Time for Divas Tag Titles?


Getting Noticed By Management
WWE gave us the divas revolution a few months ago which turned out to be an influx of faces from NXT that eventually gave the main roster 3 factions of 3 divas. That's 9 divas, plus the other like Nattie and Summer Rae that are still around. It is moved on to where one of the new divas Charlotte is now champ. But given the number of other divas, does it make sense to now introduce a divas tag championship? With just the one singles title it is hard storyline to fit in multiple divas as number one contenders. With a tag championship you can leverage the factions set up. And tag matches utilize more wrestlers at once and give us the potential of real wrestling storylines, not just the “I’m jealous because you get more attention” crap that has been done numerous times already. I know some are going to say “some of these divas suck in the ring”. Guess what, they aren’t going away. I guarantee that. So just trying to make the most out of a situation that Vince and creative apparently wants to give us with divas on the roster.

There just isn't that many Diva's around to make tag belts worthwhile. That influx of NXT girls brought it to a grand total of 9. Not including Nattie and Summer Rae and the others who don't do anything except collect paychecks.

The WWE can't even run a successful tag team division on the men's side and there is a hell of a lot more wrestlers. It just wouldn't be worth the time and trouble.
Yeah it can be possible but for that; each PPV needs atleast 2 divas matches which unfortunately we will not get...... We get two divas segments at Raw and one at Smackdown and at PPV...... So can't see how this is gonna be possible?
I think it's too soon. If the new relevance of the Diva Division lasts through WrestleMania season and there are some more Divas brought up to the main roster from NXT, then there'll be some solid groundwork laid for a WWE Divas Tag Team Championship.

As of right now, the Diva Division is made up of Charlotte, Becky Lynch, Paige, Nikki Bella, Brie Bella, Alicia Fox, Sasha Banks, Naomi and Tamina. I don't think the depth is there and we've seen these women face off in too many tag team matches already for Divas tag titles to be interesting. Cameron is in NXT training, Rosa Mendes is pregnant & is pretty damn awful to begin with, Eva Marie is in NXT and is making some strides, Layla is retired, Bayley is NXT Women's Champion & most likely won't be called up until she drops the title or is close to dropping it, Alexa Bliss is making great strides but she's not ready yet, Carmella isn't ready yet, Dana Brooke isn't ready yet, I have to see more of what Asuka has than just the few appearances she's made so far, Adrian Reese (AKA Athena) is currently working NXT house shows as is Aliyah, etc.

Anyhow, my point is that there's not enough talent depth to warrant the Divas getting a tag team championship and more time is needed to show that the relevance of the women in WWE isn't some passing fad.
Ah....no. With the exception of Naomi, Page and Sasha, none of the other divas are worth a damn. No one cares about the diva, even Vince McMahon doesn't give a rat's ass about the divas.
They cant even make Divas Champion look properly booked and you want Tag Titles Divas? Do you even know what kind of a mess that would be when you dont have that strong roster and you have likes of Tamina, Naomi, Brie Bella and Alicia Fox as strong points of your Divas Division? It would be horrible and you wont get more minutes on Divas. You would just get one more title that would weaken even more your main title. Who you are weakening allready with your booking of it.
Not all men on the roster are challenging for titles, so why rush the women? Personally I'm of the opinion that there are too many titles anyway, so adding another, even for a different gender, would be needless overkill IMO.

Also as others have said, there simply isn't a big enough roster to warrant tag titles. With, maybe, 12 active females, just having two title matches accounts for half the division; that's ridiculous. The matches would go around in circles.

There's nothing wrong with the concept of people fighting each other to 'climb the ladder'; I think several fans have forgotten that over time
Tag matches being used to advance multiple storylines within the Diva Division is more valuable now than having another set of prizes for contention, unless the Divas are going to get much more TV time, I think they need to stick to revolving around just the Butterfly.
TNA had the Knockouts Tag Titles for a little while, and it was okay for the first few months. I think the real purpose for the KO Tag straps was solely to put over The Beautiful People; since they could then hold three belts, and/or defend the tag belts Freebird-style (can't remember if they ever did that, but they should have). There were a couple of other interesting teams, but most of them just seemed thrown together as opponents for TBP.

If the WWE were to add a Diva Tag division right now, I suppose it would be kind of cool for a few months. There are some contenders: Charlotte & Becky, Team Bella, and Team BAD. Like the OP said, they could easily bring up some NXT women as well. The main problem is that there isn't enough depth on the roster to warrant a Diva's Tag Division right now. There wasn't when TNA did it either, but that didn't stop them. I suppose WWE could do the same thing, and it would work (at least for a little while).

Once the novelty wears off on a Diva's Tag Division, it will inevitably get stale (just like it did when TNA did it). It will only be semi-interesting for about a year (give or take), then Creative will run out of ideas - and probably have an intergender team start vying for the straps (à la EY & ODB). A lot of people enjoy women's wrestling, but as it's been said a thousand times in the past: women don't draw wrestling audiences. The fans are there to see the dudes. The WWE Divas should be focusing on only one title, IMHO: the current ugly, pink, butterfly-winged Diva's belt.
Not yet, maybe not ever at the current rate of development within the division. Despite getting two matches a night during the revolution, we still only had one angle, the faction war.

Last night on Raw, Paige finally full turned on her team, which seems to finally signal the exit of the Bellas from the singles title scene. Team Bad wasn't even on Raw. Until WWE can sustain, and by sustain I mean bother to book, two seperate diva angles, then there aren't room for the tag titles.

Really you only have two tandems, the Bellas and Naomi and Tamina, everyone else is kind of thrown together. There are a lot of great divas in NXT, so I like many others have had the thought that divas tag title could enhance the product and get more women screen time.

But that's just it, get more women screen time. I would have traded all the HIAC recap last night, cut down the Wyatt promo, and cut down Triple H and Stephanie's continued bi-polar-esque love him then hate him merry-go-round relationship with Seth Rollins in favour of a second diva match. Until WWE is giving us a second diva angle that involves actual wrestling, then tag titles are the least of our concerns.
There just isn't that many Diva's around to make tag belts worthwhile. That influx of NXT girls brought it to a grand total of 9. Not including Nattie and Summer Rae and the others who don't do anything except collect paychecks.

The WWE can't even run a successful tag team division on the men's side and there is a hell of a lot more wrestlers. It just wouldn't be worth the time and trouble.

All they need is like 3 legit tag teams. Gives the Divas something meaningful to do while the #1 contender feuds with the champ.

You could have Becky/Natayla, Naomi/Tamina and Brie/Alicia Fox or Bella Twins to start, maybe they could start bringing in jobber Diva talent like how they used to bring jobber local talent and have them job to the Divas.
On paper it's not a terrible idea. Of the top of my head there's at least 11 divas and only 1/3 of them have any real chance of becoming champ, plus they're mostly stuck in tag matches anyway. Maybe it's too early now but once they get a few more call ups from NXT it's something that could use some serious consideration.
1 Divas Title is enough, what's the point in bringing in tag titles for these woman? It makes no sense.. Do you really want to see The Bellas hold the Tag Titles forever, because that's probably what will happen.. It's a ridiculous idea. . WWE doesn't know how to book the Divas Title, bringing in another title for these woman would make things so much more complicated for them.
No. I wouldn't say never, but definitely not now.

There are about 10 divas on the main roster who can be expected to wrestle with any consistency. One of them is the Diva's Champion. One of them (maybe two) will challenge the champion. When a feud ends (if one ever starts), one or two divas will need to be available to step up and challenge the champion.

That's 4 divas. Out of 10. Add tag belts and make 3 teams with the remaining 6? Okay. Fine. You have 2 champs, 2 challengers, and 2 doing nothing. Cool. Then the belts change hands. Do the teams split up and reform? Do they stay together? It's too much to do with too little. You'd very quickly have the same matches happening over and over again with the same combinations, or having them all backstab each other to split/make teams.

Granted, I think we're closer now than we've ever been to a point where Diva's tag belts could happen. But, we're barely getting dedicated Diva's stories for the one title that exists. Adding another really would stretch the division thin, and would take time away from matches and story building that is already fairly limited.
It's way too soon for it. In addition, they need to have at least 14 or more divas on the main roster to make a true tag division. They'll be better off bringing the Women's Championship back first because that Diva's Mattel toy is a joke of a title. It represents nothing serious.
First of all, make them care. People don't care about the Divas' championship firstly. How could they bear another title? They first need to build up the divas division as much as the fans could actually care. And with the divas on the current roster, I don't see it happening. There are 4 relevant (JS, divas are irrelevant) divas. Sasha Banks, Paige, Charlotte and Nikki Bella. I didn't count Natalya and Becky here. Natalya is taken out by someone, presumably Paige and Becky is nothing but a cute lil' girl that accompanies Charlotte down the ring.

So, aside of these 4, we don't have anyone that we can really care about. And I don't know whether I would care about them are not, no matter whatever they do. That being said, the Divas' segment still seems to be a filler. While the matches do deliver on the PPV but the minimal build up just drains it out.
Not a chance. I would not want the WWE to create a Divas Tag Team Championship anytime soon. Sure the division is finally beginning to get interesting after the Divas Revolution began, but do you REALLY want to see The Bellas holding this new set of titles hostage forever? Anyone with a brain knows that is what would be coming. The teams other than The Bellas are likely going to disband before any divas tag team titles would even be needed. I'd rather see a couple of non-title feuds going on for the divas. With Paige going after Charlotte's title, why not run a Becky Lynch VS Sasha Banks non-title feud for the #1 contendership or something? That's better than having to sit through The Bellas VS Naomi & Tamina. No thanks, I'll pass.

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