There's Such Potential In Bayley


The last two NXT specials have seen Sasha Banks & Bayley absolutely steal the show. Bayley herself has had numerous matches as part of said live specials and regular NXT broadcasts that have shown her to be a star. Bayley's character is a sweet, charming, loveable sort without coming off like some comedy jobber waiting to happen. There's a genuine quality to Bayley, so much that I think she could almost be like a female version of Daniel Bryan. She's been booked something like an underdog primarily because she's so sweet, loveable and generally unassuming, yet she's constantly been booked to look like a genuine threat capable of holding her own and/or beat anyone she's put up against.

When Bayley moves to the main roster, I think she could be the biggest female star in WWE history if she's properly booked. Feuds against mean bitches like Nikki, Paige and especially Sasha have the potential to be dynamite programs that could go such a long way in moving the Divas Division forward. The problem is that, as with many, I'm not so confident in Vince's abilities to be able to see what's right in front of him. As I've said many times, I don't know if the problem is Vince not really knowing how to book women in roles that extend beyond outdated stereotypes or if he's just not interested in it. Generally speaking, the "Divas Revolution" is a vast improvement in every way; it hasn't been perfect and I do think there are some opportunities that could've propelled things much further already if Vince would allow Trips to make the final creative calls. I just hope Vince doesn't turn Bayley into another Emma, though Emma's doing FAR better now back in NXT now that she's ditched the goofy dancing routine.
There really is something to her and that word is innocence.

Bayley is the most innocent, pure face that the company has seen in years. She's very similar to a Ricky Steamboat: there is nothing about her that isn't inherently good. If you watch the latest WWE 24 on NXT, there's a part where Bayley reads an essay from her sophomore year of high school about how her goal in life is to be a wrestling champion. Takeover: Brooklyn was all about achieving that goal and it worked because the fans bought into the emotion. They bought into the idea that someone can reach their dreams and they wanted to see Bayley get everything she wanted.

Then there's Izzy. In case you haven't seen her, Izzy is Bayley's biggest fan and sits in the front row of every NXT show at Full Sail. This week at Takeover: Respect, Sasha Banks beat Bayley up in front of her and even stole Izzy's headband. Izzy was crying and begging Bayley to make a comeback, which she finally did.

That scene right there sums up Bayley's appeal. I can't think of the last time there was a female role model in WWE. Trish was a hero but not one for kids due to the sexual things she would do. The same goes for Lita. Bayley, along with the rest of the NXT women, are the least sexualized female wrestlers since the 80s. They're people that the younger fans can get behind and cheer for without having to overlook certain aspects of their characters.

Bayley can basically be the John Cena of the women's division. Imagine putting her against someone like Nikki, who is stuck up, materialistic and all about herself. Unfortunately as was mentioned, I have little faith in Vince's ability to take care of her. Odds are she winds up as another ditzy character and a sidekick to a loser who never gets to be the natural underdog who loves to be here that she can be. Then she gets to lose to the Bellas who "empower women everywhere" or whatever nonsense Brie says.

There's potential there, but I have little faith in WWE to pull it off.
You can definitely see two different points of view (NXT's and WWE's) as far as booking goes. That alone makes all the difference between 'making it' in their respective brands and we have more than one proof of that, both women and man. Bailey fits the mold as far as being that Daniel Bryan/Sami Zayn kind of underdog for the Divas division and if she could stick it to the snob heel Divas, then by all means she could get over on her own right. But saying that is also making the case for a guy like Adrian Neville - just book him properly and he will get over by sheer sympathy.

The "Divas Revolution" has worked to an extent, because good wrestlers have made their debut. We've seen a vastly improved Nikki Bella, working with great talents, such as Charlotte and now we can had Sasha Banks and Paige to the list (at the same time Becky Lynch and Natalya have been getting opportunities too). So, on paper, new matches will work because most of the female talent can actually work a match, and add Bailey, Bliss and Asuka into the mix later and I'm pretty sure WWE will have more confidence in giving us a 10-min match weekly (SmackDown, Main Event or Raw) involving the Divas.

Am I expecting a Ronda Rousey kind of Diva? No. But that doesn't mean I am not going to excited for them, because in all honesty, I am excited for a potential Paige vs. Charlotte feud. Mostly because they are the two first female NXT allumni to win the Divas Championship. But they need a lot of work now. I've just recently got over with Sasha Banks vs. Charlotte, and it was in NXT sure, but I feel that they shouldn't rush it up (which they are).
It's funny, while I was watching the NXT shows in the build-up to Takeover, I said almost the exact same thing. I had never really completely taken to Bailey, but something just seemed to click for me after she won the Women's title. I think it was because while everybody was touting the 4 Horsewomen, I never thought Bailey could really hang with the other three, she always seemed like the little sister... that was until her match with Sasha in Brooklyn. It completely blew me away, and while I was always a fan of Bailey's, that match put her in a whole new light for me personally. As the weeks went on, I saw the "it" factor begin to take shape in Bailey to the point where, on the week before Takeover I found myself thinking, she's going to be the biggest star the Divas division has seen in a long time.

A women's wrestler who actually CONNECTS WITH LITTLE GIRLS! When was the last time WWE had that? Have they ever? If WWE can book Bailey right, right out of the gate, I think it's very possible that she could be the one who really leads a revolution in the Divas division. I think the potential people see in Bailey has gone through the roof since she won the Women's title, judging from everything I've been hearing lately. Should be interesting to see how things play out.
I had never really completely taken to Bailey, but something just seemed to click for me after she won the Women's title.

Same here. Before her title win forced me to really start paying attention to her, I incorrectly took her innocence as 'corny' and her humble affect as indecision. Since then, it's become obvious she knows just what she's doing in the ring and is more adept at working a match to tell a story than almost every other woman.

Of course, one gal who does it as well as Sasha, whom I feel is the best female ring worker on the current roster. It will be interesting to see how Bayley does against everyone else when she moves up to the big leagues.

One thing about their match the other night that stood out were the maneuvers in which they left their feet. With most women wrestlers, flying moves always look as if they're a step away from breaking their necks. With Bayley & Sasha, they are as in control as most of the men. Both of 'em have got it.
She's excellent and if Vince has any sense he'll just get her on Raw asap and try to attract a young female audience through her. She really could be the John Cena of the women's division if positioned and booked correctly. I said it on Twitter but Bayley and Sascha are arguably the best face and heel in the company right now regardless of gender.

Enough people have seen her vs Sascha feud that I think they could legit have a rubber match between them as one of the main attractions of Wrestlemania. I'd even go so far as to say they would be a perfect hot opener for the show if given 15 to 20 minutes to work with.

Which obviously means she'll get called up as a love interest of Dolph Ziggler before being jobbed out in two minute squashes to Alicia Fox and Tamina so she can 'pay her dues'. That will lead to her inevitable 'crazy chick' heel turn before she gets lost in the shuffle as the Divas division is jettisoned to Superstars by Wrestlemania season.

Vince has no idea how to book women. We all know this so lets not get our hopes up.
Watched NXT special last night, to me Sasha is still someone who I am sold as best right now in womens division. That move with fan of Bayley just confirms it. Bayley on the other hand is also great. She has got "Danyel Bryan" type of gimick where people say it "you are just not good enough to succeed" and she wears it perfectly along with good in-ring ability. If they continue that when she comes to main roster and people like her, can see great things for her in future. Having someone like HHH to be very fond of you is also not a bad stepstone in career.
I started tuning into NXT almost a year back just to watch the hugely adorable Bailey..I hear people saying she was corny and humble and unassuming and nobody took her seriously because of it..That's ridiculous..Who she is comes across honestly and makes her extremely attractive and a real DRAW. And she has been off the charts popular way before the title win..But if they go and put her on the main roster they'll destroy her. WWE micro manages everything to death and turns people against who they are..making for awful product..WWE really has no clue what it's doing and never has..Only times in history WWE gets things right are when they let the characters be themselves..They'll probably take Bayley and try to turn her into just another Bella-type skank..
There's potential in everyone in WWE.. It all depends what WWE see's in them and how they book them.

You say she can become the biggest diva in history is she's booked right. That's the thing, anyone can become a major star in WWE if they're booked right.. The problem is, WWE doesn't know how to book talents anymore, they're terrible at it (especially with woman), so i wouldn't have any hope for Bayley.

Bayley is the best in-ring diva in WWE, there's no doubt about that.. Her character can use a little work though, but her character is for the kids so i guess i get it. It's like Cena's character, just a bit more childish. I haven't seen a Bayley match in a couple months, but last i've seen she can really put on fantastic matches when she steps through the ropes.
There's potential in everyone in WWE.. It all depends what WWE see's in them and how they book them.

You say she can become the biggest diva in history is she's booked right. That's the thing, anyone can become a major star in WWE if they're booked right.. The problem is, WWE doesn't know how to book talents anymore, they're terrible at it (especially with woman), so i wouldn't have any hope for Bayley.

Bayley is the best in-ring diva in WWE, there's no doubt about that.. Her character can use a little work though, but her character is for the kids so i guess i get it. It's like Cena's character, just a bit more childish. I haven't seen a Bayley match in a couple months, but last i've seen she can really put on fantastic matches when she steps through the ropes.

If you haven't seen a Bayley match in the last two months then you really have not seen the best two women's matches she's ever done.(also, "that I've ever seen", and possibly "OF ALL TIME"). Both her matches against Sasha were amazing, the fact they just main evented a PPV shows you that they are booking them right, what they really need on the main roster is this dedication from creative to get them over.

This is how you do a revolution. You don't spend weeks talking about who started it, you just go out there and do it....twice. The second time as the main event in a PPV.

Bayley is only the most talented because she gets to work with the most talented. if that makes any sense. Put it this way, she is not stealing any shows in a Bayley vs Summer Rae match. Luckily there are some really talented women still on the NXT roster and "if booked right", Bayley can stay just as over minus the presence of the other horsewomen.
We are looking at the female equivalent of Cena in terms of popularity, merchandise, charity work and a major PR godsend.
When i say female John Cena as in, filled with talent, will get better with time, can connect with the fans, people genuinely love them.
While I am not a fan of John Cena the wrestler, I respect him as a person. Same thing with her, while I dont really care for her in ring all the time. She is amazing in ring, connects with the fans, and is a pure face. She will be big if booked right. She is someone that if marketed right, could bring in a big female fanbase. Especially with all the other girls.
But she is a great talent with a very bright future. Just dont ever turn her heel.
I think everyone is OVER hyping the talents of Bayley and what She can potentially bring to WWE's revamped Diva's Division, although admittedly very talented to herald Her as the female equivalent of Daniel Bryan and/or John Cena is absolutely ridiculous IMO.

She has a childish, unbelievable, cartoonish gimmick that will set the Diva's Revolution back far more then it will help it excel to the level WWE wants to take it. I personally thought the match was riddled with botched spots and IMO overall very underwhelming considering the hype behind it.

I thought it was more of a showcase for Sasha Banks and the complete Superstar She is. Great on the mic, can sell Her character, can evoke love/pop or hate/heat from the crowd, can make any and every woman on the roster look better in the ring. IMO Sasha is the future of the Diva's Division and the best chance WWE has at creating a female Mega Star, while I believe Bayley will have Her time and place to shine I don't think anyone should overhype the talents of Bayley it is extremely unfair to Her.

While I do consider Her to be the best pure face in the Diva's Division, IMO She still has a way to go in character development, She is horrible on mic and She has a sloppy unpolished wrestling style. Now I don't want You guys to think that I did not enjoy the match and/or believe Bayley can't become a huge star or that I dislike Her in any way, She has made Herself very endearing to the NXT faithful and improved exponentially in the ring but let's not forget that a young talented lady by the name of Emma was in this exact position just two very short years ago and We know how that little project worked out don't we. So I just want people to temper their general overeagerness to anoint Bayley as the "Face of the Diva's Division" and be a little more realistic about Her chances of becoming the transitional female Mega Star WWE wants to create, because in my humble opinion that honor belongs to Sasha Banks the complete WWE Diva.

P.S. big shout out to that incredible Rings of Saturn esque submission maneuver it was sick hope She retains it as Her finisher of choice.
Bayley could be the true big babyface of the women's division. She's the Daniel Bryan type. People can connect with her and that's what really helps build a fan base.

Bayley, if handled properly, could get extremely over on the main roster. The WWE needs to stop the shitty 50/50 booking though and build heels/faces. Build up heels for the faces to take down. Sasha is a great heel wrestler, Paige can be a good heel, Nicki can be a good heel, build them up and let a babyface bring them down.
If you haven't seen a Bayley match in the last two months then you really have not seen the best two women's matches she's ever done.(also, "that I've ever seen", and possibly "OF ALL TIME"). Both her matches against Sasha were amazing, the fact they just main evented a PPV shows you that they are booking them right, what they really need on the main roster is this dedication from creative to get them over.

This is how you do a revolution. You don't spend weeks talking about who started it, you just go out there and do it....twice. The second time as the main event in a PPV.

Bayley is only the most talented because she gets to work with the most talented. if that makes any sense. Put it this way, she is not stealing any shows in a Bayley vs Summer Rae match. Luckily there are some really talented women still on the NXT roster and "if booked right", Bayley can stay just as over minus the presence of the other horsewomen.

I'm not worried about her two best matches, i've seen enough Bayley matches to tell she's a talented competitor. Maybe the best in-ring diva in the company. Her character will need some tweaks if she's going to remain over on the main roster. They're not as easy going as the NXT crowd.
The thing with Bailey is women can identify with her. She's pretty, but not full of herself unlike some of the other women are portrayed. Seems like a genuine likable person, you know someone you could sit down and have a coffee with and chat about anything. She's the girl next door. Women in particular want to see her succeed because of that fact. We want to see her pummel the others who think their better than everyone else. And like most have said, she the female equivalent of Daniel Bryan.

That's interesting as well, because on Tough Enough, Sara Lee comes across similar to Bayley. Sweet, innocent, she didn't know much about the business but wants to be a WWE Diva. Compare her to Amanda, who was bitchy, very beautiful, but came across as extremely stuck up. The fans overwhelmingly voted Sara Lee as the winner. Maybe the WWE universe is getting tired of these plastic looking perfect women, and wanted someone a little more down to earth to represent them.

If Vince doesn't screw around and leaves er as she is, she'll go far on the main roster and leave the others wondering what the hell happened.
This is how you do a revolution. You don't spend weeks talking about who started it, you just go out there and do it....twice. The second time as the main event in a PPV.

Agreed. I think it was Jericho who said the problem with the Diva's revolution on RAW is that they introduced too many women at the same time and coined the term "diva's revolution" right there.

I mean if something is the real thing you don't have to self-promote it with that kind of moniker. I think Austin said the same thing with Ambrose don't keep saying you are the "fringe lunatic" prove it with actions.

This is what NXT Takeover did. Of course the build up between Sasha and Bayley added to the drama a relatively slow build for people to get into the feud. Then you top it of with two PPV/special event matches and one being the main event that happens to steal the show. Then you have people believing in a diva's revolution.

As for Bayley's potential, as well as Sasha, besides the matches they delivered. Both have characters that are heavily marketable.

Bayley, as upset people might feel when I say it, is the female John Cena. She can appeal to the younger audience especially girls. If it was the young boys had John Cena as their role model, WWE can position Bayley as a role model type character to young girls.

Sasha Banks is the total package. She has Michelle McCool gimmick only she does it 100 times better. She loves and embraces her gimmick and incorporates it in every aspect of her work, her match, her promo, and entrance.
I'm not worried about her two best matches, i've seen enough Bayley matches to tell she's a talented competitor. Maybe the best in-ring diva in the company. Her character will need some tweaks if she's going to remain over on the main roster. They're not as easy going as the NXT crowd.

I wasn't saying it as a criticism bro. I was saying $9.99, well worth it for those two matches.
Agreed. I think it was Jericho who said the problem with the Diva's revolution on RAW is that they introduced too many women at the same time and coined the term "diva's revolution" right there.

I mean if something is the real thing you don't have to self-promote it with that kind of moniker. I think Austin said the same thing with Ambrose don't keep saying you are the "fringe lunatic" prove it with actions.

This is what NXT Takeover did. Of course the build up between Sasha and Bayley added to the drama a relatively slow build for people to get into the feud. Then you top it of with two PPV/special event matches and one being the main event that happens to steal the show. Then you have people believing in a diva's revolution.

As for Bayley's potential, as well as Sasha, besides the matches they delivered. Both have characters that are heavily marketable.

Bayley, as upset people might feel when I say it, is the female John Cena. She can appeal to the younger audience especially girls. If it was the young boys had John Cena as their role model, WWE can position Bayley as a role model type character to young girls.

Sasha Banks is the total package. She has Michelle McCool gimmick only she does it 100 times better. She loves and embraces her gimmick and incorporates it in every aspect of her work, her match, her promo, and entrance.

I know a couple of people have mentioned it about her being the female John Cena, and how is this a bad thing? Female Cena vs Female Orton? Push that for the next decade and you'll allow all the other Divas to build themselves around and on the back of that feud. We might actually have a female division with depth worth watching before the crowd starts chanting "Let's go Bayley...Bayley sucks".
I think everyone is OVER hyping the talents of Bayley and what She can potentially bring to WWE's revamped Diva's Division, although admittedly very talented to herald Her as the female equivalent of Daniel Bryan and/or John Cena is absolutely ridiculous IMO.

I would agree with you in another scenario, but the fact that nearly every single person in this thread sees huge things for Bayley should tell you just how much potential she has. Do you know how incredibly rare it is to have 17 posts in a thread on this forum and all of them are basically agreeing with each other? Not only that, but almost all said they see very big things for Bailey in the future. That's not a coincidence. The girl has the same special quality that Daniel Bryan had... that's why people are comparing them

She has a childish, unbelievable, cartoonish gimmick that will set the Diva's Revolution back far more then it will help it excel to the level WWE wants to take it. I personally thought the match was riddled with botched spots and IMO overall very underwhelming considering the hype behind it.

I thought you were a Bayley fan? A fan of Bayley gets the gimmick. How could you be a fan of her if you find her childish, cartoonish, and unbelievable? As for the match, it was nowhere near as good as their first one at Takeover and they were never going to live up to that hype. While underwhelming is a good enough word to describe the match, I would also have given it 3.5-4 stars... it was still a very good match.

I thought it was more of a showcase for Sasha Banks and the complete Superstar She is. Great on the mic, can sell Her character, can evoke love/pop or hate/heat from the crowd, can make any and every woman on the roster look better in the ring.

I don't think anybody's trashing Sasha here. I agree with you. Sasha is going to be massive as well. But it's funny you mention that this feud was supposed to showcase Sasha more than Bayley. I agree here as well. But Bailey's the one who stole the show and opened peoples eyes. Both ended up coming out of Brooklyn as stars.

So I just want people to temper their general overeagerness to anoint Bayley as the "Face of the Diva's Division" and be a little more realistic about Her chances of becoming the transitional female Mega Star WWE wants to create, because in my humble opinion that honor belongs to Sasha Banks the complete WWE Diva.

I kind of had a feeling you were getting defensive about Sasha. It's really not a competition to see who becomes the biggest of them all. The fact that WWE has women wrestlers the caliber of Bailey, Sasha, Becky, and Charlotte, is incredible in itself. Whether it's Sasha or Bailey or Charlotte who ends up as the "face" of the division, I think it's safe to say all will go on to do great things... as long as WWE can book them right...:lmao:
I 100% agree about Sasha, and as for the Ironwoman match, it was the equal of the Brooklyn match, but Brooklyn was for Bayley and Respect was Sasha's. She sold the heel playbook literally as good as ANYONE. It was HBK-esque. The countout was smart and heelish and the commentators sold is so well. I was marking the fuck out at that point.

Talented on the mic, great in-ring worker, fantastic marketable gimmick. She could be the best female heel the WWE has ever had.
There was an excellent article on of all places Jezebel about Bayley and Sasha that beautifully expresses my opinion:

The WWE has always specialized in setting up "the moment"; Shawn Michaels beating Bret Hart in the first Ironman match after chasing the title for almost two years, Eddie Guerrero and Trish Penwah celebrating together, Daniel Bryan at WM30- there's a huge list. Sometimes they pull it off better than other times; sometimes, we get Bayley running around the Full Sail Arena and bringing Izzy into the ring to celebrate together. I've been watching this shit for twenty years and have become a pretty big cynic about the business, but wow. Even I was moved by that, and I'm the kind of guy that watches dollar bills rain every time Daniel Bryan pumps his arms.

When we do the yearly awards here, the ascendance of women's wrestling better be a shoe in for Story of the Year.
I would agree with you in another scenario, but the fact that nearly every single person in this thread sees huge things for Bayley should tell you just how much potential she has. Do you know how incredibly rare it is to have 17 posts in a thread on this forum and all of them are basically agreeing with each other? Not only that, but almost all said they see very big things for Bailey in the future. That's not a coincidence. The girl has the same special quality that Daniel Bryan had... that's why people are comparing them

Just because everyone has a certain opinion about a subject dose not mean I personally have to share it. I put IMO several times as it is MY opinion, I thought the point of these forums was to see the multitude of differing opinions from people that have a different perspective then Yourself. I don't see exactly the same thing others see in Her but in retrospect if You focus on the simple premise of the thread I kind of was in agreement with you Guys also. I stand by MY opinion that comparing the two is unfair, Daniel Bryan is one of the most talented wrestlers of our time and I don't believe Bayley fits that mold, again IMO She has a long way to go.

I though you were a Bayley fan? A fan of Bayley gets the gimmick. How could you be a fan of her if you find her childish, cartoonish, and unbelievable? As for the match, it was nowhere near as good as their first one at Takeover and they were never going to live up to that hype. While underwhelming is a good enough word to describe the match, I would also have given it 3.5-4 stars... it was still a very good match.

I am. I'm just not a Bayley mark. I like Her, She brings a unique somewhat fresh quality to the show and there is not many Women Wrestlers like Her anywhere in the world but with that being said I personally don't think She has the tools to be The Female Mega Star WWE is trying to create. Trust Me I get the gimmick but IMO all those things I stated still reign true but again that's just MY opinion. I honestly liked both matches to tell the truth, The WWE's repetitive hype machine is what ruined it for Me, as You have probably already figured out by now I like to form MY own opinions. I don't like to be told that something is the greatest thing ever, I like to come to that conclusion all on My own. Fair rating I agree, I just feel like Sasha Banks has had incredible match after incredible match and this personally wasn't the be all end all Women's match of the century everyone is over hyping it to be IMO.

I don't think anybody's trashing Sasha here. I agree with you. Sasha is going to be massive as well. But it's funny you mention that this feud was supposed to showcase Sasha more than Bayley. I agree here as well. But Bailey's the one who stole the show and opened peoples eyes. Both ended up coming out of Brooklyn as stars.

I promise You I didn't think that You were and I am glad You agree. I just bought up Sasha as a contrasting point, I bought up Sasha because I believe that She is the complete package and needed someone I believe to be superior to Bayley in almost every way. I don't believe Bayley stole the show, the WWE hype machine told Me She stole the show, popular opinion told Me She stole the show but I think that even in defeat Sasha showed Me more. Of course She opened eyes, She had a really good match with the best female wrestler on the roster right now but let's not forget that it is Sasha's Job to put over the Woman that is replacing Her at the top of NXT. Over the years we have all witnessed a superior talent Job to someone not quite on their level (Triple H vs Taka)(Triple H vs Shelton Benjamin)(The Rock vs The Hurricane)(Kevin Owens vs Finn Bàlor) are just a few that I could think of off the top of My head. It's funny that You brought up that observation because before Bayley won the big one so to speak She wasn't on very many best Women's Wrestlers list now was She, She wasn't being compared to Daniel Bryan or John Cena, She was the female equivalent of Tyler Breeze, NXT's st always gatekeeper. Can't disagree both are ladies are Stars.

I kind of had a feeling you were getting defensive about Sasha. It's really not a competition to see who becomes the biggest of them all. The fact that WWE has women wrestlers the caliber of Bailey, Sasha, Becky, and Charlotte, is incredible in itself. Whether it's Sasha or Bailey or Charlotte who ends up as the "face" of the division, I think it's safe to say all will go on to do great things... as long as WWE can book them right...:lmao:

I promise I am not getting defensive the woman's body of work speak for itself. I agree Sasha, Becky, Charlotte, Paige and to a lesser degree Bayley all should continue to push each other to the stratosphere if possible and if someone pulls ahead of the rest of the pack well You know what they say... cream always rises to the top.
Bayley is awesome I believe she is ready for the big leagues now. The two recent matches that her and Sasha had were better than any of the guys matches they stole there respective shows. I think the hand injury that she suffered kept her down in NXT while Sasha, Becky and Charlotte came up. I hope Vince sees what he has and books her correctly she could be the female version of John Cena.
Just because everyone has a certain opinion about a subject dose not mean I personally have to share it. I put IMO several times as it is MY opinion, I thought the point of these forums was to see the multitude of differing opinions from people that have a different perspective then Yourself. I don't see exactly the same thing others see in Her but in retrospect if You focus on the simple premise of the thread I kind of was in agreement with you Guys also. I stand by MY opinion that comparing the two is unfair, Daniel Bryan is one of the most talented wrestlers of our time and I don't believe Bayley fits that mold, again IMO She has a long way to go.
hyping it to be IMO.

And you are entitled to your opinion just like everyone else is, I don't think anyone is disputing that fact.

To be fair though when I compared her to Daniel Bryan, it wasn't about wrestling skills. Everyone knows he's a very talented wrestler, and Bayley does have a ways to go. What I was thinking of and maybe didn't state it correctly was her overall persona. She's sweet, innocent and very down to earth. Totally unlike some of the other Diva's who think they're above it all.

Daniel Bryan is the same way. He might be a very talented wrestler, but he's cut from a different cloth than most of the others are. He was a vegan, into solar energy, again very down to earth, and people find that appealing. Just like they find Bayley appealing. I hope that explains it better.
And you are entitled to your opinion just like everyone else is, I don't think anyone is disputing that fact.

To be fair though when I compared her to Daniel Bryan, it wasn't about wrestling skills. Everyone knows he's a very talented wrestler, and Bayley does have a ways to go. What I was thinking of and maybe didn't state it correctly was her overall persona. She's sweet, innocent and very down to earth. Totally unlike some of the other Diva's who think they're above it all.

Daniel Bryan is the same way. He might be a very talented wrestler, but he's cut from a different cloth than most of the others are. He was a vegan, into solar energy, again very down to earth, and people find that appealing. Just like they find Bayley appealing. I hope that explains it better.

I completely understand exactly what You mean and I agree She has a very approachable disposition. I am not going you lie I did take it as people stating that Bayley was the Female equivalent of Daniel Bryan in every way. In retrospect if the other ladies seem like appealing Bitches they are probably doing their job as most of them are heels. LoL

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