This is going to be good.

Finally - you brought up Edge's history of neck injuries and made a slap-stick comment about how he could "die" in the ring. Well, since you're such a history buff and all.. Misawa DID die in the ring. So, you know, if you wanna talk random stuff then I suppose the upper hand goes to Edge - since, as far as time goes - he's yet to actually die in the ring and all.

Is it sad that I suddenly get recognition when I post and don't put full effort into it, nor the ability to care what anyone else has to think of what I posted?

Don't get me wrong - I'm happy someone found it amusing, and others think it'll lead to something good.. but trust me, this isn't last year. The one thing Tdigs mentioned a couple days back that I believe is true is the point that 90% of people who are voting - won't listen to anyone's reason. So unless you truly want to post and give proper logic because YOU want to know you did.. it doesn't truly matter what you say.
Is it sad that I suddenly get recognition when I post and don't put full effort into it, nor the ability to care what anyone else has to think of what I posted?

Don't get me wrong - I'm happy someone found it amusing, and others think it'll lead to something good.. but trust me, this isn't last year. The one thing Tdigs mentioned a couple days back that I believe is true is the point that 90% of people who are voting - won't listen to anyone's reason. So unless you truly want to post and give proper logic because YOU want to know you did.. it doesn't truly matter what you say.
I figured this out a while ago actually. One of the reasons I struggle to post in wrestling sections now, because I can't get people to debate me.
Very rarely do I ever believe that anyone's opinion is changed on here by "debates". Unless the wrestler suddenly improves, I always sense that the whole event had just taken place for rep and post count.
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I figured this out a while ago actually. One of the reasons I struggle to post in wrestling sections now, because I can't get people to debate me.

I used to love debates, actually. It was always fun to see what others thought - to debate it, to agree or disagree with it. I guess the bigger part for me (now) is that its suddenly struck me..

Regardless of what you say, true or otherwise, its not likely to matter. Even if the person stops debating you. If they stop replying, or even acknowledge defeat in debate.. what are the real odds they have changed their own opinion on the subject? Only a very select few have the will power and ability in their own minds to open up that much.
I don't think it's that, I think there are too many new posters. Not enough stick around, at least not in the wrestling forums.
I remembered when debates just happened. When me and Sly debated Luger and Vader, it just happened. He broke my post apart, which was a first for me, and dissected it. So I had to do it back. And the back and forth went... until I realized there was no convincing Sly I was right. It was just a debate to make our case on who was the better wrestler, which is Vader, btw.
I remembered when debates just happened. When me and Sly debated Luger and Vader, it just happened. He broke my post apart, which was a first for me, and dissected it. So I had to do it back. And the back and forth went... until I realized there was no convincing Sly I was right. It was just a debate to make our case on who was the better wrestler, which is Vader, btw.

It's hard to convince someone you're right, when you're completely wrong. Just saying.
I'm OPEN to everyone's opinion, but the thing is an opinion is something no one is suppose to be forced into believing. Its just their for observation and further knowledge through another's views.

Its like if I were to ever blow-up should Edge lose, or like anyone who's ever lost it over any Wrestler losing. You can't force opinions and beliefs on anyone else, you can express your points and views (uhm, duh, the point of the forum) but to believe you can force someone to accept and further more - be made to believe in your views, just makes you naive and stupid. Freedom of choice - gotta love it. :rolleyes:
I think all that's a bit untrue, Will. The fact of the matter is that you DID convince people to vote for Edge last year, who probably went into the thread thinking they were going to vote for his opponent.

Also, just look at how far IC was able to get Vader a couple of years ago. He wasn't an admin back then, so no one can claim that people were only voting for Vader to kiss IC's ass. IC just presented good arguments, people listened, and Vader advanced further than he perhaps should have.

Lastly, Sly... I think you forget just how epic your Bar Room thread about 'Taker going over Savage was (Didn't you get an Infraction for that thread? lol). Don't you want shit like that to come from these tournaments? Reactions like yours a couple of years ago are why these tournaments are popular and successful here.
I cannot wait for the Battle Arena tournament. There will be rage-filled threads galore.
I think all that's a bit untrue, Will. The fact of the matter is that you DID convince people to vote for Edge last year, who probably went into the thread thinking they were going to vote for his opponent.

Last year I truly did go ALL OUT. And I mean, literally. I gave everything I had to push Edge as hard as I could and it meant everything to me. I take nothing away from how much I felt great about being able to debate arguments and convince (if I did) people to listen before voting.

But I also see all the worst things that came from it. All the immature acts, and the people who took their Superstars losing way more seriously than they ever should've. (I don't know if its been mentioned by me, or known in general - but 2 people that I know of - wanted me flatout BANNED, simply because I got Edge votes by what I said and eliminated their faves.)

Thats what ruined everything for me.

For as amazing as it was, the greatness I felt in doing something that I believed (at the time) was helping the overall forum.. it was all for nothing, because selective people take shit too far, and do the things they do.

That is for one half of the reason I truly scaled back on even having 'care' to want to post meaningful stuff ever again. I didn't come here to make people cry and complain. I came here to share my views and opinions, and I found out that apparently to some they are more than some can handle.
Will was the first person to ever criticize a post of mine on here. It was a strange feeling.

Something about me saying The Rock should interfere in a Hogan/Austin match. Bloody stupid now that I think on it but when I first joined I was rather excitable and had all sorts of crazy ideas in my head.
But I also see all the worst things that came from it. All the immature acts, and the people who took their Superstars losing way more seriously than they ever should've. (I don't know if its been mentioned by me, or known in general - but 2 people that I know of - wanted me flatout BANNED, simply because I got Edge votes by what I said and eliminated their faves.)

Yeah, but how many people, overall, would you say participated in the tournament? Lowest 25, highest maybe around 40. So 2 people out of at least 25 got THAT butthurt over your Edge pushing, whereas I'm sure way more respected what you did in that tournament than those who didn't.

Also, I'd be willing to bet those two posters had something against you before the tournament started, and they were just using that as an excuse to get you in trouble.

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