Titanic 3D Or Star Was: Episode I The Phantom Menace 3D?

What Will You Do?

  • Watch Titanic 3D

  • Watch Star Wars: Episode I: The Phantom Menace 3D

  • I'm going to watch both!

  • Neither. The re-releases of both of these films feels unnecessary, and I can't stand 3D.

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Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
Staff member
Release Date: April 6, 2012


Release Date: February 10, 2012


3D has become a popular trend in Hollywood, and the re-releases of famous blockbusters isn't some thing new. The Lion King 3D was a huge success, so this doesn't surprise me too much. Next year, fans will get the best of both worlds, as The Phantom Menace and Titanic hit theaters again, and both of these films will hit theaters in a 3D format.

I've always thought Titanic was somewhat overrated, but it's still a very good film. Phantom Menace receives a lot of hate from Star Wars fans, and this one is labeled as the black sheep of the Star Wars franchise (although, Attack Of The Clones could give this film some serious competition).

I'm always on the fence, when it comes to 3D, but if I had to pick one film to watch, I would choose The Phnatom Menace. I've always been a HUGE Star Wars fan, and watching a Star Wars film on the big screen can provide a great experience. Everything just feels more extravagant, when you watch Star Wars inside a theater, and I am beyond pumped for the re-releases of all six films.

I enjoy Titanic, but I think I'll pas on the 3D re-release. Titanic is a very long film, I have a hard time sitting in theater for three hours or more, and the idea of 3D effects for a Titanic film doesn't excite me too much. Leonardo DiCaprio is one of my favorite actors, and I love Kate Winslet in this film, but I would have hard time sitting through Titanic again.

Which one would you choose? Titanic Or The Phnatom Menace?
Definitely Star Wars, not even close. Whether you like any of the particular Star Wars films (and personally I liked all of them including Phantom Menace), seeing science fiction films in 3D has got to be superior than seeing some drama in this effect. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed Titanic back when I first saw it, although I really have no interest in sitting through 3 hours of that again, 3D or otherwise. I saw the ship sink in conventional 2D, I don't really need to see it happen in 3D.

Phantom Menace was clearly superior to AOTC, but personally, I think any of the series would be better in 3D than Titanic would be.

Then again, I'm not a big fan of the whole 3D craze in general. The only 3D film which I really enjoyed the three dimensional aspect of was Avatar, any other one I have seen I would be just as content to see in standard 2D.
I would watch neither. Both of these films were successful but this 3D fad is getting ridiculous and I do not wish to be a part of it. I go to the movies to enjoy films with memorable characters and great stories, not to see stuff coming out at me. If I absolutely HAD to pick between the two then it would be Phantom Menace by a large margin because while I do not think either film should be remade in 3D, at least Star Wars films offer an environment that has justifiable reasons to potentially go the 3D route. What good could a 3D remake of Titanic possibly do? There is nothing in it that could enchance the experience by going 3D. I have no desire to watch it again anyhow. I hated it when I was a kid and I surely would still hate it in 3D form as an adult.
While I am cynical about the long term viability of 3D films in general, if I had to pick one, it would definitely be the Phantom Menace. I despised Titanic in 2D, nothing about it in 3D would change my mind. Phantom Menace has some interesting camera shots that could look decent in 3D. The Pod Race might look cool, the final duel between Qui Gon and Obi Wan vs. Darth Maul might look impressive, as might the battle on the Naboo Plains with the Gungans vs. Droids. The Phantom Menace just looks more 3D ready than Titanic.

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