This would be an instant draw for Wrestlemania


Occasional Pre-Show
Friends and I were talking about Wrestlemania, I have been reading posts on how wrestlemania 27 would be a huge draw this year and who should main event and what should the matches be, but n all honesty I believe it would be guaranteed drawing power if we had this match, I dont know how it will come to be, why or anything like that, but find a way

The Undertaker v.s John Cena in an I Quit Match

There, instand drawing power, the 2 guys that dont know the meaning to those 2 small words, think about it, doesnt really make sense does it, but I dont see how anyone could think this wouldnt be interesting, yeah may not be the traditional singles match for wrestlemania, who cares, build another huge match or title match around a singles match, but this would be an instant Wrestlemania moment no matter the outcome, I just cant see how any of these 2 are going to say the words, and maybe this could never happen due to it not being believable but whoever says it this moment would surely live forever in Mania history and in professional wrestling history, build the rest of the pay per view however, but this would surely be an amazing sight to se, maybe not the greatest match, but greatest moment.

Thoughts? elaborations?
to be honest john cena isn't the draw he was a couple years ago and same with undertaker. I wouldn't think this would draw as many people as you think it would. I definently wouldn't buy this pay per view just for it.
to be honest john cena isn't the draw he was a couple years ago and same with undertaker. I wouldn't think this would draw as many people as you think it would. I definently wouldn't buy this pay per view just for it.
you might not but both of them still have enough fans that would jizz in their pants and shell out the $60 just for this match.

I personally would love to see this match and odds are good i would pay the $60 to see it.
like i said, i dont like cena, i love taker, but i didnt say it was going to be a classic, in terms of storytelling it would be epic- the deadman vs supercena, neither men know the words I Quit- and in terms of who would say those words, would be enough for many people to be interested, honestly.

I could care less about the quality of the match itself, like i said, build that around something else, but like i said, eithero ne of these guys saying those words, would be an instant Wrestlemania moment, the crowd would be insane. Just a thought though
this match would never happen. cena would never quit and taker would never quit. and i dont think that wwe would have taker say those words to end his streak. wont happen. interesting idea. but now cena vs taker in a last man standing match w/o duct tape
This is why you are in prison. This thread sucks.

This is another reason i hate this place, whats up everyones assess on here anyways? does anyone know common courtousy? This is another reason i fuckin hate this place, you cant say anything without some smart ass saying something. I see nice people on here all the time voicing their opinions and people just rip into them like they shot their mother. Like its a fucking discussion and someones opinion first of all, noone said anything to start anything with anyone, i was brought up the way if u dont have something nice to say dont say nothing at all. Wtf is wrong with you people anyways always picking apart someones post by sentence and its just plain rude, I don’t care if im in here first of all because I don’t really have the time to write my life story to voice my opinion in a 3 page essay to idiots on the other end of a computer screen trying to find ways to look more knowledgeable or better about a situation, it makes me wonder if anyone on here has a life.

I come on every once in awhile when im bored at work ( which isn’t very often ) and voice my opinion, only to get chewed out by arrogant people like that, makes me wonder why I come on here at all, and im not even going to bother arguing with your comments about what your goingto say back because it means shit all to me, fuck, of all the shit I see on here I thought it was a pretty damn good idea, and thanks to those who agreed it would be interesting.

Im gunna go back to work now while you float around this website looking for someone else to put down so u can feel better about yourself, and before u say it, yeah I don’t think im being a smart ass looking cool just happened to be u that put me in the mood to rant about all you arrogant pricks on here that are like that, Kudos to those who aren’t, I find myself disgusted I was even a small part of the IWC who quite frankly in my opinion, and not just mine, don’t know shit.

See yas later
I know more than you cunt. Get over yourself. Stupid threads like this will not get you out of prison.
I know more than you cunt. Get over yourself. Stupid threads like this will not get you out of prison.

Dude, what the fuck? How do you know what'll get him out of prison? I liked the thread - at least he's TRYING to stir up some real discussion.

If Macca got out of prison anyone can.

Jacarr just ignore the people who bitch and post, that's all anyone can ask.
It's a horrible thread Doc. I kinda bought into it but the I Quit gimmick just turned it into crap, into speculative BT territory. If those two were to ever face off it should just be a normal one on one match. They wouldnt need the gimmick to face off and have an epic match - they can save that for Backlash.

It was just an overly exaggerated point that he didnt need to add. The match wouldnt be a great Wrestlemania moment anyway because if Taker didnt lose to HBK at WM then he wont lose the streak to Cena.

Coco's post echoed mine anyway.
Behold, puny prisoner. The greatest inmate in the history of WZ, nay the World (Fuck U Mandela) has graced you with his presense.

Never lose hope of the light J-Carl, nobody believed that I would ever leave this horrid place but my greatness gained me my freedom. Now I am the most powerful force in WZ, with Samurai 7 having my back, nobody can stop my ascent to greatness.
Behold, puny prisoner. The greatest inmate in the history of WZ, nay the World (Fuck U Mandela) has graced you with his presense.

Never lose hope of the light J-Carl, nobody believed that I would ever leave this horrid place but my greatness gained me my freedom. Now I am the most powerful force in WZ, with Samurai 7 having my back, nobody can stop my ascent to greatness.


You're kidding, right?
While I'd like to see something along the lines of this, it'd be a bitch to build-up and with Cena and Undertaker both being on opposite brands, it'd be complicated.

I'd love to see it, we haven't seen Cena vs. Undertaker one on one for 7, nearly 8 years; but I just don't think it'd happen. Not like you've predicted it anyway.
I know more than you cunt. Get over yourself. Stupid threads like this will not get you out of prison.

jeeze come on man, i was voicing my opinion and yeah i got a little upset, the whole point of me retalliating on you in the first place was because i just found it unecessary for you to bash on me like that, why do you have to be so rude, it may be a shitty thread but who cares, just trying to interact with you and you make me feel like a piece of shit, I dont go around bashing all the other threads on here.

Whats the point of doing that? Does it make you feel like a better person, and you may know more then me, I dont know you, and you dont know me, just because its a terrible thread doesnt mean i dont know anything, jeeze man come on its christmas, whats up with that
getting drawn into an argument isn't gonna help anything just ignore it and make/post in threads
So you ignore the fact that I actually commented on the topic that you started? Great way to get over it.
Bill lesnar feels a stip like an i-quit match would be a stupid decision esp under the PG product and in the main event at Mania. If Cena and taker fued, Bill lesnar knows that the fued will only go on from the rumble and that isnt enough time to have an i-quit match. i-quit matches are build up over a period of time due to intense personal hatred ala steph and vince, hardys, cena and Jbl and so on. Bill lesnar wants to know when was the last time thye had a gimmick match headlining mania anyway?

Taker and Cnea should be on one, just like hbk vs Taker was, along with HHH vs Jericho, Batista vs HHH, taker vs Edge etc. With a gimmick, they wont be able to show case their wrestling and will be held back from the gimmick like recent chairs matches and the like. Mania Mian events are supposed to one on one, to see who the btter man is with no gimmicks. If thier was a gimmick leave it to extreme rules or what ever ppv follows and use Hell in a Cell ( a gimmick that taker excells in) or Last man standing, which is a gimmick that Bill lesnar prefers as it is more brutal (need to knock the guy down for 10 seconds out cold) and has been done well in a pg era i.e HHH sv Orton, I-quit has only been done once from Bill lesnars memory and Bill Lesnar thought it was average, can anyone see taker losing, with his rep and ego?, Cena surely wont lose.

Anyway, Taker is most likely out of mania ( as seen with kane dropping the belt) so it wont happen anyway. I quit just doesn't belong in an event like Mania with its prestige as I quit hasnt been around for all that long, if Bill lesnars memory serves him correctly. Taker vs Cena in a straight Wrestling match?, Bill lesnar is all for it,two of the biggest names in wwe history facing off in the event that they excel in, Wrestlemania which is the biggest show in wrestling history

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