Those who require a face or heel turn to regain lost momentum?


Mid-Card Championship Winner
Everyone thinks that John Cena needs to be a heel and I kind of agree, but there has been a lot of talk of Cena moving to Hollywood or adopting a part time status with the company and I think it would be pointless to turn him if he isn't going to be working full time.

So for me, I think Big E needs to turn heel and Ryback needs to turn face.

Big E no longer seems to have any crowd reaction. Even when he fought Rusev, it seemed the crowd was more interested in booing Rusev than they were cheering for Big E...and in one case, they wanted Ziggler, which is never a good sign. This got pretty bad as Big E resorted to cheap face pops, but even those didn't seem to work. He was very popular late 2013, so what happened to kill his momentum? I personally think Big E's promos and interviews contrasted too much with his in-ring persona. He seems so nice when talking, but his personality is kind of scary in the ring. I think it would work more effectively if he was playing some sort of monster heel.

At times I could swear that the crowds want to cheer Ryback. They continue to do the 'feed me more' chants and often cry "Goldberg". Even if it's meant to be mocking, it does show they're more interested in him than the good guys he's facing. Unlike his partner, Ryback seems to have a good deal of charisma. I wasn't watching wrestling when he was the good guy though, so I don't know how effective he was in that role.

Jack Swagger's face turn reminded me that sometimes the switch can make the difference. He went from being a villain with a lukewarm response to one of the more popular faces. Many might think Cesaro requires this, but I think Cesaro makes a good heel and his only problem is that WWE is making him lose too much.

But what about you? Who do you think needs to make the change? If you must answer Cena, then do so, but let's try not to be that
Cena needs to become a heel as soon as possible! It would not only do wonders for him... but it would also benefit WWE. I mean look... WWE has no main event heels right now except Randy Orton!!! Thats another big reason why HHH and Steph are so much on TV and why they made Kane a "monster" again.

As for face turn... I believe Rollins would be an awesome face but not yet- Right now he is well served being a heel.
I think Rollins would make a dull face. While the Shield were the good guys, he stood out the least. His moveset is more exciting though.
I for one have no problem with them making Orton face again, betraying the authority after losing to Reigns at SummerSlam(or winning who knows). Fans love to cheer him when he's face, or so it seems. He just becomes boring. But a feud with the authority would keep it interesting. But not now hopefully, I've seen enough Orton v HHH and Orton v Cena to last a couple of lifetimes.

Ryback definitely could use it as he seems to get a reaction and like you mentioned the fans wanna cheer for him they really do. There's no reason Ryback couldn't have had a gimmick akin to what Reigns is using now and he could be the next big face.

Cesaro most definitely could, I think the heel turn hurt him badly. He had quite a fanbase before turning heel and really he hasn't done anything as a heel, not even saying winning matches would help but a story would help.

Obviously Cena, I know you don't wanna hear it as it is obvious but he's been a face for 10 years now, it would freshen him up. Moving on.

Cody Rhodes. I don't see why he isn't a heel now anyway, in the Dust Brothers match that seems to be building Goldust has to be the good guy. Cody worked well as a heel when he was Randy's cohort(whether that was a sign for Cody or Orton who knows), and I feel like Cody pulls off any gimmick they give him pretty well.

Then we have Kofi Kingston, and this is like the Cesaro comment I made, he just hasn't done anything serious as a face in what 5 years? Whenever his match with Orton was. Regardless, since then he's pretty much been a jobber and it would help him major to become a heel.

Batista makes a great face as evident by his run on SmackDown where he was basically parallel to Cena. So bring him back as a face so he can get over plus the whole GotG thing which should help him get over.

Sheamus needs to be a heel in my opinion. Which I know makes no sense being as I want a face Batista...but a heel Sheamus makes sense. Imagine him cutting a promo where he says he has the US title and no one wants it, a shame no one cares about America fella. I'd eat that up. And it's based in fact, no one has cared about the US Title since he won it so it's true.

Call me crazy but heel Jericho where he is the best in the world, the man of 1004 holds! >< He can lose to Bray and snap and be like, I'm tired of young guys getting the better of me because I'm so laid back. And suddenly he's 100% serious heel.

That's about all I can think of, granted I don't think any of them need a heel turn except: Cesaro, Kofi and Batista.
Jericho has always been a favorite heel of mine. While I think he can make a good face, I don't think he and Bray Wyatt have a lot of chemistry. Jericho is at his best when he's sarcastic and funny, but serious Jericho is kind of meh.

I agree with Sheamus. I think Sheamus should be pushed as a dangerous bad-ass. He's charming and amicable, but that's sort of the problem. His gimmick is based around him being a brawler, so he should either be a villain or an anti-hero. I also think Cody made a better heel, but they'd have to drop the Stardust gimmick and it would be annoying if they spent all this time building it just to immediately drop it.

The reason why I don't want to say Cesaro needs a face turn is because that ship has sailed. I think he makes a good heel, but I also think him not completely turning face at wrestlemania was a HUGE mistake. Everything was aligned to make him super popular, but if they chose to turn him face right now, the pop wouldn't be as epic. They'll have to wait until everything is just right once more.
Why does Cena need to turn heel? He still draws a big pop from the crowd. He's an eternal underdog that always comes out on top. He has set history with his championship reigns and is in position to pass a legend. So, how is his momentum lost? Unlike some of the other guys listed, Cena has accomplished pretty much everything as a singles wrestler and doesn't need a turn to boost his career. He draws the biggest reaction rather they're booing or cheering him. No momentum lost.

Ryback is a great example and at some point I hope the E does capitalize off the "feed me more" chants and get him away from Curtis Axel. But then what do you do with him? He can't speak a lick and you can't have him running through enhancement talent but so long.

I am sorry but Kofi as a full blown heel seems like career suicide to me. I wish people will realize this is a mid card wrestler with the occasional big spots on PPVs. He's meant to be cheered. People have to let go of this wishing Kofi was Kofi from his feud with Orton. Let it go!
The problem with Kofi being a heel is he wouldnt be allowed to do those I'd be reluctant to see him turn into the villain.
No need for cena heel turn until a perfect face is found. Cena has more non US fans. So he doesnt need a heel turn.
ambrose and dolph need a heel turn. Actually ambrose is in dangerous position. After rollins fued he doesnt have any direction.
Ziggler has most success as a heel. So he need heel turn
Cena wouldn't turn heel for at the time being, so we can put that to rest for sometime.

Cesaro can use a turn. He was really hot earlier this year, but something happened and he's in no man's land now. Turning him might help his career.

Ambrose and Rollins are fine for now and shouldn't be tampered with. If anything, do something more in this feud of theirs.
Maybe it's just me but I feel like Kofi could keep doing the moves. I probably have way more hope in Kofi than I should, but it seems like he'd be able to make it work if they gave him the ball and said work it.

Now Ziggler, I feel like everytime he got over as a heel it was because of others: Spirit Squad helped him back in 2006. And Vickie helped him afterwards immensely(dare I say, she was on a very high level of heat back in the late 2000's). So I don't know for sure a heel Ziggler would work, but again he just seems like he'd make it work

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