Throwing my idea into the hat: 4 man tournament

The Warlord

Pre-Show Stalwart
With the state of confusion and chaos behind the scenes in the WWE right now...I'd like to offer my opinion and possible solution to the problem regarding Wrestlemania.

Seems as if WWE doesn't know what to do with Batista and Daniel Bryan. Do they give the fans what they want...or do they stick to their guns and keep Batista in the main event to challenge for the title??

I think they need to come full circle....and have the very last match on the show, for the WWE World Heavyweight title be a rematch of SummerSlam: John Cena vs Daniel Bryan...with Bryan being victorious again and ending the show by fulfilling the fans' desire.

A 4 man tourny would fix that problem. Cena vs. Batista (So much history with those 2) and Orton vs Bryan. Or vice-versa as long as we get Cena-Bryan in the main event.

All 4 are involved in the title picture....and we can still have Lesnar/Taker as the other big match.

No need for Trips on the show this year....I say instead we fill the card with the future. Guys that need the Wrestlemania spotlight that would only help further their careers and give them the oppurtunity to steal the show.

We could also take Orton completely out of the title picture and replace him with Bray Wyatt whom Cena will defeat to make it to the finals. Another option.

This is my solution to the problem. No Triple Threat matches at Mania...especially the main event. This way we get our big one-on-one World title match, but also not completely abandoning the storyline of Batista winning the Rumble and devaluing that PPV.

My $.02
John Cena vs Bray Wyatt is supposedly locked in. I said since the start of the year in the prediction threads that John Cena vs Daniel Bryan for the WWE Title should be the Mania main event, passing of the torch to a degree of the superhero face to the hard working independant guys who are slowly evolving into main event talents. I hate the idea of guys wrestling twice at Mania 30, it is taking ring time off others who also deserve to be on the card.
John Cena vs Bray Wyatt is supposedly locked in. I said since the start of the year in the prediction threads that John Cena vs Daniel Bryan for the WWE Title should be the Mania main event, passing of the torch to a degree of the superhero face to the hard working independant guys who are slowly evolving into main event talents. I hate the idea of guys wrestling twice at Mania 30, it is taking ring time off others who also deserve to be on the card.

Very good point...which is why taking HHH off the show is a must UNLESS he wants to put someone over (Reigns).

Im all about pushing the younger guys like everyone else....but at the end of the day its still Wrestlemania; its still the biggest show of the year and the fans deserve a badass show. I think a 4-man tourny would be badass.
HHH should only be used now solely in-ring to elevate guys. He should have had Lesnar go over him again last year, instead Lesnar looks soft when he cant pretend beat HHH and Cena yet in real life he can destroy guys with a real background in fighting. Makes it hard to suspend belief with ricockulous booking
HHH should only be used now solely in-ring to elevate guys. He should have had Lesnar go over him again last year, instead Lesnar looks soft when he cant pretend beat HHH and Cena yet in real life he can destroy guys with a real background in fighting. Makes it hard to suspend belief with ricockulous booking

I kinda agree but Lesnar beat Triple H twice remember and it took Triple H and HBK to beat Lesnar last year at Mania.

As for Cena, well I thought that was bad booking, it should've being a no contest at worst.

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