Time for The Bound For Glory Series: Picking The Dirty Dozen


Getting Noticed By Management

Alright TNA has that WWE Template, they have established that they're answer to Wrestlemania is Bound For Glory and they're answer to the Royal Rumble is the excellent Bound For Glory Series. Is it so tempting to just throw in a battle royal concept and give that winner the #1 contender shot at Bound For Glory but kudos to Impact Wrestling for sticking to the basics and giving us a sweet round robin tournament. It's been fanatastic the past 2 years giving us compelling TV and intriguing PPVs leading up and into October.

Match makers within the company must be doing a lot of shuffling and rearranging and having such debate to figure which 12 of the roster will be in the tournament as it seems this year we have a lot of contenders. Guys who I can see being in the 12...

-Kurt Angle
-AJ Styles
-Samoa Joe
-Austin Aries
-James Storm
-Bobby Roode
-Joseph Park
-Chavo Guerrero
-Jeff Hardy
-Matt Morgan
-Rob Terry
-Robbie E.
-Chistopher Daniels
-Kenny King
-Chris Sabin
-Mr. Anderson
-Joey Ryan

We now know from last night Impact that Hernandez and Samoa Joe have qualified joining Joe Bradley who won the Gut Check Tournament for his spot. Chavo Guerrero and Robbie E were beat in their respective matches so they won't be in the 12. What's also interesting is next week Kurt Angle is facing AJ Styles in a qualifying match which means just one of the them will not be in the Bound For Glory Tournament. This is dissapointing to me because they both can carry anyone to a great match but I guess there are only so many spots.

Who do you think the remaining 9 spots should go to? Do you agree with the 3 men already in it or would have you a completely different "dirty dozen." List, debate... the floor is yours.

Moderator's Note:

DO NOT POST SPOILERS here. This thread is for GUESSING who will be in this series, not you trying to be smart by posting the results of the 6/13 show. Anyone who posts spoilers is getting infracted.

The only complaint I have about the BFG series is that too often it feels like they're trying to get too many people over, rather than using it to tell a story.

So if I were in charge, I pick a handful of candidates to be my top babyface and the A&8's cheat to get the rest of the spots. From there, the A&8's guys fight to win so they can let Bully have a walkover in BFG. Now I would start out where they decide to rig their matches against each other to ensure Anderson and Devon get the most points.

Meanwhile the notion that Sting has been trying to get across that TNA is disjointed, selfish, every man for himself continues as the babyfaces all compete against each other for the BFG spot and do not watch each others backs as Anderson and Devon soar up the rankings. AJ is the exception. You book him as the guy who outsmarts A&8's as he stays neck and neck with Devon and Anderson.

Now as we come into the home stretch, AJ and another babyface (my vote is Storm) take a lead, while Devon and Anderson fall back to 3rd and 4th. In the last 3 weeks before BFG, the other babyface takes a lead over AJ, dropping him down to 4th place behind Devon and Anderson, with the help of A&8's, who he joins. Make it so AJ has to go unbeaten leading to the big show just to finish second...which he manages by beating Anderson and Devon in the final two weeks.

In the finals, AJ is still the lone wolf, the guy who wants no friends and no part of TNA, versus the A&8's turncoat. The ref gets bumped and Devon and Anderson come down only to be cut off by Angle and Magnus. AJ gets the win and the match with Bully. AJ still stays lone wolf in a promo, saying TNA can't come together to do anything and that Angle and Magnus can't hold off the entire A&8's crew. It's still him against the world and he likes his odds.

During the match with Bully just when AJ gets on fire, A&8's swarm en mass...and this time Angle, Magnus, Hardy, Sting, Joe, Gunner, and Hogan come and beat them through the crowd, while Bully is down and AJ looks dead from the A&8's attack. Bully picks up a limp AJ, piledrives him and goes for the cover...and AJ kicks out. He rallies and beats Bully for the title.

That's how I'd do it at least.
Off the top of my head, I've little doubt that Styles, Aries, Hardy and Roode will be included. I don't expect Storm or Gunner involved as they just won the tag titles. Doesn't necessarily mean that they can't be in the BFG Series, but I just don't see it. If I'm not mistaken, I think Jay Bradley has won a qualifying match. I don't expect much out of him. I think he'll score a couple of wins here and there but he'll mostly be used for enhancement. I could see Joseph Park being put in as a lot of people seem to be enjoying him right now. I could see either Kaz or Daniels as part of the BFG Series, maybe both, that would lead to them probably going their separate ways. Isn't Samoa Joe in there as well right now & didn't Hernandez beat Chavo in a qualifier last night? And I'm sure that a member of Aces & Eights will wind up in the BFG Series at some point. Aside from Bully Ray, the only two in the group that anyone remotely gives a crap about would be Devon or Anderson.

So I think it'll ultimately look something like this.

Bound For Glory Series
AJ Styles
Austin Aries
Bobby Roode
Jeff Hardy
Samoa Joe
Joseph Park
Mr. Anderson or Devon
Christopher Daniels
Matt Morgan or Magnus

When I look at the TNA roster, I think these are really the only ones who jump out at me for involvement in the series. I think the obvious frontrunners would have to be AJ Styles and Jeff Hardy. Styles is doing his Sting inspired tweener bit right now and Hardy is probably the top babyface on the roster. Unless Aries or Roode make a face turn between now and the end of the series, I don't see either one of them winning. Magnus is a young guy and while I don't see him winning, the series could be a good opportunity to build his credibility. If Morgan winds up in it, again, I just don't see him winning. I think Morgan's just too damaged at this point to really even get excited about. Joseph Park is sort of TNA's Santino Marella in the sense that a lot of people like him but he's not going to be taken seriously. His whole split personality bit will probably progress from here on in. If an A&E member is involved, I don't see him winning but they'll be used as a means of TNA driving a wedge within the group itself. If Daniels and/or Kazarian are in it, I don't give them much of a chance either. If Bradley is indeed in it already, which I think he is, I think he has the least chance. Like Magnus though, the BFG Series could be used to build him up if they don't use him mostly as a jobber. Hernandez has little to no chance of winning either. Samoa Joe, like several guys who are, or I think MIGHT wind up being in the series, just seems like a body to be used. So yeah, if that's ultimately what the field is going to look like, I expect it to ultimately come down to Styles & Hardy. Unless some serious booking changes takes place between now and BFG for some wrestlers, they're really the only two I could see being a credible winner.
a couple years ago they used the BFG series to establish singles of Bobby Roode and James Storm. I think they could again use the BFG series to establish wrestlers.

I was thinking this could be a good way to re establish Matt Morgan. he came back before and said he wanted to go through everyone. this would be a great opportunity to do that, go through the top talent in the BFG series. but he hasn't been seen since passing out to Sting, something I think is just stupid. not being seen I mean.

now that Storm and Gunner are tag team champions, I have to wonder if that means either one of them wont be in the BFG series. which I think is another waste. Storm has been dropping down and down, and the BFG series could be used to re establish him.

Magnus is someone who can also get a push through the BFG series.

you already know Jay Bradley is in, because he won the Gut Check mini tournament. which I find to be a waste of a spot. in no way should Bradley (or anyone from Gut Check) be in the BFG series to determine who can challenge for the title at BFG.

you had Hernandez beat Chavo last night, so he qualified.

you had Samoa Joe beat Robbie E, so he qualified.

I figure AJ Styles will be in it.

I also figure Jeff Hardy will be in it.

I have this sick feeling that Joseph Park will be in it. even though I think that is a complete waste. right now the only story line I want to see with Joseph Park, is taking the steps to realize he is actually Abyss. IMO he has no business in the BFG series. but then again I guess the BFG series does need another jobber.

I personally don't want to see any of the X division guys in there. they have talent, but I think if you put any of them in the BFG series (say King or Sabin), then you're taking away talent from the already weak X division. I don't think a wrestler should be involved in both.

I imagine Bobby Roode and probably Austin Aries will be in there. I think Roode for sure should be getting back into singles.

if anyone from the Aces and Eights are going to be in, I would imagine it's Anderson. no one else I think is worthy of getting in.

I don't know what to do with Kurt Angle. we saw him last night come out to confront Rampage Jackson. so when do they feud? I don't know when Rampage can start or how often he can be used, but I think if TNA can use Rampage and Kurt to feud back and forth all summer it could make for good TV. maybe if Angle is feuding all summer with Rampage, he wouldn't be used in the BFG series.
Looking to the matches that are to take place next week, I believe that AJ will level his current series with Kurt which will leave Angle free to take on Bully in the here and now and free to face Rampage at BFG. I'd be surprised if there is any other outcome than Gunner & Storm progressing over Bad Influence as I still believe that Gunner will turn on the Cowboy before BFG comes around (and that Crimson will be the catalyst).

So that would bring my list to 6:
Bradley; Hernandez (Chavo to join the XDivision ranks methinks); Joe; Styles; Storm and Gunner.

6 'educated' (yeah, right) guesses to go. I'd have to believe that Aries and Roode are no-brainers. Surprisingly, I don't think Jeff will be as I think last night's inconclusive finish means that he is going to continue in the here and now with Bully. To load the dice Aces & Eights way, I believe that Anderson will be in the chase and that DOC and Knux will also be along for the ride with their instruction not to win matches but to ensure that the asshole does.

That would leave one more slot and I think it'll be one of three men - Matt Morgan or Rob Terry with an outside chance that it could be a returning Crimson. I can't see Abyss or Devon being the last guy because, while we mightn't think much of the TV Title, I do believe that TNA will show it enough respect to allow them to feud over the belt. Of the three I've mentioned, I'd go with Crimson for the Storm / Gunner reason I mentioned earlier.

EDIT: Sorry, I forgot Magnus. Strangely, I don't believe that he'll be in the series this time around as I think he may move onto feuding with Devon for the TV Belt after the current Abyss/ Joseph Parks story.
Hernandez, Joe and Jay Bradley are all in and after the confrontation between Rampage Jackson and angle this week, I think TNA are going to set up Jackson vs Angle at bound for glory which means AJ should win his match up this week on impact. I am also expecting to see Roode and Aries win there match this week against Gunner and Storm and advance to the bound for glory series, but I'm not expecting either guy to be the winner as I imagine the tournament will be used as a way to split the two of them up with one of them (MORE THEN LIKELY ROODE) turning face at somepoint with both men facing each other again at bound for glory. This leaves six spots remaining and with a lot of the guys on the roster getting on a bit TNA really need to start bring on some of the younger stars, So I fully expect to see Magnus win his match and qualify for the series. I also think your see Aces and Eights get one of there guys added to the Series and if I had to guest who, I would put money on it being Mr Anderson. As for who the final four should be I think we will see Matt Morgan and Joseph parks along with the returning Crimson and maybe King Mo if he is ready to make his debut.

So there you go these are my twelve

Samoa Joe
Jay Bradley
AJ Styles
Austin Aries
Bobbie Roode
Mr Anderson
Matt Morgan
Joseph Parks
King Mo
As established, Jay Bradley, Hernandez and Samoa Joe are in the BFG series. The other nine? Here it goes:

(1. Jay Bradley
2. Samoa Joe
3. Hernandez)
4. Chrsitopher Daniels
5. Kazarian
6. AJ Styles
7. Chris Sabin
8. Magnus
9. Matt Morgan
10. Bobby Roode
11. Austin Aries
12. Mr. Anderson.................Anderson :shrug:

Now for the reasons:

Both members of Bad Influence, because Gunner and James Storm just won the Tag team championships, I don't know why they would suddenly be placed in a tournament for the World Heavyweight championship. Both Daniels and Kaz have entertained us for the past year or so with their promos and comedy skits, and have also been in TNA longer than most of the names mentioned above. I think TNA will finally give them the brass rings, just like they did to Roode and Storm 2 years ago.

Chris Sabin as Hogan put him over (put over by Hulk Hogan for crying out loud!) offered him a World title shot his year. With Destination X removed from the PPV list, I guess the "Option C" will now take place in the BFG series, and especially with Sabin, as there have been comments of him being future world champion since his return, and also because he is one of the "originals". After serving a long time in the midweight divisions, I think he will get his chance during this series, like Kaz and Daniels.

Magnus. Dixie Carter and Sting have put this guy over several times in the past few months or so, and has really improved since the UK tour. I can't think of a reason as to why he won't be placed in the series, as he has been given a push since January this year.

Bobby Roode and Austin Aries; the "Team of World champions". There have been rumours spreading that these two will now spilt, and if this is true, the BFG series is their only alternative. Both have proved themselves and were great world champions, this is the way to push them back up, and also to put the younger guys over, just like Roode was put over not long ago.

The DNA of TNA, Matt "Frikin'" Morgan. This year, this guy has really shown us a side we have never seen of his. His tremendous work as a heel, and in his promos show that he can be a great World champion. Harassing Hogan backstage several times shows that TNA cares abouth the 7ft monster. It was almost as if "The Immortal" Hulk Hogan was getting bullied by Matt[/B]; something we have never seen anyone do. Having been buried several times after gaining momentum, I suppose this is the time he will get put over, and will stay in his position (and obviously progress). The competition he has makes it even better, as Styles, Joe, Roode and Aries are some of the best performers in TNA, and stars that can make almost anyone look good in the ring.

The Asshole of the Eights, Mr. Anderson. 2 years ago, Anderson was one of the top stars of TNA. His in ring work, most noteably with Kurt Angle was enjoyed, and his promos kept this guy rolling. Fast foward late 2011, his matches and promos have become a bore. He doesn't even look like he want's to be there anymore. As the guy dominating TNA is the world champ, I reckon Bully Ray will want one of the members of the Aces and Eights as his number one contender. The first option? The new VP of the Aces and Eights, Mr. Anderson. This is his chance to regain all of the charisma he lost last year, and if it works well enough, we may see the (Vince McMahon voice) "old" Mr. Anderson

The Phenominal One, the first ever Grand slam champion in TNA; AJ Styles. I really think that this guy will end Bully Ray's reign, saving TNA, ultimately turning him back to a babyface. The story behind it could be that he doesn't want the house he built to come to an end, at Bully's hands, (or anyone's hands for that matter), and none of the others will be worthy enough to take the title from he "Baddest Mother Trucker" today, Bully Ray. Altenatively, Styles hasn't been world champion since May of 2010. He may want what he rightfully deserves after 3 years. The thing that makes it quite obvious he will get in to the series anywaay, is the encounter from last week between Rampage Jackson and Kurt Angle, and also the match between AJ and Angle. Rampage vs Angle forshadows that we get to see a match between them at Bound For Glory, to get them some mainstream attention (this is a top MMA fighter and an Olymic Gold Medalist we're talking here), and the outcome of the match between Angle and AJ was dissappointing to many. Though, it was to get Angle over as it was the night he was announced as the next Hall Of Fame inductee. The rematch will regain Styles' momentum, and will eventually lead to him becoming the new World Champion.

So there you have it, (I know, sad right?), the supposed list of the BFG series contestants. I reckon this year's series is mainly based on pure competition (with no Robbie E's or squash matches), and for the most part, to put Morgan and co over. I'm not sure where Hardy fits in all of this, but for the time being, these are the guys who are most likely going to enter the series, and it will make the stars of tomorrow.
A.J. Styles is my pick for winning this Bound For Glory series and why? Because ever since A.J. has made his return to TNA he has been on a tear when you think about it becoming the "lone wolf" of TNA similar to what Sting was for WCW back in the 1990s when the whole nWo saga was going down, the Aces and Eights saga is going down now but with A.J. turning his back on Aces and Eights when they were going to patch him into the club he attacked all of them but then attacked major faces too like Storm and or Angle with A.J. having no ties or allegiances to anyone except himself

Yes I am just saying it would be rewarding if A.J. could win this because if anything at Slammiversary he should have gotten a TNA World Title match but no it was given to Sting and if Bully is going to drop the title, he should drop it to A.J.
Here is who i would have put into the Bound for Glory Series:

Chavo Guerrero
Rob Terry
Christian York
Samoa Joe
Petey Williams
Robert Roode
Hernandez and Chavo Guerrero: Both are great wrestlers. One has great agility and one has great power.

Rob Terry: He needs a push and getting into the series would start that push. He also seems to get over with the fans well

Robert Roode and Doc: Since you have a heel champion, the card should be mostly comprised of face wrestlers but should still contain some heels. Robert Roode has shown that he has the talent while Doc, just like Rob Terry, needs a little push

Suicide and Petey Williams: Sometimes you need X Division talents to make the series different. These two just came back and what a good way to start their new session in TNA than with putting them in the series for a chance to get more exposure

Christian York: I like the way the guy performs in the ring. He needs the series to be on the right path. Without it, i feel like he would be pushed aside like what most of the gutcheck contestants are now.

Gunner: Since he just returned, he has been a force. He needs to be in the series so that he could prove that he could hang with the big guns

Samoa Joe/Magnus/Abyss: These are now some of the staples of TNA and they seem to get over with the crowd. Also they could bring some uniqueness to the series

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