Thoughts on a tag-team MITB match?


Dark Match Winner
I was thinking with what seems like a possible revival of the tag-team division, would you guys like to see a MITB ladder match for a chance to cash in for the tag-team titles at any time. and if not at this years MITB would you like to see it in the future.

Current teams that could make up the match this year.
The Uso
Gabriel and Kidd
Epico and Primo
Reks and Hawkins

I think everyone in this match could really make it shine. I think everyone in this match has the potential to have memorable moment in the match, way more potential then i feel like there is in the WWE championship MITB match. I leave PTP out just because they are the current #1 contenders, and hopefully we get a title defense on MITB.
That is ridiculous.

First, why do they need to risk themselves in a dangerous match just to get a shot at the title? I mean tag team championship matches are not hard to get these days. It could be a triple thread or a fatal 4 way ladder match for the title but not for a chance to get the title. So NO.

Second, the MITB has lost its prestige a little bit since creating its own PPV and splitting it into two. So making it three or replacing one world title MITB match with a tag team MITB match is ridiculous. Again, a big NO.
Well it's actually a pretty good idea, but there is just a lack of good tag teams right now to make it a good match. They have had a triple threat TLC in the past, and i don't think this match would be very different. However, there would be downsides like having too many MITB matches which kinda devalues it. And a lot more work and focus has to be put into the tag division before even trying anything like this.
They did something similar to this a while back at Armageddon 2006, except it wasn't a match to determine the number one contender, it was just a match for the belts.

It was The Hardys, Regal & Taylor, London & Kendrick, and MNM.

We all know what happened here. Mercury got his face wrecked, Kendrick nearly decapitated either Regal or Taylor with a botched Sliced Bread No.2.

Sure, a MITB tag match sounds good on paper, but all of those men you listed are inexperienced in ladder matches and that's what the deal was with Armageddon 2006.

Anyway, no I wouldn't want this to happen for the simple fact that inexperience could lead to injuries.
I had a idea like this before.
if this happens i hope prime time playaz wins the tag titles next monday.
so kofi and his new partner can be in it.
i love kofi in ladder matches so we would want him in it.
i think its interesting then the tag team mitb winners can cash in at anytime.
No. The tag division is just starting up again and even if it was solidified, I don't think we would need MITB. It would never feel special if a team won the tag titles like that because they're not as highly regarded as the world titles. When Edge cashed in MITB on John Cena, did that feel more special than if The Usos were to cash in on the Prime Time Players? Of course it would. Even if they built them up, it still wouldn't. The reason being is that it's also harder to win the world titles than the tag titles.

Money in the Bank should only be for world titles and nothing else.
I'm going to go against everyone else and say Yes!

This is a good idea all the agents have to do is tell everyone no risky spots on the ladder because these guys are not experienced yet in these matches. That doesn't mean you won't have excitement, it means these guys are going to be safer about it. It isn't just rookies in these types of ladder matches who do dangerous spots. Remember Jeff Hardy did the swanton on Edge and the ladder didn't give, even Matt of all people at the time asked Edge was he ok.

People complain about the tag division now someone comes up with a good idea and you crap on it, it's not like the OP is calling for the Michael Hayes ladder match booking to come back it's just a way to make chasing the tag titles more interesting again and bring intrigue back. Imagine if the Hardys or Edge & Christian had the tag team MITB you people would be sucking them off begging for them to cash it on the Dudley's. You have the tag teams now to make this happen it's completely plausible just book the spots right where nobody gets hurt. Having a MITB tag match puts prestige back into the tag titles.
I agree that it COULD be a good idea, but there aren't enough Tag Teams in WWE to make it work properly.

Think about it, how many Tag Teams are there right now? It's not like they are beating off 7, 8 or 9 other teams just to quality for the match, they'll be straight in it. That creates no competition.

The belts MUST regain their prestige first, add multiple teams to the division, not just thrown together singles wrestlers, and build the division up and make it competitive AND give teams time to develop on TV and get over. THEN we will care.
I loved the tag division back in it's day and would love for a complete revival of it!
This match is a great idea and would really put tag team wrestling back into the WWE.
I just think MITB ppv is too soon for it to happen. Wait until TLC; where the teams involved have got some heat and momentum going into a Fatal-4-way tag team ladder match. All team involved must have a chance at gaining a spot in the match not just thrown together a week before and becoming the new tag champs.

It must take time and if I have to wait until TLC for a quality tag team ladder match then so be it.
Yet another idea that sounds far better on paper than it would likely end being in real life. I cannot think of many matches that would see as much chaos (in the bad way) as a Tag Team Money In the Bank Ladder Match. This would not be a very good idea. The Money In the Bank matches are dangerous enough for singles competitors. We aren't just talking a multi-team Ladder Match here.... This is Money In the Bank. Every team is wanting to grab that briefcase and we would see double the chaos of the singles MITB matches due to the team format. WWE would have to make certain that everyone involved has Ladder Match (and preferably MITB matches as well) experience before putting this match on.

It could be good if the teams placed in the match have the proper experience, otherwise the risk for severe injury skyrockets. Then we also have the issue of there not being that many tag teams on the roster. You have The Usos, Epico & Primo, Prime Time Players, and Gabriel & Tyson. You could even throw out one of the teams to make it only a 6 man match for everyone's safety, it'd be the Usos in that case since they royally suck. I'd have the Prime Time Players win, but they are already #1 contenders. This match will never happen until after the tag team division has been fully revived and enough people have had experience in similar matches, otherwise it would be too dangerous for everyone involved.
Well I sort of like the idea.

Instead of regular World Championships contract match at MITB, they can do several types of matches to make the PPV more interesting.

Anything like:

MITB match for the WWE Championship belt itself. (WWE belt inside the briefcase)

MITB match for the World Heavyweight Championship (WHC belt inside the briefcase)

MITB match for the surprise in the briefcase (Anything can be in the briefcase once it is won, can be revalead right at the end of match or at some unknown time at the television event, could be anything like role of a show manager contract, righ to make anyone a valet/manager, right to make anyone a tag team partner or a right to face any wrestler/legend, can be done to make a legend return. Even an interesting one, the right to face The Undertaker for his streak at Wrestlemania.

MITB match involving divas for the no.1 contendership or for the title itself. (Have we ever seen a ladder match involving women in WWE?

MITB match for the tag team titles or no. 1 contendership for the tag titles

Same can be done with IC and US Titles.

They can even do a hardcore mitb match with all the weapons involved.
I don't hate this idea at all except for the fact that the tag division is so weak right now. If they took a year to build up some good teams and did this next year I'd be all for it. As for the nay sayers who say the titles don't mean enough to risk life and limb for, well they would if you booked them to mean something.
No, just no. The money in the bank match is too chaotic. Are you talking about 6 teams? Thats 12 guys in a ladder match. Thats too dangerous, too many bodies flying around. Could it be entertaining? Yeah. It could also get everyone in the match hurt.
I can't side with anybody saying none of them have experence in a ladder match, you have to start somewhere and in 5 or 10 years you can't tell me that we will never see another ladder match. Booking it only team i would let fly from the ladder would by gabriel and kidd. (450 splash off the top anyone?)

As for injury's are concerned any match has the potential for injurys and lets be honest there was a time when the hardys and E&C competed in ladder matches on back to back nights i think these guys could compete in a short maybe 7-10 minute ladder match one night a year.

But i do agree that the belts aren't built up enough to justify the match at this point in time.

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