Their Greatest Rival: Triple H


WWE Attitude Era Champion
It's been a long time since I posted one of these, but I decided to get back into it. The idea is simple. Who do you think is Triple H's greatest rival? IMO In his entire career, there has always been one man who was compared to HHH, and this man was Shawn Michaels.

Whether they were in the Kliq, DX, or even standing toe to toe against each other in the ring, we always asked the question, who was better? Hunter or Shawn? I believe that the greatest rival to Triple H was indeed Shawn Michaels. But what do you think?
I think it's a toss-up between HBK and Austin/Rock.

Near the tail-end ofthe Attitude Era HHH was on top and constantly in matches with Rock/Austin.

But HBK although they are 'friends' I think Levesque has always been seen as second and he knows it, in the back of his mind he hates it but knows its true that's why i think there rivalry always had a little extra spice.

So HHH's greatest Rival ? Has to be Shawn Michaels
I have to go with HBK. They never had a bad match as opponents. I especially loved their HITC match.

But I would also give honorable mentions to the some of the IWC. There are those who refuse to give him any credit for his accomplishments. And act like he's not one of the best of all time. When anyone who looks at his career objectively can tell you he is.
The Rock

Both men's WWF careers basically mirrored each others. They came up as mid-carders together and made it as main eventers together. They had real life friction, where both men were competing for the #2 spot in the company, and in 2000 for the #1 spot when Austin was out. They've had plenty of great matches together, including a Ladder match at Summerslam 1998 which tore down Madison Square Garden. And their feud defined 2000.
My vote would be Mick Foley

Look, if you pick Austin, Rock, or Shawn you're not wrong, since there is no right answer. It's all about our individual experience as fans.

For me Triple H was a midcard guy, very talented, but just below the main event player scene...and his feud with Mick Foley changed all of that. Keep in mind this was a feud created many, many memorable matches and since it "made" the Triple H character for me, there's no other choice than Mick Foley.
Triple H had a lot of great feuds, with Steve Austin, The Rock, HBK, etc.

But, my favorite Triple H rival is the one he had with Mick Foley/Cactus Jack. I was a huge Cactus Jack fan when Foley brought him back in late '99 and early '00. That feud made Triple H into the main guy that he is, and made the McMahon-Helmsey era. That feud had perfect drama, he fired Foley, had two great matches with the street fight and hell in a cell, and he then fired Foley. I still get goosebumps when I watch those matches.
Ill go with something unexpected and say Orton.

First that thing with Evolution, then after H returned in "Age of Orton" and then after when they feuded in perhap last big match at Mania for Orton(after that all his Mania feuds were just secondary). Eversince that "thumbs down" they are rivals and there is always that part of history between them. Lots of feuds, lots of matches...
Curtis Axel


JK :p, I'd say probably The Rock. Those two have had so many classic matches ranging from the time they entered the WWE to the time the Rock left in 2003. They were always battling for titles, always at each others throats, and cut amazing promos on each other. One of the best feuds of the past 20 years IMHO.
not in the ring but HHH's biggest rival is Bret Hart. Shawn & Bret dropped everything but Hunter & Bret have not made amends.
And i think the thing that sucked when Bret was forced out of the WWE was nthat we didnt get so see them in a real fued that i think bret would of made HHH better in the ring.I think HHH wanted Bret gone because with Bret gone no matter how u look at it HHH takes a huge step up in the huge whole Bret was leaving.Rocky wasnt reasy yet
(Bret & Rock would of been a great fued,im sure Bret would of did for Rock what he did for Austin at WM13)Bret & Mankind.Man i wish Hart would of never left,besides the Benoit nitro match he did nothing in WcW,PLUS IM SURE HE WOULD OF GOT A MATCH JUST AS GOOD WITH BENOIT IN WWE.
It's The Rock IMO. They had a long rivalry over the IC title, then Rock went face and Triple H went heel and they feuded over the #1 contender spot in '99. Then they feuded over the WWF championship. They've fought each other in 2 out of 3 falls, Ladder match, Strap match, Cage match and an Iron Man match across their rivalry.
Greatest Rival implies A) An opponent you had multiple high level feuds with, multiple Big Money PPV type matches through different fueds in different years B) Opponent who you never knew who would win a match, could just as easily lose as win anytime they wrestled C) Had very good matches

The Undertaker was a great rival but their three biggest matches all came at different WrestleMania's, HHH losing every time.

HBK brought out great matches with him during his last run in the 2000s, but not enough of them were in major feuds or over a title (2002 the exception)

HHH dominated the matches with The Rock, although they were very entertaining and they wrestled in a variety of formats (Ladder Matches, Iron Man, etc)

HHH dominated against Foley, and although they had some entertaining matches the fued lasted less time than the others.

Orton feueded off and on with HHH for a few years, their best run being during HHH face turn and Orton's Viper/Rated RKO tenure. Never reached the heights of his battles with Rock, Taker, or HBK

I would have to say either Rock or HBK...If I had to pick one it would be HBK just because I think the won-lost records were more even, with HBK even beating HHH for The World Title
I would also say either The Rock or HBK leaning more towards The Rock. Rock and HHH started climbing that ladder around the same time and had a great feud over the IC title. They went on to feud at the main event level as well. HBK and HHH also had a great feud with Shawn even winning the title from him in the Elimination Chamber. It just seemed like the Rock and HHH kept on running into each other up the ladder which makes their rivalry seem a bit more special for me.
It has to be HBK.

Their feud defined Raw during the Evolution years and they had great chemistry in the ring as well. For 2 years you could always count on HHH and HBK meeting each other in the main event scene on Raw. Personally, I enjoyed their feud and consider it to be one of the best in the history of the WWE.

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