Things were better in the past boo hoo


Championship Contender
Why do people like to say they stopped watching WWE/TNA at a specific year as if it is a badge of honour in discussing about said promotions?

Come on just admit you still follow the product and don't distant yourself from it by drawing a line where you think it is acceptable to still watch it.
I don't know man.
People like to bitch and I'm guilty of bitching too but I always know that I'll be back the following week and still watching.

I've never stopped watching wrestling on purpose.

Just like with anything there are going to be good times and there are going to be bad.

I can't even think of anything that realistically could happen that would cause me to never watch a company again as long as they're still in business.
Things were better in the past. Now get offa my lawn.


Seriously. Off the lawn.
I don't watch wrestling anymore, but if reports are anything to go by then it is far better now than when I finally gave up. Talking about Daniel Bryan mostly though.
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Well back then, champions weren't pinned weekly and most storylines didn't bring out the ol' "hey, stop focusing on your match" tactic so it's arguable.
Well I haven't seen next week's show yet, or any in the future for that matter, so I'd agree that wrestling was much better in the past.
Why do people like to say they stopped watching WWE/TNA at a specific year as if it is a badge of honour in discussing about said promotions?

Usually I say it to make clear that I'm not up to date with the product when talking about a certain topic. I stopped watching WWE when Miz won the title and stopped watching TNA when Eric Young won his. I've seen odd PPV's since, I did very much enjoy Summerslam. But yeah, I'll usually state that because I'll be making a point about a product which would've been revelant at the time I was watching and could still be, but also could be outdated.
I liked when Triple H dressed as Kane and simulated sex with a fake corpse. That was the best. Yay the past!
Usually I say it to make clear that I'm not up to date with the product when talking about a certain topic. I stopped watching WWE when Miz won the title and stopped watching TNA when Eric Young won his. I've seen odd PPV's since, I did very much enjoy Summerslam. But yeah, I'll usually state that because I'll be making a point about a product which would've been revelant at the time I was watching and could still be, but also could be outdated.

I get it if it is just about a specific topic or a recent reintroduction back into the shows. But so many 'fans' out there put out a specific year they stopped watching but can list everything and more that happen within the last year on every single shit and still claim to be 'stopped watching' since 2007 or whatever year.

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