TNA 2011


Burning Hammaaaaah!!!

It is the year 2011, and the professional wrestling company Total Non-Stop Action Wrestling has taken their game to a whole new level. At the end of 2009 there were rumours that Dixie Carter was to become partners with Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff, but this all fell through. Due to high praise the company was getting from it’s final two pay per views of the year, the TNA Founder Jeff Jarrett and it’s Commissioner Jim Cornette decided to put the total no-stop action back into TNA Wrestling. The Icon Sting had passed the torch to the TNA World Champion AJ Styles at their biggest event Bound For Glory and defended the belt against the maniacal Fallen Angel Christopher Daniels and the juggernaut Samoa Joe to lead into 2010.

Styles defended the belt with honour as he defeated The Olympic Gold medallist Kurt Angle, the newly signed Charismatic Enigma Jeff Hardy and the Monster Abyss who had been transformed once again into a psychotic beast that only could be controlled by James Mitchell. The Phenomenal One was defeated by Christopher Daniels in a war but was able to reclaim the title at Slammiversary's King of the Mountain. Styles continued to defend the title until he finally lost the belt to the crafty Desmond Wolfe who is now the reigning TNA Heavyweight Champion of the World….

TNA Roster

Abyss | AJ Styles | Alex Shelley | Amazing Red | Antonio Banks | Bryan Danielson | Christopher Daniels | Chris Harris | Chris Sabin | D’Angelo Dinero | Desmond Wolfe | Doug Williams | Eddy Guerrero| Giant Bernard | Hernandez | Homicide | James Storm | Jeff Hardy | Jeff Jarrett | Jeremy Buck | Judas Mesias | Ken Shamrock | Kenny Omega | Kid Kash | Kurt Angle | Magnus | Malice | Masato Yoshino | Magnus | Matt Morgan | Max Buck | Mike Awesome | Naruki Doi | Nick Nameth | Petey Williams | Robert Roode | Samoa Joe | Senshi | Shane Helms | Sheik Abdul Bashir | Shelton Benjamin | Sting | Tomko | Tyler Reks |


TNA World Heavyweight Champion


Desmond Wolfe

TNA World Tag Team Champions


Motor City Machine Guns (Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin)


TNA X Division Champion


Sheik Abdul Bashir


The year 2010 saw many big name signings, huge surprises and even more great matches, setting up 2011 to be the best year yet in TNA Wrestling history….

TNA Impact
Jan 6 2011
Hammerstein Ballroom
New York City
Announcers: Mike Tenay and Don West

The famous Hammerstein Ballroom is sold out as the ravenous New York fans cannot wait for the very first Impact of 2011 to begin. As the pyro ignites the huge triple curtain staging area, the howl of a wolf kick starts Impact!!! The middle TNA-Tron screen lifts up as purple mist pours out as the arena goes dark and a spotlight shines down on the gorgeous and elegant Chlesea as she leads out her man, the TNA World Heavyweight Champion Desmond Wolfe!


The crowd is electric as they boo their Champion as he slowly turns to look at the huge crowd on hand. A smirk falls over his face before he shrugs and struts down the ramp and meets Chelsea half way as she puts her arm in his. Wearing sunglasses and his suit, the Champ gets into the ring and of course lifts his fingers flipping the fans off as his girlfriend steps into him. Then as she has done week in and week out she quickly unbuttons his jacket and removes it for him, revealing the greatest prize in the sport, the TNA World Heavyweight Championship belt. She giggles as she hands the Champion a microphone, while he busily laughs to himself as he looks down at the gold strapped around his waist.

“Sniff Ladies and gentlemen I think it is appropriate that I am the man to open up a whole new year, a whole new decade here for T.N.A. I am the numero uno man in da world and you New York wankers have the privilege of casting your beady eyes on greatness. I’ve got da skills, I’ve got da looks, I’ve got da girl, and I’ve got da gold! And it makes me smile just thinkin’ about how much you American’s must hate it how a Brit is Champion of da World… ha ha”

The crowd is livid with Wolfe’s comments s they boo him and an “a$$hole” chant erupts. He and Chelsea laugh as it is so loud he can’t continue. Still wearing his sunglasses he pulls on his collar and brushes off imaginary lint on his shirt before he continues.

“Nah.. that’s not it is it people. It’s not that I’m the Champ, nah, it’s the fact that none of your American heroes can’t do a damn thing about it..ha ha, yeah ya know I’m right. I took Kurt Mangled’s head off… I made OJ Stylish tap out and well the Poop never stood a chance! This is 2011 and this is the year of da Wolf so step up anyone from the back because I’ll end da lot of ya. It’s that eaaassy! Ha ha…”

Wolfe is truly proud of himself and Chelsea applauds him as the fans continue to boo him. She moves to put his suit jacket back on when music blasts out of the speakers and the fans go berserk!!! Wolfe can’t believe it and rips off his sunglasses to see the man who has interrupted his big moment for 2011…


Eddy Guerrero steps out of the entrance as the fans chant his name in unison! With his cheeky smile he lumbers down the ramp slapping the hands of the fans who cannot get enough of Latino Heat! Wolfe looks down at Eddy, furious while he shrugs his shoulders and rolls into the ring and hops to his feet and steps on the turnbuckles of the six sided ring as the roof almost bursts off the building. Chelsea tries to calm her man down as Eddy laps up the massive reception. Guerrero finally pulls a microphone out of his back jeans pocket and stands face to face with the Champion.

“Odelay homes, why the sour face!”

The crowd love Eddy and he after defeating Kurt Angle, Jeff Hardy and AJ Styles in the fatal four way match at Final Resolution 2010, he is now the new #1 contender, and Wolfe knows it…

“Say homes we are in New York City! You should be happy vato, this where it all happens ese. This is the start of a new year and TNA is the new home of Latino Heat!”

He falls into one of the corners lazing back and getting comfortable while he looks at the Championship belt. He also gets a sneaky up and down look at Chelsea and gives her a wink. The fans eat it up and Chelsea looks disgusted while Wolfe is trying very hard not to go ballistic.

“I think your girl feels the Latino Heat homes”

The crowd burst out laughing and the Eddy chants start up again as Guerrero leaps up onto the top turnbuckle as if it were a hammock. He hops down and walks out of the corner seemingly getting a bit serious now.

“Desmond ese, you’re a tough guy. You’re the TNA Champion, but I didn’t come here to play games homes. I came to TNA to take on the best. And if that’s what you’re calling yourself homes, then I guess I came here to wrestle you homes. Last month at Final Resolution I beat three of the very best wrestlers of all time to be standing here right now. So I’m gonna give you some free advice. You better be ready for anything because I’ll cheat to win homes…oh yeah … the referee, the time keeper and especially you wont see it comin’ until it’s too late ese, until all the ring announcer can do is say .. and your new TNA World Champion Eddie Guerrero!"

The fans cheer to the sound of that while Wolfe has scrunched up his face at the very thought of it. Wolfe unstraps the belt quickly and holds it up in Eddy’s face trash talking him, but all Eddy can do is check his hair in the reflection of the gold! The fans are eating up Eddy’s antics and Wolfe has had enough. He realises Eddy is making fun of him and he throws the belt down and then swings with one of his vicious lariats.

Eddy ducks the shot and before Wolfe can turn around Eddy has put a huge kiss on Chelsea’s face!!!! Wolfe’s eyes almost pop out of his head as Eddy rolls out of the ring as the Champion swings again but only gets ropes as Eddy’s music hits and the #1 contender walks off with a big smile on his face while Wolfe goes wild in the ring. Chelsea spits and looks as if she is going to cry and Eddy backs up the ramp and gives his little shoulder wobble dance and makes the sign of the title as Impact goes to commercial….


Mike Tenay and Don West of the commentary team welcome everyone to the first Impact of the new year! They talk about the rivalry between Wolfe and eddy and how that has heated up and they also announce tonight’s big time main event. The Icon Sting is here! And he is teaming with the Whole Damn Show Rob Van Dam as they will be taking on the Morningstar Jeff Hardy and the Gladiator Mike Awesome! They send it down to the ring announcer for the first match of the show…

Match #1
Non-Title Match
World Tag Team Champions The Motor City Machine Guns (Shelley/Sabin) vs. Speed Muscle (Doi/Yoshino) vs. Generation Me (M.Buck/ J.Buck)

The Champions are the last team to enter the ring but before they do it looks like they’ve got something to say to their opposition. Alex Shelley grabs a microphone from the bottom of the ramp and looks into the ring.

“Happy New Year New York City!!! Look what we’ve got here Sabin, if it isn’t the guys who speedily play with their muscle and the Olsen twins. There is nothing like starting the year off with the Motor City Machine Guns kicking some ass!”

The Champions dive slide under the bottom rope as all three teams explode in the middle of the ring as the referee tries to gain control. Suddenly all six men go to the air and it’s a high flying spectacle! The three fastest most furious tag teams in the world go ballistic in front of the fans and they cheer every move!!!

Jeremy is tossed out to the floor while Max whipped Doi into the corner but he cut off the assault with a back elbow shot. Sabin attacked with a shoulder block to Max off the ropes but he couldn’t make the tag as Doi came out of the corner and turned him inside out! Yoshino tagged in and dropped Sabin on his head. This pissed off the tag champ, and he got to his feet in a fit of rage blocking out the pain but was super kicked by Yoshino!

Yoshino ran the ropes and hit a flash bulldog and then went for the pin, but only gets 2 when Jeremy hits a flying elbow drop from the top turnbuckle! Yoshino is then snapped in a suplex. The cocky Gen me member doesn't go for the cover, instead screams at Sabin to get to his feet, wanting to punish him. He swings with a lariat but Sabin ducks and coming off the ropes nails a flying cross body. 1…2… Max makes the save, and Shelley has had enough and smashes him with a super kick of his own. Then hits Slice Bread and puts Sabin on top of him…1…2…Yoshino baseball slides right into Sabin’s face making him tag out to Shelley who runs in and delivers titl-a-whirl back breaker and then climbs up the turnbuckles and comes off with a huge head scissors!

Doi comes in and kicks Shelley across the top of the head forcing him into the corner. Doi and Yoshino take turns with several devastating splashes. Yoshino looks to finish the tag champ with a cannonball, but Sabin pulls him out of the way and Yoshino’s back cracks inot the pads! Jeremy looks to take advantage and hits a senton but Shelley gets his knees up. Sabin grabs him and crushes him with the Cradle Shock!!! Shelley makes the cover while Sabin fights off anyone who tries to break up the pin.

Winners: The World Tag Team Champions the Motor City Machine Guns

Their music plays and the fans go crazy as they get their hands raised and their titles handed to them. Grabbing the back of their necks they hold the belts high in victory. Shelley drops to a knee while Sabin slaps him on the back. But the music stops suddenly just as the Champs faces slam to the mat!

Homicide and Hernandez have struck as Salinas and Konnan direct traffic from the outside. L.A.X. has struck and Cide throws the tag belts out to their manager and valet and they drape them over their shoulders as Hernandez hits the Border Toss to Sabin while Cide delivers the Gringo Killah to Shelley!!!

The champs have been laid out as L.A.X.’s music hits and Konnan and Salinas walk off with the belts. Security run out but it’s too late, Konnan and Salinas hand Hernandez and Homicide the belts as they pose with them and return to the back having stolen the Champion’s property. Impact goes to commercial…


During the break… The Champions were checked on by officials and security and they were helped to the back.

Backstage with Interviewer Jeremy Borash is the Olympic Gold Medallist Kurt Angle. He is dressed ready for battle with his custom red, white and blue hoody as he awaits JB’s question.

“Thanks Mike and Don I am standing by with a man who needs no introduction, the former multi-time World Heavyweight Champion Kurt Angle! Kurt happy new year and thanks for joining me. I know you have a scheduled match next but what does 2011 hold for Kurt Angle?”

Kurt is moving on the spot keeping himself warm for his bout, he pauses slightly before looking into the camera.

“This is a new year, and with it brings new goals. I’m not here to make up the number’s, I’m Kurt Friggin’ Angle and I’m going once again become World Champion. Guerrero was lucky at Final Resolution and I wish him all the best against a man I cannot stand, Desmond Wolfe. But I hope Eddy lose, just so it’s me who snaps Wolfe’s ankle and takes his title."

“As for tonight, Jim Cornette knows if he wants to start the year off with a bang he needs Kurt Angle in the ring. And he’s got me facing off against the Warrior Senshi…. Senshi you’re a great fighter and you had a great 2010 but I’m going to make you tap out. Oh it’s real it’s damn real.”

Match #2
Kurt Angle vs. The Warrior Senshi

Kurt controls the arm early but Senshi locked on a hammerlock. The Olympic Gold medallist escapes and the two men go back and forth with some good mat wrestling. Senshi drilled him with a shoulder block and locks Kurt in a body scissors. Both men jockey for position but Angle is considerably stronger than Senshi and transitions into an Ankle Lock. Senshi though kicks away from it and commando rolls to the corner.

Angle again looks to attack the leg and yanks it, then took him out with a back heel trip and cinched in the Ankle Lock. Senshi escaped and locked in a headlock, punching Angle in the head and dropping vicious elbow strikes to the top of his skull! He screams as he does and then releases the hold Angle is dazed and walks straight into a double bicycle kick which sends him flying to the other side of the ring.. Senshi then nailed a knee drop and rubs his boot into Angle’s face.

Senshi continued the assault with a chop to the face, then nailed an Uranage into a backbreaker. Angle cannot believe he is being dominated and rolls out of the ring but Senshi follows and whips him into the railing. Senshi unleashes ferocious kicks to the ribs and sternum and then tosses him onto the apron. Senshi then steps on his opponents back, crushing him underneath and then drops another huge leaping knee strike to the back of Angle’s skull in a devastating move!!!

Angle grabs the back of his neck in pain and the commentators are convinced Senshi is out to end Angle’s career here!
Senshi stalks Kurt and applies a camel clutch, continuing to focus on the back and neck. Senshi then releases the hold but leaps in the air with a double foot stomp!!!

1..2… Kurt kicks out barely before the three. Senshi looks into the camera and mouth’s “looks like he wants more…” He whips Kurt into the corner sternum first and Angle topples to the mat. Top rope Double Stomp Warriors Way!!!!

Angle rolls out of the way just in time! Senshi turns but Angle shoots himself out of a cannon and hits a desperation lariat turning Senshi inside out! Both men are down as the referee makes the count.

Both men get up but Senshi uses a series of kicks, then uses the ropes for leverage as he slingshots himself off the ropes into a flying roundhouse kick!! It connects with Angle’s temple and he hits the mat and rolls to the floor. Senshi roars before going out after him and hits some serious Mongolian double chops to Kurt’s taps. Kurt’s face says it all, frustration, pain and uncertainty. He seems to not have any answers for the Warrior. The referee calls for the wrestlers to get back into the ring, and Kurt uses the microsecond distraction to desperately run at Senshi and drive his spine into the corner of the ring apron. Exhausted and hurt Kurt looks over and sees Senshi getting to his feet so he unloads with some big time Euro uppercuts, and then a belly to belly suplex on the floor!

Kurt rolls Senshi in but when he pops his heads through the ropes he is punted in the face!!! Senshi hits the ropes quickly and hist a lightning quick neck breaker and the surgically repaired neck of Angle snaps off the ring ropes and Kurt drops to the floor.

The former multi-time World Champion grabs his neck in pain as the referee starts the ten count. Senshi roars in the ring and calls for him to get back in but the ref keeps him at bay and then continues the count. Senshi wants to go out after him but the ref holds him back again but Senshi struggles to get past him. The ref lays down the law and walks him back to a corner. While all of this is going on the Fallen Angel Christopher Daniels sneaks out of the crowd and drops Kurt with the Angels Wings! He slithers away as the ref turns back and completes the ten count!

Winner: Senshi via count out

The Warrior roars as he looks down at his latest victim. The commentators are appalled at Daniels’ actions but it is a huge win for Senshi as he continues to move back up the rankings towards title matches. The ref checks on Kurt but his forehead or nose seems to be busted open as he tries to get to his feet, Impact goes to commercial…


A replay of Daniels’ actions occur before Christy Hemme catches up with the Fallen Angel as he is seen walking in the backstage area. She asks him why he just interfered in Kurt Angle’s match costing him the win. He stops and turns and looks straight at her with a disgusted look on his face.

“You want to know why I did, what I did? Well it really is quite simple. For too long Kurt Angle has been running around here winning title after title, and dodging the great wrestlers here in TNA. No one can ever say AJ Styles isn’t Phenomenal because night after night he proved it by taking me on. But Kurt, no he spent his career fighting has beens and old men.

“I am sick and tired of him and his big mouth and tonight I shut it. I am God’s gift to professional wrestling. He may have won some medal in the Olympics, but I am the very best pro in this business, and if there is no way he could beat me little own Senshi.

“So Kurt, maybe I’ve got your attention now. Maybe when you regain consciousness you’ll review the tapes and see what exactly happened to you. And when you do, I’ll be waiting. And that’s not just a promise, that’s the gospel according to the Fallen Angel.”

Daniels walks off as Christy amazed by what she has just heard sends it back to ringside.

The crowd goes crazy as a waterfall of fire pours down from the rafters as the very familiar music of TNA’s favourite son blasts out of the speakers. Out of the wall of sparks emerges the Phenomenal One, the multi-time Grand Slam Champion, AJ Styles!

Match #3
The Phenomenal One AJ Styles vs. The Pope D’Angelo Dinero

The Pope’s music is next and the fans give him a great reception! He struts down to ringside and stops as the dollar bills with his face on them rain down on him as he eats up the ovation and quickly hops into the ring. Pope slowly removes his bling and his jacket so the ref can check him before the bell. Styles walks up to him and offers his hand in sportsmanship before they start. The Pope unleashes his bright white smile and steps away from Styles’ hand. The fans “oooh” at Pope not being as friendly as Styles smiles to himself cracks his neck side to side and dances back as the bell rings and the two men lock up.

It’s a game of one ups-manship as Styles would deliver an arm drag, and Pope would hit a drop toe hold. Each man gets a take down but can’t get a follow shot. The crowd appreciate the game of human chess being played out before them. Styles though starts to get the better of Pope and the Cadillac of pro-wrestling becomes frustrated and smashes him with the Pimp Slap! The competitive nature of the match steps into overdrive as the Phenomenal One lays down some stiff shots and drops the Pope down with his patented dropkick. The Pope grabs his jaw and acknowledges who he is in the ring with and changes up his attack.

Pope muscles AJ into the corner and pulls out some heavy hits from his boxing background to try and knockout the high flyer. Pope’s hands are quick and he snapmares Styles over and looks for the DDE finisher but Styles moves and covers Pope to get only a one count. Dinero fires back with clotheslines of his own and he starts to get into a groove. AJ counters this with his moonsault reverse DDT move and then goes to the apron for the 450 slingshot splash that won him his match against Sting. But Pope puts the knees up and hits a DDT of his own. 1..2… Styles kicks out as Pope pulls down the kneepads and sets for another DDE.

Styles gets to his feet and as Pope drives in the knees, the Phenomenal One counters with a flying forearm smash! Pope is dazed and gets to his feet walking into a kick to the stomach and the Styles Clash!!!

Winner: AJ Styles

Styles is announced the winner and has his hand raised in victory by the referee. AJ celebrates by climbing the turnbuckles and posing for the fans. But it is cut short by flames exploding on the ramp way and eerie music of the Monster Abyss plays as out walks the masked weapon of mass destruction. With a huge steel chain wrapped around his neck he stomps down the ramp with James Mitchell laughing behind him walking cane in hand. Styles, although exhausted from his match with Pope is ready to fight.

Abyss gets into the ring as AJ stands his ground, but it’s the Pope the monster wants. He picks up Dinero by the ears and lifts him to his feet.
Pope roars in pain as Abyss grabs him and throws him into the ring ropes and looks for the Black Hole Slam but AJ stops it in mid motion with a dropkick to Abyss’ shoulder. Pope is saved and he rolls out of the ring as Mitchell is livid with AJ sticking his nose in their business. Abyss walks up to AJ, but the Phenomenal One is fearless and stands his ground again. The ballroom is electric as Styles stares down the huge masked monster. Abyss backs away not wanting anything to do with the face of TNA. He looks down at Pope and then back into the steel blue eyes of Styles. Abyss spits out a foul odorous fluid from underneath his mask and steps out of the ring. Mitchell asks the monster what is wrong with him. But the Monster decides to walk back up the ramp.

The crowd cheer for AJ but the speakers blast again but this time it’s Samoa Joe’s theme music! Abyss’ eyes widen and out sprints the Samoan Submission Machine! Abyss can do nothing but bare the brunt of a Joe lariat knocking him down as the back of his skull hits the unforgiving steel ramp. Mitchell begs off as the crowd cheers for Joe as he slaps his chest and then lays in some brutal stiff kicks to his enemy’s head and body. Joe gets the 350 pounder to his feet and unloads shot after shot forcing him up the ramp onto the stage. Abyss swings wildly to protect himself but Joe keeps laying in strike after strike. Mitchell hits Joe in the back with his walking cane, but does as much damage as a mosquito bite. Joe turns around and stalks his enemy’s handler while he begs him to not hurt him. But the distraction has worked and Abyss delivers a big boot to the back of Joe’s head!

Abyss picks up Joe by his t-shirt and points to throw him off the end of the stage. The crowd boo the monster as Mitchell directs traffic. AJ Styles walks up the ramp and Abyss is distracted and Joe reverses the hammerlock into one of his own and throws the monster of the edge crashing down into staging equipment, tables and electrical plugs! The fans go crazy as Joe raises his hands in victory standing on the edge looking down at the monster.

A livid Mitchell grabs his cane again and looks to smash Joe’s head with it. But AJ grabs it at the last moment and snatches it away from his hands. Joe slowly turns and Mitchell drops to his knees again begging for his life. The fans chant “Joe’s gonna kill you” as the Submission machine grabs him by the scruff of the neck and pulls him violently to his feet. He looks to knockout Mitchell as the fans cheer in approval. The Pope has rejoined the other men, and looks at Styles and Joe. Pope who was the target of this attack looks Mitchell in the eye and punts him full force in the crotch! The crowd groans with Mitchell, AJ snaps Mitchell’s cane over his knee and Joe lifts the handler into the air…. MUSCLE BUSTAH!!!! The fans go berserk as Joe is pumped up and Pope this time shakes both men’s hands as Impact goes to commercial….


Replays of what happened after the Styles / Dinero match are shown from all different angles as Abyss goes flying off the edge crashing into all sorts of equipment. And then the kick to the groin and the Muscle Buster on the steel ramp. EMTs are working help both men as the commentators send it to the back as Jeremy Borash is standing by with Jeff Hardy and Mike Awesome.
Hardy with half his face painted to look like a Joker-esk type skull, stares into the camera and talks about the up-coming main event.

“Tonight marks the beginning of the end and the end of the beginning, as the Morningstar, the anti-christ of professional wrestling, Jeff Hardy burns 2011 into the face of RVD and carves his name into the flesh of the Icon. A new year means a new era, and the Charismatic Enigma tonight will bid farewell to any of the pretenders to his dark throne here in TNA. You wanted a crusade Stinger, you wanted a revolution RVD, well tonight I’ve got them both right here….”

The camera pans to the gigantic Mike Awesome who can’t help but smirk at his tag team partner’s words. He runs his tongue across his teeth and seems to scoff at his opponents.

“RVD, Sting, you guys have really no idea who you are dealing with. I’m a B2 bomber and I’m gonna rain bombs down on you all night long. I’m gonna enjoy messing you two bastards up. See you in the ring heroes…

The camera shifts back to another section of the backstage area as the World Tag Team Champions are able to make a statement from earlier this evening. Sabin is asked by Borash what his thoughts are about L.A.X. stealing their belts.

“What do we think!! What do we think!! I’ll tell you what we think Borash it’s quite simple.. I heard those snakes, L.A.X. have already left the building so Konnan, you better bring our belts to Impact next week, because they…belong.. to You wanna be champs, then there is only one way to do it. And that;s get through us. See you next week boys when we get ourselves a little payback Machine Gun style!”

Sabin pushes JB away and goes back to check on his partner as the interviewer sends it back to ringside.

Match #4
Kid Kash w/ Jeff Jarrett vs. Bryan Danielson

The former tag team champions come to the ring first and await the “best wrestler in the world”, the American Dragon, Bryan Danielson. Jarrett and Kash talk strategy as Danielson plays to the crowd. The arrogant Kash smiles at Danielson before high fiving his tag partner who sets down at ringside with his trademark guitar by his side.

The bell rings and both men circle. The crowd is strongly behind Dragon and Kash doesn’t take too kindly to it. Jarrett tells the fans to shut their mouths, but they get on him quickly. Kash and Jarrett have been a dominant tag team for a long time now but also want singles gold too. Kash out of nowehere goes for a big clothesline but misses. Danielson comes back with a drop kick knocking Kash inot the corner.

Kash goes after Danielson's leg, kicking at the hamstring. Danielson and Kash exchanged side headlock takeovers, before Danielson gets the better of the exchange and cinches in a head scissors. Kash escapes and they continued trying to best the other before facing off.

Ksh motions for a test of strength but kicks Bryan in the gut instead. He then looks for a suplex but it is blocked and countered with several European uppercuts while Kash responded with chops. Kash catches Dragon with a brutal dropkick to the knee. But Danielson sends Kash into the corner and begins working on his shoulder and elbow. Danielson continued to torque the left arm, then manoeuvred Kash to the mat and hooked the right arm as well. Danielson maintained his assault on the elbow, gaining several near falls and submission attempts. But he starts to favour his knee. The earlier dropkick seems to have done some damage.

Danielson nails a double underhook suplex into a cross armbreaker. Kash teased submitting but eventually made his feet to the ropes. Kash turns the tide with a dropkick to Danielson's chest and a somersault senton splash. Kash whips Danielson into the ropes and nails him with a Stun Gun, followed by a belly to back suplex for a two count. Danielson mounts a comeback with several strikes, then hits a missile dropkick. Danielson begins grabbing his knee and after connecting with a running kick to the chest drops down in pain. Jarrett alerts Kash to injury and tells him to get on it.

Both men get to their feet and exchange punches and forearms in the centre of the ring. Kash catches him with an elbow while coming off the ropes for a two count. Kash went for a TKO but Danielson blocked it and cinched in a heel hook. Kash made his way towards the ropes and eventually gets the ref to break the hold. “I have till 5 referee!!!!” Danielson though slowly gets to his feet with his knee now in obvious pain. Kash like a shark smelling blood nails a Dragon Screw legwhip and then hooked on a figure four leglock!!!!
Danielson pumps his arms rallying the crowd as he fights to turn the leglock around. Danielson can’t turn it but makes it to the ropes. Kash keeps going for a leglock but Danielson keeps kicking him off. They go into a great series of near falls, which the New York crowd loves. Danielson hits a running knee strike on Kash. Danielson is the first to his feet. He attempts several full nelson suplexes and a crucifix before locking in a cattle mutilation submission.

Kash refuses to tap and Danielson manoeuvres him into position to begin raining down elbows onto Kash. He begs for mercy and the camera catches a smile on Bryan’s face as he drills Dragon Elbow Strikes into the temple of Kid Kash. Jarrett looks to get involved but knows he can’t and the referee calls for the bell.

Winner: Bryan Danielson

Jarrett jumps into the ring to check on his comrade as Danielson’s music plays and the referee raises his hands. Jarrett though gets up and by grabbing Danielson’s arm he spins him around. The two have a stare down , as Jarrett backs away and goes back to checking on Kash. Danielson asks So Cal Val for a microphone.

“What’s wrong Jarrett? Did you realise you left your guitar on the floor and knew you couldn’t do a damn thing to me?! Huh?! Touch me again, and you’ll end up like your buddy there. I’m here in TNA for Championships Mr. Founder, and 2011 is the year of the Dragon!”

Danielson drops the mic and walks off up the ramp, but Jarrett decides to pick it up.

“You sonovabitch. Who do you think you’re talkin’ to?! I’m the goddamn boss around here. Jim Cornette may thinks he calls the shots around here but that’s a bunch of BS, I’m the goddamn founder boy and I’ll kick your ass!”

He throws down the microphone in disgust as he trash talks Danielson some more but he is interrupted by the music of the TNA Commissioner Jim Cornertte! He has a microphone in hand and scoffs at the last statement that just came out of Jarrett’s mouth.

“Jeff, did I just hear you correctly? It sounded like you called my role in this company into question. Well guess what, how does this sound? Next week live on Impact, it’s gonna to be you going one on one with the American Dragon Bryan Danielson!”

The crowd goes crazy as Danielson smiles again as he seems very much looking forward to next week as Impact goes to it’s final commercial.


Main Event
Sting and Rob Van Dam vs. Mike Awesome and Jeff Hardy

The huge entrances of all four men start with Jeff Hardy and Mike Awesme. The fans hatred for these two men is off the charts as they jeer them and say they “suck”. The two men brush it as they set themselves ready for the big main event match for the first Impact of the year. RVD’s is next and the fans go batshit crazy for him as he explodes out of the pyro with his normal sarcastic and cocky grin on his face. He plays to the corwd giving himself the thumbs as they chant his name along with him. He makes it to the bottom of the ramp, but last year felt the power of The Gladiator Mike Awesome, and knows it would be foolish to go into the ring without the Icon.
Sting’s music hits and the roof almost blows off the building.

Dressed in his trench coat he crows to the fans and they give it back to him with a thunderous response. RVD looks for the high five and Sting gives it to him, and as quickly as he removes his coat the two men launch themselves under the bottom rope and the referee rinsg the bell. Sting goes after Hardy with big right hands while RVD ducks a swinging arm comes off the ropes and hits a flying thrust kick. Hardy and Awesome fall out on to the floor as the fans are pumped now and go crazy for their heroes.

The referee finally gets control of the match and RVD convinces Sting that he will start the match. Awesome wipes his fet on the apron and the hulking monster enters in and looks to take out his opponent straight away.
RVD catches Awesome with a punch to the body and then to the face. Awesome swings but he is just not as fast as the lightning quick Van Dam. Sting blind tags Rob, and with Awesome’s back to the corner Sting comes in and the fans go crazy. Rob smiles as Awesome turns into the fury of the Stinger!!! Lefts, rights kicks to the stomach! Bulldog!!! RVD tags in and hits a rolling thunder..1…2… Awesome kicks out with authority…

Awesome gets to his feet but is put right back down by a dropkick from both Sting and RVD! The two men clear the ring as Sting crows to the fans again and the RVD does the thumbs… the fans are eating up this main event!
Awesome though regroups steps into the ring and with a tree trunk like blow knocks down RVD to the mat. He throws him into the ropes and delivers a big boot. Leaping leg drop 1..2.. kickout from Rob, as he tries to shake off the damage. Awesome tags in hardy, who immediately starts going wild with kicks and punches. He sends Rob inot the corner and Awesome acts as a launch pad and Hardy delivers the Poetry in Motion.

Rob slumps to the mat and Awesome is tagged in. He sit out powerbombs Rob down and covers him, but Sting makes the save! Awesome hits a gutbuster and then combos it with a gut wrench suplex. Hardy is tagged in and he looks for the Swanton but RVD gets his knees up which lights up the quiet crowd! RVD reaches out for the tag desperately but can’t make it when Awesome pulls him back to his cormer by the foot, and Hardy tags him in. The big man goes to work with stomps and then a belly to belly overhead release suplex! RVD ends up all the way on the otherside of the ring landing on the back of his head! 1…2…. Rob kicks out barely as Awesome stomps him in the face, and looks for another powerbomb.

Hurrancanrana!!! Awesome hits his head on the way down as Rob quickly leaps off the middle rope and hits a tornado DDT! The fans chant his name as he tags in Sting and the Icon enters the match… STINGER SPLASH!!! Awesome is squashed in the croner and slumps to the mat. Sting drags him to the middle and looks for the Scorpion Deathlock, but hardy launches himself with a huge forearm shot straight to Sting’s face. Hardy punts Sting with a nasty kick to the face! Twist of Fate!!! Awesome rolls over for the pin cover…

1…2…RVD breaks it up at the last moment! Hardy attacks Rob and the two men spill out to the floor.

Sting and Awesome the legal men eventually get to their feet but Awesome overpowers the legend with a big time lariat. He then launches himself off the top rope and lays out Rob on the floor with a huge cross body!! The fans are amazed by the big man’s athleticism as he roars. Hardy looks under the ring and pulls out a ladder! Awesome follows suit and pulls out a ladder. Awesome and Hardy set up the table, and Awesome points at RVD to and then to the table. The fans don’t like the look of this as RVD desperately tries to fight out of the clutches of the Gladiator.

Sting though will not be stopped and he climbs the turnbuckles and then sails over the ropes and bashes down on Hardy and Awesome! The refree tries to get the men back inside as Sting beats his chest wildly as the fans go crzy. Sting throws Hardy into the ring and ducks a punch from Awesome catches him in mid swing and transitions into the Scorpion Death Drop through the table!!! Awesome is out!

Rob sees Hardy is stunned and spins up from his feet into him with a chairless Van Daminator! Five Star Frog Splash!!! 1..2…3..

Winners: Sting and Rob Van Dam

The fans go up as one as RVD’s music hits and the Icon and the Whole Damn Show are announced the winners in the first main event of 2011! Sting and Rob shake hands as they call out to the fans. Mike Tenay and Don West thank everyone for joining them as the heroes do a lap of honour around ringside. Awesome and Hardy hobble to the back with scowls on their faces and bruises on their bodies.

Rob leaves ringside too as he senses Sting may have something to say. The Icon is given a microphone and stands in the middle of the ring, quite exhausted. Looking out to the fans they are all ears but then chants of Sting flow over the arena once more. Sting bows to them as they bow to him but has to get something off his chest.

“Wow, 2011, who would have thought I would be here and taking to the likes of warriors like Mike Awesome and Jeff Hardy. And not just surviving but we got the win…. oooooooh!!! I’ve been thinking long and hard for sometime now and have been wondering what I’ve got left to give here in TNA and the business.”

The crowd seem to know what he is leading to and try to stop him from continuing… but from the corner of Sting’s eye a shadow moves, the fans have also turned their attention to someone who has jumped the guardrail. They have all recognised him and go crazy even if it is for a brief second. Sting turns straight into the full force of a kick to the jaw!

Sting drops to the mat, his head hits hard as the sold out crowd don’t know whether to cheer at the appearance of this man or boo him for what he has done to their Icon. The impact sounded like a gunshot fittingly as the man is dressed in cowboy boots and wearing a checked shirt. His kick as fast as a quick draw. He steps over the unconscious form of the Stinger and picks up the microphone, the whole time his glare is as cold as ice.

“Oh no you don’t Stinger. You aren’t going nowhere Icon. For years I waited for you to come to me. But it seems you were happy in your own little world. Well, I’ve come to you. I’m not scared of guys in long black coats Stinger, so I’ve come to you, and I’ll be damned that I’ll let you escape me now."

He looks down at Sting as the con slowly stirs trying to get feeling back in his body, and realise the person who hit him is talking to him now.

“You tell everyone oh its showtime, well I’m the showstopper. Everyone calls you an Icon, but I’m the only Icon I see in this ring! For years I wanted to face you, but you kept ducking me. Have I got your attention now big man? It’s your move Stinger, the Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels is waiting…”

The crowd can not believe it as Michaels drops the mic and then does his muscle flexing pose right over Sting’s prone body. The fans are in shock as the huge reaction from the crowd is either booing or cheering as Impact goes off the air…
Here's my thoughts...

- Like the idea of having Desmond Wolfe as TNA Champion, and you protray his character really well. Lookign forward to seeing what you do with him.

- I was a bit awkward with Eddy being involved to be honest. I know it's a fantasy thing i just found this a bit difficult. That's just a personal thing though, thought you kept to his character very well, should be a good feud with these two.

- With the triple threat tag match I'm not quite sure what the match rules were. It got a little confusing at times, but I think a lot of that is down to the nature of the match, I think i'd struggle writing that too. Maybe like specifically mentioning tags in a uniform manner each time it happens (if it was a match with tag-ins) Just maybe something to think about trying a bit differently if you go for it again.

-I like that you're pushing LAX as number 1 contenders, we never really got to see LAX and the guns go at it, so looking forward to the story from here on. I like that you've got Konnan back with them to, and overalll I think the attack was very well done.

- Liked the Kurt promo again, you seem to have no problems with promos at all, at least up to this point ( don't know after this i'm weriting as I go).

- LOVED the Kurt/Senshi match, the story you told was great, and I really felt Kurt's frustration. Very well written. LOoking forward to Kurt v Daniels too.

- Daniels promo was again fantastic. Really like that you're giving him a high profile feud. Maybe some TNA title gold in his future? Hope so

- LIked the Pope/Styles match again. You put a really nice amount of detail in without being too hard to read.

- Interested to see where you're giong with the Styles/Pope/Joe/Abyss thing. Not sure whether it was a good move to have Abyss overcome so quickly? Sounded in the intro like you were trying to get Abyss back to a monster, and it just seemed a little soon for him to be destroyed. Love the aggression of Joe though.

- Love the aggression of Danielson as well. I much prefer him this way that WWE-tamed as he is now. Interested to see whether Jarrett v Cornette develops into anything as well, sounds like it could be interesting, some kind of power battle is always a storyline that I enjoy.

- I saw no mention of it being a hardcore match, so it seemed a bit weird when Sting wasn't penalised for putting Awesome through a table. Maybe just something before, like the heels feelign really confident and chalelnging them to a hardcore match, or after the match broke down at the beginning, Cornette coming out and just saying "looks like a normal match isn't enough blah blah blah". Really good match though.

- LOVING the idea of a Michaels/Sting feud. Love anything with MIchaels in to be honest, but this looks like it'll be the feud i'm most interested in, and probably the most high profile one too. Definitely interested in this.

- Overall a really good starting show, you really seem to get some interesting feuds going, and I hope that they carry on as well. Good proportion of promos and matches, and you seem to have all the basics nailed. Maybe a little bit mroe about the lower card though? NO mention of the X Division title at all? Just seems a bit weird.

- Adding Commercials makes it more realistic. Even just stating that the show has gone to commercial and then coming back, makes it a lot more realistic, whether it's between entrances, or after a rest hold is put on in a match or after a promo, whenever, just makes it seem more realistic.

- One piece of advice I might give... write out the commentary, makes it easier for the reader to really feel involved, at least for me. Even if it's just a few lines between segments, I think it really helps to suck the reader in.
I liked the first show as said before you did very well in portraying Desmond Wolfe and I liked the fact you used adverts, to add to the realism.

I think the writing style is good and nice and detailed, I enjoyed the first show so am looking forward to where you go with this...

TNA Impact
Episode 2
Quicken Loans Arena
Cleveland, Ohio
Announcers: Mike Tenay and Don West

A sleek black F-250 screeches into the parking garage of the Cleveland Arena. The camera zooms in and sees the door open and jumps two brown cowboy boots. The camera pans out to see the Heart Break kid Shawn Michaels! He struts towards the arena entrance as TNA staff members jaws’ have dropped. He gets to the door when standing in the way with arms crossed is the TNA Founder Jeff Jarrett…

“Been a long time Michaels, a long time.”

Standing face to face like two wild west gunslingers, the mutual hatred is evident.

“Not long enough for me to be honest Jarrett”

“You’re not welcome here Shawn. Get back in your truck and go home. This is TNA, I don’t care who you think you are, you don’t jump onto Impact, attack TNA superstars and hijack my damn show.”

Shawn grins, as he knows he has made an ‘impact’ just like he always has throughout his storied career.

“I’m here to talk to Sting and that’s all.”

“With you it’s never that simple, that can’t be just it.” Jarrett states.

“Well I do admit that I can’t wait to see Bryan Danielson make you tap out tonight. That sounds like a lot of fun.”

Michaels sarcastically points out.

Jarrett is now speechless.

“Listen Jarrett, and listen good. You are in a position to make a mountain of money here. I don’t work for you, I don’t want a pay day from you. All I want to do is face Sting in the ring and beat him. I don’t care if I do it here in TNA or in another company or in a high school gym. I want his scalp on my belt. Now you can either profit from that or not, it’s up to you. Now get out of my way.”

Jarrett can see the dollar signs in his future and has no reply to Michaels’ words. He steps aside and allows Michaels entry to the TNA backstage area as TNA Impact’s Intro kicks off!

Pyro shoots from the stage as the fans go crazy for this week’s episode of TNA Wrestling Impact! The commentators welcome everyone once again to the second show of 2011 and they proclaim that the year has been superkicked off with a bang!

They talk about last week when the retired Shawn Michaels came from out of nowhere and interrupted what possibly could have been the Icon Sting’s retirement speech! As the fans have seen, Shawn Michaels is here tonight and wants to talk to Sting.

The frightening music of the Monster Abyss hits the speakers as red fire shoots from stage as Father James Mitchell leads out The Monster Abyss. Abyss spits venom at the camera as he plays with the heavy steel chain around his shoulders. But he is also joined by Jeff Hardy and Mike Awesome! The Monster roars and the children in the crowd turn away in fear as the four men step into the six-sided ring. Mitchell has a microphone.

“Last week my monster was hungry, and wanted the flesh of a man of God. The Pope was chosen to be sacrificed in our six sided alter. But AJ Styles and Samoa Joe interfered in our dark mass. Now all three of you shall pay the price for your transgressions. Tonight it will be the Pope, Samoa Joe and AJ Styles to be handed to me like lambs to the slaughter as you will face the 6 foot 8 inch weapon of mass destruction, the Monster Abyss. The Gladiator Mike Awesome and the Anti-Christ of Professional Wrestling Jeff Hardy. These like minded men are looking to avenge their loss from last week, and I have offered them salvation my side.

“Tonight these three men plan on ending careers of Joe, Styles and Pope to satisfy their hunger and there isn’t a damn thing that can be done to save them!”

Pope’s music hits and out walks the Cadillac of pro-wrestling D’Angelo Dinero. The fans go crazy for him as he is pimped out in his finest threads tonight.

“Father Mitchell is it? Well let’s see if Pope can get things straight around here daddy and cut out all this scary crap talk. Sacrifice? Six sided alter? Listen up Mitchell that ring you’re standing in his sacred but not because of you freaks, but because it’s the Pope’s congregation ya dig!?"

Mitchell takes offence to the Pope’s words as does the three superstars standing behind him.

“Now as for tonight, Pope is going go back to the dressing room change out of these finest of clothes and into his ass kickin’ outfit and then come back down here and pimp slap you all upside your damn heads how ‘bout that!?”

The crowd goes crazy for Pope but they cheer even louder as Samoa Joe’s music hits and out walks the Samoan Submission Machine! He stands next to Pope on the stage, he is already dressed for battle and has his latest t-shirt on and his trademark towel over his shoulder.

“Hey Abyss, haven’t you had enough yet? Huh? Haven’t you had enough of Samoa joe kicking your ass all over the country? I mean come on big boy, when are you going to cut your losses and move on, to something a little easier than facing Samoa Joe every night. Something like curing cancer or the common cold perhaps. You can’t beat me Abyss and it doesn’t matter if you have Mike Awesome or Jeff hardy with you. Hell it doesn’t matter of you’ve got a swat team with you, Joe’s gonna kill you!”

Jeff Hardy has had enough and grabs the microphone out of James Mitchell’s hands and steps forward to tell both men exactly what is on his mind.

“You two bast…"

GET READY TO FLY! The theme music of the one and only Phenomenal AJ Styles hits and the crowd go up as one to cheer on the face of TNA wrestling while Hardy throws a tantrum in the ring!

“Hey guys what’s up? Oh sorry Jeff were you about to say something? Well too bad chump. Samoa Joe is right Abyss, you too stupid to know when to stay down. But I shouldn’t be surprised there doesn’t seem to be any rocket scientists in the ring now does there? Hardy, Awesome, Abyss the three of us is more than enough to take you boys out. Tonight’s going to be Phenomenal."

Styles’ music plays again as the four men in the ring are livid at the disrespect they have been shown as Styles, Joe and Pope get ready for the tonight’s main event as Impact goes to commercial.


The crowd explode again as the familiar music of the Whole Dam Show blasts out of the speakers.

Match #1
Rob Van Dam vs. the Warrior Senshi

As Senshi stomps down the ramp towards the ring a replay is shown of his win last week over the Olympic Gold Medallist Kurt Angle. The former multi-time Champion was hit from every angle with vicious kicks and strikes. Daniels interfered to give Senshi the biggest win of his career…

The Warrior in his attack stance stands across from Van Dam awaiting the bell to ring. The referee checks both men and as the bell sounds RVD of course gets in his opponent’s face and gives the thumbs sounding out his name. But before he can complete the ritual, Senshi pounces with a driving forearm strike to the jaw!!

Senshi hits a power slam and kicks RVD in the back for a quick 2 count. He puts on a chinlock and then kicks RVD’s chest for another 2! Senshi looks to kick RVD’;s head off but Rob rolls out of the ring and the Warrior follows him and they trade kicks. Senshi slams RVD into the barricade and boots him into the crowd. Senshi rolls into the ring to break the count but as he rolls back out Rob has launched himself onto the guard rail with amazing balance and unleashes a thrust kick into the sternum! RVD rolls Seshi into the ring but catches him coming back in with a knee drop off the top for another 2 count!
Senshi looks for the Dragon sleeper submission but Rob snapmares him off and and drop kicks him in the base of his skull! Senshi grabs his head in pain as Rob kicks him to the mat and hits a rolling thunder! 1..2 Senshi kicks out and Rob hits a spinning leg drop 1…2…Senshi kicks out and slithers to a corner to shake off the last few hits he has received. Rob catches him though and hits a monkey flip. Rob looks to finish and leaps to the top rope. FIVE STAR FROG SPLASH!!!

Countered in mid air!!!!!!!!!! Senshi hits a bicycle doble drop kick to the chest of the flying RVD in a never before seen move! Rob crashes and burns on the mat and Senshi covers him 1…2… Van Dam kicks out at 2 and a ½!!! Senshi looks for the Ki-Krusher but Rob uses knee strikes to escape, float down and hit a German suplex!

RVD drops to a knee holding his chest still trying to recover from the 5 Star counter. Senshi gets to his feet but RVD hits a springboard dropkick. He opens up with kicks and hits a mule kick. The Warrior comes back with Mongolian chops and a brutal double dropkick sending Rob crashing into the corner! Tidal Krush!!!! Rob slumps to the mat and Senshi climbs the turnbuckles and launches himself with the warriors ay Double Stomp! Rob moves and Senshi hits and rolls but when he turns he almost gets his head taken off with a clothesline!

Rob scoop slams him on the mat and perches himself on the top turnbuckle for another 5 Star when Christopher Daniels walks down the ramp. Rob is distracted for a second too long and Senshi flies into the air and catches Rob with a Hurricanrana!!! And then quickly into a double stomp! 1..2…3!!!

Winner: the Warrior Senshi​

Daniels laughs as Senshi has defeated another top star here in TNA two weeks in a row! Senshi raises his arms in victory as Daniels rolls into the ring and under hooks RVD. He stalls playing to the booing crowd, laughing at them and taunting them as he is about to unleash the Angels WIngs. But Kurt Angle’s music hits and he races out! Daniels drops Rob and slithers out fo the ring and escapes through the crowd. Angle helps RVD to his feet as the two men point at each and trash talk as Impact goes to commercial.


To the left hand side of the arena there is the special “Border Fence” entrance of the Latin American eXchange. The gunshot theme music of the team blasts out and they explode out of their personal entrance. Homicide and Hernandez walk out with Konnan and Salinas who both have the Machine Guns’ World title belts follow. They get in the ring and cover the ring in flags as Cide passes Hernandez a huge bottle of tequila which he swigs and passes on. The title belt looks huge around Salinas’ sexy tiny waist as the other belt is firmly over the shoulder of the LAX leader K-Dawg. Konnan as always has a microphone and has something to say.

“Listen up all you gringos. After all this time you all still don’t know what you’re dealing with. We are militant thugs 24/7, 365 and no one can stop the revolution. There are no fences and no borders we wont burn down to take what’s ours. Motor City Machine Guns, we took what belongs to us last week when we beat you punks down and made you bleed. Then you want to call us out? Where you at then? We took your titles because you boys aren’t man enough to hold on to ‘em. Viva La Raza..”

But the Guns’ music hits and out comes the belt-less champs. Sabin and Shelley walk out onto the stage. They pace up and down before Shelley tells the guys in the truck to cut their music.

“We both know that you punks have been hiding from us all night because we’ve been ripping the locker room apart looking for you. Nice to see that you’ve finally made it a little easier for us by coming out here and bringing us back our belts.”

Shelley then passes Sabin the mic.

“The thing is though Konnan, giving us back our titles isn’t going to be enough. You see we want our pound of flesh and it’s time to pay up.”

Sabin drops the mic and the Tag Champions sprint down to the ring and slide in under the bottom rope. Salinas screams as she looks to get out of the ring as Homicide and Hernandez look to deliver another beat down. But the Guns fire back with quick forearm shots and kicks to get an advantage. Konnan and Salinas take the belts away from the fight as the Guns seem to be gaining the upper hand. But as quickly as they seem on top they are put down when the Notorious 187 drives the tequila bottle inot the temple of Sabin! The bottle shatters and Sabin is out before he hits the mat.

Shelley tries to protect his friend but is double teamed by the vicious duo and ends up eating a Border Toss on the broken bottle!!!! The Guns are a bloody mess as LAX cover them with their flags and pose with the title belts claiming their dominance over the tag champs and the division…


Out to the ring walks the X Division Champion Sheik Abdul Bashir. He looks very unhappy when he steps though the ropes and to taunt the fans holds the Championship belt high. He demands a microphone and snatches it out of the hands of the ring girl So Cal Val.

“Last week in your typical American fashion, I, X Division Champion Sheik Abdul Bashir was left off the first Impact of 2011. You all disgust me and Jim Cornette disgusts me. I am the premier athlete in the premier division here in TNA and this is how am treated?! This country and this company’s bigotry knows no bounds!"

The heat from the crowd is enormous as the boos are almost deafening. Bashir tries to continue to speak but the boos, jeers and “asshole” chants are only drowned out by a “U.S.A.” chant. Bashir smirks at this response..

“As I said typical behaviour from you all. I am the damn star of this show, I am the X Division Champion and there is nothing you can do about it!"

But the fans erupt with cheers as the American Hero Kurt Angle’s music hits for the second time tonight and he emerges from the stage elevator. The crowd are ecstatic that he has appeared to finally shut the mouth of Bashir.

“What the hell do you want Angle!? How dare you interrupt me!!”

Kurt is now in the ring and snatches the microphone out of Bashir’s hand!

“Why don’t you shut the hell up! Since that coward Christopher Daniels doesn’t want any of Kurt Angle tonight, I thought perhaps I could teach you some manners Bashir. I mean it’s really simple love it or leave it..”

Bashir has had enough of the disrespect and he swings the belt at Kurt’s head looking to knock him out but Kurt is too quick and hits a belly to belly suplex out of nowhere!!!

“Get me a damn referee!” Kurt throws the mic down as a referee slides in and rinsg the bell…

Match #2
Non-title match
Sheik Abdul Bashir vs. Kurt Angle

Bashir got to his feet as Angle ripped his vest off him and delivered heavy Euro uppercuts! Bashir is shekllshocked as he tries to run away from Kurt who is in a very bad mood. Basher went for a clothesline, but Angle took over and hit a wicked powerbomb.

Angle applied a chinlock, switching to a side headlock. Bashir put a foot on the rope in order for the ref to break it up. Angle hit a shoulder block for a two count. Looking for an ankle lock submission Bashir went to the eyes and then unloaded with some big time right hands to the forehead. Bashir then knocked Angle down with a clothesline and then locked in a camel clutch! Angle powered out and turned the moved into an Electric Chair! Bashir hit hard on the back of his head and Kurt sets for the Olympic Slam. But Angle is struck from behind and he goes down as the referee calls for the bell.

Winner Kurt Angle via Disqualification.​

Daniels directs traffic and calls for the X Division Champion to hit Angle with his finisher. Bashir unsure as to why this American is helping him but never the less takes the opportunity to hit the WMD on the American Champion!
Daniels gets Bashir to roll Angle out to the floor while he rips up the protective mats round ringside. Kurt tries to get to his feet, but Daniels kicks Angle in the gut and double under hooks him. The Fallen Angel can be heard trash talking Kurt and positions him over the exposed cement. ANGELS WINGS!!! Kurt’s skull is driven into the unprotected, unforgiving floor! His face is bloodied again as Daniels on one knee looks over what he has done. He laughs as he poses to the crowd getting a very heated response form the sold out arena. Daniels licks his finger and draws a number “2” in the air and mouths the words “that’s two for me Ha Ha!” Bashir walks off in the background holding up his title in victory as Daniels backs away still elated with what he has done as Impact goes to commercial.


Backstage Jeff Jarrett with Kid Kash is at the interview position with Jeremy Borash standing by for his match with Bryan Danielson.

“Alright ladies and gentlemen I’m here right now with the King of the Mountain Jeff Jarrett. Jeff we are seconds away from your match with the American Dragon Bryan Danielson set up by Jim Cornette after he took exceptions to your words.”

Jarrett pauses and rolls his eyes before replying to JB’s statement.

“Last week Jim Cornette stuck his nose in my business and made tonight’s match. Well whoopey doo Cornette, do you think I’m afraid of Danielson? This so called Best in the World can’t hold a flame to the King of the Mountain and tonight I’m going to show him and Cornette just who the boss is around here.“Match #3

Match #3
Jeff Jarrett vs. Bryan Danielson​

The match begins with a feeling out process. Danielson suckered Jarrett grab a headlock and then dropped him backwards in a suplex. The Dragon cinched in a hammerlock but Jarrett nailed him with a back elbow. But Danielson shook it odd and came back with a suplex. He continued working over Jeff and tossed him to the floor. Dragon worked over Jarrett with a series of vicious Euro uppercuts levelling Jarrett as he fell back into the guardrail. Dragon roared to the crowd as he has Jarrett extremely hurt. Kash looked to get involved but the referee got between them and Danielson unloaded with brutal stiff kicks to the ribs. The ref tells Bryan to get the match back inside the ring. This distraction leads to Jarrett coming over the top and knocking down Danielson and the ref..

This brings Kid Kash into play and Danielson is double teamed and then thrown back inot the ring. Jarrett hits the Stroke and dusts off his hands while the ref is rolled back into the ring. He is dazed and slowly makes the count 1..2.. Danielson kicks out!

Jarrett couldn’t believe it and stomped away on his opponent and then brough him to his feet looking again for the Stroke finisher. But Danielson counters the move and forces Jarrett to the mat and locks in the LeBell Lock which he has named the Full Windsor Knot. Jarrett struggles for the ropes and gets to them. The ref tells Bryan to break the hold but he refuses. The ref makes the count..1..2..3..4.. Danielson rleases the hold happy with the extra damage he has done. Leaping to his feet he gets in the ref’s face and says “I have to 5 referee!”

The fans eat it up as Danielson warns Kash off and goes back to punishing Jarrett with vicious strikes. He whipped Jarrett into the buckles. Danielson runs in but Jarrrett kicked him in the face as he charged. Jarrett went to the ropes but Danielson leapt to the ropes and suplexed him off. Both men were down as the referee counted them out. They met each other on their knees, exchanging punches. They went back and forth as they fought their way to their feet.

Dragon nailed a big forearm and a suplex for a close two count. Danielson then slipped out of a waistlock and went for the heelhook submission but Jarrett rolled through. Danielson though would not be denied and this time locks in the Cattle Mutilation. Jarrett is frustrated by the numerous submission holds in Danielson’s arsenal and is finally caught in the worst of them. Jarrett tries to break free and Danielson flips his body over and Jarrett is now in the dreaded dragon elbow position! Jarrett knows they are coming and so does the crowd. He struggles to escape but is blasted in the temple by the deadly elbow strikes! One after another they rain down pummelling Jarrett’s face. Kash has a chair and nails Danielson in the back with it and the referee has no choice but to call for the bell.

Winner: Bryan Danielson via Disqualification​

It’s the second DQ of the night as Kash helps Jarrett who is extremely hurt by the shots to his skull. Jarrett tries to shake off the effects on his knees and directs Kash to hit Dragon again. Danielson although in pain drop toe holds Kash down to the mat and locks in the Full Windsor Knot! The crowd go crazy as Danielson yanks back on the hold as Kash squeals in pain. Jarrett looks into the eyes of the Dragon as he punishes his tag partner and Jarrett stumbles to his feet seemingly more out of fear than pain. Danielson is able to quickly get to his feet and is ready for an attack from Jarrett.

The TNA Founder looks at Danielson and then at his fallen comrade and then at Danielson again. He decides to back away and roll out of the ring as Danielson’s music hits and the American Dragon stands tall once again for the second week in a row as Impact goes to commercial.


During the commercial break TNA cameras caught this brief interaction between two men. Danielson walked into the backstage area where Shawn Michaels was standing close by and said “well done”. But Danielson’s reply was “go home old man, go and steal someone else’s spotlight.” Michaels wasn’t impressed but seemed to respect the tenacity of the graduate from his wrestling school.

Out to the ring to a massive pop from the crowd come Latino Heat Eddy Guerrero! Eddy drives his low rider into the Impact Zone here in Cleveland and pumps up the crowd like no other. He does the Eddy shuffle as he jumps into the ring with a big smile on his face as he addresses the fans.

“Odelay Cleveland!!! At Genesis I get to go one on one for the Championship of the World. You see it doesn’t matter how smooth Desmond is, I’m going to bring the Latino Heat and win the title odelay!!! Ha! Now mr Big Bad Wolfe why don’t you come out here and give me a good luck at that shiny belt of yours and bring your girlfriend, I think she digs me homes…”

Out walks Desmond Wolfe the TNA World Heavyweight Champion. Wearing his suit and sunglasses as always with Chelsea on his arm and the title over his shoulder he doesn’t seem phased by Guerrero’s comments.

“Eddy, Eddy, Eddy. You talk big, but I’ve got to tell you no one is gonna save you sunshine when you step in that ring with me. It’s gonna be that easy at Genesis when I take your head off in front of the world. But I tell you what, I’m actually a nice guy. I true giving champion. Tonight I’ve got you a warm up match. Enjoy Guerrero, but don’t get too banged up. Because at Genesis Im the one who’s gonna end ya…”

Unfamiliar music plays but the crowd recognises the newest addition to the TNA roster, Nick Nameth (Dolph Ziggler)

Match #4
Eddy Guerrero vs. Nick Nameth​

Nameth doesn’t wait for the opening bell and attacks Eddy with some big time rights and lefts. Eddy covers up and drops to his knees and crawls between Nameth’s legs. Desmond has joined the commentary team to scout the #1 contender. Nameth turns around but is hit with a knife edge chop to the chest and then a sequence of three vertical suplexes! The crowd gives and “Eddy” chant as he pulls Namth to his feet and hits a scoop slam for a 2 count. Nameth though fires back with a kick to the thigh and then looks for a sleeper hold.

Eddy snap mares out of it and drop kicks Nameth in the back of the head for another 2 count. Nameth gets to his feet but eats three drop kicks one after the other before he decides to slide out of the ring away from the dominant Guerrero. Eddy looks to bring him back in the ring but he snaps Eddy on the top rope and then quickly snaps a neck breaker for a 2 count of his own. The frustrated Nameth looks for the Zig Zag but Eddy counters by spinning his body and hitting a spine buster variation! Eddy springboards using the ropes hitting a senton back splash and bows to the cheering fans. Nameth comes again but Eddy ducks and hits a hurricanrana hooking the leg 1..2… Nameth kicks out only to be hit by a Tornado DDT! Eddy pumps up the crowd with his offence and finishes the match with the Frog Splash!

Winner: Eddy Guerrero

Eddy’s music hits but his celebration is cut short as he is smacked in the back of the head with the TNA World title belt. Eddy drops hard as Wolfe trash talks him. Wolfe peels off his jacket and locks in the London Dungeon submission move. Eddy is in pain as Wolfe roars as he applies the pressure. The fans boo the Champion as he let’s go of the hold and picks up his jacket while Chelsea retrieves the World title for him. Wolfe gives the fans the forks as he seems very satisfied with himself. Wolfe’s music plays as Impact goes to commercial.


Main Event
Abyss, Jeff Hardy and Mike Awesome vs. AJ Styles, D’Angelo Dinero and Samoa Joe​

The crowd is electric as TNA top stars all get their explosive entrances. The fans are in awe at the star power in the ring but none of them wait for the bell as the animosity boils over and all 6 men go to war.

Joe and Abyss exchange vicious attacks, but the bigger man starts using his power and powers down Joe. But Joe gets right back up drives Abyss into the corner in an uncontrollable rage, beating him down into the corner and then unleashes deadly face washes. Mike Awesome has had enough of Joe being in control and hits a slingshot flying shoulder tackle! Joe drops down, Abyss tags in Hardy and the fans boo like crazy as he stomps away at Joe’s knees. Hardy then tags in Awesome and the big man levels Joe with a thunderous clothesline. Joe fights his way to his feet with brutal kicks and strikes. Awesome though refuses to be hurt and bouncers off the ropes and barges Joe to the other side of the ring! Joe crashes onto the mat as Awesome attacks with stomps of his own. Awesome’s power is unbelievable as he chokes the Submission Machine. Joe turns it around in an instant and hits a backdrop driver to tag in The Pope!

Pope comes in but is met by Hardy who quickly hits a flying forearm. Hardy goes to work on Pope and hit his double leg drop into the stomach...1..2.. Pope kicks out and Hardy starts forcing his fingers into Pope’s eye sockets. Pope kicks away at hardy to force him off of him but Hardy is tenacious and betas down on him with hammer fists and whips him into the ropes for a leaping leg lariat. He plays to the crowd’s boos and tags in the Monster. The Pope’s troubles have gone from bad to worse as the biggest man in the match drops down with a vicious elbow drop into Pope’s spine.

Joe though wont have this and although is not tagged in attacks Abyss. Styles runs in and drags Pope to the corner and tags himself in. Joe is forced out of the ring by the referee but Styles comes over the top with a flying forearm strike knocking down Abyss! Styles seems to have Abyss’ number and hits a dropkick and then a deep arm drag hitting another drop kick to the back of his head! Abyss is getting mauled by Styles as the fans get behind the Phenomenal One.

But Styles’ momentum is cut short when he is turned inside out by a ferocious clothesline by Mike Awesome! The ref seems to have lost control of this match as Awesome looks to Powerbomb Styles. The ref gets in his face trying to make big Mike get out of the ring, but he is ignored. Samoa Joe though comes in with a jumping knee strike putting Awesome down!

Joe then clotheslines Awesome onto the floor, but is hit with a big boot to the face and he also goes over the top rope! The match has broken down and Hardy climbs the turnbuckles, and launches himself knocking down Joe on the floor! Styles is next and he Frosbury Flops over the top rope and knocks down Hardy, Abyss and Awesome!

The fans are on their feet as The Pope waits for someone to get up and it’s Awesome… Pope bounces off the ropes and goes feet first kicking Awesome in the chest sending him crashing into the guardrails! Pope is pumped up and he rolls Hardy into the ring. Pope hits a combination of lefts, rights and clotheslines. Hardy ducks a big haymaker hits the ropes and blasts Pope down with a clothesline. Styles and Awesome brawl on the outside, while Abyss and Joe carry on their blood feud as they clash up the ramp.

Styles leaps off the steel steps into a hurricanrana on Awesome, but the big man counters and swings Styles head first into the rail! Styles slumps to the mat as Awesome jumps into the ring and levels the Pope.

Awesome Bomb!!!
Swanton Bomb!!!


Winners: Mike Awesome, Jeff Hardy and The Monster Abyss

Awesome and Hardy then make their way over to Joe and Abyss who are still fighting. Joe hits a big time kick to Abyss but Hardy comes from behind with a chopblock and levels Joe on the ramp. Joe drops to a knee in pain and Abyss sees the opening and hits a big time boot to the face, Joe rolls down the ramp to the floor. Abyss roars and then picks up Joe and hits the Blackhole Slam on the bottom of the steel ramp!! The three heels celebrate at the base of the stage lapping up the boos from the crowd as James Mitchell laughs uncontrollably as Impact goes to commercial.


Impact is back from its last commercial and the commentators do a replay of the 6 man war we just witnessed. But down to the ring walks the Heart Break kid Shawn Michaels. He doesn’t have any music or pyro, as he is not apart of the TNA roster. He steps into the ring and asks for a microphone. The crowd cheer and boo him as this is the first appearance of the superstar since his retirement speech last year. He soaks up the crowd and looks up in the rafters trying to see if the Stinger is up there.

“Sting I’m here tonight for one reason, and that’s to talk. Please come out so I can do this face to face. C’mon, I’m not afraid of scary guys in black coats..”

The Icon’s music hits and dressed in black and wearing his trademark war paint, the Stinger makes his way into the ring. The fans go crazy for the man as he makes Michaels aware of the fact that he has his black bat in hand and is ready for any type of double cross. Sting’s music stops and the two men stare each other in the eye for what seems like an eternity. You can cut the electricity in the arena with a knife.

“Sting I did what I did last week for one reason, and one reason only. That’s to get your attention. You and I have always been in different wrestling organisations. You and I have never crossed paths, and yet we are the best to ever step foot in a ring. I waited for you Sting, I waited for you to come up North and finally face me. But year after year after year, and you stayed away.

“It’s funny how things work out over time, but I always wanted to face you Sting, I always wanted to fight you and see if I could beat you. My managers sent your’s emails, invitations letters, offers, all for you to come to me and put together what truly could be the greatest match of all time. But you ignored them all. You ignored me, and it burned me up inside Sting. So you have forced my hand. If you wouldn’t come to me, I had to come to you. And last week I got your attention didn’t I Sting? I knocked you out with some sweet chin music. Looks like I finally got your attention.”

Sting’s face has not changed. He has allowed Michaels to say his piece, to say why he did what he did. Like a statue, the Stinger’s eyes look at his attacker from last week. A bonafide legend in the sport, but he doesn’t flinch he has done it all and seen it all, and Shawn Michaels as big a star he is to the business, Sting has known men like him and fought me like him.

“The Heart Break Kid… the Showstopper…the main event.. or can I just call you Shawn Michaels? Oh you got my attention boy toy now … but there is a reason I’ve never had any desire to wrestle you. You stand there and whine and cry about why I never came to you. Well it’s simple. I don’t do business with politicians and backstabbers. I’m a wrestler and I’m a professional. I don’t lose my smile and go home the moment I know I am going to beaten by a better man. And I’ve never conspired with my boss to steal another man’s championship.

“I’m a professional Michaels and I only fight professionals. I don’t care about you, I never have given you a second thought. And I’ve never been so obsessed that I would come out of retirement just so I can jump a guard rail and attack a man from behind.

“Oh you’ve got my attention Michaels alright, but you’ve also proved to me and to the world you are the gutless coward I always thought you were. But just like a child throwing a tantrum, once again you’ve got what you want. You want to fight me, well I want to fight you too. In three weeks at Genesis… The Stinger and Shawn Michaels … It’s showtime … folks!”

Sting’s music hits, the two men have not stopped trying to stare the other down as Impact goes off the air…

TNA 2011 All Rights Reserved.

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