Thoughts on top 10 sellers.

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Capt. Charisma

Getting Noticed By Management
1.Global Impact (Kurt Angle defeated Yuji Nagata (c) to win the IWGP Heavyweight Championship)
2.Sacrifice 2007 DVD (Kurt Angle defeated Sting and Christian Cage (c) in a Three Way match to win the TNA Heavyweight Championship)
3.MMG T-Shirt
4.Against All Odds 2007 DVD (Christian Cage (c) defeated Kurt Angle to retain the NWA World Heavyweight Championship)
5.Christian Cage "Instant Classic" T-Shirt
6.Turning Point 2007 DVD (Samoa Joe, Kevin Nash and Eric Young, defeated The Angle Alliance)
7.TNA Anthology - The Epic Dvd Set (Victory Road '04, Lockdown '04, and Turning Point '04)
8.Shark Boy 24:7 T-Shirt
10.James Storm "Sorry Bout Your Damn Luck" T-shirt

Intresting to see that Angle matches headline the majority of the DVD's sold, followed by Christian. That the MGM's shirt is the 3rd best seller despite them basicaly been burried the the last couple of months. That Shark Boy is selling merch, to further my opinion that he's actualy getting over, stolen gimmick, or no stolen gimmick. I don't know why people hate him so much- he's a comedy charachter, theres always been comedy wrestlers in wrestling since the '80s so who cares?! No Machismo here, apparantly he's not selling as much merch as TNA thought, at least not online. Anyone have any other thoughts on this?
Globabl iMPACT would be top. That show was awesome. Problem is that TNA will never better it, and having it on DVD will only highlight how much pointless shit happens in TNA. Just let them wrestle for fucks sake.

Why oh why did you post this Mr. Charisma? Marty2Hotty will jizz all over the Shark Boy 24:7 bit. He'll do a Top Of The Pops style countdown in the Glenn Gilbertti section. In 10 different threads.
I think that there is actually a major difference between what sells well online and what sells well at the houseshows, which is where Machismo and even Sharkboy sell alot of merchandise. The biggest seller online is dvds, whereas the biggest seller at the houseshows is t-shirts. I also think that the MCMG being burried is starting to effect their merchandise sells, especially at houseshows and ppvs. The online shoppers at tna's website are likely much more loyal fans to the promotion's stars. MCMG have a huge online fan following, whereas Machismo doesn't have alot of online fans, but has more appeal to the masses. I wish TNA would pay attention to who is selling the most merchandise and give them a push.
I think that there is actually a major difference between what sells well online and what sells well at the houseshows, which is where Machismo and even Sharkboy sell alot of merchandise. The biggest seller online is dvds, whereas the biggest seller at the houseshows is t-shirts. I also think that the MCMG being burried is starting to effect their merchandise sells, especially at houseshows and ppvs. The online shoppers at tna's website are likely much more loyal fans to the promotion's stars. MCMG have a huge online fan following, whereas Machismo doesn't have alot of online fans, but has more appeal to the masses. I wish TNA would pay attention to who is selling the most merchandise and give them a push.

i argree with you i was watching tna today at a live show and no word of a lie every one was whereing samoa joe or jay lethal t shirts i must saw around 2-3 christian cage t shirts in there and no mcmg
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