Title Reign Lengths

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Championship Contender
How does everyone feel about the length of title runs in TNA? They seem to be very short except for the heavyweight title, which does get occasional 3 months runs.

I am split. On one hand I think it makes the show exciting because you really do feel like the title could change hands at any time, even on TV instead of PPV, as many titles have changed hands on iMPACT!.

On the other hand I think it takes away some prestige from the belts because there is no "greatest champion" because no one holds long enough to make an awesome reign as champ.

Just how I see it, anyone else have an opinion?
Well, the x-division on the other hand has had some lengthy runs. I mean Senshi had it for like 4 months and Daniels had the longest run with 7. The tag titles can have long ones too, for god sakes AMW had them for 8 months.
Well typically the Heavyweight should have longer runs than anyone else. I like a good 4 to 6 month run to see if they can carry the ball. If you know they can carry it and have five star matches a 8 month run would work. IE a early Sting run when they just fed him monsters or a Heel run where the question is who will take the title off of hte guy.

As for the X Title it is the sub title of TNA and needs shorter reigns. I'd say anywhere from 2 to 4 months. 6 is a bit extreme. Senshi held it for a while and Sabin will more than likely hold it until Jan. But who knows.

Tag should change hands the most.

But with Primetime and the swell of talent you'll see shorter reigns. I just hope the NWA title doesn't drop hands every month.
Part of the issue with the length of the runs not being "JBL" length is that there are many talents involved in the company who seriously deserve a shot/run with a title. TNA has stacked cruiserweights, tag teams, and heavyweights at present with numerous of each that could easily do their respective belts justice. I do believe that the prestige of the titles should be paramount and that stuff like one-day reigns only cheapens the belts. Transitional champions and meaningless feuds also kill the prestige of a belt. However, as long as nobody decides it's a good idea for David Arquette to wear a belt, then they're at least one-up on WCW.
Yeah, TNA's so loaded with guys that deserve the belt that, in an ideal world, there would be no problems with relatively short title reigns. Unfortunately, this is not an ideal world and TNA looks to be making the title worth something again. Making the title worth something is the better option. The wrestlers 15-20 years from now need to look at their belt and be like, "Wow...so-and-so held this..." I don't think anybody really does that anymore

A guy can win NWA belt nowadays and be like, "How long did Ken Shamrock hold this for?" There is such a strange aesthetic to titles...

The ideal reign is 3-8 months.
I'm all for long reign's if the title holder is able to constantly pull of good matches. The thing with the T.N.A. World title is it alway's end's up on Jarrett. I think they take it off him because they dont have confidence in his drawing ability. With the X-Divison there is so many talented wrestlers I get the impression that they are trying to get most of them a shot at the title so they dont feel undervalued.
TNA is doing fine if u don't like how TNA is running SCREW U and go watch ur WWE same ass crap
Sinisters69 said:
TNA is doing fine if u don't like how TNA is running SCREW U and go watch ur WWE same ass crap

Spam, first of all. Second of all, I wasn't saying I don't like it I was saying there are some definate pros and cons to long/short title reigns, and TNA seems to lean towards short ones.

I don't think the belt was taken off Jarret because they weren't confidant in his drawing power, I think it was because he finally agreed to take a step back.

I say it is hard to leave one guy champ for too long when there are so many other guys deserving of the belt. X-Division, man, anyone of those guys is worthy in my opinion, so one guy holding for too long sorta make you mad cause your like "well so and so deserves it," but when it switches hands all the time, and you have guys getting up into there 4th and 5th reigns, when the belts only been around for maybe 3 years, I think it loses value, and people are like so what you were champion, so was I and 20-30 other guys (not saying it is like that now, but at this pace maybe it will be someday.) I love TNA, don't get me wrong.
jefferson411 said:
Spam, first of all. Second of all, I wasn't saying I don't like it I was saying there are some definate pros and cons to long/short title reigns, and TNA seems to lean towards short ones.

I don't think the belt was taken off Jarret because they weren't confidant in his drawing power, I think it was because he finally agreed to take a step back.

I say it is hard to leave one guy champ for too long when there are so many other guys deserving of the belt. X-Division, man, anyone of those guys is worthy in my opinion, so one guy holding for too long sorta make you mad cause your like "well so and so deserves it," but when it switches hands all the time, and you have guys getting up into there 4th and 5th reigns, when the belts only been around for maybe 3 years, I think it loses value, and people are like so what you were champion, so was I and 20-30 other guys (not saying it is like that now, but at this pace maybe it will be someday.) I love TNA, don't get me wrong.

Then you prolly not gonna like the WWE title cause Cena won it 3 time edge won it twics the rock 4 times Kurt 5 time undertaker 7 times bret hart 8 times
Well I think TNA are heading into the right direction with taking the belt off of Jarret. Hopefully he will step aside so that the new guys can a piece of the belt and maybe get some older guys back in it. I've actually wanted to Ron Killings get back into the heavyweight hunt. As far as the X division goes, they used to have short reigns for those guys thats why AJ has like 5 under his belt, but now they are giving guys longer runs(example:Senshi and Daniels).
Edge-number1 fan said:
Then you prolly not gonna like the WWE title cause Cena won it 3 time edge won it twics the rock 4 times Kurt 5 time undertaker 7 times bret hart 8 times

If you read what I said, you would see that I said the X-Division title has only been around for 3 maybe 4 years and they already have guys with that many title reigns. WWE/WH titles have been around much, much, much longer, so it is different. Even though Cena has a lot of reigns in a relatively short time, which I don't like much either. Undertaker has 7 reigns? check that statistic, it is 4 as heavyweight, and 6 as a tag team. The rock won it 7 times, Angle 6, Breat Hart has 7 if you combine his WCW reigns and WWF reigns. Check your facts before you spout off and every statistic I gave is WWE title AND world heavyweight title combined.
jefferson411 said:
If you read what I said, you would see that I said the X-Division title has only been around for 3 maybe 4 years and they already have guys with that many title reigns. WWE/WH titles have been around much, much, much longer, so it is different. Even though Cena has a lot of reigns in a relatively short time, which I don't like much either. Undertaker has 7 reigns? check that statistic, it is 4 as heavyweight, and 6 as a tag team. The rock won it 7 times, Angle 6, Breat Hart has 7 if you combine his WCW reigns and WWF reigns. Check your facts before you spout off and every statistic I gave is WWE title AND world heavyweight title combined.

I did check my facts and Im right anyways the X-divison has been around for 5 year and big deal at least they havent had someone hold the title for 13 year like WWE did with the WWE title making the title mean Nothing
If you checked your facts how come they were all wrong?
You just posted another wrong fact because no one has ever held the WWE Title or the World Heavyweight Championship for 13 years, the longest title run is 9 years (Bruno Sammartino), which is way too long, but that was a long time ago. The X-Division title debuted on June 19, 2002. That is only 4 years. Yes, no one has held the X-Division title for 13 years. You are right.
Sinisters69 said:
TNA is doing fine if u don't like how TNA is running SCREW U and go watch ur WWE same ass crap

He said "..ass crap." anyway TNA does fine... I would like to see them get one more singles title... Maybe like a TV title.. That would be sweet becasue you could use heavyweights and guys from the X-Division and give them a push without having to put the NWA or X title on them.
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