Time For EOYA Nominations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cena's Little Helper

Mid-Card Championship Winner
Nominations for ROTY will be done in a separate thread. Nominate as many people as you'd like for the following categories:

The Platinum Keyboard Award for Best Wrestling Poster

The Golden Keyboard Award for Best Non-Wrestling Poster

The Tim Russert Award for Best Moderator

The Bill Clinton Silver Cigar Award for Best Administrator

The Singer Sewing Machine Award for Best Thread Starter

The Bully Pulpit Award for Best Forum

The Bronze Bracket Award for Best Tournament

The Biggie and Tupac Award for Best Feud

The Mickie James/Matt Hardy for Fastest, Most Sudden Fall From Grace

The "It's Kinda Like a Real Job Award" for Best Graphic Designer

The D'Angelo Dinero Award for Most Improved Poster

The Father Dougal McGuire Award for the Most Insufferably Stupid (and Annoying) Poster

The Hemorrhoid Donut Award for the Poster Who Tries Too Hard

The Steve Austin Award for Best Arrive, Raise Hell, Leave Performance

The ECW Pimp Slap Award for the Person You'd Most Like to Go Joey Styles / JBL On

The Bee's Knees Award for Best Wrestling Thread

The Ill Nana Award for Best Non-Wrestling Thread

The Vince Russo Award for Best WZ Storyline

The Undertaker/Nathan Jones Award for Best Mentor/Protege Pairing

The Shit Flinger Award for Best Cage Monkey
Hmmm, Bille Lesnar cant technically be voted for the Steve Austin award as he has never left, BELIEVE THE HYPE.
The Platinum Keyboard Award for Best Wrestling Poster


The Golden Keyboard Award for Best Non-Wrestling Poster


The Tim Russert Award for Best Moderator

-Death From Above

The Bill Clinton Silver Cigar Award for Best Administrator


The Singer Sewing Machine Award for Best Thread Starter


The Bully Pulpit Award for Best Forum


The Bronze Bracket Award for Best Tournament

-WZ Tourney

The Biggie and Tupac Award for Best Feud

-D-Man - Sid.

The Mickie James/Matt Hardy for Fastest, Most Sudden Fall From Grace

-....I don't know.

The "It's Kinda Like a Real Job Award" for Best Graphic Designer


The D'Angelo Dinero Award for Most Improved Poster


The Father Dougal McGuire Award for the Most Insufferably Stupid (and Annoying) Poster


The Hemorrhoid Donut Award for the Poster Who Tries Too Hard


The Steve Austin Award for Best Arrive, Raise Hell, Leave Performance


The ECW Pimp Slap Award for the Person You'd Most Like to Go Joey Styles / JBL On


The Bee's Knees Award for Best Wrestling Thread

-KB review of something.

The Ill Nana Award for Best Non-Wrestling Thread

-Something Theo related.

The Vince Russo Award for Best WZ Storyline

-Return of the factions.

The Undertaker/Nathan Jones Award for Best Mentor/Protege Pairing

-Doc - SSC.

The Shit Flinger Award for Best Cage Monkey

I'll fill in the ones I can think of/haven't been done by Crock:

The Platinum Keyboard Award for Best Wrestling Poster


The Golden Keyboard Award for Best Non-Wrestling Poster

Mitch Hennessey

The Tim Russert Award for Best Moderator

Phoenix (e-fed)

The Singer Sewing Machine Award for Best Thread Starter


The Bully Pulpit Award for Best Forum


The D'Angelo Dinero Award for Most Improved Poster

I'd like to say myself but I have to go with DirtyJose

The Hemorrhoid Donut Award for the Poster Who Tries Too Hard

Nominations for ROTY will be done in a separate thread. Nominate as many people as you'd like for the following categories:

The Platinum Keyboard Award for Best Wrestling Poster

Mitch Hennessey, ScreaminNormanSmiley, Jack-Hammer, It's Damn Real!, Killjoy, shattered dreams

The Golden Keyboard Award for Best Non-Wrestling Poster

Mitch Hennessey, IndyJon22, tdigle, jmt225

The Tim Russert Award for Best Moderator


The Bill Clinton Silver Cigar Award for Best Administrator


The Singer Sewing Machine Award for Best Thread Starter

Mitch Hennessey

The Bully Pulpit Award for Best Forum


The Bronze Bracket Award for Best Tournament


The Biggie and Tupac Award for Best Feud

GD & Coco vs. Deej

The Mickie James/Matt Hardy for Fastest, Most Sudden Fall From Grace

Lord Sidious

The "It's Kinda Like a Real Job Award" for Best Graphic Designer


The D'Angelo Dinero Award for Most Improved Poster

Since he wants it, FunKay

The Father Dougal McGuire Award for the Most Insufferably Stupid (and Annoying) Poster


The Hemorrhoid Donut Award for the Poster Who Tries Too Hard


The Steve Austin Award for Best Arrive, Raise Hell, Leave Performance


The ECW Pimp Slap Award for the Person You'd Most Like to Go Joey Styles / JBL On

Via Armbar

The Bee's Knees Award for Best Wrestling Thread

Wrestlezolympics: Kenta Kobashi vs. Shawn Michaels

The Ill Nana Award for Best Non-Wrestling Thread

Are Soldiers Heroes?, tdigle Tells You Why Your Favorite Film Sucks, NXT Mod Video Game Debate

The Vince Russo Award for Best WZ Storyline

NXT Mod Competition

The Undertaker/Nathan Jones Award for Best Mentor/Protege Pairing


The Shit Flinger Award for Best Cage Monkey

Super Hans, Angel, GD, Crock, Jenks, Macca
Hell yes, it makes sense given that I've posted more in the last year than ever before and you've been involved in plenty of it.
The Platinum Keyboard Award for Best Wrestling Poster


The Tim Russert Award for Best Moderator


The Bill Clinton Silver Cigar Award for Best Administrator


The Bronze Bracket Award for Best Tournament

Nxt NWS Mod

The "It's Kinda Like a Real Job Award" for Best Graphic Designer

Doc, Theo

The Father Dougal McGuire Award for the Most Insufferably Stupid (and Annoying) Poster


The Hemorrhoid Donut Award for the Poster Who Tries Too Hard

Annonymous Mozz

The ECW Pimp Slap Award for the Person You'd Most Like to Go Joey Styles / JBL On


The Vince Russo Award for Best WZ Storyline

Bill Lesnar running through all who attemped to stand in his way to greatness.

The Shit Flinger Award for Best Cage Monkey

Bill Lesnar
The Platinum Keyboard Award for Best Wrestling Poster

-IC25/Tenta/The Brain/Jack-Hammer

The Golden Keyboard Award for Best Non-Wrestling Poster

-Blue Cardinal

The Tim Russert Award for Best Moderator


The Bill Clinton Silver Cigar Award for Best Administrator


The Singer Sewing Machine Award for Best Thread Starter


The Bully Pulpit Award for Best Forum

-Old School Wrestling

The Bronze Bracket Award for Best Tournament

-WZ Tournament

The Biggie and Tupac Award for Best Feud

-D-Man/IC25 vs. Sid

The Mickie James/Matt Hardy for Fastest, Most Sudden Fall From Grace


The "It's Kinda Like a Real Job Award" for Best Graphic Designer


The D'Angelo Dinero Award for Most Improved Poster

-The Brain

The Father Dougal McGuire Award for the Most Insufferably Stupid (and Annoying) Poster


The Hemorrhoid Donut Award for the Poster Who Tries Too Hard


The Steve Austin Award for Best Arrive, Raise Hell, Leave Performance

-Bill Lesnar

The ECW Pimp Slap Award for the Person You'd Most Like to Go Joey Styles / JBL On


The Bee's Knees Award for Best Wrestling Thread

-The Brain's "His Best Feud" Series/ Wrestlezone Tournament-The Mexico City Region-Fourth Round: 3 Stages of Hell - Andre the Giant vs. Steve Austin

The Ill Nana Award for Best Non-Wrestling Thread


The Vince Russo Award for Best WZ Storyline

-The GameRage Saga

The Undertaker/Nathan Jones Award for Best Mentor/Protege Pairing


The Shit Flinger Award for Best Cage Monkey

-Coco/NorCal/Via Armbar. All of these guys are funny as fuck, so this isn't a negative nomination kind of thing.
The Platinum Keyboard Award for Best Wrestling Poster

Jack-Hammer, Norcal, Brain, IDR

The Golden Keyboard Award for Best Non-Wrestling Poster

JMT, IndyJon, Mitch Hennessey, CH David, Big Sexy

The Tim Russert Award for Best Moderator


The Bill Clinton Silver Cigar Award for Best Administrator


The Singer Sewing Machine Award for Best Thread Starter


The Bully Pulpit Award for Best Forum

Sports Stadium

The Mickie James/Matt Hardy for Fastest, Most Sudden Fall From Grace


The "It's Kinda Like a Real Job Award" for Best Graphic Designer

Me, Doc, K4P-Unleashed

The D'Angelo Dinero Award for Most Improved Poster


The Shit Flinger Award for Best Cage Monkey

SNS, Monkey, Justin, Hans
The Platinum Keyboard Award for Best Wrestling Poster

KB, Ferbian, Jack-Hammer

The Golden Keyboard Award for Best Non-Wrestling Poster

Tdigle, jmt, Lee

The Tim Russert Award for Best Moderator


The Bill Clinton Silver Cigar Award for Best Administrator

SlyFox (***** do that shit with finesse.)

The Singer Sewing Machine Award for Best Thread Starter


The Bully Pulpit Award for Best Forum

WZ, duh.

The Bronze Bracket Award for Best Tournament

The King of Iron Fist Tournament.

The Biggie and Tupac Award for Best Feud

Macca/Sully or The Free World vs. Sid/Game Rage

The Mickie James/Matt Hardy for Fastest, Most Sudden Fall From Grace


The "It's Kinda Like a Real Job Award" for Best Graphic Designer


The D'Angelo Dinero Award for Most Improved Poster


The Father Dougal McGuire Award for the Most Insufferably Stupid (and Annoying) Poster

Sully (Honestly, you think Doug is bad, try hanging with this pedo for six months in a forum you can't escape.)

The Hemorrhoid Donut Award for the Poster Who Tries Too Hard

Dagger motherfucking Dias

The Bill Lesnar Award for Best Arrive, DEFINE HIGH IMPACT, Leave Performance

Bill Lesnar

The ECW Pimp Slap Award for the Person You'd Most Like to Go Joey Styles / JBL On

Rattlesnake (Yous a bitch homie.)

The Bee's Knees Award for Best Wrestling Thread

The "Lacey Von Erich should have a peeing gimmick" by Doc

The Ill Nana Award for Best Non-Wrestling Thread

"There's this girl... Ellisman Twitter V.2" by Sully or "Bill Lesnar Mania Is RUNNING wild..." by Coco

The Vince Russo Award for Best WZ Storyline

Bill Lesnar's pursuit of perfection.

The Undertaker/Nathan Jones Award for Best Mentor/Protege Pairing


The Shit Flinger Award for Best Cage Monkey

Macca (Was there any doubt?)

The Tom Selleck Award For Best Tom Selleck Lookalike Award

Macca. (One way or another, I'm walking out of this with some gold.)

Also, there is a massive Staff conspiracy against Coco at these awards. Coco is the Kanye West to their Grammy's/VMA's. Do the right thing, and ensure that justice prevails. Just don't vote for Coco in any of the awards I'm eligible in and we're fine and dandy.
Shit dude, wrong way around.

Like I'd bury you like that, NorCal. You're too special to me.

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