They were right.


Championship Contender
This is most likely the third thread on/about The League of Nations,from hereon referred to as LON, since it's inception last monday. And it's for a reason.

In the last thread on LON, I had pointed out how I had suggested the idea for a European faction with Sheamus as the leader, in a thread created back in May 2014, of which I had given a link. A week ago, most of you, including myself seemed to be positive about the newly formed LON. But then, there were a few cynics and skeptics. I myself am one. But I thought LON had potential and I was just mistaken.

Some of you might say that it's too soon for me or anyone to just decide that LON will be an unfruitful little debacle, just like The Nexus, and that it's existence has only to do with two goals:- 1)Only Sheamus will benefit. 2)Elevate Roman Reigns as a babyface and intensify positive reactions in audiences. (That's what the cynics said).

After watching Raw tonight, I'm convinced that the cynics were right.
To begin with, the whole segment(before the Wyatts showed up) was AWKWARD. Alberto Del Rio damn sure looks like a mismatch/misfit. Wade Barrett seems to be just there. Rusev's gestures made him look absurd and foolish. Remember the part where sheamus chanted "We are the league of nations" twice? It was AWKWARD. And the audience booed and booed. And it was not the positively intense boo that is evoked by an awesome heel like Kevin Owens. It was a boo of despair and boredom.

What about the fact that Sheamus has nothing interesting to say besides the same old 5.15 ? To cut it short, he was mostly boring last week and this week and will never be interesting as a face or a heel. Hell, my unconscious compelled me to think of CM Punk during that segment, "Hey, remember CM Punk as champion? His segments were interesting and intense". (I by no means intend to be a troll by bringing him up, though. And I wonder how one becomes a troll just because they cite Punk).

Finally, I am positive neither of Alberto Del Rio or Wade Barrett benefit from this. One's a misfit and the other is just there...

As for Rusev, I'm ambivalent as to him as a persona/wrestler, and his role in LON. It's not like Rusev will ever be a must-see compelling character if he were on his own, so being in LON is just a different kind of poison.

What do you guys think?

EDIT:-1)I can't wait for Mark Madden's next editorial. Hopefully, he'll once again criticize WWE TV for being so boring, etc in his characteristic Madden style.

2)I yearn for either of Daniel Bryan/Cesaro/Seth Rollins/Randy Orton to be the major focus of Raw. Heck, 2 hours midway of Raw, I actually thought of THE BIG SHOW and Kane. 'Cause I was so bored of what I saw.
Holy fuck, anything is going to remind you douchebags about CM Punk.. You guys are freakishly obsessed with this man.. Why don't you just go suck him off, would that make you happy?

The fact that his name comes up constantly is an issue. Go see a psychiatrists.
Wade Barrett seems to be just there.

You see, this is what I concerned the more about. I'm a huge fan of Wade Barrett but I'm not going to rant about how he has been underutilized in WWE. But I'm just going to provide a rationale why he is a mismatch in League of Nations.

The WWE creatives and other (I don't know who) doesn't want to elevate Barrett or even give him a credible career. They want to bury him but unfortunately because of Seth Rollins injury, WWE had to take some drastic decisions. Feuding Sheamus against Roman Reigns will make the crowd boring instead WWE wanted to make Roman Reigns an underdog, which is asinine and that's another case.

But the doom of League of Nations will be because of the feud of their specific members and stupid storylines. Alberto Del Rio is supposed to feud with Jack Swagger, but Swagger is seemed to be nowhere when Alberto is making cheap moves against Roman.

They barely use Barrett! Why the fuck he's in the stable anyhow?? They didn't even give him the tag on their first night as a Stable. Heck, they even threw him out of the match on the following SmackDown! If you don't want him, just throw him out, and that will make more sense.

Rusev is feuding with Ryback and he seems to be not hungry against the League of Nations. Instead, Dean Ambrose (who's supposedly the #1 Contender for Kevin Owens' IC title) and The Usos are locking horns with The League of Nations.

There can be a hole in a storyline, but League of Nations seem to be a stroyline dropped in a hole!
Chill out, the OP made a point of saying at the time of watching RAW, he thought of CM Punk as probably because CM Punk was the last really interesting character on the show. People still clamour for the stars of the past as well.
The League of Nations is a flat-out result of lazy writing, bad writers and a company that is simply at a loss for what to do with its roster right now.

1) They don't think Sheamus can hold a feud with Roman Reigns by himself so they needed help.

2) They can't figure out how to write compelling stories or feuds for any of the others: Barrett has been irrelevant for months, Rusev vs Ryback really?, Del Rios vs. Swagger (yay?!?)

3) They realize the roster is ridiculously depleted and void of stars so they are trying to bundle a group together to fill large time slots.

The whole thing is comical.
Chill out, the OP made a point of saying at the time of watching RAW, he thought of CM Punk as probably because CM Punk was the last really interesting character on the show. People still clamour for the stars of the past as well.

I don't want to banter around about CM Punk or criticizing the marks and smarks coz I too a'm CM Punk fan.

But he isn't the last interesting character on the show. There were many but just the WWE didn't use them well enough.

  • Damien Mizdow
  • Kevin Owens
  • Dean Ambrose
  • Daniel Bryan
  • "Bad News" Barrett (Mind you not the King Barrett)

There had been many and still we do have many but it seems like the creatives are worn out and need to get refueled.
It's only been a week, so I'm still willing to give it a shot, but I have to agree with what some of the OP said.

First of all Sheamus should be this hard ass brawler, and not some jolly ole Irishman on the mic. Give the mic to Barrett who is far and away the best of the group when it comes to talking. Also it's pretty obvious to me anyway that Sheamus is a dud as champion. He doesn't get much of a reaction other the the "you look stupid" chants.

Barrett I barely saw. He said nothing which was a huge disappointment, and I forgot he was even in the tag match. Like I said give him the mic and let him talk for the group, and give him some in ring time.

Rusev shouldn't even be part of it. Again he was always the lone wolf who never needed anyone except Lana. He's just not believable to me anyway as part of this faction, and sticks out like a sore thumb.

Del Rio is another who shouldn't be part of it. He should be fending off challengers to his US title, not falling over Zeb's scooter. Get him away from it completely.

The main problem with this group is that you have four guys who are basically singles wrestlers. They are trying to work as a team, but they are awkward to say the least. When the Wyatt's showed up last night, what a difference, they look like they belong together. Wyatt's vs LON would have been one hell of a match.

The same goes for Reigns group. Ambrose should be concentrating on Kevin Owens. The only thing he did last night was throw popcorn at him. The segment worked, but Ambrose is known for bugging the crap out of his opponents and that's why he should be doing. Sitting at ringside on commentary, being well Dean Ambrose. The Uso's were the tag champions for a long time, they just look strange and out of sync being with a larger group.

I'm afraid the OP is right, these guys were put together for two reasons, to make Sheamus look fierce, and to help out Reigns. I'm a fan of Reigns, but he's pretty much used up the entire roster by now.

The one thing I am pissed about is Ambrose. Get him away from Reigns. For the better part of the last year and a half Ambrose has been fighting his own battles alone. He hasn't gotten anywhere, and I'm wondering how much of the positive reaction towards Reigns is generated by him being with Ambrose all the time, and now throw the Uso's into the mix.

The last segment featuring Sheamus and Reigns wasn't great by any means, and even though he's come a long way, Reigns still isn't comfortable on the mic. Some are natural's, he's not one of them and I don't think he ever will be.

Maybe next week will be better, I'm kind of hoping it will be.
This is most likely the third thread on/about The League of Nations,from hereon referred to as LON, since it's inception last monday. And it's for a reason.

In the last thread on LON, I had pointed out how I had suggested the idea for a European faction with Sheamus as the leader, in a thread created back in May 2014, of which I had given a link. A week ago, most of you, including myself seemed to be positive about the newly formed LON. But then, there were a few cynics and skeptics. I myself am one. But I thought LON had potential and I was just mistaken.

Some of you might say that it's too soon for me or anyone to just decide that LON will be an unfruitful little debacle, just like The Nexus, and that it's existence has only to do with two goals:- 1)Only Sheamus will benefit. 2)Elevate Roman Reigns as a babyface and intensify positive reactions in audiences. (That's what the cynics said).

After watching Raw tonight, I'm convinced that the cynics were right.
To begin with, the whole segment(before the Wyatts showed up) was AWKWARD. Alberto Del Rio damn sure looks like a mismatch/misfit. Wade Barrett seems to be just there. Rusev's gestures made him look absurd and foolish. Remember the part where sheamus chanted "We are the league of nations" twice? It was AWKWARD. And the audience booed and booed. And it was not the positively intense boo that is evoked by an awesome heel like Kevin Owens. It was a boo of despair and boredom.

What about the fact that Sheamus has nothing interesting to say besides the same old 5.15 ? To cut it short, he was mostly boring last week and this week and will never be interesting as a face or a heel. Hell, my unconscious compelled me to think of CM Punk during that segment, "Hey, remember CM Punk as champion? His segments were interesting and intense". (I by no means intend to be a troll by bringing him up, though. And I wonder how one becomes a troll just because they cite Punk).

Finally, I am positive neither of Alberto Del Rio or Wade Barrett benefit from this. One's a misfit and the other is just there...

As for Rusev, I'm ambivalent as to him as a persona/wrestler, and his role in LON. It's not like Rusev will ever be a must-see compelling character if he were on his own, so being in LON is just a different kind of poison.

What do you guys think?

EDIT:-1)I can't wait for Mark Madden's next editorial. Hopefully, he'll once again criticize WWE TV for being so boring, etc in his characteristic Madden style.

2)I yearn for either of Daniel Bryan/Cesaro/Seth Rollins/Randy Orton to be the major focus of Raw. Heck, 2 hours midway of Raw, I actually thought of THE BIG SHOW and Kane. 'Cause I was so bored of what I saw.

Though there are a stable made a week ago only, yet i can see why its gonna fail..... Because of the following problems....
1. Only Sheamus will be benefitted as you said..
2. Only Roman Reigns would be elevated...
3. Wade Barrett (as Bad News Barrett) should be the mouthpiece but he isnot! :shrug:
4. Rusev shouldnot be in this stable
5. Del Rio shouldnot be in this stable because they are better as single than in such a stable...
I'd give it a little more time to see what creative can spin out (or shit/spit) for The League of Nations. I'd really, really like to see Rusev take command of LON and start dominating the roster again. Wade Barrett is also really good on the mic and should be holding the U.S Championship instead of Del Rio. Have Rusev command Del Rio hand over his belt and Del Rio does it or gets an ass kicking. Sheamus fades to the background as an enforcer who rarely gets mic time.

A slight readjustment (s) and you could have a really good Stable here.
The WWE and I are currently on a very angry hiatus. So long as this website isn't owned by Titansports, I see no problem in occasionally seeing what I've been missing in the very well written recaps this site offers (to include those made on the forum).

I cancelled my network subscription, and it was set to expire two days before Survivor Series. Very few things could have occurred to make me regret doing that, and many things could have occurred to make me proud of myself for doing that.

Part of a very long list of apparent fuck-ups that the WWE has self-inflicted is this "League of Nations" I've been hearing about.

Don't you love that name? They're not a league of extraordinary gentlemen or the united nations, they are a LEAGUE of NATIONS!

Alberto Del Rio is Mexico, err Mexi-Merica(?). He's a league of nations among a league of nations, which is fucking awesome if you're the type of fucking idiot that the WWE extracts from a dumpster to write their bullshit.

At least they have a Bulgarian rep, right? Rusev has gone from being forced to work with Summer Rae to an apparent demotion to perennial fifth wheel. Sometimes you pay your dues and get rewarded, and sometimes HHH's mom has to take a nine month shit.

As a league of nations they fight.... um.... other pro-wrestlers, which oddly enough is what they were doing as just a bunch of guys.

I remember a doughy doofus that people actually liked forming a pointless stable way back in the day, when Mankind started The Union. It was stupid and quickly faded away, but the fans were content in being able to see Mankind perform because he could be entertaining on his own.

The League of Nations is a stable that apparently rounded up every doughy doofus the WWE hadn't flushed yet and slapped together a stable that does nothing to inspire or excite. How do I know this after not watching for two weeks? The only internet buzz I've seen for this new stable is the angst ridden cries of desperate fans who are starting to feel the burn of buyer's remorse.

The WWE decided to make Sheamus get an 18 second win over Daniel Bryan, and the rest of his career has suffered for it. The WWE decided to book Roman Reigns to win the Royal Rumble, while apparently giving him only a few spots throughout the entire match. Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins made The Shield viable with their indy cred, and the fact that it was a posse of quiet badasses.

The WWE is doubling down on their stupidity by slapping together this stable in a desperate attempt to make a Roman Reigns vs Sheamus program into something that works for them and for the fans. Reigns is too green in the eyes of the smarks, and both performers were shafted by piss poor writing. It won't fucking work. Move the fuck on.
I agree with what someone said earlier... the issue with this group is that their team feud and individual feuds don't add up or make sense.

Ambrose is feuding with Owens but wasting his time fighting Roman's battles.

Uso's are battling for the tag straps in a triple threat against New Day and Lucha Dragons but helping out Reigns.

Barrett has nothing going on, Del Rio turns on Zeb who will now be aligned with Swagger and Rusev rather make out with Lana than fight Ryback yet neither of those guys (Jack and the Big Guy) have anything to do with Roman Reign's.

Why not have Rusev and Bad News insert their selves into the tag title match and Dean try to get back the US title vs Alberto? At least this way the members in each group makes sense as to why they are together.
I'm a huge fan of Wade Barrett but I'm not going to rant about how he has been underutilized in WWE.

I don't believe he's been underutilized; the company has given him a bunch of chances to make it on his own. Although he's fine on the mic....and a good ring worker....he just can't seem to generate interest as a singles performer.

For that reason, he's the one who benefits most from his LON association.

The problem is the rest of them being sublimated in a group.

Rusev is a singles performer. His mission is Lana...and a unique ring style.

Alberto Del Rio is the US Champion, having recently cleanly defeated 'The Guy Who Runs the Place' to attain it. He's involved in a running program with Zeb Colter.

Sheamus is the World Champion. Finally, he's got something to work with....and they want to squash him in a group? LON isn't exactly the Four Horseman, y'know, and any comparisons between Ric Flair and Sheamus are ridiculous.

See the point? While Wade Barrett belongs in a foursome, the rest clearly don't. A 4-man team is a place for performers who are struggling to make a dent in the line-up, not accomplished stars like Rusev, ADR & Sheamus.
What happens when you put 4 heels that have NO heat together? Exactly what you saw last night.

If not for Bray, I would have fast forwarded through that entire segment. I turned it off after 2 minutes and waited until I could fast forward. That's a bad sign. I actually got exited for a second. Did anyone else here the pop he got? Not sure if it was just a "Thank god someone stopped this shit" pop tho.

Anyway, this is where I propose my idea of "transferred heat". Roman was feuding with the Authority. The heat, although more like warmth, was on the Authority for continuously getting in Romans way. Now, the Authority has backed away and Sheamus is now with his own group, getting in Romans way. I really think WWE thought they could transfer Trips heat to Sheamus. Too bad that just doesn't work

Del Rio has proven over and over that he is a mid carder in WWE. He gets no reaction. Sure, people will chant "Si" with him, but why the fuck is a heel getting the crowd to chant? Barret was doing well as Bad News and then they took the mic away. Momentum lost. Rusev, He's just not doing anything else

And Sheamus. I'm sorry if I'm beating a dead horse, but I have never seen anything in this guy. I was not watching when he debuted and won the title. I watched him win the Rumble and that just felt wrong, especially to see him eliminate Jericho last. I don't like him as a face, I don't like him as a heel, I just don't see why he's been given some many chances. Same with Del Rio.

WWE painted themselves into a corner when they gave Sheamus the briefcase. Creative has simply chosen the wrong people over and over again. Scrap LON, give Reigns the belt, and move on. I can't take much more of this garbage
Hopefully, the end game in all this is a Roman Reigns vs Triple H that actually should have happened way back at WrestleMania 31, if WWE hadn't been so intent on overpushing Roman Reigns on his return from injury in 2014. (Remember the Game of thrones promo after the SHIELD break-up??)

LoN is clearly Sheamus' vehicle and a way to kill time.
How about Triple H screws Reigns at TLC and Royal Rumble, which sees Reigns decide once and for all, to take out HHH and the Authority.
Meanwhile, WWE Heavyweight Champion remains Sheamus, who retains against Reigns at both TLC and Rumble through nefarious means, and then have none other than Brock Lesnar win the Royal Rumble.

Out of that, we get Brock and Reigns 'teaming' against the Authority with the end game being:

Roman Reigns vs Triple H
Sheamus(WWE WHC) vs Brock Lesnar

maybe, Roman does a Daniel Bryan as Vince clearly wants and has to beat HHH to get a 3-way shot at the WWE WHC come Mania.
There is one main reason why the LON is going to ultimately fail and no one is going to get elevated - they are currently the top faction on a weakened roster. Who are the up against? Wyatt, Reigns, etc - these are not the top guys on the roster. Where is Lesnar, Cena, Rollins, Orton, Bryan? These are the types of guys they need to be feuding with and beating if they want these guys to get over but they are not. Instead, look who they are feuding with - Reigns - enough said, Wyatt - lost every major feud he has been in, Ambrose - hasn't had any real direction since The Shield broke up. LON is already better than anyone they are feuding with, what do they gain by beating them? That is why this angle will fail so badly - you can't elevate someone when they are already at the top and right now these guys are at the top. How much do you want to bet when Cena comes back, they turn Owens face and the 2 of them pretty much destroy LON? These guys are going to be used to get someone else over.

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