Time to Lose the Egyptian Butterfly Championship

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
I love TNA, but I just can't take that fuckin' thing even quasi-seriously.

Yes, I'm aware that the design is personalized for Hardy and likely cost TNA a pretty penny to stamp, but my god... how hard is it to establish a program where the guy who wins the championship [from Hardy] has it destroyed, melted down, thrown in the trash whatever to debut a real championship design that can actually look adequate around the waist or over the shoulder of a guy not named Jeff Hardy?

Enough with the Egyptian Butterfly design. Lose it so we can move forward, please?

I agree with you 100% about the appearance of the butterfly belt and your inability to take it seriously if held by anyone other than Jeff Hardy.

Having said this, from what I have heard and read about last night's PPV, I think TNA has far more pressing matters to attend to than the optics of their championship belt. Perhaps one good place to start would be having a title defense involving the belt, regardless of its cosmetic value, last longer than 1:28. Or have the former champion, who is still very much in the main event picture, show up in a physical and mental condition to be able to compete.

I agree with you completely, the look of the belt has to be radically re-designed in order to appear to have more legitimacy. But if the circus that was last night's final two matches is not rectified, the apperance of the belt will be meaningless.
I can't stand the belt. It looks like crap and is nowhere near championship quality. I would love for the company to start a program this week where Sting gets rid of it tonight (especially after what happened last night) and bring back the old one that Eric Young supposedly still has from dumpster diving.
The new one should just be used whenever Hardy is champ. Nobody else should be holding it. The problem is having the other guys use the old belt; a belt that has been de-valued by being thrown in the bin and carried around by Eric Young.
I agree with you 100% about the appearance of the butterfly belt and your inability to take it seriously if held by anyone other than Jeff Hardy.

Having said this, from what I have heard and read about last night's PPV, I think TNA has far more pressing matters to attend to than the optics of their championship belt. Perhaps one good place to start would be having a title defense involving the belt, regardless of its cosmetic value, last longer than 1:28. Or have the former champion, who is still very much in the main event picture, show up in a physical and mental condition to be able to compete.

I agree with you completely, the look of the belt has to be radically re-designed in order to appear to have more legitimacy. But if the circus that was last night's final two matches is not rectified, the apperance of the belt will be meaningless.

That's just it though, habs — all the more reason to move forward, really.

If all this Hardy hoopla really is true and TNA really is facing major controversy with his behavior and actions, now is as good a time as any to finally move forward. Cut your losses. If the Hardy experiment is a failure, cut your ties with it and professionally move on without him. That means losing his belt, to boot.

Write up an angle that allows Sting to take Hardy's belt and trash it in place of the old World Heavyweight Championship on iMPACT! in front of the whole world. Have Young drop his comedy bit (momentarily) in a main event that isn't even a match but instead Sting pulling in the reigns and aligning the boys in the back in an angle that sees him unite the locker room under the same banner of "TNA", vying against Bischoff, Hogan, Hardy and Immortal.

Damage control, really, but "for the best", just like the Fortune turn on Immortal.

I understand TNA's thought process here — had the Hardy controversy actually worked out for them (with him avoiding jail and cleaning up a bit), they'd have been able to capitalize on turning one of the biggest babyfaces into their most marketable heel and him having his own title that he likely wouldn't have lost for months would have heightened the entire situation and really put emphasis on the hatred Hardy would have received (especially after trashing the old title). Problem is, things seemingly didn't work out that way, so IMO they simply need to cut their losses at this point and try moving forward.
I agree. Does anyone else feel like the TNA World Heavyweight Championship belt bears a striking resemblance to the WWE Divas Championship? That's sad. TNA needs to do away with the purple belt and debut a legitimate looking championship belt.
I wholeheartedly agree that the current Egyptian Butterfly Championship is shit. The strap is purple for crying out loud. Its likeness is identical to the Divas Championship. Prior to this title's introduction, because of Jeff Hardy, I thought the TNA World Heavyweight Championship belt looked great. It had that winged design and everything on that front plate looked like a real World title. Mr Anderson looked silly carrying around the Jeff Hardy title and Sting doesn't look good with it either. If this is just another example of TNA copying the WWE by emulating exactly what John Cena was doing with his customized belt, then it's pathetic. Trash the title, create a new one and stick with it. Enough with the personality catering.
I hope by this Thursday we see either see a new design title or the original TNA World title. Because of last night's controversy they better come up with a plan for the storyline since Hogan has total control over TNA, but after what happen last night, they better change the the design of the title because so far Anderson and Sting hasn't worn the title around their waist and am still laughing about last night because not only its funny but its embarrassing as well

I also notice Eric Young didn't wear the original title for long
I feel like the only one who likes the belt, but with that being said, now that Hardy isn't champ (and shouldn't be again for a long while) it's time for a new belt.

A NEW belt. I swear to god i'll freak if they recycle EY's new prop. Maybe that's the problem. Maybe they haven't had a new belt made.

Either way I agree and Hardy's belt should be trashed.
First off, IDR and Habs, love reading your responses to virtually every thread. Great work.

To the topic at hand, I agree whole-heartedly that the butterfly belt should be put on hiatus. I think that it makes a champion look almost like a trasitional champion when they're holding a belt obviously designed for one man. In turn, it brings down the prestige of a title meant to represent the company and its employees. IMO, it almost feels like TNA (not a hater, just a reference) is just being lazy. I could be wrong, and appreciate all those that will have different opinions, but I just felt the need to express mine.
I agree they do need to get rid of the Jeff Hardy belt, and I hope they don't decide to keep it for a long time as it is a Jeff Hardy specific belt, just like the WWE's spinner belt needs to go away or used only when Cena is champ
i agree with everything everyone has said... and might have figured out what tna hasnt yet...

do a little backstage viginette with Sting, where he walks into a locker room and sees EY prancing around with the belt on. Sting looks at the belt looks at him looks at that puke he is carrying around, then back at Eric and then says, "You know Eric, I always thought you looked great in purple, and this design, its just for you." This leads Eric to say ya ya think, and then Sting suggests they switch belts. Eric obliges. Boom you have Sting with the original belt, Eric with Jeffs belt, and potentially more for this comedy gimmick he is in, ill go into that if people want.

The main point is it is something that can get the original belt back on Sting and even give EY some more comedy to do, cause lets face it, the guy is like Santino, gold on the comedy level.
I love TNA, but I just can't take that fuckin' thing even quasi-seriously.

Yes, I'm aware that the design is personalized for Hardy and likely cost TNA a pretty penny to stamp, but my god... how hard is it to establish a program where the guy who wins the championship [from Hardy] has it destroyed, melted down, thrown in the trash whatever to debut a real championship design that can actually look adequate around the waist or over the shoulder of a guy not named Jeff Hardy?

Enough with the Egyptian Butterfly design. Lose it so we can move forward, please?


The Divas Title, that crap is a disgrace. My wife saw it and told me if there was ever a gay wrestling promotion that should be the title. It is so sad to see Sting walking around with Meth Hardy's Divas Title.
Now To post to the thread The belt is stupid and needs to be trashed. Now to get to the reall topic, To all you TNA Marks who got onto me for my hatred for the Product and Insulted me when I talked ill about the Hardys, Whos laughin now, Jeff Hardy is a Giant rehab festival, I watched the PPV just to see somthing happen and it did, I did not pay for it so it was ok. THe PPV itself was ok, But I laughed my ass off When Jeff Druggie I mean Hardy came out and totaly disgraced himself, the profession and his family. I am curious to see what happens but I am almost positive they being TNA Brass wont really do what is needed to correct this. This a sad, funny but predictable turn of events. I cant wait for your heat,, BRING IT BITCHES.
Never Question Da GURU.
That belt is a goddam joke. I always wonder why the TNA champion carries around the Divas title. It's only meant to be held by Jeff Hardy and God only knows when he'll be champion again. Since the original TNA world title was devalued by Hogan and later Eric Young, a new and regal design should be created. Sting or AJ Styles is the best choice to restore TNA to respectability.
do a little backstage viginette with Sting, where he walks into a locker room and sees EY prancing around with the belt on. Sting looks at the belt looks at him looks at that puke he is carrying around, then back at Eric and then says, "You know Eric, I always thought you looked great in purple, and this design, its just for you." This leads Eric to say ya ya think, and then Sting suggests they switch belts. Eric obliges. Boom you have Sting with the original belt, Eric with Jeffs belt, and potentially more for this comedy gimmick he is in, ill go into that if people want.

you should write storylines for TNA. that's great
I'm almost 99% sure that if TNA is ever planning to give the title to Aj he'll get pissed off amd change it back, if not I hope Sting attacks it with his baseball bat primarily for our entertainment and then bring a more traditional belt (or the old one).
That belt makes me sick to my stomach. I looks like shit even when Hardy has it. When Anderson came out holding that thing while wearing a camo ball cap I changed the channel. It's emberassing. Sting looks like a fool with it.

The real question is why the hell did TNA let him make it in the first place. Did no one in the company have the balls to tell him that his idea was fucking terrible? Everything about Hardy is terrible. He wrestles in fucking Jenco's and a spandex zip up. Am I the only one that hasn't seen anyone wear that shit since the skanks in highschool thought it was cool in the late 90's? TNA should have told him to go to hell when he asked for it. It's unquestionably the worst belt in wrestling history. It makes the old WWF hardcore title look noble.

It's so bad that I can't imagine TNA wrestlers wanting to even be the champ. Its emberassing to whoever has to wear it. Would people still give a shit about the Superbowl if the winning team had to wear pink butt plugs around their necks instead of rings? It's about the same thing.
A lot of people were saying the same thing about Cena's spinner belt, and that's been around for a long time now. Fans will always be up in arms about companies changing the appearance of their title belts, but eventually just take it for what it is.

Also... Sure the belt doesn't look like a great wrestling championship belt, but TNA isn't exactly a great wrestling company...
A lot of people were saying the same thing about Cena's spinner belt, and that's been around for a long time now. Fans will always be up in arms about companies changing the appearance of their title belts, but eventually just take it for what it is.

Also... Sure the belt doesn't look like a great wrestling championship belt, but TNA isn't exactly a great wrestling company...

You make a fair point about the spinner, but it's a little different. In 2005 spinners where the biggest thing in the world. Every rapper and famous athlete had them and always showed them off. They were so popular that you could even buy magazines that only talked about spinners. Cena had a rapper gimmick going and the spinner was perfect for him. When he brought it out people laughed and thought it was really funny and cool. It was a great way to show people that a new era had begun. After a while it stopped being funny and they stopped it from spinning. It also made for great promo's when his opponents would make fun of it.

Jeff Hardys belt was a total piece of shit from day one. It's a fucking pink a purple Egyption butterfly. Thats the nicest way to describe it. I could be a lot worse. The second he pulled it out of the bag people were disgusted. Grown men were supposed to fight over something that looked like it was dreamed up by a 12 year old emo girl.

When Cena lost the belt they simpley put a pin in it to keep in from spinning. What the hell are you supposed to do with that purple thing? It's just terrible.
OBTW DZONE wasnt it you in another thread that called me a........Baboon because of my Factual opinion on the Hardys? In the imortal words of Ace Ventura, "MAN IM TIRED OF BEING RIGHT!"
To all: Look at the history of all the title belts. Yes I agree that the title that THE ICON Sting carries makes him look, well gay, but until the Creative non-masterminds behind TNA's storylines get their head out of their rears, he will carry the title. The storyline have been so outrageous and inconsistent that it is hard to keep up woth them.
Sting coming back and winning the title was a great idea because Jeff Hardy is in so much legal trouble. I think that they should have one last match where if Jeff Hardy looses (and he will if TNA creative is smart) he will leave TNA. But here is how I think it should be played out.
1. Dixie Carter comes out and tells all the TNA fans and Hulk Hogan/Eric Bischoff, that she has new information on the court case for who is in charge of TNA. The HogSchoff regime/Immortal comes out saying that the hearings are over and that she should just give up.
2. As Dixie is surrounded by Immortal in the ring, Fourtune comes out followed by Sting, Angle, Anderson, RVD and Morgan.
3. Sting and Anderson, having been the only two to wear the new belt tell Hogan and Bishoff that they are fighting for TNA and, since TNA apparently are not into the whole PG era thing, say that this piece of crap belt is going away. At this point Jeff Hardy speaks out saying that he wants one more match with Sting and that if he looses, he will leave TNA for good.
4. Sting accepts the match, but before anything can be said, both RVD and Anderson stake their claim to the title as well.
5. Dixie begins to say that there will be a four way for the championship and that it will be a ladder/lumberjack match an that specific nights TNA ImPact.
5. Hogan and Bischoff cut Dixie off saying that she has no authority, but at that moment a lawyer comes out stating that due to recent events, Hogan and Bischoff are stripped of their rights to manage TNA and that Dixie is re-instated as TNA President.
6. At this, Dixie calls for the new Championship to be brought out (design that she had worked on during her no-president timeframe. (Basically bringing back the original Championship title but with a new look that is not WWE looking)
Stipulations on the match are none of the lumberjacks are to interfere in the match. Immortal tries to interfere, but Fourtune intervenes and fights immortal to the back.
Now back to the match. After evey wrestler hitting theor signature moves, and even some of them hitting their moves off of the ladders, and the match lasting longer that 1 min 30 sec Sting retains the title.
This will bring prestige back to the title, while not having sting take the old title from Eric Young. Then they can throw the purple one away, and if they really want to give it to Orlando Jordan since he is playing the fruity gay guy thing so good.
Of course TNA should replace the belt. They should have replaced it a long time ago. If Jeff Hardy was clean then maybe they could keep the belt and make him the top heel. With his court troubles and rampant wild behavior, now is the best time as any to design a new TNA championship. They can't really take the old belt out of the trash since Eric Young has ruined that title. They need to design a new championship. Not for Sting, but for the whole organization to move forward.
I wish they'd never used it quite honestly. I know, I know it was a personalized title belt for Hardy but the thing's an eye sore. It shouldn't cost TNA all that much to have a new title made. It might mean a little less extra cash so we might not be seeing more cast members of Jersey Shore, but I think we'll all somehow manage to muddle along.

I just hope that they don't turn around and just go back to using the original design. It's a beautiful design, don't get me wrong on that. Between being dumped in a trash can and Eric Young running around for the past 4 months with it around his waist doing...whatever it is that he does for TNA now, it'd look pretty second rate.

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