Time For Kong To Play With The Boys

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Little Jerry Lawler

Sigmund Freud On Ritalin And Roids
So far, Kong has been running roughshod over the Knockout Division. ODB, Velvet Sky, Madison Rayne, Sojo Bolt, she has destroyed them all. Now she has her sights set on regaining her Knockout Championship from Angelina Love. What I am hoping for is that Kong loses against Love so she can step up against the men after defeating Cute Kip (I guess I can count him as a man).

Sure Chyna did it in WWE, but the difference is Chyna thought she was too good to wrestle the women. Kong has already done that so there is nowhere to go but up. Besides getting abused by Dr. Stevie, is Abyss doing anything? Who wouldn't want to see Eric Young prove his worth by beating Kong? Better yet, imagine the tagline of a Kong vs. Morgan matchup. "The Beast from the Far East" vs. "The TNA of DNA". Samoa Joe won the X-Divison title so why can't Kong?
Although I see the logic behind this, I just don't see it as a worthwhile and intelligent idea for the simple reason that you simply cannot have a bunch of matches between Kong and various male opponents and not have them mount an inkling of offense because of Spike's ban on violence against female wrestlers. What are they gonna do? Have Kong destroy every low to mid card male wrestler on the show? Have every male wrestler beat Kong with a roll-up or small package which probably would be the only acceptable wrestling allowed by Spike on her? As much as I like to see her powerbomb a male stripper into oblivion, I just don't picture Kong manhandling (womanhandling?) Abyss on a regular basis, or even EY for that matter.

I'm afraid Kong is just stuck between two worlds right now and there doesn't seem to be a legitimate and interesting way out of it.
i hate the beautiful people. they are annoying. their annoyance is not entertaining, it's just annoying and stupid. when they do their little backstage segments, that's when i press the fast forward button. as much as i want kong to completely decimate them, i do not want to see her with the title again. i believe having her booked to destroy some lower mid card guys and have about a month long x division title reign wouldn't hurt too much. what the hell else are they going to do with her? other than possibly make her lose about 100lbs which i do not see happening.
Simply put, TNA's anti-violence against women will eventually have Kong booked for repeat squash matches against the other Knockouts of TNA, or deteriorate her unstoppable character and make her seem more of a joke. Since Chyna went on and became IC Champ three times (moreso IC than a Women's champ) in the WWE, that made her character even more unstoppable and built it up. A good move for the WWE. TNA has that opportunity to build Kong into a Chyna character, but with being politically correct, Kong will never amount to be anything but fear in the eyes of the Knockouts. It is what TNA needs for Kong as a character to dismantle the mid card males.

I'm not entirely sure if TNA is shown on a different channel than SpikeTV elsewhere, but being as though it IS shown on Spike, should it really be a concern? Spike is ALL about the male testosterone. What a better way to fuel testosterone than to have men beat on women? Just kidding. But seriously, it shouldn't really matter if Kong should or shouldn't be allowed to take on the male wrestlers, as the females serve no competition.
Not sure where TNA is going with this one, but I thought it was an interesting first pick for the male/female match. My husband's thought was Kip must be a really easy going guy to agree to such a match and then lose. My thought was who in the lockerroom would walk up to someone the size of Kip and make fun of him for actually losing a match to a female, especially since we can guess what would happen in real life in a fight of Kong versus Kip. This is why I like the fact they didn't pick one of the smaller guys, like AJ or EY, as some people would wager in a fair fight Kong would put them on a stretcher. Just my two cents.
The problem with Awesome Kong facing the men is this.

It is a big shock seeing a woman facing a man in the ring. Used for comedy most of the time, such as with Hervina in the past, or Andy Kaufman before that. However there have been times when women did legitimately outperform a male wrestler in the ring. Lita proved a few times in mixed matches that she had what it takes. Mickie James has beaten a man before, but like has been said, the greatest example is Chyna.

Now Chyna facing a man was a storyline, man versus unstoppable beastly woman. As a storyline, it can be overdone. Having Chyna keep winning against men, stacking up three title wins in that time killed her character. After that, she could never face the women anymore, and thus was left without a role. If Awesome Kong were to do the same, after a while, she would (not saying that she isn't) become boring as she faced men, killing off the crowd reaction everytime it happened.
the major demographic for wrestling is men 18-30 i think, so why put a chick out there to beat up dudes? no man anywhere wants to see a girl that is tougher than guys. i mean women compete in mma against each other but think about what athletic commissions would do to an event that promoted an inter-gender mma bout? actually now that i think about it, fuck it let her challenge kurt angle. wrestling is worked. if it can be entertaining, it'll be certainly more fun to watch than the obligatory squash that is kong's portion of impact every week.
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