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Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
Would this film work?

I recently bought the first series on DVD. I had completley forgot how much I love that show. Yeah it's cheesy. But I cant believe that nobody has expressed an intrest in making that film. I know it would have to have a massive budget. But I would see it. I think you get enough 80's kid's in the cinema to make it a success. And kid's now would love the whole concept. If Transformers is successfull then I think this should be the next film they revive.

The only question I see is. CGI or with actors. Men dressed as cat's could potentially be cringe inducing.
I was a huge fan of the Thundercats when I was a kid, if they made this into a movie I would defiently go see it, I think they should do it with real actors though, they can do some amazing things in make-up and wardrobe this days
This film could definitely work. For proof, read any of Wildstorm's comic issues of the last few years. Taking a mature, logical approach with the proper scripting could solidify this as one of the best and most imaginative franchises. It'd be the perfect mix of He-Man, a radical kung fu movie, and Star Wars. This is honestly one of the live-action films I've frothed at the mouth to see since the age of four. As for Jake's question about CG or live makeup? Live makeup, hands down. Save the CG for the other stuff that'll need it. Mumm-Ra. Spaceships. Panthro's badass tank. The kid's hoverboards, etc. Let Stan Winston or Gillis/Woodruff do the makeup FX and you'd be all set. With the proper creative minds on this thing, it'd be a sight to behold.
I remember watching this. Unbelieveable show when I was a kid. It really blew me away. But, a film? I think they'd need to somehow bring it back somewhere else for them to achieve the popularity they had back then. Such as Transformers used them as action figures, Thundercats could take a similar approach. I'm not too keen on animated movies, but to see a whole bunch of men dressed up as Cats? Nah. I suggest making it a Lion King-type movie though. I know I'd go watch it.
I remember watching this. Unbelieveable show when I was a kid. It really blew me away. But, a film? I think they'd need to somehow bring it back somewhere else for them to achieve the popularity they had back then. Such as Transformers used them as action figures, Thundercats could take a similar approach. I'm not too keen on animated movies, but to see a whole bunch of men dressed up as Cats? Nah. I suggest making it a Lion King-type movie though. I know I'd go watch it.

A Lion King type movie? I dont think you've ever actually watched Thundercats. And as for popularity. Well it's nearly on par with Transformers. And the look of it would appeal to kid's, far more than Transformers. As a kid's movie other than adults, Transformers would only really appeal to young lad'a. But I imagine young girls would be intrested in seeing Thundercats.
A Lion King type movie? I dont think you've ever actually watched Thundercats. And as for popularity. Well it's nearly on par with Transformers. And the look of it would appeal to kid's, far more than Transformers. As a kid's movie other than adults, Transformers would only really appeal to young lad'a. But I imagine young girls would be intrested in seeing Thundercats.

Yeah. When I said that, I meant it had to be animated. Maybe you just misinterperted. Anyway, it would appeal to kids. Transformers is the type of movies that appeals to evil little kids who want to use them to destroy the World. Meh. Thundercats isn't as complicated. I do remember it. It was a few cats who fought villains off in their cool little lair. It totally reeked of awesomeness.
Thundercats Headed for the Big Screen
Source: Variety
June 6, 2007

Warner Bros. has optioned a Thundercats script by new screenwriter Paul Sopocy to turn the popular 1980s animated series and toy line into a live action feature.

Variety says Warner-based Paula Weinstein will produce through her Spring Creek Productions, along with Dick Robertson and Lew Korman.

Thundercats revolves around a group of humanoid cats (with feline names like Lion-O, Tygra, Panthro and Cheetara) who must flee their planet of Thundera after it's destroyed. Once crash-landing on another planet, Third Earth, they must thwart Mumm-Ra, an evil sorcerer, bent on killing them off.

Sopocy has written the script as an origin story expanding on the major heroes and villains from the animated series, with the plot focusing on Lion-O coming of age as the leader of the Thundercats.

Warner Bros. recently teamed with Joel Silver to produce a live-action He-Man movie, based on the toy and cartoon franchise, as well as a feature based on the DC comic book Teen Titans

Well, Jakester, it looks like we may get to find out whether or not this film will, in fact, work. I'm kind of excited. I'll reserve judgment until I actually see something more than a scripting announcement, but here's to wishful thinking.
Best news I've heard in ages. It's money in the bank. Unless Transformers bombs then there will be no He-Man or Thundercats. My guess: Bruce Willis will be approaced to play Panthro.
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