This is what happened after Raw went off the air

Satan's Hockey

Pre-Show Stalwart
Everyone was leaving the building and than d-x's music came on and they came out and did their pyro with the x. Triple H got on the mic and did his usual thing but replaced " and for the millions watching at home" with "and for the millions no longer watching at home" The Spirit Squad than came out and d-x beat the crap out of them. d-x than celebrated a lot and left.

So me and my friends went to McDonald's in the service area on the way home and I had gone to the bathroom so when I came back out my friends were already on line for food so I went up to them and said hey guys do you realize Randy Orton, Umaga and Eugene are standing behind us? Umaga doesn't look very big and it was so weird seeing Eugene be normal. Randy Orton on the other hand was like his character. We didn't want to bother them because Eugene and Umaga were with their girlfriends so we didn't say anything to them but when Orton was ordering his food he was messing with the cashier because they were so slow in getting the food and everyone was laughing. Mickie James was also there with Kenny, don't know how that loser pulled that off.
Yeah Kennys a lucky guy.... Just proves Orton is an asshole in real life.... But he probably is funny.... Oh and Eugene real name is Nick Dinsmore...
PauLwaLL50 said:
Yeah Kennys a lucky guy.... Just proves Orton is an asshole in real life.... But he probably is funny.... Oh and Eugene real name is Nick Dinsmore...

We waited on line for 25 mins for food so I could see why Orton was annoyed but he had ordered a big and tasty with mayo and cinnamon and the lady just looked at him with a huh? look and he said nevermind and like raised his watch up to look at it and stared at it for like a minute than ordered his food. It was pretty funny to me cause he was messing with her and she had no idea who he was and I have to say Orton has this presence about him, like he had a shirt he normally wears during the shows on, and he is just such a big guy that like everyone was looking at him.
Orton, Does sound like a real ******** in real life. I hate people that stand in line and mock the workers at a fast food place they do there best and what not, Just cause YOU think your famous doesnt entitle you to food quicker then anyone else.
You got a point, but you have to admit... If you were there, you'd probably be laughing to... If I knew Orton... We'd be good friends...

Grung... Do you work at a fast food place or something?
grungy72 said:
Orton, Does sound like a real ******** in real life. I hate people that stand in line and mock the workers at a fast food place they do there best and what not, Just cause YOU think your famous doesnt entitle you to food quicker then anyone else.

My friends were bitching about it as well. It took us almost 25 to 30 mins to get our food and we thought that was way too long for McDonalds.
Yea, I know this girl that is obsessed with WWE and she goes to alot of shows and knows someone who introduces her to some of the wrestlers somehow. Anyway she said she was at dinner with a couple friends and Randy Orton and Orton was telling her how he was gonna sleep with her that night, and she thought he was a complete asshole. On the other hand she said Batista is the nicest of the wrestlers that she has met.

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