There's Something About Dolph....


Pre-Show Stalwart
I am 20 years old and have been watching wrestling since the age of 4 (so thats 16 years!!)

Since starting watching wrestling, there has only been one man in my opinion who has made every match that he has been involved in, entertaining and a good WRESTLING match.. and that man is Dolph Ziggler.

Within my top 10 favourite matches, 3 of them involve Dolph Ziggler.

Honestly, Cena and Orton bore me but when Dolph has had matches with them, I have always been entertained and the match was good, that was because of Dolph.

There have been many threads about Dolph but this one is different.
My question to you all is..
"What is that 'IT' factor that makes Dolph Ziggler matches very entertaining?"
The short answer from me would be that he 'sells' really well, sometimes he looks like a young Shawn Micheals, mixed with Ric Flair, with a bit of 'ragdoll physics' thrown in for good measure. He doesn't just fall to the floor like a bag of dropped potatoes, he is entertaining and energetic....and actually makes watching the match fun, and unpredictable.
That's the thing about the "It Factor" You can't point your finger on one certain thing. Ziggler is all-around what you look for in that next big WWE superstar, can can keep you entertained on the mic, as you said he keeps you entertained in the ring as well and I believe he'll go very far in the WWE
I like Dolph Ziggler and I admire his talent but last night when he was facing Kofi Kingston I felt it they just seemed right together, 2 good mid-carders able of putting on a real good match, in which if WWE gave a flying F**k about their mid-card scene they would both be really good to build around, with the odd run in the main-event (and even odd WWE/WHC title run)

I'm probably get shot down for saying that but that's just my honest opinion
I look at the arguable next 2 big stars - Ziggler and Barrett and I don't see anything Ziggler has that makes me prefer him over Barrett. A lot of his selling is OTT and at times dangerous. In fact, I am liking that his "push" is being tempered a little bit while Barrett returns and gets back his groove as Ziggler's carelessness (and it really was careless) caused his injury.

Had that not happened, Barrett would be holding the briefcase or would be champ now so it's right that Ziggler should have to "hold station" a bit, even with the briefcase.

The thing that bugs me the most though, the name really does suck! - It always has, I understand it's a gimmick/ownership thing but his real name is pretty distinctive (Nick Nemeth). If he is going to be a serious main-eventer, he should be casting off the stupid name and going with something more serious.

To me I just think Barrett has more going for him longer term, as a heel, a character and "face" of the company. I'd also say he has a better shot than Ryback, Rhodes or Miz but... that's a different thread.
Ziggler makes matches entertaining because of the way he sells. When Sheamus hits someone like Daniel Bryan or Del Rio with the Brough Kick, its the same effect. The opponent falls to the ground and it looks like a normal bump. But, when Dolph Ziggler gets hit with the Brough Kick, he makes it look ten times better. The way he distorts his body to make any and every move look more devastating makes him that much better to watch.
In fact, I am liking that his "push" is being tempered a little bit while Barrett returns and gets back his groove as Ziggler's carelessness (and it really was careless) caused his injury.

Had that not happened, Barrett would be holding the briefcase or would be champ now so it's right that Ziggler should have to "hold station" a bit, even with the briefcase.

Sorry but in what world was Barret's injury Dolphs fault? There arent many ways you can botch being thrown out the ring. Show threw him, Barrett clearly wasnt ready to catch him, and Dolph did what any person in the world would do when their face is about to connect with a very hard pointy surface, protect himself.
1. Hes solid on the mic. Not saying hes charasmatic like the rock, but when he talks, people listen and he gets a reaction. I guess he would fall around an 8/10 for mic skills. He doesnt even need vicki. Dolph has proved this year he can talk. He talked well enough against jericho and made them both look good. Plus he talks trash in the ring which is always a huge plus. He also interrupts people during promos which makes seem more real.

2. He can actually wrestle. Hes proved it multiple times. Hes even wrestled multiple matches in the same night and they were both good. Hes a good in ring worker. Hes trustworthy. He's had great matches with all the midcarders so far and had great matches with jericho/randy and others. He's proven himself in the ring. Give him 1 or 2 more moves and he can easily give us 20-30 minute main event matches.

3. He knows how to sell and he does it well. Arguably the best seller right now besides people like punk/bryan/the rock. Hes on their level for selling. He does the proper facial expressions, takes big bumps and you believe he gets hurt. You get into the match.

4. Hes ripped. He goodlooking/handsome. He has a unique body type. Only minor thing holding him back is his height/weight because vince loves tall/huge/fat guys.

5. He has good taunts. The whole pulling back hair thing and pushing it away. His albow drop is pretty much a taunt. He has a couple more and it seperates him.

6. Good entrance music, decent shirt, decent show off gimmick. It works well. Good combo of mr perfect and others.

He's the complete package and ill be shocked if he doesnt have nice long 3+ world title month reign soon. He's on the verge of main event. He just has to wait his turn after the whole punk/cena/rock/taker/brock/HHH get their yearly paychecks.
Its pretty simple he is very athletic and he oversells which a lot of fans like. I dont think his offense is anything special. Its all about his selling. Personally, I have Dolph no where near my top 10 favorite matches.

His mic skills are weak. It feels like he is reading off a teleprompter. I think he is a piss poor heel. Their is really nothing about him that makes me hate him. Vickie draws all the heat. Doing headstands and a little dance in the ring is not going draw heat. IMO its time for him to dump Vickie and turn babyface.
Sorry but in what world was Barret's injury Dolphs fault? There arent many ways you can botch being thrown out the ring. Show threw him, Barrett clearly wasnt ready to catch him, and Dolph did what any person in the world would do when their face is about to connect with a very hard pointy surface, protect himself.

Ziggler did not need to rag-doll to the level he did and he had time to see that Barrett was not going to catch him if that was the planned spot (he was clearly stunned by the impact). He had time to grab the rope and delay the spot or adapt. The previous night at Elimination Chamber, Ziggler had also had several bumps that were excessive and dangerous in the situation.

Ziggler landed completely uncontrolled on Barrett's arm. He was nowhere near the right place if the intent was for both to land in the same sitting position. Again, had he not been so intent on ragdolling and overselling and focused on being safe in the manouver - No injury. You could tell from Barrett's reaction that it was a total botch and he was very lucky by all accounts that he was able to resume his career at all.

Ragdolling is fine if it's not over done and it's done safe and it's only you involved in the landing. If you are meant to land near or on someone else, then you temper it. It's the basics of safe working.
Idk about Ziggler being the reason for Barret breaking his arm. Theres no really clear angle to see what happened. It looked like Big Show launched Ziggler a little too far.

Anyway, Ziggler just knows what he's doing in the ring. He sells everything well, he knows what moves to do and when, and he KNOWS how good he is. I think that matters alot

I haven't seen near universal praise of someone in a while. It seems like every week we get another superstar or legend praising this guy and deservedly so.

He puts everything he has into every match. Last night was a great example. In what was basically a pointless time filling match, Kofi and Dolph brought the house down. Same thing at Night of Champions with Orton. Every time Dolph is in a match, its a favorite to be the show stealing match. Who does that remind you of? The guy is on the path to be the next Shawn Michaels
Like many others here on the WZ forums (and the IWC in general), I too enjoy watching Dolph Ziggler on WWE TV. I have to say that Nick Nemeth has drastically improved since he debuted as the Dolph character, and I've enjoyed seeing his confidence rise along with his improved in-ring skills. His mic work has gotten better as well, and Vickie Guerrero may or may not have attributed to that. His heel character has definitely benefited from Vickie's involvement, either way (she helped him get booed more, especially when they were first paired up).

To the OP: were you really always invested in Nemeth's matches? I'm not trying to be a troll, I'm just asking if you enjoyed his time on WWE TV before the Dolph character debuted. If I'm not mistaken, the first time we saw him on WWE television was when he was called "Nicky" and was aligned with the Spirit Squad back in 2006. The Spirit Squad seemed hated almost universally by the fans, probably more so for their gimmick than anything else. It seemed that the WWE was most invested in "Kenny" (later called Kenny Dykstra), and I think all the other Spirit Squad members went back to OVW. Of course, Dykstra was subsequently released from the company - and I haven't heard anything about the guy since.

According to wikipedia, the Dolph Ziggler character debuted on September 15, 2008 (that's four years ago, almost to the day!). I found the character to just be annoying at first, and that was the intention. A cocky heel, that went around just saying his name over and over. To be honest, I thought the guy wouldn't amount to anything back then. Dolph eventually changed my mind though, and maybe the minds of others as well. Ziggler proved himself as a competent professional wrestler over the last four years, and performs better almost every time I see him.

Ziggler almost seems like a different person (er, wrestling character) when you compare his current persona to that of the one that debuted in 2008. Although the basic element(s) of his character have stayed the same (a cocky heel), his confidence has drastically improved. Just like similar characters have in the past (Ric Flair is obviously the best example of a cocky heel wrestling persona), the only way to make that type of character work is to ooze confidence. A non-wrestling example of this personality trait is Frank Sinatra. The way Sinatra sings wouldn't work for someone who doesn't have confidence coming out of their freakin' wazoo! LOL!! Just picture someone like Ben Gibbard (the singer from "Death Cab for Cutie" and "The Postal Service") singing "Strangers in the Night" (the version that Sinatra made famous). Gibbard's shy demeanor would make it sound like a completely different song. Not worse, or better...just different. The difference in the two men's confidence makes a huge difference.

Since Zigger has became so much better over the past four years, it allows him to "drink his own kool-aid" so to speak. IMHO, Ziggler has that "it factor" because he's able to walk that narrow line of kayfabe. I don't claim to know the guy personally, or anything - but I believe that when he's performing in the wrestling ring he completely embodies the Ziggler character. He's able to believe that "it's not showing off if you can back it up" slogan, because he believes he's "that damn good" (to steal one from HHH). That only comes from working as long as he has, and having amazing matches. Not a lot of guys have "it", and Ziggler's one of the best right now. He's proved it time and again in the ring, and on the mic (whether that be in the ring, or on youtube). I believe we haven't even seen the best of Ziggler yet, and in time he'll prove himself to be even better than the Miz was when he was on top (and that's pretty damn good, IMHO).
Ziggler did not need to rag-doll to the level he did and he had time to see that Barrett was not going to catch him if that was the planned spot (he was clearly stunned by the impact). He had time to grab the rope and delay the spot or adapt. The previous night at Elimination Chamber, Ziggler had also had several bumps that were excessive and dangerous in the situation.

Ziggler landed completely uncontrolled on Barrett's arm. He was nowhere near the right place if the intent was for both to land in the same sitting position. Again, had he not been so intent on ragdolling and overselling and focused on being safe in the manouver - No injury. You could tell from Barrett's reaction that it was a total botch and he was very lucky by all accounts that he was able to resume his career at all.

Ragdolling is fine if it's not over done and it's done safe and it's only you involved in the landing. If you are meant to land near or on someone else, then you temper it. It's the basics of safe working.

I just got done watching how barret got injured..... here´s the link if u want to watch...

from looking at that, Big Show was in control of the move and when he tossed ziggler, he tossed him way to hard, if u look closely ziggler had to protect his face with his arm or he would have landed face first into the announce table..... there was no way that ziggler could have both protected himself and protected barret.... as far as barret goes, he didnt protect ziggler that much either, he grabbed him with only his left side... when someone is coming your way you put youself in the middle so your whole body can protect not only yourself but the other wrestler...
this was an accident... show threw him too hard or didnt wait enough to throw ziggler and barret wasnt ready for it.....
Ziggler has been in the WWE for years now. He hasnt seemed to become a big draw or star. Thats not WWEs fault. HBK and Flair were small guys that got to the top. I know it takes time to develop but there is way more to being a top guy than being able to put out a great match. Lots of people can wrestle- but that doesnt mean that they are stars.
I think it has to do with the name. Dolph Ziggler? It just reminds me of a porn name like Dirk Diggler. Not to mention that he is paired up with a heat magnet in Vicki, but he never really interacts with her and develops his persona. Right now, we just have a regular guy that can wrestle pretty good and does generic showboating.

Dolph just isn't interesting. Give the man a personality! Either make him into a total douchebag with Vicki as his girl, or even ditch her and become involved in a heated feud with her. Dolph is too much like the opponent he faced on Raw: Kofi. Solid in the ring, zero reason to emotionally invest into the character. Talented but ultra bland.
He does the flips so he must be good right? People like to see wrestlers take big bumps and Ziggler can make a punch look like he has been shot out of a cannon. Ziggler's matches are entertaining because of the flips, the bumps and the twirls. It's not that he's the most amazing wrestler in the WWE, it's that he can flip that makes his matches entertaining to some people.
Dolph Ziggler is THE best wrestler in WWE today as far as I'm concerned. This man should be World Heavyweight Champion right now.
I just got done watching how barret got injured..... here´s the link if u want to watch...

from looking at that, Big Show was in control of the move and when he tossed ziggler, he tossed him way to hard, if u look closely ziggler had to protect his face with his arm or he would have landed face first into the announce table..... there was no way that ziggler could have both protected himself and protected barret.... as far as barret goes, he didnt protect ziggler that much either, he grabbed him with only his left side... when someone is coming your way you put youself in the middle so your whole body can protect not only yourself but the other wrestler...
this was an accident... show threw him too hard or didnt wait enough to throw ziggler and barret wasnt ready for it.....

There's also one from the fans view that shows Ziggler was not going for a traditional "sideways catch" despite the move starting that way - he was trying to get both guys to catch him so it looked like he hit the table. He twisted to make that happen. Barrett was clearly still stunned as he stands, you can see as much and so could Ziggler. Ziggler didn't make it easy for Barrett or Truth to catch him by suddenly moving his upper body and frankly should have aborted the move while still in Show's arms.
Ziggler has done some incredible things in the ring but he is not nearly as talented as John Morrison. Look at what happened to Morrison. By rights Ziggler has no bright future. The WWE has been so generous to him and he still has nothing better to show than that pink sweater and Vickie screaming at him?
He still has work to do. Even when he boasts about how good he is, you can kind of tell that he doesn't believe it as much as he should.

He is nearly perfect in the ring when it comes to executing and selling moves, but it's always in-ring psychology that separates the top guys from the average. He gets the idea of what he's supposed to do in the ring which will properly reflect his gimmick - be it the strutting or adding taunts to basic maneuvers, but he seems to be more focused on the execution of it more than the crowd's reaction.

I believe the biggest reason why he's having the difficulty is because as better as he is compared to a lot of the roster, he never really found himself as a heel.

I'm looking forward to when he becomes a face as I feel like that's the best way for him to truly get over with the fans and begin his climb to the top of the ladder. That's what I feel will truly get him to the top. As a face, you can appeal to what the fans want a lot more. You give them what they want. Dolph's a show off, and so like HBK, he will make it his civic duty to be in the match that everybody remembers.

Once everybody begins to love Dolph, then THAT'S when you turn him heel again. Once he figures out what the fans truly love about him, then that's what he should stop doing to get under their skin.

Dolph's definitely going to be one of the biggest Superstars that WWE has to offer, and I hope that it can be as soon as next year. I'm just waiting for that face turn...
Dolph is a great wrestler, but I'm hesitant to see what happens if he ever does hold the title. He is at the moment extremely one-dimensional. Worse than what The Miz was. The IWC is going to turn on him so quickly when they get bored of his character.

Also, when he does get the strap, will it be as a heel or a face? If it's a face he'll be as bland as Sheamus and Orton are now. If it's a heel, where can he take the character next? He's already arrogant and with Vickie...can he take any heat he has left to the next level?
Ziggler grew on me and I used to hate him. I bashed him non-stop on here BUT I am still not going to say he's the next big thing or that he has "it".

To me he's more of an upper mid-carder and he MAY win with his MITB, but I have a feeling he may lose the case in a stipulation match. Twenty years ago he'd be in the Intercontinental Championship hunt or champ for a long time. WWE is yet again pushing the bigger guys (Ryback, Brodus Clay, and Mason Ryan eventually) the repackaging of Swagger, then all the guys in waiting in NXT and other signings, and you still have Orton, Sheamus, Cena, and Punk, in reality WHERE does that leave Ziggler?

IF by some chance he does win, I expect he will be the next Miz! Champ for a bit then sent back to the lower ranks.
Probably not a popular opinion - but he needs to bump less. He is great at it - but look what it did to Mr Perfect...
Its pretty simple he is very athletic and he oversells which a lot of fans like. I dont think his offense is anything special. Its all about his selling. Personally, I have Dolph no where near my top 10 favorite matches.

His mic skills are weak. It feels like he is reading off a teleprompter. I think he is a piss poor heel. Their is really nothing about him that makes me hate him. Vickie draws all the heat. Doing headstands and a little dance in the ring is not going draw heat. IMO its time for him to dump Vickie and turn babyface.

Well said. I am more critical of those who I think have potential and Dolph Ziggler is just getting bland character wise. To be a heel, you have to do something to make the crowd really riled up and showing off simply won't work ALL the time. Kind of stupid to have his character so one dimensional. His speech rate is too fast and his voice is too soft, making him seem kind of anxious.

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