

Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
A few nights ago the dreams began to come. Dreams of another world, another life, and of a simpler time. I remember them all vividly. Each one of them has been both the same but at the same time different. The faces that come with them are as familiar as the sight of the rising sun and as cold as a winter night. Cold. Truly that is the only way to describe them. I awaken every morning feeling absolutely chilled, as if the air has been stolen from my very body. Such strange happenings indeed.
They come at a difficult time for me. With the happenings that are going on right now, the last thing that I need to be worrying about is something supernatural going on. Could God be trying to tell me something? Rarely do I remember the dreams that come to me, but with these I can recall them perfectly. In each a former lover and I have been reunited, only to be chased away by an evil or demonic presence. The timing makes sense I suppose, as she has come back, but those days are far behind me. Things are as they should be now, and no amount of wishing is going to change any of that whatsoever.
Such things are of no importance now. A new day has broken around me, and I intend to meet it head on. With what’s been going on lately, I’d say I’ve earned it. I have haven’t I? I shake my head as I know that just isn’t true. No one has earned it less than I have. What have I done to earn peace? Not a thing. Not a cursed or blessed thing at all. I am told that I am a treasure to them, but I see it differently. To be a treasure would mean to be a valuable thing to someone. I am nothing more than a person that holds a place in a line. All is as it should be.

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