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Time Capsule: 1999


Getting Noticed By Management
Well we are looking at the last year of the millinium, and I thought I'd throw a little company named ECW into the mix.

WWF:The Undertaker dominated the WWF for the first half of 1999. He was leading one of the most impressive stables of all time in the Corporate Ministry and was the WWF champion.

ECW: In 1999 ECW seemed to be on an upswing. They were on TV and finally got recognized as the third official World Championship in professional wrestling. The second part of the year was dominated by a total monster named Mike Awesome.

Singles Match:
WWF: The Undertaker


ECW: Mike Awesome

With both in their prime, this would have been one of the all time great matches in wrestling. Unfortunately, we never got to see it. As much as I love Awesome, I'd probebly have to give this one to the Dead Man.

Winner: WWF

I'm open for questions, comments, and complaints.
I think this depends on what the match is. If the match was like a hardcore match or a hell in the cell, cage, or any match that can have weapons involved you have to give the favor to Mike Awesome, but if its just your basic one-on-one match then the favor has to be with the deadman. So i think this match would most likey end in a draw or a double DQ because we all know the minstery of darkness would get involed and Mike Awesome would have all of the ECW roster on his side though with this match because with ECW if you fought against one guy, you would have to fight against them all.
I would have to think that Undertaker from would just crush Mike Awesome. But only if the match had a build up to it instead of just dropping Undertaker vs. Mike Awesome on a card somewhere. And what I mean is that Undertaker would crush him more mentally than physically because you think back to what Undertaker did as the Lord of Darkness or whatever he was called then. (He does seem to have a lot of nicknames.) But he was kidnapping stars to join the Ministry of Darkness. Burning a teddy bear that was Stephanie McMahon's as a child (highly doubt it really was), to even try to force Stephanie to marry him. He was truly the evil mastermind that screw with the best of the stars then.

As for Mike Awesome, I never thought he was that good anyway and then putting him in a match with the Undertaker, it truly would just be hell on earth for him.

In the end, Undertaker Tombstone Piledrives Awesome to HELL!!
I think your time frame is a little off since Mankind and The Rock traded the tiltle up until Wrestlemania then stone cold had it for a couple of months so Takers reign was only like two months around July August before Trips ended up with the belt.
That being said though, Awesome is just to much of a medium sized big guy for him to match up with Taker, they might have been able to put on an entertaining match, but thers no question Undertaker is the winner.
Well the Undertaker's prime was not really '99, I'd say his prime was around '97-'98 when he had awesome matches & feuds with Shawn Michaels (the first HIAC which was the last WWE match to get a 5 star from Wrestling Observer Newsletter), Bret Hart, Stone Cold, Mankind and Kane (and probably his longest title reign as well in '97, and the start of some of the gimmick matches like Hell in a Cell & Inferno). With the corporate ministry, his decline had started because for the first time he allowed the Undertaker to be a part of something that was not derived from the Undertaker (the McMahons). He was supposed to be at his most evil, however, he was portrayed as a weak heel who used cheating and was basically just a tool for pushing Austin/ Rock. He stated it himself in the "This is my yard" DVD that he considered it a low point in his career - luckily the decline ended with his rebranding as the American bad-a**.

I'm actually very furious with the WWE for never booking several great matches at Wrestlemania which they could have with Undertaker, like against Stone Cold, Bret Hart, Kurt Angle, Brock Lesnar and MANKIND!!!! They were guys with whom Taker had good rivalries and matches, and definitely they deserved to do a main-event together at Mania, rather than putting Taker against talentless giants like Gonzales, Bundy, Big SLow, A-Train, Big Bossman, Mark Henry, etc. What a waste. Taker's matches with Shawn Michaels, Edge and Batista the last 4 years have showed us what he is capable of at Mania, and its too bad that he was the only one who agreed to carrying giants like Gonzales and Mark Henry at Mania because probably nobody else would've done it.
I love Mike Awesome, I thought he was a great wrestler and was horribly wasted in both WWE and WCW after showing how dominant he could be in ECW,

However, he cannot compete with The Undertaker, one of the all time greats in the business. Taker is still a machine now (when healthy) and back in 1999 he was at his best. Awesome would have more of a chance if the match was fought under extreme rules (I am certain we would see an Awesome Bomb through a table at some point), but under normal wrestling rules and knowing how good Taker is at striking, and that he is easily strong enough to lift a big man like Mike Awesome, I cannot see any result other than an Undertaker victory here

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