title matches in house shows


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i always hear about title matches in WWE house shows and the champion always defends it. don't you think it's strange and also unfair for the fans since wwe does not post results from house shows?imagine, for example, you watch friday night smackdown today and hhh is champion and let's say, on saturday, there is a house show where kozlov(for example) beats hhh for the title and the next episode of friday night smackdown, kozlov is champion.knowing that wwe doesn't post results from house shows, wouldn't it be strange?

any opinions
Usually if theres a title change at a house show its usually won back that night. (see mickie james about a year ago) i think people realise that a major title will never change at a house show they save title changes for ppvs (or major epps of raw/smackdown) for a reason to make people buy the product.

I'm quite undecided about this because as a viewer i pay to watch the product and to hear of a title change off programming would kind of make me think, what the hell. i'd be quite disappointed to not have seen the change and the match itself. but on the other hand if im at a live house show and there advertising a major title match i'd think to myself why am i paying to see this when i know nothings gonna happen especially if you see it week in week out on raw or smackdown. Nobody likes to pay to watch something you already know the result of.

So if you did get a change at a house show if i was there id be personnally buzzed but if i was watching the programming id be upset.
Yeah almost always the belt never changes hands at house shows. I think there has been a few instances that a title has changed hands at a house show and was kept, but most of the time either the champion doesn't lose it or they lose but win it back the same night. Championship matches at house shows are just used to hype the fans most of the time. The WWE know's that the title won't change(since it is scripted) so they just throw in the title just to make the house show fans seem special. But "if" the title ever changed at a house show(I think it may have a few times and stayed)they should mention it, but it rarely does so it doesn't matter.
Typically, if there is a title change at a house show, WWE will ackowledge it either at the next TV taping or on WWE.com. They acknowledged Londrick's win over Cade/Murdock for the title on one of WWE's foreign tours somewhere (they lost it at the end of the tour, but it was very much acknowledged by the WWE). Agree with mysterio_fan on this one, most title matches are used to add hype to house shows and are seldom if ever changed. The only times they ever change hands is when they're going to have a rematch after the title changes hands and the champion regains it, or the other time it ever changes, and I'm surprised nobody's mentioned this, is when there's an injury, like when Regal lost the tag titles to La Resistance at a house show in Winnipeg in a two-on-one handicap match because his partner Eugene was hurt. I guess by the time the televised shows were done on Tuesday, they found out the extent of his injury and decided to switch the titles then, instead of waiting to do it on TV.

Anyway, title changes should never happen at house shows because it just confuzes people when they see a new champion on TV and they didn't get to see how it happened. I remember how weird it was when Edge won the IC title at a house show in Toronto, a day before his PPV match with Jeff Jarret for the title, and then lost the title at the PPV. I guess in that case, being Edge's hometown, they wanted to have him win. Anyway, the thing to remember about house shows, there really just warmups for the rivalries and storylines that are going on, and of course WWE wants to save the big moments for PPV's and TV, so don't expect a title change to happen at many or any house shows. But once in a while, you might get lucky and see one happen.
Agree with everyone else, the champion won't lose the championship and if they were to lose, 99% of the time it would be by a DQ so the championship doesn't change if they want the face to go over if they aren't champion just like in 06 when RAW came here, Cena beat Edge by DQ or earlier in the year, Batista beat Edge by DQ which really pissed me off. Of all the house shows I have been to I have never seen a title change, just a couple of DQ endings is all.

As much as I would like to see a championship change the changes should happen on televised events otherwise it would be a bit confusing for everyone watching at home.
Most people don't hear about house shows. Only a tiny selection of fans will see each house show, they're not televised. So imaagine your favourite wrestler being crowned as WWE champion. You're ecstatcic. Then you tune into Raw the next week and he's not. The biggest heel won it off him at a house show. Just imagine how pissed you'd be about that. A short recap isn't the same as it being on Raw or at a PPV.
Way back in the day, I'm talking 20-25 years ago, this was very common. Titles would change hands at house shows almost nightly. However, there was no internet or anything like that back then and it would be nothing more than a dress rehersal for TV, when the title change would be permanent. In other words, one guy would win the title, but the next night at the next house show, the original champion would appear as if nothing had ever happened. Technology has caused this to not be possible anymore. Now a days, if the title changes hands at a house show, the solid bet is it'll change back the next night. My question is why do this? I remember back in 2003, Christian and Booker traded the IC title, and it stuck until Raw. This blew my mind, but at the same time I thought it was cool to let a bunch of people see history made out of nowhere.

At the last house show I was at, I saw three title matches. Of course the title wasn't going to change hands, but it was cool to think for a second that if anything goes wrong, new champion. There's a feeling you get when you hear those words, "This match is for the ...." blah blah blah title. Something that you just don't get by just watching a champion.
Whenever they do change, you'll get informed about it on wwe.com, and nowadays it will always change back at the next house show/by the end of the tour. It would be too confusing for some fans that don't check the internet to keep track of title changes if they did occur at house shows, and the changes were kept until the next televised show. Title changes should only happen on televised shows, because otherwise it would confuse the general population of fans.
Anyway, title changes should never happen at house shows because it just confuzes people when they see a new champion on TV and they didn't get to see how it happened. I remember how weird it was when Edge won the IC title at a house show in Toronto, a day before his PPV match with Jeff Jarret for the title, and then lost the title at the PPV. I guess in that case, being Edge's hometown, they wanted to have him win. Anyway, the thing to remember about house shows, there really just warmups for the rivalries and storylines that are going on, and of course WWE wants to save the big moments for PPV's and TV, so don't expect a title change to happen at many or any house shows. But once in a while, you might get lucky and see one happen.

Jarrett's oponent for the night was supposed to be Ken Shamrock who was injured so they replaced him with Edge at the last minute instead, but that is a clear example of pointless House show title changes.

Sometimes the title matches at a House show have an extra little spice to them. I.e. i saw a House Show in Cardiff last year where the US title, the Tag Titles AND the WHC were ALL defended. The first 2 title matches were average (in fact the US title match was exactly the same, hold for hold as the US title match at Backlash) but the WHC was defended in a 4 way with a returning Mark Henry who hadn't made his return on TV yet.
I think it is fair, because the people who pay their money to go to house shows deserve a good show. I don't think it is right for them to have the title switch hands a lot on the shows, but just having matches is good for the fans who go to them. Also when they do change they inform us on their website. So I think it is fair as long as long as they don't do it all the time just like once a year or something.
I think it is fair, because the people who pay their money to go to house shows deserve a good show. I don't think it is right for them to have the title switch hands a lot on the shows, but just having matches is good for the fans who go to them. Also when they do change they inform us on their website. So I think it is fair as long as long as they don't do it all the time just like once a year or something.

They're entitled to good matches, hell yes. Maybe even matches with the title involved. But it should never change hands at a house show. For a start, I don't want to read about a title change on the net. I want to watch it and be shocked by it. I want to be cheering or booing when they win it. Watching and reading are 2 very different things.
I like the idea of title changes at House Shows, not World Championships, that'd just be stupid, hell, not even the second tier titles. But I don't see what harm it does for a shit title like one of the women's or the SD tag team championships to change on a house show. No one cares if these championships change on TV so I doubt they'd care much if they changed off TV, as long is it doesn't happen all the time, but once every year or something like that would be a fair compromise.

I think it was Nunzio who won the Cruiserweight title in Italy on a house show. That's great because no one cared about the Cruiserweight title in the US but Italians got to see one of their countrymen win a title in is home country, which was completely unexpected. So yeah, there should be title changes at house shows but only insignificant titles.
They're entitled to good matches, hell yes. Maybe even matches with the title involved. But it should never change hands at a house show. For a start, I don't want to read about a title change on the net. I want to watch it and be shocked by it. I want to be cheering or booing when they win it. Watching and reading are 2 very different things.

I agree, but you can't treat the fans that go to house shows differently then everyone else. Sure I agree that i'd rather see it and be cheering, but I do think they deserve some excitement at the house shows, and having a title change hands every now and then is a good thing to do. It keeps the attendance up, and will make more people go there.
I agree, but you can't treat the fans that go to house shows differently then everyone else.

So what about the thousands of house show fans that don't see it? You're proposing it to happen maybe once a year. So a majority of fans who go to house shows still aren't going to see it. Furthermore, how is it treating them differently? They're all fans, who will see it on TV.

It keeps the attendance up, and will make more people go there.

People will go regardless.
So what about the thousands of house show fans that don't see it? You're proposing it to happen maybe once a year. So a majority of fans who go to house shows still aren't going to see it. Furthermore, how is it treating them differently? They're all fans, who will see it on TV.

Thats true, but you need to make the show exciting. You have basically proven me wrong, but my opinion remains that it should occasionally happen. They pay their money to get in and I think they deserve at least one title switch, and nothing will change my opinion on it. It makes you wonder what will happen at the shows, instead of having predictability that the champion will retain every time.
House Shows are special non-televised events for the people in attendance they are neccessary in wrestling because not every show can be televised and its kinda cool to think youre one of only a select group who gets to watch a specific match when youre in attendance at a house show. But a major title change should not happen there because a title change should be a moment that every fan around the world should at least have the opportunity to witness. I remember Londrick winning the tag team titles last year and losing them back to Cade & Murdoch. Mickie James won the Womens title by accident and lost it right back to Melina. But I believe Booker T defeated Christian a few years back at a Raw house show a few years ago. But thats the only instance I can remember where it changed hands and stuck. If you dont purchase a ppv event and miss a title change thats youre own fault. If it happens on free tv then cool. At least everyone had an opportunity to watch it.
Title matches at house shows are stupid. Even IF a title switches hands at a house show, it will always go back to the original holder before the next televised event. Title matches at house shows are nine times out of ten simply practice matches for PPV's.

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