Tiger Woods' Perception In The Black Community

Little Jerry Lawler

Sigmund Freud On Ritalin And Roids
I'm not a Tiger Woods fan but I can appreciate the man for what he has done for the sport of golf. Around my community, most people have a problem with Woods because of not what he has done for the sport but who has he done it for. Most of my friends believe that Tiger Woods needs to do more for the African-American community and I used to believe them but I have felt differently in the past few years.

Why does Tiger need to do more for the African-American community when he doesn't consider himself to be so? He is only 1/4 black. Where are the cries from the Native American and Dutch community saying that Tiger needs to do more from them? Tiger Woods never considered himself to be African-American and we place these high expectations on him because of what we see on the outside. There hasn't been a substantial increase of African-Americans in golf and that is not a Tiger Woods problem. That is mainly an economic problem which plagues baseball as well. We may never see another great or even decent African-American golfer and that should not fall at the feet of Woods.

With this recent sex scandal, one aspect the people around my community have been quick to point out is that he didn't cheat on his wife with no black women. I noticed that quickly too but I didn't bother with it much because it is not my business about who he sleeps with and what race are they. Cheating is cheating no matter what and he will always be villified for that no matter what. I've already stated that the blame should partly fall on the women he slept with because they knew that Woods was married, yet still decided to sleep with him.

In conclusion, I don't care that Woods doesn't consider himself African-American. He doesn't owe me or any other black person anything. All he has to do is go out there and play golf, win majors, and make the crowd care about the sport of golf and have a dominant figure out there. I don't care about his outside features as his inside features will show more prominently as he progresses further into his career.

So what do you feel the perception of Tiger Woods is in the black community? Do you think that Tiger should embrace the fact that he is part black and do more for black people as a whole? Or do you think that he should just play golf and be the best in the game?

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