Tiffany to be replaced?

Vintage Nick

Climbin' in your windows...
So on the front page of Wrestlezone, it seems that WWE is looking to replace Tiffany as ECW's GM. They thought she doesn't have the impact of Teddy Long or Vickie Guerrero. One GM nominee idea is Tommy Dreamer if he decides to return...

Yeah, Tiffany might not have the impact vocally...but she's a good piece of eyecandy. *Cue in Vickie's "EXCUSE MEEE!"*

Who do you think should replace Tiff as GM?

I guess it should be dreamer if he decides to re-sign with's the only logical choice :/
I think it's clearly a case of WWE not giving her a chance. I find Tiffany to be a refreshing change from the Vickie Guerrero's and Teddy Long's to be frank.

They have never done a beautiful, Fan Friendly, and intelligent Diva in charge before, and I thought Tiffany provided the change necessary in the status quo of this position.

I guess she needs to learn to say "Excuse Me" on a weekly basis, then her position will be solidified, apparently.

Anyway, I don't think Dreamer is a good idea. If Vince wants to truly get away from the old ECW in every aspect, than this decision would make not a shred of sense at all. Dreamer just doesn't strike me as someone that would be a good authority figure.
Cannot say I'm too disappointed. I don't think she was terrible but I don't think she's one of these standout people who look believable bossing others around.

I think she's improved on the mic from what I've seen in FCW, but I don't think it's worth having her in such a big role. Dreamer should have the role. I'd personally rather see him stay as a wrestler as his match this past Tuesday was really good, but if he doesn't want to continue, then II think this is perfect from him.
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I don't tend to watch ECW all that often, but how about not even having a GM on the show? Have the "inmates run the asylum", as the saying goes.

Seems to me this would fit right with what the initials actually stand/stood for.
See, it's sad that they are already going to put the kibosh on someone who hasn't had the chance to even develop. Is she bad? No question about it. Her mouth guard, plus her valley girl accent makes it seem as if a sorority chick is running a wrestling program. I can hear it now.

Tiffany: 'Like OMG, LOLZ. Tonight, like Tommy Dreamer will be in a match...against the most totally tubular guy in the entire world. He's like... Ricky Ortiz. Yah. I would looove to do his hair...and partay! Whoooooo! *twirls chewing gum that came out of her mouth*'

So it's the right move to make. And Tommy Dreamer is the likely candidate to be the GM. He'd be the best fit.
Personally, I like the idea of Tommy Dreamer being ECW General Manager a lot. I really think Dreamer would make a great, great GM. He's great on the mic, for both serious and comedic situations, and it just makes perfect sense. I mean, seriously.. is there a better role for a talent like Tommy Dreamer, right now in his career? There's going to be nothing left for him to do in the ring once he's through with Swagger, and the guy’s just to valuable and likeable for him not to have an on-screen role of some sort. He wouldn't make a very good manager because those are best served for heels, and Tommy would make a terrible heel. But General Manager of ECW couldn't feel more right. There's no one who would come off more passionate for the program then Dreamer will, and as a viewer, you'll always feel whatever decision he makes, it's truly best for the show and for the fans. There hasn't been a person on television like that since Jack Tunney, and that's a good direction for WWE to start heading their programs back into, in my opinion. These heel GMs who try to make to the wrestlers lives a living hell got stale a long time ago, and it’d be nice if WWE started focusing on just the wrestlers feuds, instead of interjecting someone who’s “in charge” of the show. And I think Tommy Dreamer bringing that kind of feel to ECW would be a nice start for WWE to see how that works.
I can understand why they would want to replace Tiffany, I really can. Her mic skills are not that great, and her overall presence isn't very GM like to say the least. However, I think they really haven't given her much of a chance to develop as GM, and they really just dropped her into the GM spot after Teddy Long moved to Smackdown (again). So they really at the drop of a hat decided to move her to a more important role without giving her any sort of transitional period to prepare for it. So she went form Eye Candy, to, GM of a Brand overnight.

Regardless, she's going to be a temporary fixture, as it's more than likely Tommy Dreamer will take his proper place as GM of ECW after he retires. It will probably be the best move for Dreamer, as he is still fairly over, but it's obvious that he will never accomplish anything more in the ring, which I think he's fine with. He even stated once his character was never about winning championships, in fact he never wanted to hold a belt his entire career. But he has that strong passion for wrestling and I doubt he will want to walk away from it forever, so a GM position would be a perfect fit for him as he can still be around the business, but not have to be in the ring wrestling anymore.
The Fact is Tiffany cant be taken seriously, she doesnt scream GM, she is like the Bella twins not useful and doesnt fit her position, she is like a small child attempting to make good in a position for a loud speaking adult, is she fit yes... is she good at her job..No, I think she would be better suited to the womens division and let someone like Dreamer run the show, he lives and breaths ECW, he loves the promotion even in its current form, the fact is you cannot deny that the position of GM would either go to two people and Paul Haymen is busy being paul haymen at this point so the next logical choice Is Dreamer and he deserves it more then anyone else
Thank god!! Not that Tiffany couldn't improve, but a national TV forum isn't exactly the best place to start from scratch. Tiffany would be better suited still doing interviews to brush up on her mic skills. GM is just too big a role for her at this point. I'm not sure that there is a logical replacement for her. Tommy Dreamer would be an excellent choice if he does retire from the ring next month, however, I'm still not ready to let go of the past- Tommy needs to stick around a little longer in the ring.
Whether you like Tiffany or hate her...she just does not fit a manager. She's nothing but a piece of eye candy that comes out and basically reads of a cue card...she doesnt do a very good job at making people she like she's "in charge". She's a barbie doll with absolutely no talent for the position.

Tommy Dreamer would be PERFECT for the role though. Dreamer is someone who the fans love, who has connections and can still put on a good match. He's not someone I can see getting pushed around as a GM (unlike Tiffany, who is about as tough as a toothpick). Dreamer is a great fit for the GM job, and I really hope he accepts the position once his contract expires.
Give her time. Blimey. She's been GM for what, a few weeks at the most? Why replace her when you haven't given her character time to develop? Yeah, she's a little bland at the moment but she's only just started. Plus, the writers need to help her out a bit. Give her something to roll with, don't just feed her generic lines that aren't going to help her. It's as much they're fault.
Granted her mic skills aren't that great as she sounds like she's reading a script for a high school play, but it's 10 times better to hear Tiffany's voice over Vickie Guerrero's voice. Why the hell would you replace her when those idiots haven't given her a chance to fully develop a character to help her get over with the crowd. The idiotic writers need to give her some material to roll with instead of feeding her some generic shitty ass lines that will only hinder her character development. I put more of the blame on the idiotic writers than I do her(I would love to do her).
I don't know if they should replace her just yet. They could really do a lo with a hot GM like her. First they could turn her heel. She could be like a skanky heel who gives favor to the guy she is screwing. She could cheat for someone like Jack Swagger just because she is screwing him. It would be kind of like the Edge and Vickie Storyline except with a hot chick this time. She could also seduce other dudes into doing what she wants. Also there is the potential for her to start a feud with a babyface diva.

IDk, it think Dreamer will eventually become GM but they should at least try to do something with her storyline wise before they give her the axe. I hope they don't fire her. She actually looked way better in the little ring time she got then that red head skank Maria.

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