TJ Perkins Talks About How He Is Paid By TNA


Getting Noticed By Management
TNA star T.J. "Manik" Perkins took to his Twitter in regards to recent reports stating that most talent are paid by appearance, and TNA has no live events or pay-per-views anytime soon.

"As far as I know, no one is on a per appearance deal," Perkins wrote. "I'm not, and most ppl have better deals than me. Sounds like the type of thing where if someone makes it up and enough ppl say it then it becomes 'true'... I make guaranteed money AND per appearance. I'm pretty sure everyone else does as well. Perhaps ppl get confused and think it's only one or the other, but it's actually both."

This sounds like wrestlings version of a salesman getting a base salary and commission. TNA gets 1st choice of when they use talent, talent gets extra when they are actually used and talent can earn extra cash elsewhere when not being used. Sounds like win/win to me. Granted it does come down to actual numbers but then again that is true about any job. What do you think?
Wait, an internet rumor about TNA is not true? How the hell?

That's good. If TNA can afford doing that then both sides win in a way. Guaranteed cash plus more if you're used? Seems nice to me.
I think I don't care, because it's none of my business. All I care about, as a fan, is the product in front of the curtain, not the business decisions regarding talent pay scale/type behind it.

So long as a company like this is actually paying their performers and the issues over pay aren't affecting the in-ring and on-screen product, it doesn't matter a lick what or how these men and women are paid except to them.
I remember an article with him last year when he said he'd earn something like $75k-$80k in TNA alone.

That may have changed with the multi-taping schedule but it's a decent salary for someone who isn't main-event, hasn't a busy schedule and can go and wrestle independents.
Maybe this is why TNA Is always losing money. It would be more of a story if people weren't getting paid but if you can get paid twice go for it, and if they allow you to work for another promotion when off its three times as good. I believe they have already taped this years shows and they aren't doing live events so I guess that second check isn't there.
Per appearance deals made sense in 2010 for employees TNA thought weren't a risk of leaving for the WWE (holy shit, have the assumptions about what companies will do changed). With ROH becoming more competitive, especially when it comes to development for the "Big Stage", it no longer makes sense to allow your talent to work for you today, then potentially work for a competitor the next.

The three largest North American promotions all sign their performers to contracts which are typically a minimum of one year, because professional wrestling companies poach from each other. It's not that this rumor 'wasn't true', it's that it was almost certainly true at one point, but ceased being accurate while people continued to repeat it. The circumstances of business changed, rendering the old method of doing things inefficient.

Of course, recognizing this isn't as fun as a "TNA has no money/Dirt sheets all lie" circle jerk, so have at fellas.
Sounds a lot like when I worked at Future Shop - you were paid a base salary unless your commission for the week was better, then you were paid that. They probably get paid a certain amount for being under contract and available when TNA wants them, then they get a little more when they are used on the show. For someone like Bobby Roode, you are almost always going to be on the show so you get paid the better wage but for someone like Perkins, you might just get the base wage for the week, you might bet the better wage but you just don't know.

If you look, TNA might have a few extra dollars because the roster is a little smaller this year. I haven't seen Knux, The Freak or Rebel in a while, they just let Velvet Sky go, Havok hasn't been used in a while either. They might have saved a few dollars so they can do contracts like this to keep guys around even though they might not want to use them all the time. As for the rumors, this is wrestling - there are always rumors. Lesnar walked on wwe because Reigns failed a drug test - that was a truth a few weeks ago too. As long as they are getting paid, who cares what their contracts say. That is between TNA and them.

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