Tiger Woods: Billionaire


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Upon winning the Fed Ex Cup this weekend, Tiger Woods became the world's first billionaire athlete. He's certainly one of the most famous athletes as well as people in the world and you'll rarely hear anyone have anything bad to say about him. He's made golf popular more or less on his own. All that being said, does this mean anything? Does an athlete that makes so much money mean anything? To me, it's a great milestone and a landmark, but I don't htink it's really that big of a deal. We knew it was coming eventually and shows how absurd pay is for athletes. ANyone agree/disagree?
It's no big deal in my opinion but if i were to guess, i'm pretty sure a big chunk of that money is from his endorsements. I'm not saying as a golfer you don't get paid well, but there are usually splits and everything else. Tiger Woods has made golf popular in the US and he is basically the only reason why I would ever watch it. I'm glad he is the first though, he seems to be a class act and a real stand up guy. But yeah, not really a big deal...
I think he is the most dominant ever athlete in a single sport, so winning that many tornament and getting that many endorsments goes to show thatas being the hardest working man in his own sport, he deserves his pay. I am sure that the feat will be broken, as paycontinues to rise for athletes, but to be the first billionaire is something to be proud of.
Tiger Woods has made golf popular in the US and he is basically the only reason why I would ever watch it.

Not just the US, golf around the world gets more interest when Tiger is involved. He is one of a rare breed of sportsmen, he has transcended a sport into getting worldwide attention. He is the Hulk Hogan of golf.

WIthout him the interest shown in the majors and the Ryder CUp would be no where near as high. Every golf tournament that Tiger participates in is reported on and his progress is tracked closely.

More than half his money will have come with endorsements but if anyway in sport deserves it, he does. He made an "old mans" game cool. He was a role model to under priviledged kids. He has never had a big controversy about him. He is a touch of class.

I do not condone the kind of money sportsmen get, but if actors get paid so handsomely for just starring in a movie then sportspeople definitely deserve it, but only the elite should be so well off. Tiger is in the elite, but it will not be his salary that people will rmember him for. It's what he did for the sport of golf.
I have no problem with a golfer winning a lot of money because it is an individual sport and, endorsments aside, Tiger Woods has had to be good enough to win events to make such money.

What bugs me are members of teams getting paid whether they play well or not and whether their team is successful or not. Some are paid hundreds of thousands even millions for doing nothing more than bench-warming. It's sickening.

Performance related pay is not used enough in my opinion.
Good for Tiger, but, is golf even really a sport? I'd have to say no. In my opinion, something is a sport only if it taxes your cardiovascular system. If someone like John Daly can succeed at golf, then I'm sorry to say that it's not a sport. So, congratulations are in order for Tiger, although, in my opinion, he's not an athlete.
Agreed. Tiger Woods may very well be an athlete but he does not compete in an athletic game. It's a game, not a sport. As far as the money goes...eh good for him.

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