This Whole Shane Thing

Pay Per Ghost

What they f*ck happened in the thread section here
Is the stupidity of it all lost on us for the time being because Mac Le Blanc just made his return to TV? Are we not done lactating after seeing our favorite millionaire daredevil make his triumphant return back home to WWE, to notice the sheer ludicrousness that has transpired here?

Here's a short hand bitch hand version:

Shane O Mac: I want company buddy.

Vinnie Mac: No you can't guy.

Shane O Mac: I want company fwiend!

Vinnie Mac: Ok buddy you get company if you wrestle at Mania pal, versus Undertaker a hell in a cell guy!

Stephie Mac: (queeeeeef)

It'll be an enjoyable spotfest I know, but this is just pulling shit out of thin air and calling it WrestleMania Season.
So are most part-timer returns and celebrity appearances.

They're scraping for star power this year between injuries, people saying no, and contractual obligations not allowing people to wrestle.

Frankly I'm intrigued to see how this plays out. How certain are you that Shane is going to actually wrestle Taker? If he does, there almost has to be shenanigans involved.

Also, how temporary is Shane's return.

Is it random? Sure. Is it intriguing? Definitely.

And frankly, any way that they can possibly get rid of the Authority after being around for too long is reason enough for me.
Yeah they pulled this completely out of their ass but then again it's not like they had much of a choice considering all the injuries happening, they had to pull something out of their ass so why not this?

We could logic the fuck out of this to where it's completely un-enjoyable or we can just admit that since Cena is out they really had no better option. It's not the best option but it might be the best option they're currently left with.
They went from nothing interesting for Taker to WTF in about 15 minutes last night. I can't complain about that.

Also, I think Shane will probably win and be a semi-regular character on TV for a few years. It's known that Vince doesn't care so much to be an on screen character anymore. Who better to replace the TV figurehead than his kid.
Only caught the title of that one, but I'm picturing Kurt or Smitty from Mad Men, ranting about how their generation doesn't want to be marketed to.
It should have been Shane/HHH at Mania but I'll accept this simply because it is quite unexpected, outside of Cena who else did you really want to see Undertaker defeat anyway? To be honest Taker is a novelty that I just don't really care about anymore, I'll enjoy him while he's there but it's not like his booking in 2016 matters considering anything he does now can't be nearly as bad as anything in the past, get over it.
The intrigue in Cena vs Taker largely disappeared for me when the streak ended. And even then, the best opportunity was somewhere between 2007 and 2010.

I have no interest in seeing those guys sleepwalk through a finisher spamfest.
The thing i think thats being mostly overlooked is; what is the point of shane returning and not winning(whether he actually wrestles or has a champion of his own is another matter)? If he loses are we just, as viewers, doomed to the authority forever. Because if this doesnt end in the authority out what is it going to take?

I know he's not going to be ready in time because of injury, but imagine the pop if Rollins returned to fight for Shane
The front page is saying there's talk of a new Brand Split.

But because it's the front page it may be complete bullshit too
Another brand split sounds like the worst idea I have ever heard. Having Heath Slater defeat Brock Lesnar for the world title seems like a better idea.
Brand split is dead and should stay dead.

As for Shane/Taker, look: we all know this is just a highly elaborate setup for Shane to fall off something ridiculously tall.

I haven't seen that in roughly 15 years, so that'll be a nice bit of nostalgia if nothing else.
The nostalgia pop and thought of him taking the Authority out was worth it alone. How it happens is where the magic is. We know Hunter drops the strap & if Shane wins, then thats game over. Rollins makes fun of HHH dropping the ball upon his return before dethroning the Roman Empire.

Works for me. Expect contract loopholes and shenanigans, but Shane gets it done while Vince looks on in shock.
Honest question. Who really cares? The logic doesn't back up the story?! That's the first time that's ever happened in a completely scripted sport!

It's intriguing. God knows it's the most interesting thing WWE has done in fucking years. So if it's a bit illogical and I find myself overthinking it, I'll tell myself what I always tell myself. You're watching professional wrestling...
The intrigue in Cena vs Taker largely disappeared for me when the streak ended.

WWE seems to think Taker has something to offer still, and I don't care to see it.

Shane got the pop you get for being gone for 7 years. Everyone got excited because they felt that seeing Shane on TV meant there was also hope for their WWE 2K16 Create-A-Stable to get onto Raw.
DirtyJosé;5425743 said:
Shane got the pop you get for being gone for 7 years. Everyone got excited because they felt that seeing Shane on TV meant there was also hope for their WWE 2K16 Create-A-Stable to get onto Raw.

Now I recall the many years of "there should be a Europe or Britain or otherwise non-Murican stable" threads and then League of Nations happened.

Tell you what surprises me is, I haven't seen much of "geez Shane looks old" or "can he even still go??!?" but I suspect it's a matter of time.
His athleticism and daredevil style was unexpected, but that was years ago. If guys who are consistently wrestling have to work out some kinks after a period away I'm sure Shane will have a much more difficult time. Im bet he is still in shape, but it is far from active wrestling shape, so besides a few spots with one of the safest performers around, I dont expect a classic by any stretch.

That isnt to say it will be terrible, but if there is a good spot or two & some blood to sell the drama, then it will live up to the hype. Just dont expect it to be Savage/Steamboat levels of great wrestling. It is there to sell a storyline & that is all thats really needed.

Over thinking it will kill the fun of it all. Big card to pull due to a broken main event roster & it was out of nowhere. That alone should be a welcome change instead of the usual leaked surprises or paint by numbers booking we have gotten a lot of the past little while.

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