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Time Limits

Dagger Dias

One Winged Admin
Staff member
We all know about timers in video games. The little ticking clock that keeps you constantly one second closer to the game over screen, unless you clear the level before the time limit runs out. Some people love timers, others hate them, then there are those of us with mixed feelings about them. In my personal opinion there are certain types of missions that turn the timers into a necessary evil, to add to the tension and make you more excited about completing the event. On the other side of the coin, who here hasn't found themselves exploring a level only for the time to run out and suddenly you die and are incredibly frustrated? Timers are nowhere near as common as they once were, and it seems they might be getting phased out other than certain missions that require them for a sense of urgency. I don't think they are needed anymore because games have a larger need for exploration these days and people should have the freedom to fully explore at any given moment without worrying about the time running out to lose extra lives.

So do we even need timers in games anymore, why or why not?

What are your thoughts?
I don't think that they are needed in video games.
Like you already said, games today make you want to explore them more. Be either for the fun of seeing what a dungeon or level looks like or for any collectibles that you might want to get. I do, however, think that they don't hurt if they aren't the main focus. I think every once in a while they work very well because some times a game can get a little boring or repetitive if there isn't enough challenges. Some timers that do make for interesting challenges like collecting the targets in Smash Bros Brawl in a certain time in order to get one of those trophies. As long as the game play doesn't require a timer for every mission and it is thrown in at scarce times and serves the purpose of the story line then why not.
I would only want Time Limits in Platforming Games and Side Scrolling Games, sometimes racing games if it fits. Side Scrollers, there isn't terribly much to explore, so mucking around doing nothing would be useless, besides, it's a good challenge if the game is hard. Platforming games, I would say the same thing, except that time should be more lenient.

However, I hate Time Limits in Fighting Games. They detract from the action, and might stop comebacks. Luckily, there is the possibility of turning off the Time, so that's not really a big issue.
I've always liked timed mini games like in rpgs and sneaking games , for like hacking a computer or things like that....so only because doing things like that would be pretty time sensitive so you don't get caught.
Yeah, Mario Bros. games never needed that damned clock. It was always so pointless and cut you off when you tried to collect stuff. Can't say the same when a timer is applied in say... Metroid. It was tradition to run somewhere in a certain amount of time and then it blew up. When using a timer, a developer should use logic. Why the hell would Mario inexplicably die if the timer ran out?
I hate timers, but they are needed and work well in certain scenarios.

For example

In games where a mission has to be completed in a certain time, or a bomb will go off or something like that. Sometimes in that type of game there is a reason why something has to be done within a certain time limit or there will be devastating consequences.

Also, games like Tony Hawk's Skateboarding, where you are given a time limit in which you have to achieve a certain points score or collect all the letters to the word SKATE I think works well as it challenges you to improve and get better in order to achieve the required standard of performance to progress in the game. Still annoying though.

The good thing about the Hawk games was that it DID offer the chance of "Free Skate" which gave players the chance to explore the levels and find out secrets in their own time, and they could improve their skills before having another crack at the time-limit level.

That is why in games where there ARE time limits, there should also be an option of turning them off in order to explore the game properly, as you cannot fully get to know a level, discover all its little secrets and even enjoy it properly when you are constantly watching the little timer getting less and less and you are getting more and more panicked as you struggle to complete the task (usually doing much worse than you would normally as the tension mounts!)
Looks like I agree with the general consensus here, I especially liked Killjoy's point about logical use of timers [Why the hell does Mario die after spending 6 minutes in any particular level!?], I reckon there's definitely a place for timers, in any situation where something time-critical occurs. Where used, though, I think the forfeit or punishment for running out of time shouldn't always be defaulted to 'die' because in many situation where it could be appropriate to have a time limit, there may well be multiple alternative possibilities to completing the task in one specific way in a short space of time.

Don't know if any of this made sense, my logic circuits appear to have melted today.
I really hate time limits on games its annoys the fuck out of me when your 3 seconds from the finish and the time ends or you drown in a certain amount of time. I also see why Times limits are used though. Like that occasional timed mission they have on CoD makes it different to the usual Camping at the back thing. But when timers are not used in missions when they need to be such as Halo 3s Crows nest Mission (Place is about to blow up apparently but you can take however long you like) its a real Cock Up. I rushed the first time Before Realising I don't have to lol. Timers can add to the game and make you challenge yourself and making the game a little bit longer to complete so I'm on the fence To be honest.
I agree with most of the people on here. Of course there are times when a timer are good. Games like Tony Hawk Pro Skater when you have two minutes to get to a certain score or if you have to get to a bomb in a certain amount of time. However besides the few occasions, I really don't like timers and don't think they really add to the game. Too me, adding a timer to the game is a cheap way of creating a challenge. In my opinion adding a timer is the developers way of saying...we aren't too creative so we need to add a timer. Even the bomb scenario I mentioned and was mentioned before. I only like timers in those scenarios if it is important to the storyline to get their in a certain amount of time.
Well I would say that I have mixed feelings on time limits, when you are doing a mission on a game and suddenly a timer pops up and you have to get to a certain place before the time runs out, I usually say I hate these types of missions. But after playing the game you look back and think about how hard (on some occasions) it was to pass that mission, level etc. I say that time limits are good and should be in games. They not only make me want to play the game more to pass said level but it also makes the game more lengthy, thus not letting you complete the game in a few hours.
I believe more now than ever are time limits needed. Games these days are far more needed, well in a way. Because games today are far easier as a majority having time limits makes the games more difficult and challenging to complete, this atleast for me keeps my attention and interest in the game. There is also thhe fact that games today are far shorter. I dont know if this is because of how some games are easy, or if the games are just shorter. I like playing games that are not impossible to finish, but take a long time to finish. I was thinking how long games used to be on the playstation 2, games like GTA San Andreas, they took months for me to finish, but today within a few days I can finish a game, and I only casually play games throughout the week. Time limits give games greater difficulty, and make the game more lengthy which I think are two of the greatest problems with todays gaming. Having missions take multiple repeated trys to complete keep my interest rather than missions that I finish first try and forget about.

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