pm (EST).

Singles Match
Gunner vs. Garett Bischoff
Winner and Confidence:
Method of Finish (5 points):

Singles Match
AJ Styles vs. Kazarian
Winner and Confidence:
Method of Finish (5 points):

X-Division Championship Match
Austin Aries (c) vs. Alex Shelley
Winner and Confidence:
Method of Finish (5 points):

TNA Tag Team Championship Match
Matt Morgan and Crimson (c) vs. Magnus and Samoa Joe
Winner and Confidence:
Method of Finish (5 points):

#1 Contender's Match for the X-Division Championship
Zema Ion vs. Jesse Sorenson
Winner and Confidence:
Method of Finish (5 points):

TNA Knockouts Championship Match
Gail Kim (c) vs. Tara
Winner and Confidence:
Method of Finish (5 points):

TNA World Heavyweight Championship Fatal Four Way Match
Bobby Roode (c) vs. Jeff Hardy vs. James Storm vs. Bully Ray
Winner and Confidence:
Who does your winner defeat (5 points):
Method of Finish (5 points):

Bonus Questions

Which match of the ones listed will go on first? (10 Points)

Which match of the ones listed will go on last? (10 Points)

Championship Matches

WZPC World Heavyweight Championship

TheOneBigWill (c) vs. awesome_miz

WZPC X-Division Championship

Mailman (c) vs. Joe's Gonna Kill You

WZPC Tag Team Championship

Theo and FunKay (c) vs. JWGunslinger and Notorious718
Singles Match
Gunner vs. Garett Bischoff
Winner and Confidence: Garett Bischoff 7
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Singles Match
AJ Styles vs. Kazarian
Winner and Confidence: AJ Styles 2
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin

X-Division Championship Match
Austin Aries (c) vs. Alex Shelley
Winner and Confidence: Austin Aries 4
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin

TNA Tag Team Championship Match
Matt Morgan and Crimson (c) vs. Magnus and Samoa Joe
Winner and Confidence: No contest 1
Method of Finish (5 points): No Contest

#1 Contender's Match for the X-Division Championship
Zema Ion vs. Jesse Sorenson
Winner and Confidence: Jesse Sorenson
Method of Finish (5 points): 3

TNA Knockouts Championship Match
Gail Kim (c) vs. Tara
Winner and Confidence: Gail Kim 6
Method of Finish (5 points): pin

TNA World Heavyweight Championship Fatal Four Way Match
Bobby Roode (c) vs. Jeff Hardy vs. James Storm vs. Bully Ray
Winner and Confidence:
Who does your winner defeat (5 points): Roode 5
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin

Bonus Questions

Which match of the ones listed will go on first? (10 Points)
Answer: X-Division Number 1 contender match

Which match of the ones listed will go on last? (10 Points)
Answer: World Title Match
Singles Match
Gunner vs. Garett Bischoff
Winner and Confidence: 5
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin

Singles Match
AJ Styles vs. Kazarian
Winner and Confidence: 3
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin

X-Division Championship Match
Austin Aries (c) vs. Alex Shelley
Winner and Confidence: 4
Method of Finish (5 points): submission

TNA Tag Team Championship Match
Matt Morgan and Crimson (c) vs. Magnus and Samoa Joe
Winner and Confidence: 1
Method of Finish (5 points): pin

#1 Contender's Match for the X-Division Championship
Zema Ion vs. Jesse Sorenson
Winner and Confidence: 2
Method of Finish (5 points):Pin

TNA Knockouts Championship Match
Gail Kim (c) vs. Tara
Winner and Confidence: 7
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin

TNA World Heavyweight Championship Fatal Four Way Match
Bobby Roode (c) vs. Jeff Hardy vs. James Storm vs. Bully Ray
Winner and Confidence: 6
Who does your winner defeat (5 points):
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin

Bonus Questions

Which match of the ones listed will go on first? (10 Points)
Answer: Ion vs. Sorrenson

Which match of the ones listed will go on last? (10 Points)
Answer: World title match
Gunner vs. Garett Bischoff
Winner and Confidence: Garett Bischoff (4)
Method of Finish (5 points):pin

Singles Match
AJ Styles vs. Kazarian
Winner and Confidence: AJ Styles(3)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin

X-Division Championship Match
Austin Aries (c) vs. Alex Shelley
Winner and Confidence: Austin Aries(6)
Method of Finish (5 points):Pin

TNA Tag Team Championship Match
Matt Morgan and Crimson (c) vs. Magnus and Samoa Joe
Winner and Confidence: Magnus and Samoa joe (1)
Method of Finish (5 points):Pin

#1 Contender's Match for the X-Division Championship
Zema Ion vs. Jesse Sorenson
Winner and Confidence:Jesse Sorenson(5)
Method of Finish (5 points):Pin

TNA Knockouts Championship Match
Gail Kim (c) vs. Tara
Winner and Confidence: Gail Kim(7)
Method of Finish (5 points):Pin

TNA World Heavyweight Championship Fatal Four Way Match
Bobby Roode (c) vs. Jeff Hardy vs. James Storm vs. Bully Ray
Winner and Confidence:Bobby Roode (2)
Who does your winner defeat (5 points): James Storm
Method of Finish (5 points):Pin

Bonus Questions

Which match of the ones listed will go on first? (10 Points)
Answer:Ion Vs Sorenson

Which match of the ones listed will go on last? (10 Points)
Answer:Tna Title MAtch
Singles Match
Gunner vs. Garett Bischoff
Winner and Confidence: Garrett Bischoff (1)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin

Singles Match
AJ Styles vs. Kazarian
Winner and Confidence: Kazarian (5)
Method of Finish (5 points): DQ

X-Division Championship Match
Austin Aries (c) vs. Alex Shelley
Winner and Confidence: Alex Shelly (6)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin

TNA Tag Team Championship Match
Matt Morgan and Crimson (c) vs. Magnus and Samoa Joe
Winner and Confidence: Matt and Crimson (3)
Method of Finish (5 points): pin

#1 Contender's Match for the X-Division Championship
Zema Ion vs. Jesse Sorenson
Winner and Confidence: Zema Ion (4)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin

TNA Knockouts Championship Match
Gail Kim (c) vs. Tara
Winner and Confidence: Gail Kim (2)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin

TNA World Heavyweight Championship Fatal Four Way Match
Bobby Roode (c) vs. Jeff Hardy vs. James Storm vs. Bully Ray
Winner and Confidence: Jeff Hardy (7)
Who does your winner defeat (5 points):
Method of Finish (5 points):Pin

Bonus Questions

Which match of the ones listed will go on first? (10 Points)
Answer: XDivision #1 Contender

Which match of the ones listed will go on last? (10 Points)
Answer: World Title Match

Singles Match
Gunner vs. Garett Bischoff
Winner and Confidence: Garrett, 6
Method of Finish (5 points):Pinfall

Singles Match
AJ Styles vs. Kazarian
Winner and Confidence: Styles, 4
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

X-Division Championship Match
Austin Aries (c) vs. Alex Shelley
Winner and Confidence: Aries, 2
Method of Finish (5 points): DQ

TNA Tag Team Championship Match
Matt Morgan and Crimson (c) vs. Magnus and Samoa Joe
Winner and Confidence: Morgan and Crimson, 3
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

#1 Contender's Match for the X-Division Championship
Zema Ion vs. Jesse Sorenson
Winner and Confidence: Ion, 1
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

TNA Knockouts Championship Match
Gail Kim (c) vs. Tara
Winner and Confidence: Tara, 5
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

TNA World Heavyweight Championship Fatal Four Way Match
Bobby Roode (c) vs. Jeff Hardy vs. James Storm vs. Bully Ray
Winner and Confidence: Roode, 7
Who does your winner defeat (5 points):
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Bonus Questions

Which match of the ones listed will go on first? (10 Points)
Answer: Ion/Sorenson

Which match of the ones listed will go on last? (10 Points)
Answer: Fatal 4 way match
Singles Match
Gunner vs. Garett Bischoff
Winner and Confidence: Garrett Bischoff (3)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Singles Match
AJ Styles vs. Kazarian
Winner and Confidence: Kazarian (2)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

X-Division Championship Match
Austin Aries (c) vs. Alex Shelley
Winner and Confidence: Austin Aries (4)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin

TNA Tag Team Championship Match
Matt Morgan and Crimson (c) vs. Magnus and Samoa Joe
Winner and Confidence: Magnus and Samoa Joe (1)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

#1 Contender's Match for the X-Division Championship
Zema Ion vs. Jesse Sorenson
Winner and Confidence: Jesse Sorenston (6)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

TNA Knockouts Championship Match
Gail Kim (c) vs. Tara
Winner and Confidence: Gail Kim (7)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

TNA World Heavyweight Championship Fatal Four Way Match
Bobby Roode (c) vs. Jeff Hardy vs. James Storm vs. Bully Ray
Winner and Confidence: Bobby Roode (5)
Who does your winner defeat (5 points): James Storm
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Bonus Questions

Which match of the ones listed will go on first? (10 Points)
Answer: X Division Title #1 Contenders Match

Which match of the ones listed will go on last? (10 Points)
Answer: TNA Heavyweight Championship Match
Singles Match
Gunner vs. Garett Bischoff
Winner and Confidence: Garett Bishoff (5)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Singles Match
AJ Styles vs. Kazarian
Winner and Confidence: Kazarian (4)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

X-Division Championship Match
Austin Aries (c) vs. Alex Shelley
Winner and Confidence: Alex Shelly(3)
Method of Finish (5 points): DQ

TNA Tag Team Championship Match
Matt Morgan and Crimson (c) vs. Magnus and Samoa Joe
Winner and Confidence: Crimson and Morgan (1)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

#1 Contender's Match for the X-Division Championship
Zema Ion vs. Jesse Sorenson
Winner and Confidence: Zema Ion (2)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

TNA Knockouts Championship Match
Gail Kim (c) vs. Tara
Winner and Confidence: Gail Kim (6)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

TNA World Heavyweight Championship Fatal Four Way Match
Bobby Roode (c) vs. Jeff Hardy vs. James Storm vs. Bully Ray
Winner and Confidence: Bobby Roode (7)
Who does your winner defeat (5 points): Jeff Hardy
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Bonus Questions

Which match of the ones listed will go on first? (10 Points)
Answer: #1 Contender's Match for the X-Division Championship

Which match of the ones listed will go on last? (10 Points)
Answer: TNA World Heavyweight Championship Fatal Four Way Match

Singles Match
Gunner vs. Garett Bischoff
Winner and Confidence: Garrett, 4
Method of Finish (5 points):Pinfall

Singles Match
AJ Styles vs. Kazarian
Winner and Confidence: Styles, 2
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

X-Division Championship Match
Austin Aries (c) vs. Alex Shelley
Winner and Confidence: Aries, 7
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

TNA Tag Team Championship Match
Matt Morgan and Crimson (c) vs. Magnus and Samoa Joe
Winner and Confidence: Morgan and Crimson, 3
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

#1 Contender's Match for the X-Division Championship
Zema Ion vs. Jesse Sorenson
Winner and Confidence: Ion, 1
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

TNA Knockouts Championship Match
Gail Kim (c) vs. Tara
Winner and Confidence: Gail Kim, 5
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

TNA World Heavyweight Championship Fatal Four Way Match
Bobby Roode (c) vs. Jeff Hardy vs. James Storm vs. Bully Ray
Winner and Confidence: Roode, 6
Who does your winner defeat (5 points): Jeff Hardy
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Bonus Questions

Which match of the ones listed will go on first? (10 Points)
Answer: Ion/Sorenson

Which match of the ones listed will go on last? (10 Points)
Answer: TNA World Championship Match

Singles Match
Gunner vs. Garett Bischoff Garrett
Winner and Confidence: Garrett B : 5
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Singles Match
AJ Styles vs. Kazarian
Winner and Confidence: AJ Styles : 3
Method of Finish (5 points): DQ

X-Division Championship Match
Austin Aries (c) vs. Alex Shelley Austin Aries
Winner and Confidence: Pinfall : 1
Method of Finish (5 points):

TNA Tag Team Championship Match
Matt Morgan and Crimson (c) vs. Magnus and Samoa Joe
Winner and Confidence: Matt Morgan and Crimson : 6
Method of Finish (5 points): Submission

#1 Contender's Match for the X-Division Championship
Zema Ion vs. Jesse Sorenson
Winner and Confidence: Jesse Sorenson : 2
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

TNA Knockouts Championship Match
Gail Kim (c) vs. Tara
Winner and Confidence: Gail Kim : 4
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

TNA World Heavyweight Championship Fatal Four Way Match
Bobby Roode (c) vs. Jeff Hardy vs. James Storm vs. Bully Ray
Winner and Confidence: Jeff Hardy : 7
Who does your winner defeat (5 points): Bobby Roode
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Bonus Questions

Which match of the ones listed will go on first? (10 Points)
Answer: AJ vs Kaz

Which match of the ones listed will go on last? (10 Points)
Answer: World Title Match​
Singles Match
Gunner vs. Garett Bischoff
Winner and Confidence: Garett Bischoff 7
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Singles Match
AJ Styles vs. Kazarian
Winner and Confidence: AJ Styles 2
Method of Finish (5 points): DQ

X-Division Championship Match
Austin Aries (c) vs. Alex Shelley
Winner and Confidence: Austin Aries 4
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

TNA Tag Team Championship Match
Matt Morgan and Crimson (c) vs. Magnus and Samoa Joe
Winner and Confidence: Morgan and Crimson 1
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

#1 Contender's Match for the X-Division Championship
Zema Ion vs. Jesse Sorenson
Winner and Confidence: Zema Ion 3
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

TNA Knockouts Championship Match
Gail Kim (c) vs. Tara
Winner and Confidence: Gail Kim 6
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

TNA World Heavyweight Championship Fatal Four Way Match
Bobby Roode (c) vs. Jeff Hardy vs. James Storm vs. Bully Ray
Winner and Confidence: Bobby Roode 5
Who does your winner defeat (5 points): Bully Ray
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Bonus Questions

Which match of the ones listed will go on first? (10 Points)
Answer: X-Division Number 1 contender match

Which match of the ones listed will go on last? (10 Points)
Answer: Fatal 4 Way for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship

List the matches 1-7 with 7 being the match you are most confident in and 1 being the match you are least confident in. All predictions must be posted by Sunday February 12th at 8pm (EST).

Singles Match
Gunner vs. Garett Bischoff
Winner and Confidence: Garrett Bischoff (5)
Method of Finish (5 points): DQ

Singles Match
AJ Styles vs. Kazarian
Winner and Confidence: AJ Styles (6)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

X-Division Championship Match
Austin Aries (c) vs. Alex Shelley
Winner and Confidence: Alex Shelley (7)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

TNA Tag Team Championship Match
Matt Morgan and Crimson (c) vs. Magnus and Samoa Joe
Winner and Confidence: Magnus & Samoa Joe (3)
Method of Finish (5 points): Submission

#1 Contender's Match for the X-Division Championship
Zema Ion vs. Jesse Sorenson
Winner and Confidence: Jesse Sorenson (1)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

TNA Knockouts Championship Match
Gail Kim (c) vs. Tara
Winner and Confidence: Gail Kim (2)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

TNA World Heavyweight Championship Fatal Four Way Match
Bobby Roode (c) vs. Jeff Hardy vs. James Storm vs. Bully Ray
Winner and Confidence: Bully Ray (4)
Who does your winner defeat (5 points): Jeff Hardy
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Bonus Questions

Which match of the ones listed will go on first? (10 Points)
Answer: Ion vs Sorenson

Which match of the ones listed will go on last? (10 Points)
Answer: Bully Ray vs Jeff Hardy vs James Storm vs Bobby Roode

List the matches 1-7 with 7 being the match you are most confident in and 1 being the match you are least confident in. All predictions must be posted by Sunday February 12th at 8pm (EST).

Singles Match
Gunner vs. Garett Bischoff
Winner and Confidence: Bischoff, 1
Method of Finish (5 points): DQ

Singles Match
AJ Styles vs. Kazarian
Winner and Confidence: Styles, 7
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

X-Division Championship Match
Austin Aries (c) vs. Alex Shelley
Winner and Confidence: Aries, 6
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

TNA Tag Team Championship Match
Matt Morgan and Crimson (c) vs. Magnus and Samoa Joe
Winner and Confidence: Magnus/Joe, 2
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

#1 Contender's Match for the X-Division Championship
Zema Ion vs. Jesse Sorenson
Winner and Confidence: Ion, 3
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

TNA Knockouts Championship Match
Gail Kim (c) vs. Tara
Winner and Confidence: Tara, 4
Method of Finish (5 points): DQ

TNA World Heavyweight Championship Fatal Four Way Match
Bobby Roode (c) vs. Jeff Hardy vs. James Storm vs. Bully Ray
Winner and Confidence: Roode, 5
Who does your winner defeat (5 points): Hardy
Method of Finish (5 points): Submission

Bonus Questions

Which match of the ones listed will go on first? (10 Points)
Answer: Sorenson/Ion

Which match of the ones listed will go on last? (10 Points) WHC Four Way
Singles Match
Gunner vs. Garett Bischoff
Winner and Confidence: Garett Bishcoff and 1
Method of Finish: Pinfall

Singles Match
AJ Styles vs. Kazarian
Winner and Confidence:AJ Styles and 4
Method of Finish: DQ

X-Division Championship Match
Austin Aries (c) vs. Alex Shelley
Winner and Confidence:Alex Shelley and 6
Method of Finish:DQ

TNA Tag Team Championship Match
Matt Morgan and Crimson (c) vs. Magnus and Samoa Joe
Winner and Confidence:Magnus and Samoa Joe and 3
Method of Finish:Pinfall

#1 Contender's Match for the X-Division Championship
Zema Ion vs. Jesse Sorenson
Winner and Confidence:Jesse Sorenson and 2
Method of Finish:Pinfall

TNA Knockouts Championship Match
Gail Kim (c) vs. Tara
Winner and Confidence:Gail Kim and 5
Method of Finish (5 points):Pinfall

TNA World Heavyweight Championship Fatal Four Way Match
Bobby Roode (c) vs. Jeff Hardy vs. James Storm vs. Bully Ray
Winner and Confidence:Bobby Roode and 7
Who does your winner defeat (5 points): Bully Ray
Method of Finish (5 points):Pinfall

Bonus Questions

Which match of the ones listed will go on first? (10 Points)
Answer:Aries vs Shelley

Which match of the ones listed will go on last? (10 Points)
Answer:Hardy vs Storm vsRoode vs Ray
Fuck me, that's one of the worst poster for a PPV, I've ever seen.

List the matches 1-7 with 7 being the match you are most confident in and 1 being the match you are least confident in. All predictions must be posted by Sunday February 12th at 8pm (EST).

Singles Match
Gunner vs. Garett Bischoff
Winner and Confidence: Garett Bischoff, 7
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall.

Singles Match
AJ Styles vs. Kazarian
Winner and Confidence: AJ Styles, 5
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall.

X-Division Championship Match
Austin Aries (c) vs. Alex Shelley
Winner and Confidence: Shelley, 1
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall.

TNA Tag Team Championship Match
Matt Morgan and Crimson (c) vs. Magnus and Samoa Joe
Winner and Confidence: Magnus and Joe, 2
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall.

#1 Contender's Match for the X-Division Championship
Zema Ion vs. Jesse Sorenson
Winner and Confidence: Zema Ion, 3
Method of Finish (5 points):Pinfall.

TNA Knockouts Championship Match
Gail Kim (c) vs. Tara
Winner and Confidence: Gail Kim, 6
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall.

TNA World Heavyweight Championship Fatal Four Way Match
Bobby Roode (c) vs. Jeff Hardy vs. James Storm vs. Bully Ray
Winner and Confidence: Bobby Roode, 4
Who does your winner defeat (5 points): Jeff Hardy
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall.

Bonus Questions

Which match of the ones listed will go on first? (10 Points)
Answer: Zema vs. Sorrenson

Which match of the ones listed will go on last? (10 Points)
Answer: WHC match

Championship Matches

WZPC World Heavyweight Championship

TheOneBigWill (c) vs. awesome_miz

WZPC X-Division Championship

Mailman (c) vs. Joe's Gonna Kill You

WZPC Tag Team Championship

Theo and FunKay (c) vs. JWGunslinger and Notorious718

Singles Match
Gunner vs. Garett Bischoff
Winner and Confidence: Gunner 7
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin

Singles Match
AJ Styles vs. Kazarian
Winner and Confidence: AJ Styles 6
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin

X-Division Championship Match
Austin Aries (c) vs. Alex Shelley
Winner and Confidence: Austin Aries 2
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin

TNA Tag Team Championship Match
Matt Morgan and Crimson (c) vs. Magnus and Samoa Joe
Winner and Confidence: Matt Morgan and Crimson 5
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin

#1 Contender's Match for the X-Division Championship
Zema Ion vs. Jesse Sorenson
Winner and Confidence: Jesse Sorenson 1
Method of Finish (5 points): Submission

TNA Knockouts Championship Match
Gail Kim (c) vs. Tara
Winner and Confidence: Tara 3
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin

TNA World Heavyweight Championship Fatal Four Way Match
Bobby Roode (c) vs. Jeff Hardy vs. James Storm vs. Bully Ray
Winner and Confidence: Jeff Hardy 4
Who does your winner defeat (5 points): Bully Ray
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin

Bonus Questions

Which match of the ones listed will go on first? (10 Points)
Answer: Stlyes vs. Kaz

Which match of the ones listed will go on last? (10 Points)
Answer: World Title match​
Singles Match
Gunner vs. Garett Bischoff
Winner and Confidence: Garett Bischoff 7
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Singles Match
AJ Styles vs. Kazarian
Winner and Confidence: AJ Styles 2
Method of Finish (5 points): DQ

X-Division Championship Match
Austin Aries (c) vs. Alex Shelley
Winner and Confidence: Austin Aries 4
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

TNA Tag Team Championship Match
Matt Morgan and Crimson (c) vs. Magnus and Samoa Joe
Winner and Confidence: Morgan and Crimson 1
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

#1 Contender's Match for the X-Division Championship
Zema Ion vs. Jesse Sorenson
Winner and Confidence: Zema Ion 3
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

TNA Knockouts Championship Match
Gail Kim (c) vs. Tara
Winner and Confidence: Gail Kim 6
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

TNA World Heavyweight Championship Fatal Four Way Match
Bobby Roode (c) vs. Jeff Hardy vs. James Storm vs. Bully Ray
Winner and Confidence: Bobby Roode 5
Who does your winner defeat (5 points): Bully Ray
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Bonus Questions

Which match of the ones listed will go on first? (10 Points)
Answer: X-Division Number 1 contender match

Which match of the ones listed will go on last? (10 Points)
Answer: Fatal 4 Way for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship
Lets see how good I do at this, considering I haven't seen Impact in well over a year.

Singles Match
Gunner vs. Garett Bischoff
Winner and Confidence: Garett Bischoff (5)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Singles Match
AJ Styles vs. Kazarian
Winner and Confidence: AJ Styles (3)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

X-Division Championship Match
Austin Aries (c) vs. Alex Shelley
Winner and Confidence: Austin Aries (4)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin

TNA Tag Team Championship Match
Matt Morgan and Crimson (c) vs. Magnus and Samoa Joe
Winner and Confidence: Morgan/Crimson (2)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin

#1 Contender's Match for the X-Division Championship
Zema Ion vs. Jesse Sorenson
Winner and Confidence: Zema Ion (1)
Method of Finish (5 points): DQ
(editors note: I never heard of either of these gentlemen)

TNA Knockouts Championship Match
Gail Kim (c) vs. Tara
Winner and Confidence: Gail Kim (6)
Method of Finish (5 points): Submission

TNA World Heavyweight Championship Fatal Four Way Match
Bobby Roode (c) vs. Jeff Hardy vs. James Storm vs. Bully Ray
Winner and Confidence: Jeff Hardy (7)
Who does your winner defeat (5 points): Bully Ray
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin

Bonus Questions

Which match of the ones listed will go on first? (10 Points)
Answer:Zema Ion vs. Jesse Sorenson.

Which match of the ones listed will go on last? (10 Points)
Answer: Roode/Hardy/Storm/Ray
WZPC World Heavyweight Championship

TheOneBigWill (c) vs. awesome_miz

TheOneBigWill said:
Singles Match Gunner vs. Garett Bischoff Winner and Confidence: Method of Finish (5 points): Garrett Bischoff ; 7 Pinfall

Singles Match AJ Styles vs. Kazarian Winner and Confidence: Method of Finish (5 points): AJ Styles ; 5 Pinfall

X-Division Championship Match Austin Aries (c) vs.Alex Shelley Winner and Confidence: Method of Finish (5 points): Alex Shelley ; 1 Pinfall

TNA Tag Team Championship Match Matt Morgan and Crimson (c) vs. Magnus and Samoa Joe Winner and Confidence: Method of Finish (5 points): Matt Morgan & Crimson ; 6 Pinfall

#1 Contender's Match for the X-Division Championship Zema Ion vs. Jesse Sorenson Winner and Confidence: Method of Finish (5 points): Zema Ion ; 2 Pinfall

TNA KnockoutsChampionshipMatch Gail Kim (c) vs.Tara Winner and Confidence: Method of Finish (5 points): Tara ; 3 Pinfall

TNA World Heavyweight Championship Fatal Four Way Match Bobby Roode (c) vs. Jeff Hardy vs. James Storm vs. Bully Ray Winner and Confidence: Who does your winner defeat (5 points): Method of Finish (5 points): Bobby Roode ; 4 Pinfall

Bonus Questions

Which match of the ones listed will go on first? (10 Points) Answer: Jesse Sorenson vs. Zema Ion

Which match of the listed will go on last? (10 Points)
Answer: TNA Championship match; Bobby Roode vs. Bully Ray vs. James Storm vs. Jeff Hardy

Aweome_Miz said:
Singles Match
Gunner vs. Garett Bischoff
Winner and Confidence: Garett Bischoff (6)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin

Singles Match
AJ Styles vs. Kazarian
Winner and Confidence: AJ Styles (2)
Method of Finish (5 points): DQ

X-Division Championship Match
Austin Aries (c) vs. Alex Shelley
Winner and Confidence: Aries (3)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin

TNA Tag Team Championship Match Matt Morgan and Crimson (c) vs. Magnus and Samoa Joe
Winner and Confidence: Morgan and Crimson (7)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin

#1 Contender's Match for the X-Division Championship
Zema Ion vs. Jesse Sorenson
Winner and Confidence: Ion (1)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin

TNA Knockouts Championship Match
Gail Kim (c) vs. Tara
Winner and Confidence: Kim (5)
Method of Finish (5 points): Submission

TNA World Heavyweigh Championship Fatal Four Way Match
Bobby Roode (c) vs. Jeff Hardy vs. James Storm vs. Bully Ray
Winner and Confidence: Roode (4)
Who does your winner defeat (5 points): Storm
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin

Bonus Questions

Which match of the ones listed will go on first? (10 Points)
Answer: #1 Contender's Match

Which match of the ones listed will go on last? (10 Points)
Answer: World Title
WZPC X-Division Championship Match
Mailman (c) vs. Joe's Gonna Kill You

Mailman said:
Singles Match
Gunner vs. Garett Bischoff
Winner and Confidence: Garrett Bischoff (6)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Singles Match
AJ Styles vs. Kazarian
Winner and Confidence: AJ Styles (4)
Method of Finish (5 points): Disqulification

X-Division Championship Match
Austin Aries (c) vs. Alex Shelley
Winner and Confidence: Austin Aries (5)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

TNA Tag Team Championship Match
Matt Morgan and Crimson (c) vs. Magnus and Samoa Joe
Winner and Confidence: Magnus and Samoa Joe (2)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

#1 Contender's Match for the X-Division Championship
Zema Ion vs. Jesse Sorenson
Winner and Confidence: Jesse Sorenson (1)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

TNA Knockouts Championship Match
Gail Kim (c) vs. Tara
Winner and Confidence: Gail Kim (7)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

TNA World Heavyweight Championship Fatal Four Way Match
Bobby Roode (c) vs. Jeff Hardy vs. James Storm vs. Bully Ray
Winner and Confidence: Bobby Roode (3)
Who does your winner defeat (5 points): James Storm
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Bonus Questions

Which match of the ones listed will go on first? (10 Points)
Answer: Zema Ion vs. Jesse Sorenson

Which match of the ones listed will go on last? (10 Points)
Answer: Storm/Roode/Hardy/Bully Ray

Joe's Gonna Kill You said:
Gunner vs. Garett Bischoff
Winner and Confidence: Garrett 4
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Singles Match
AJ Styles vs. Kazarian
Winner and Confidence: AJ 3
Method of Finish (5 points): DQ

X-Division Championship Match
Austin Aries (c) vs. Alex Shelley
Winner and Confidence: Austin Aries 7
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin

TNA Tag Team Championship Match
Matt Morgan and Crimson (c) vs. Magnus and Samoa Joe
Winner and Confidence: JoeNus 5
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin

#1 Contender's Match for the X-Division Championship
Zema Ion vs. Jesse Sorenson
Winner and Confidence: Ion 1
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin

TNA Knockouts Championship Match
Gail Kim (c) vs. Tara
Winner and Confidence: Gail Kim 2
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin

TNA World Heavyweight Championship Fatal Four Way Match
Bobby Roode (c) vs. Jeff Hardy vs. James Storm vs. Bully Ray
Winner and Confidence: Roode 6

Who does your winner defeat (5 points): Ray
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin

Bonus Questions

Which match of the ones listed will go on first? (10 Points)
Answer: Zema Ion vs Jesse Sorensen

Which match of the ones listed will go on last? (10 Points)
Answer: Roode/Hardy/Storm/Ray
WZPC Tag Team Championship Match
Bearded FunK (c) vs. The CAorre

Theo Westside said:
Singles Match
Gunner vs. Garett Bischoff
Winner and Confidence: Garett Bischoff (7)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Singles Match
AJ Styles vs. Kazarian
Winner and Confidence: Kazarian (6)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

X-Division Championship Match
Austin Aries (c) vs. Alex Shelley
Winner and Confidence: Alex Shelley (1)
Method of Finish (5 points): Countout

TNA Tag Team Championship Match
Matt Morgan and Crimson (c) vs. Magnus and Samoa Joe
Winner and Confidence: Matt Morgan and Crimson (2)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

#1 Contender's Match for the X-Division Championship
Zema Ion vs. Jesse Sorenson
Winner and Confidence: Zema Ion (5)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

TNA Knockouts Championship Match
Gail Kim (c) vs. Tara
Winner and Confidence: Gail Kim (3)
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

TNA World Heavyweight Championship Fatal Four Way Match
Bobby Roode (c) vs. Jeff Hardy vs. James Storm vs. Bully Ray
Winner and Confidence: Robert Roode (4)
Who does your winner defeat (5 points): Bully Ray
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Bonus Questions

Which match of the ones listed will go on first? (10 Points)
Answer: #1 Contender's Match for the X-Division Championship

Which match of the ones listed will go on last? (10 Points)
Answer: World Heavyweight Championship Match

Originally posted by FunKay
Singles Match
Gunner vs. Garett Bischoff
Winner and Confidence: Gunner: 2
Method of Finish: Pinfall

Singles Match
AJ Styles vs. Kazarian
Winner and Confidence: Kazarian: 3
Method of Finish: Pinfall

X-Division Championship Match
Austin Aries (c) vs. Alex Shelley
Winner and Confidence: Aries: 5
Method of Finish: Pinfall

TNA Tag Team Championship Match
Matt Morgan and Crimson (c) vs. Magnus and Samoa Joe
Winner and Confidence: Magnus & Joe: 1
Method of Finish: Submission

#1 Contender's Match for the X-Division Championship
Zema Ion vs. Jesse Sorenson
Winner and Confidence: Sorenson: 4
Method of Finish: Pinfall

TNA Knockouts Championship Match
Gail Kim (c) vs. Tara
Winner and Confidence: Kim: 7
Method of Finish: Pinfall

TNA World Heavyweight Championship Fatal Four Way Match
Bobby Roode (c) vs. Jeff Hardy vs. James Storm vs. Bully Ray
Winner and Confidence: Roode: 6
Who does your winner defeat: Bully Ray
Method of Finish: Pinfall

Which match of the ones listed will go on first?:
Answer: X-Division #1 Contenders

Which match of the ones listed will go on last?:
Answer: World Heavyweight Championship

Notorious718 said:
Singles Match
Gunner vs. Garett Bischoff
Winner and Confidence: Garett Bischoff 7
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Singles Match
AJ Styles vs. Kazarian
Winner and Confidence: AJ Styles 2
Method of Finish (5 points): DQ

X-Division Championship Match
Austin Aries (c) vs. Alex Shelley
Winner and Confidence: Austin Aries 4
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

TNA Tag Team Championship Match
Matt Morgan and Crimson (c) vs. Magnus and Samoa Joe
Winner and Confidence: Morgan and Crimson 1
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

#1 Contender's Match for the X-Division Championship
Zema Ion vs. Jesse Sorenson
Winner and Confidence: Zema Ion 3
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

TNA Knockouts Championship Match
Gail Kim (c) vs. Tara
Winner and Confidence: Gail Kim 6
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

TNA World Heavyweight Championship Fatal Four Way Match
Bobby Roode (c) vs. Jeff Hardy vs. James Storm vs. Bully Ray
Winner and Confidence: Bobby Roode 5
Who does your winner defeat (5 points): Bully Ray
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Bonus Questions

Which match of the ones listed will go on first? (10 Points)
Answer: X-Division Number 1 contender match

Which match of the ones listed will go on last? (10 Points)
Answer: Fatal 4 Way for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship

Originally posted by JWGunslinger
Singles Match
Gunner vs. Garett Bischoff
Winner and Confidence: Garett Bischoff 7
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Singles Match
AJ Styles vs. Kazarian
Winner and Confidence: AJ Styles 2
Method of Finish (5 points): DQ

X-Division Championship Match
Austin Aries (c) vs. Alex Shelley
Winner and Confidence: Austin Aries 4
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

TNA Tag Team Championship Match
Matt Morgan and Crimson (c) vs. Magnus and Samoa Joe
Winner and Confidence: Morgan and Crimson 1
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

#1 Contender's Match for the X-Division Championship
Zema Ion vs. Jesse Sorenson
Winner and Confidence: Zema Ion 3
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

TNA Knockouts Championship Match
Gail Kim (c) vs. Tara
Winner and Confidence: Gail Kim 6
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

TNA World Heavyweight Championship Fatal Four Way Match
Bobby Roode (c) vs. Jeff Hardy vs. James Storm vs. Bully Ray
Winner and Confidence: Bobby Roode 5
Who does your winner defeat (5 points): Bully Ray
Method of Finish (5 points): Pinfall

Bonus Questions

Which match of the ones listed will go on first? (10 Points)
Answer: X-Division Number 1 contender match

Which match of the ones listed will go on last? (10 Points)
Answer: Fatal 4 Way for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship

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