This is what needs to happen in the long run!!!! But probably won't

That N Word

Actively evolving - In regards to the main event, which will be a Tables Match between John Cena and Seth Rollins, it’s expected that Cena will end up winning the match. It may not be a “clean” victory – and really, it’s set up perfectly for the return of Randy Orton, to rebuild the program between him and Rollins. Cena vs. Lesnar has been set as the focal point of January’s Royal Rumble event for the past several months.

Now I don't think that's the way it should be booked. This is WWE's chance to do something fresh by changing the main event of RR. What I would have happen is have Randy Orton inserted in the Tables Match at TLC like it was originally planned and make it a Number 1 Contender's match with Randy winning after pinning Rollins. This would make people think that the Rollins-Randy feud is over while Rollins go to feud with Reigns. Randy faces Brock at RR and get's screwed by Rollins which would make him lose by DQ. Rollins again attacks Lesnar and goes to cash in only for Ambrose to hold on his promise and stop him. I'd have both enter the RR match with Rollins eliminating Randy before it is even his (Rollins) time to enter. So later when Rollins enters he makes it to the final 3 with Reigns and Ambrose. Randy takes him out and it's down to Reigns and Ambrose with Reigns taking Ambrose out to plant the seeds for a Post-Mania heel turn and feud between the two that leads to a Shield Triple Threat at SummerSlam for the title. At Elimination Chamber I would make Lesnar defend inside the Chamber vs. Wyatt,Ambrose,Rollins,Randy,Ziggler and retain. Now as for Cena he get's screwed out of the Rumble match by Rusev and Lana for being an "American Legend." At EC the two face off with Rusev winning making Cena pass out to the accolade. Cena so desperate for a rematch puts his career on the line at Mania. Rusev defeats Cena again getting his Mania moment and leaving people in shock. In reality Cena is just taking some time off to let Reigns develop as "The Top Guy." Cena returns at SummerSlam and loses again and takes even more time off after. He returns at RR winning the Rumble match to tie with SCSA (sadly). Meanwhile at the Rumble (2016) Reigns ends Rusev streak and retains the belt. Cena jealousy grows with the fact that he couldn't do what Reigns could beating Lesnar,Rusev,Punk on his first try when he couldn't. Cena turns heel on Reigns at EC when Cena comes down to "congratulate" and drops him with a clothesline and Attitude Adjustment leading to the match at Mania 32. This should be the long-term plan!!! Or Should it???
Also as for the US title I would have Rusev do something with is that gains alot of heat by using it in the Cena-Rusev feud burning it (retiring it) or something to get heat and get Cena pissed off. Cena goes on a rant about the US title he once held being burned.
It's an interesting plan but there are a few insurmountable problems. For one thing, the Elimination Chamber has been moved further up into the year. It won't be held after the Royal Rumble in 2015 and is no longer part of the Road to WrestleMania. This was done because Vince felt that having the champ defend at Elimination Chamber to possibly lose ultimately detracted from the wrestler who wins the Royal Rumble. Plus, there's also the feeling that while Elimination Chamber matches are often entertaining, the event is primarily an in-between filler for WrestleMania and there was a feeling that the EC matches themselves shouldn't be felt as if they were filler. In all honesty, I agree with that notion. I was hoping that the EC ppv itself would be done away with so that the EC matches themselves could potentially pop up at any particular time.

However, I don't see it happening this way for one big reason: John Cena. For one thing, seeing John Cena facing a mid-card champion at WrestleMania XXXI would be a huge surprise, a highly unlikely one at that. Personally, I think it'd be a nice change to see such a huge name go after a mid-card title if they put emphasis on the championship itself but, at the same time, John Cena's such a huge star that the US title wouldn't really be considered a priority in the feud. Rusev screwed Cena over, hurt his pride and ruined his WrestleMania aspirations, which would be Cena's motivation rather than the US title. Vince McMahon would either bust a gut laughing at the notion, he'd look at you as if you'd grown a second head or he'd be so pissed that he'd fire you on the spot for even suggesting it. Vince often protects John Cena to the detriment of multiple wrestlers on the roster and he just can't seem to wrap his head around the notion that at this point in time, people find the notion of John Cena being vulnerable and not smack in the center of everything more compelling than the against all odds superman that's defined his career.

As for a Cena heel turn, it's a pipe dream that's NEVER gonna happen so long as Vince McMahon is THE final decision maker in WWE. There have been a few perfect opportunities for a John Cena heel turn and Vince doesn't see a need for it. Cena had a perfect opportunity to turn heel during his initial program with The Rock, it could simply have been a case of Cena seeing that his "Cenation" had turned on him, cast him aside from a returning movie star that essentially told them all to stick it a decade ago while he's busted his ass night in & night out for the past decade for them.

Also, heel Cena or no heel Cena, I don't think most fans are gonna be all that interested in seeing John Cena win the Royal Rumble and go onto main event WrestleMania. There's nothing fresh about that, no matter how you do it. I think it'll almost certainly happen at least one more time in his career, but Cena's long since reached a point in his career that he doesn't need the Rumble to be in the Mania main event. Hell, he doesn't really even need the title at this point. Again, however, it's gonna happen at least one more time because I simply don't see John Cena, at the very least, tying Ric Flair's 16 World Championship wins.
Heel Cena would be forced and just isn't going to happen in a long time or ever. He is on the cover of their Flintstone/Scooby Doo movies for kids and it isn't a situation like Hogan where they had to do something drastic in WCW to compete and had indispensable money and Hogan was well past his prime. Overall it'd hurt WWE's bottom line and he's the "good guy poster boy" for the company who accounts for most of their merch sales which are a HUGE factor in their profits.

You're Wale the rapper right? Pretty cool you post here.
Props for taking the time to book something all the way through 2016, but I think the plan might be flawed from the very start. TLC is in like a week. They're not going to insert Orton into the match with literally no build to it at all. Plus, it takes away from the spectacle of Orton's return, which will most likely come via interference as he screws over Rollins to re-ignite their feud which is currently on pause.

Also, this Shield triple-threat match that seems so popular among people just isn't going to happen anytime soon. The WWE is trying to make all three of Rollins, Ambrose, and Reigns into superstars at the same time. Pitting them against one another isn't really helping any of the guys going forward. At least not immediately. Maybe, MAYBE that match can happen in 2016 but I just don't see it helping all three of the Shield guys if it happens anytime soon.
The Sheild and Wyatt family should have never split up. I mean Team Cena has Eric freaking Rowan, Big Show, and Ryback for goodness sake. They are hurting for talent to say the least. The Bunny and Mizdow should not be the highlights of the event. WWE needs to stop being so predictable...enough is's total garbage right now. Nothing at Wrestlemania is really intriguring at this point. Sting and Brock are never there so really how interesting can it be?? Rollins is pushed to the be the #1 heel with that stuid briefcase but really he's undeserving. He's a good wrestler but really just a poor man's CM Punk....was much better in the Shield. Anyway, I would change things up drastically....
The Sheild and Wyatt family should have never split up. I mean Team Cena has Eric freaking Rowan, Big Show, and Ryback for goodness sake. They are hurting for talent to say the least. The Bunny and Mizdow should not be the highlights of the event. WWE needs to stop being so predictable...enough is's total garbage right now. Nothing at Wrestlemania is really intriguring at this point. Sting and Brock are never there so really how interesting can it be?? Rollins is pushed to the be the #1 heel with that stuid briefcase but really he's undeserving. He's a good wrestler but really just a poor man's CM Punk....was much better in the Shield. Anyway, I would change things up drastically....

What do you mean "nothing at WrestleMania is really intriguing at this point"? We literally don't know a single match that will be taking place at WrestleMania. And Sting literally just debuted two weeks ago, so I don't think you can harp on him "never being there." I do agree that The Bunny is a horrible gimmick that needs to get the kybosh and Mizdow being one of the most "over" characters in WWE right now really speaks to the lack of interesting babyfaces.

Injuries have kind of de-railed the second half of 2014 for WWE, really. I'm assuming things will pick up shortly here with Reigns/Orton/Barrett and hopefully Bryan returning at some point. Not to mention whatever is planned for Sting in 2015. I couldn't disagree more about Seth Rollins though. He is one of the best heels they have right now, on the mic and in the ring as well. I'm not sure what you mean when you say he is "undeserving." You could argue that Rollins deserves to be champion more than Reigns, although Reigns will probably get there first because he's got "the look" they want for a champion. Meanwhile, the guy sucks on the mic and has like five moves in the ring. Talk about undeserving...

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