Y: The Last Man to hit big screens... evetually


Cody Rhodes is an excellant
The film rights to the series have been acquired by New Line Cinema (a sister company to Vertigo), and as of July 24, 2007 screenwriter Carl Ellsworth and director D. J. Caruso, the team behind Disturbia, were attached to the project with David S. Goyer as a producer.

Caruso intended on finishing the script in the summer and filming during the fall of 2008. The script would be a rewrite of the original draft written by Vaughan himself.

A draft of Vaughan's screenplay has been posted online.

Caruso maintained that the source material was too much to be told in one movie and his team decided to concentrate on the best first movie they could, which would end somewhere around issue 14 of the comic series. The entire comic series as a whole would be plotted into three movies. Actor Shia LaBeouf, who has worked with these writers for movies Disturbia and Eagle Eye, has previously stated that he is unwilling to play the role of Yorick. According to LaBeouf the role is far too similar to the character Sam Witwicky, which he portrays in the Transformers series. In an interview conducted by collider.com, LaBeouf stated that there is still a chance that he would be starring. Caruso planned to use a real monkey, and not a CGI construct, to play Ampersand. Caruso also said he would like to have Alicia Keys for the part of agent 355.

As of August, 2010, the film version is still on hold. Caruso is still "loosely attached" to the project but New Line remains committed to its development as a stand-alone movie as opposed to the trilogy Caruso (who has since moved on to direct the science fiction film I Am Number Four) prefers. French director Louis Leterrier has also expressed interest in adapting the series for television.

Seems to me the only thing preventing this from finally going into production is the dispute over whether or not it should be a stand alone movie or a trilogy, or possibly even a "made for TV" mini-series, the main argument against doing it as a stand alone movie is that there is just too much information to make it work properly, Now I've never read Y, so I have no idea how much of, and what parts of, the story can be cut, but I have heard good things, and would like to see as much of the story hit the big screen as possible, as for Shia LeBouf possibly being involved I could give a shit less TBH, I know people are going to see his name and immediately have a fucking aneurysm over it, I never fully understood the hate this guy gets, nor do I really give a shit, if he does get the lead I'm sure he'll do fine, he certainly makes the sense, from financial stand point if nothing else, kids love him, and go see a movie simply because he's starring, the only other person I could possibly think of to play the lead role is maybe Elijah Wood?

Also any other news about this movie you may be interested in can be found here

It's a pretty detailed story but there's a lot you could cut out. However if you put it into a single movie the story wouldn't work. A lot of the story is a long trip around the world, mostly on foot. It would be better as a series like Walking Dead as there is just too much to tell in a single movie. Obviously for the purposes of having a filmed version a lot of the trip and walking would be cut out. The movie could be ok but it would need an R rating to truly do it justice.
I agree it would have to be a mini-series because of how much goes on in the comics. It would also have to be on AMC, FX, or HBO becaue of the graphic content continuously displayed.

If it's done right it should be good. I fell in love with the comics after a friend showed me them about a year ago. With a decent cast and crew it should make a great show (or movies).

I just hope they don't disappoint and make it an I Am Legend rip-off which many people will see it as regardless. It's an amazing story with an out of the box concept in terms of comic book go and deserves to be treated as such. Not just a novelty to be made into Hollywood fodder.

My question is when the fuck are they going to make a movie for The Boys?

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