Time To make the Titles Even


Championship Contender
With Cena out because of an injury, the wwe has the perfect chance to make the WWE title and World title even again. I was against putting the World title on Punk but now that Cena is out of the picture, this is exactly what should happen. Punk vs Brock for the World title can main event a ppv and the next one Orton and Bryan for the WWE title could main event. They should have Punk and Orton fight for that main event spot. Now is the time for Punk to prove that he is the best in the world. With no Cena, the world title should be given a couple main event matches.
It's a good idea have Punk and Brock for the World Championship but I'd doubt Brock will be back before Wrestlemania, I think we might aswell give up hope that WHC will be equal to the wwe again, I mean they don't even include them in John Cenas reigns anymore.

I hope wwe make an effort with the WHC because I love the belt, it scream prestige and honour but wwe have just lost complete interest in it
After saying that I believe the lack of interest has also got to do with the part time Wrestlers, for instance when Brock has a match it is instantly the co main event shoving down the WHC fued and at Wrestlemania with the guys like Taker, Triple H and Rock each having a match the World Title gets pushed down further
I don't think they even want to make the 2 titles equal. Prior to Summerslam and during the main event match they said Cena was an eleven time champion and that Bryan had never won the big one before which goes to show that the World Title is clearly no longer considered to be on equal footing with the WWE Title.

It's obvious that they have intentionally reduced the significance of the World Title. Despite the lack of two separate brands they could have easily kept the two titles on par with each other if they wanted to but they didn't, for example Cena has had 11 reigns as WWE Champion and has spent 1000+ days holding that belt while he has only had 2 reigns with the WHC and has spent only about 100 days holding it.

The feuds involving the world title are given much lesser time and emphasis and a WHC match hasn't main evented a PPV in ages. If they really want to bring both titles on par with each other (which I'm certain they won't) they will have to let the WHC match happen AFTER the WWE Title match in every PPV for the next year or so and put it on a dominant top guy who beats guys who hold/compete for the WWE Title. Brock Lesnar would be the perfect guy to do this but unfortunately he's a part timer and only wrestles 3 PPV's a year(WM, Extreme Rules and Summerslam) so it can't be done.

It's such a shame that the WHC has been reduced to what it is today because in my opinion it is the best looking belt in the WWE and looks far more prestigious than the WWE Title. As a result of this relegation the IC and US Titles have also lost some significance. When was the last time the IC Title was actually defended on PPV?
I don't actually want the WHC to be on equal footing. To me the idea of two equal champions in the same company is ridiculous. I believe the WHC has run it's course and should be gotten rid of.
Not a bad idea. I would be all for it, if it were to go that way. I had the personal feeling that they might put the IC title on Punk though as it is in far dire need for some prestige. This would also most likely lead to a long term feud between Punk and Axel which would be good for Axel. Punk has already done a great job of making Axel look great in the ring, hence the "THIS IS AWESOME" chant that they got a few weeks ago during their Smackdown match. I'd like to see that continue.
There is nothing wrong with having 2 world champions except the fact they make it very clear one belt is just a prop and the other is the one the future HOFers and part timers fight over. The big gold belt can still mean something but they haven't had a strong champion in a while.

They really need to rebrand smackdown to another set of 3 letters and run it like it's own fed like NXT. Why not use WCW? It's what should have happened like 12 years ago but it's never too late to right the ship.
I totally disagree with the concept of making the WWE Championship and the WHC Championship equal. The company is World Wrestling Entertainment and as such, the WWE championship belt should always be the top prize, the pinnacle of the company. It should be the most sought after commodity and should only be pursued and held by the absolute best of the best. That's not to say the WHC should be unimportant, but it should always be secondary to the top prize in the business.

That being said, the guys involved in the WWE picture should be the very guys associated with it: John Cena. Randy Orton. Daniel Bryan. CM Punk. The Rock. Guys like this.

The World Heavyweight Championship should be important too, but it should be the secondary prize. Priority one should be getting the title off of Alberto Del Rio. I would not be opposed to seeing this title go to a veteran such as RVD or Christian, or I wouldn't mind it ending up with a younger guy such as Damian Sandow or Cody Rhodes. In my opinion, the WHC should be a step above belts such as the Intercontinental Championship or the United States Championship, but it should remain a notch below the top prize in the business.
The World Heavyweight Championship is only really on par with the WWE championship depending on who holds it and the fueds surround it.

Back when it was first introduced for the Raw brand Triple H was WHC and Brock Lesnar was WWE champion on Smackdown. Both guys were pretty much on even footing and neither were really seen as above the other as they were both pretty much the face of their respective brands.

Look at CM Punk's first WHC title reign. As was pointed out in his DVD he (and by extension the belt) was seen as an afterthought. This was because he hadn't really been built up that much. Fast forward to his second reign and fued with Jeff Hardy the WHC was treated with prestige and seen as a priority because he had been built up strongly (It closed Summerslam 2009)

When Christian and Randy Orton were fueding over the belt, again it was treated with prestige and was thought of highly. Heck people were saying it was the fued of the summer.

Recently with the amount of guys who've held it (Bryan, Sheamus, Del Rio, Ziggler) they were not built up as much as they should've been and the fueds that they were in were not built up as much.

Bryan has built himself up to a point to being arguably the most over guy on the roster. If he were to challenge for the WHC people would give a crap about it because of who it is on.

The WWE Championship makes the man. Unfortunately the World Heavyweight Championship unfortunately does not make the man. The man makes the World Heavyweight Championship
I think with John Cena gone, the World Heavyweight Title is no longer needed. The only reason they kept it around so long was to placate their other top guys without having to compromise their plans for Cena.
The belts are not treated equal because the flagship shows they represent are not equal. The WHC is the title associated with SmackDown which is the little sister to the ultimate flagship of WWE programming, RAW, home of the WWE Title.

I am all for maintaining the brand extension, keeping certain wrestlers primarily on one show, having the US Title primarily on SD & The IC Title primarily on RAW. I can even see having two sets of tag titles. However, it never made sense to have the equivalent of two World Titles, there should be one clear, distinct, top title, and the champ should go back and forth defending that title against stars from both brands (the challenger can appear on both shows, then go back primarily to one brand).

The way it is now it is too reminiscent of mid 90s WCW with a World Champ & an International Champ, essentially representing the same thing (though the World Title usually got slightly better booking positioning). Eventually WCW got it right and unified the titles (at the time done as a storyline device to make World Champ Ric Flair stronger heading into his match vs Hulk Hogan, beating Int Champ Sting by pinfall on TV). A full fledged feud between the two champions culminating in a unification could be a major attraction for a premier non WrestleMania PPV like S-Series, R-Rumble, or S-Slam
The belts are not treated equal because the flagship shows they represent are not equal. The WHC is the title associated with SmackDown which is the little sister to the ultimate flagship of WWE programming, RAW, home of the WWE Title.

I am all for maintaining the brand extension, keeping certain wrestlers primarily on one show, having the US Title primarily on SD & The IC Title primarily on RAW. I can even see having two sets of tag titles. However, it never made sense to have the equivalent of two World Titles, there should be one clear, distinct, top title, and the champ should go back and forth defending that title against stars from both brands (the challenger can appear on both shows, then go back primarily to one brand).

The way it is now it is too reminiscent of mid 90s WCW with a World Champ & an International Champ, essentially representing the same thing (though the World Title usually got slightly better booking positioning). Eventually WCW got it right and unified the titles (at the time done as a storyline device to make World Champ Ric Flair stronger heading into his match vs Hulk Hogan, beating Int Champ Sting by pinfall on TV). A full fledged feud between the two champions culminating in a unification could be a major attraction for a premier non WrestleMania PPV like S-Series, R-Rumble, or S-Slam

Agree with pretty much all of this.

A few people in the past have said to unify the belts at WrestleMania, if I was Vincent Kennedy McMahon, I would do it the month before at elimination chamber.

The main event would be a 6 man elimination chamber match for both the WWE and World title, with the special referee being the Royal Rumble winner. It would give a 'lower' ppv MAJOR importance going into WrestleMania, imagine a main event along along the lines of WWE Champion Randy Orton, World Champion RVD, then Daniel Bryan, John Cena, Sheamus and Dolph Ziggler fighting to unify the gold, with CM Punk as the special referee as the Royal Rumble winner, waiting to face the winner for a unified WWE World title at WrestleMania (just an example).

Hell, if I had had my way, even with the brand split all those years ago, I would have had all champions eligible for both shows and also challengers (in reality only the then Undisputed champion and challenger/s would need to be on both shows actaully furthering feuds), that would have made being a champion REALLY seem a big deal.
It depends if they want to elevate the status of the World Title. Maybe they want it to be meaningless. However, if they were to try and create some interest for the belt CM Punk is definitely the man for the job. He did it for the World Title and he could feud with Del Rio and Wade Barrett before a match with Lesnar at Mania. That would be fantastic and by that time Damien Sandow could actually win at title that people cared about.
Even back when the WHC was on Raw in 2002-2005 it was arguably still only equal to the WWE Title and both the titles main evented alternate PPV's and in some ways the WWE title was still the more important one considering how dominant Lesnar's reigns were compared to HHH who didn't get as many clean wins and Lesnar was considered to be the face of the company(he was on the cover of Smackdown:HCTP and was the strongest overall superstar in that game). So I don't think the Raw title is necessarily the more prestigious title, especially now that there is no longer a brand extension.

The difference is that back then they used to at least consider both WWE and WHC reigns as world title reigns which they don't seem to do anymore. Not to mention the fact that the WHC match hasn't closed a PPV in forever.

I understand why the WWE Title is the most coveted title but I wish they'd at least unify the WWE and WHC titles and the IC and US titles so the IC title would be relevant again. Aesthetically I've always preferred the WHC(Big Gold Belt) over the WWE belt because the WWE belt looks so ugly. I wish they'd go back to using the Eagle belt again or just use the Big Gold Belt as the WWE belt.

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