Thoughts on Matt Morgan


Renegade at Heart
This is my first post and I want to find most people's opinions about Morgan. Do you guys see Morgan as a future TNA champion?

When he took out Hernandez and was holding both titles I enjoyed his promos, especially the fact of him referring to himself in the plural. I saw it as a fresh gimmick for him but now he's seemingly not doing that anymore and what's worse he jobbed against Anderson on the last episode. I don't think it was really believable for Anderson to beat him with just 1 move. Is he basically doomed already or can he make it to main event status?

I say he can make it because I like him on the mic and he can make an enjoyable match most of the time.
The thing is, he was given this push you were talking about when he main evented that PPV from last year, Hard Justice I think it was, or No Surrender!! nt sure...we all knew this was his way of going up to the main event level, but then came along Hogan/Bischoff and signings such as RVD, Anderson and Jeff Hardy and it just pushed him down the card even further...

Had some new aquisitions not been made, I would see him the main event right now!! Instead of Abyss!!
Matt Morgan aparently is currently in TNA's doghouse as of late due to Hernandez botching the border toss.

The whole Blue Print DNA of TNA thing doesnt work, He needs to elevate himself not only his performance but his whole persona, yes its fine that he started doing the whole "we" thing by referring himself in the third person thing but its not getting him anywhere.

Matt Morgan as a wrestler needs to improve what he does in the ring, and i dont believe the team 3d gym will get him anywhere as the only half credible champion the gym has produced is Jesse Neal and he still needs alot of work.

Matt needs to find something that will take him to the next level and i believe in his current gimmick the only way is down!.
I'm a huge fan of his. I really think he has the ideal look. I thought the Blueprint was an awesome nickname/gimmick and he really should have been elevated by his programme with Angle.

But something has got lost. I dont think he should have won the tag titles with Hernandez and it's gone downhill from there.

Losing to Anderson and Pope will not do anyone with his size any favours. There has been massive damage to his credibility and until he recovers some of his aura, he doesn't deserve to be near the top ten.
I'm not sold on the guy, don't think I ever will be. Don't get me wrong, he's got talent, but not enough of it to be a Main Eventer.

He's straight out goofy. He's tall and not muscular at all, yet he flexes his muscles as if he was Rob Terry. He's flexing nothing, 'cause he's got more fat on 'im than muscles.

His inring work? Seen it before. There's not one special thing about his wrestling. Same old shitty ass powerhouse moves. Plus that awful looking scissors kick to the mug which he can't even do right and botches most of the time.

The only good thing about him are his mic skills and his nickname. That's it.

This guy needs to reinvent himself, and do it quickly. Hit that gym, get a LOT bigger so you can actually not look like a piece of dirt, and get much more violent. Cosmetic change and moves change would propell this guy into super stardom. You rarely get charismatic big guys with mic skills, it'd be a shame if he remains as he is right now.
This is part him and part booking. The guy has all the talent in the world, but botches at the end at times. He could have been in the TNA forefront, but lost out within the last year. The programs with all the top stars where Morgan was involved worked, but at times Morgan looked like a developing wrestler and not like a guy that could carry a match. Let him develop into the Global Title, and maybe see where that takes him. Either get rid of that title, or make it like the old US Title in the NWA: that champion was automatically the Number 1 contender to the World Title.
Their are times when talent prevent themselves from being pushed up the card and their are times writing prevents this from happening. I believe this is a mix of both and considering TNA's over pack star power roster they now have he will not be wearing the world title anytime soon. Even though the bigger names stars aren't doing TNA any favors in terms of boosting ratings they are going to go with these guys over him because they are established and have track records for being on the top. This happens to guys more often then it should due to the fact that companies tend to keep the top guys at the top and on a few occasions someone will sneak up to the main event level.
I don't see what folks find so unappealing about Morgan, to be honest. When it comes to giants in the ring, he's the most agile and entertaining one I've seen since Paul Wright first debuted in WCW. "The Big Show" is one of the dullest and least entertaining wrestlers – let alone giants – in the business today, so if people aren't down on him, how can you possibly be down on Morgan who's got thirty-six times the personality and nine-hundred and twelve times the ring ability?
I think that Morgan has great potential. I think that he is good on the Mic and he is pretty solid in the ring for someone his size and he is also very agile. I think that right now he's lost in the shuffle but hopefully he can get a good push because I think he has alot of potential.
I've always seen something in Matt that made me pay attention. The guy is huge (and anyone who has met him knows just how big the guy really is upclose. The guy is just a monster in person and is one of the most agile guys out of the X Division. I think he could have done well for himself with getting the Global title as opposed to AJ (which I am NOT opposed to). I think the guy has what it takes to make it in the main event but he just needs that gimmik to get him over cause the cocky heel isn't doing him any favors and without the tag titles the "we" gimmik doesn't work.
I've always seen something in Matt that made me pay attention. The guy is huge (and anyone who has met him knows just how big the guy really is upclose. The guy is just a monster in person and is one of the most agile guys out of the X Division. I think he could have done well for himself with getting the Global title as opposed to AJ (which I am NOT opposed to). I think the guy has what it takes to make it in the main event but he just needs that gimmik to get him over cause the cocky heel isn't doing him any favors and without the tag titles the "we" gimmik doesn't work.

Why doesn't the cocky heel gimmick do him any favors? I think it does him a ton of favors, to be honest. He's one of the better talents the company has when it comes to playing a conceited heel.

I don't get this argument from you guys – it makes no sense to me how you can think Morgan doesn't work as exactly what he's been doing. I don't blame Morgan for any of this – I blame his marginal opposition. When he put Hernandez on the shelf, it lead to one of the best peaks of his career, and it all came crashing back down when the Marginal Super Mexican returned. His fantastically boring persona did absolutely nothing for Morgan, just like it does nothing for most wrestling fans who actually want their stars to have personalities.
Why doesn't the cocky heel gimmick do him any favors? I think it does him a ton of favors, to be honest. He's one of the better talents the company has when it comes to playing a conceited heel.
Maybe it's just me but the cocky arogant heel from him just seems a bit forced. And I can't understand it myself. When he's doing what he does now it just doesn't hold my attention as much as the "we" angle did or even before when he was trying to get into the MEM. Maybe it's just the lst few tims he has been on but I've noticed that he just seems meh right now even though I still love to watch him in the ring.
For the longest time I never understood why people would be down on Morgan. He has a decent look, decent gimmick, good size, is quite agile for that size and displays personality. However, I have been souring on him some lately in spite of his obvious potential. He seems to have trouble making his promos flow naturally even if the material can be good. He does not adjust what he is doing based on the crowd reactions very well, which is essential for such a persona IMO. I do think he is at least capable of improving this over time. What really bothers me is his in-ring psychology. He does not get it. He tries, which I will give him credit for, but he is lost as far as identity goes in the ring and ends up trying to hard. I marvel at his potential (sure he botched the border toss but he took the musclebuster which was pretty impressive) but I think he needs some help simplifying his character and ring work to make it less hit or miss. So I do not necessarily want to see him get a push before Morgan gets back on the right track. He could really benefit from spending some time working with Nash.
I think Morgan is a stud! Hes got skills in the ring and on the mic. In MY opinion: he should be considered the future of this company!

Problem is: TNA isnt doin much with him. Like some before me have suggested: once H&B came into TNA- Morgan kinda fell behind the guys that H&B brought in. Namely Anderson, Hardy & RVD.

Morgan should be part of "Fourtune" What ever happend to the angle anyway? You would think if TNA was gonna start a stable led by Flair- the team woulda already been contructed & Flair would introduce them as his Fourtune. But nope! Its been like "tryouts" for the last month or so? What the fuck is that?? STUPID- is what it is!!

If I was running TNA- Fourtune would consist of: Morgan, Wolfe, Lethal & Kendrick. Led by Flair & eye candy known as Lacey Von Erich. If I was able to add a 5th guy- it would be Eric Young.

I think TNA is screwing the pooch, having AJ & Kaz as part of this group!! AJ's a face & should always be a face. & Kaz just sucks! I cant stand guys with no mic skills- sorry!

Anyway- back to topic: Matt Morgan is the future of TNA. He should be built that way too! But instead- TNA is wasting time having him lose to Hernandez- who again, is another guy with no mic skills what-so-ever & is now really, no bigger then Kurt Angle.

EDIT: I also like shattered dreams idea of possibly pairing him with Nash. Having Big Kev turn him into the Beast of a man he should be
To be honest, I think his gimmick needs a major change. He was talking to himself in plural, kind of like a nut job. So what better way to reinvent himself, like a psychopath.

I was watching Old ECW clips on YouTube, when Sid was there. It was great. No music, no promos, just a guy dressed up like a Judge, and Sid destroying everything in his path.

Matt Morgan needs an overhaul like that. Maybe a manager, and a new ring intro. Manager comes into the ring, gets a mic and simple says, "Hide Your children, Close your eyes, because pain in coming our way." Then the lights go for 3 or 4 seconds. Then Matt Morgan comes from the crowd. surrounded by security, then simple destroys his opponent.

It would be much better then the cocky heel. We have too much of that going on right now, and it's something that could make an impact in a positive direction.
Matt Morgan needs an overhaul like that. Maybe a manager, and a new ring intro. Manager comes into the ring, gets a mic and simple says, "Hide Your children, Close your eyes, because pain in coming our way." Then the lights go for 3 or 4 seconds. Then Matt Morgan comes from the crowd. surrounded by security, then simple destroys his opponent.

It would be much better then the cocky heel. We have too much of that going on right now, and it's something that could make an impact in a positive direction.

Isn't that pretty much a rip-off of Brock Lesnar's introduction in the WWE? And why would a 7 foot guy need security to beat the crap out of someone? Just doesn't seem to make sense to me. Plus it sounds more like something James Mitchell would have done with Abyss a few years back.

To reply to MoneyMack's issue with Fourtune, why the rush to see a pre-assembled stable appear? Flair is one of the biggest names in wrestling and so having guys prove their worth to him as top competitors makes sense. AJ and Kaz were both vying for his attention/approval leading up to Victory Road, their win there proved they could put aside their previous differences and get the job done. What would be stupid would be after all that, Flair just came out and declared that so-and-so and this guy are also in Fourtune without proving anything. TNA at the moment are trying to provide longer running stories to keep people tuning in each week, I don't see what's stupid about that
But this is the thing with his plural. Kings and Queens(actual rulers lol) refer to themselves in the Royal Plural. Now I know that the whole "we" thing was based on him holding the tag title belts on his own but it could be so much more. His cocky gimmick actually works for him. Look at the steel cage match with Hernandez, when Morgan sat on top of the cage, he looked into the camera and simply pointed to his head. Tenay simply said "Always one step ahead!" Obviously he lost the match but the point here is that he can be a very good heel and his Blueprint gimmick actually works. All he needs is a good rivalry and a singles title run. Give him the Global Title and have him replace AJ in Fortune. AJ basically turned into a douchebag ever since he turned heel so a potential rivalry between the two could elevate Morgan to the next phase of his career.
He is great talent and can be huge. The problem is that there's a lot of other guys that can offer just as much if not more. Take Hernandez for instance. He doesn't have as much personally, almost none really, but he doesn't need much. Yet he looked great after their cage match with his ring ability alone. Add the guys in the Top 10 (except Rob Terry) and there is very little room for Morgan.
Give Ric Flair a break, he needs and we should give him all the time he needs because hes old and he deserves it as well.

Personally I think TNA should have milked the Morgan/Hernandez team for all its worth. Matt Morgan should also take that "we" gimmick and play Eddie Brock/Venom if they make those new Spider-Man movies. I don't think TNA is doing him any favors as a bad guy he should be a fan favorite like the Undertaker or Great Khali or team him up with Tomko.
I definitely enjoy Morgan more now as a cocky heel then as a face. The difference now though is that he isn't as impressive as he was as a face. He was at the top of his game facing Angle at Bound For Glory last year. I thought by this year he would be in the main event for sure. He has a great look and good mic skills. He is agile in the ring and may need some fine tuning but I don't really see a problem with Morgan.

I think he has what it takes to be a main event player someday. I just hope TNA will open their eyes and not misuse Morgan like WWE did.

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