The WZ Diary.

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Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
Today I found out that the PS3 I ordered will be delivered to me at 3 in the morning. I dont know why. Stupid if you as me. I aint going to play on it that early.

Also nipped into work, borrowed a DVD then went to the bar for the first time in two month's.

Also brought The Killers album.
Um I had school, where we played football with these grade 8's (don't ask, they just pissed us off) and I double teamed this kid in a tackle with this other guy and it looked like a spear/little kid being tackled in the Nutri-Grain ad. Also got my mid-semester report card, which was all good, and had work at 4:00 for the first time because usually it is at 3:30 but they are cutting my wages for that. Also, I still haven't gotten my TFN, so they deduct 50% of my weekly pay as tax for not having one, even though I applied for one a week ago. And I came home and am typing this now and watching NRL on the TV. And I have to get up for work early in the morning but I am going to a party tomorrow night anyway!!! Should suck but meh, it'll be fun. Guess I won't be on here much tomorrow. My day was boring anyway, so yeah, just wanted to be the first poster in Jake's thread.
Today I started to respect Y2Jake more because he likes the Killers.

Also, I worked 3 to 7 then I saw Reign Over Me, which was a great movie. Now I'm talking with this girl on MSN when I should be sleeping, considering I start work at 8:30 (so in like less than 6 hours :S)
Woke Up at around 9-10am at 11am i went for a run around my duck pond acouple of times (which i do everyday except sunday's) at about 12:30pm i started my workouts which consist of push ups, sit ups and 20 mins with bench press. At 1:30pm i had lunch, At 2pm i picked up Chantelle from work. From there was just wasting time till i watch the Saturday football (rugby league) at 4pm got on my computer till 5:30 where i am now watching West Tigers vs Manly Sea Eagles.

Thats my day
Today I am hungover. I've been sick load's of time's and I did'nt really drink that much. I think I could be ill. I've dropped two stone in as many week's.
I've tried to set up the PS3 but I'm no good with that shit. I'll ask the girlfriend if she come's round later. Brought King Of The Deathmatch's yesterday. Possibly one of the worst show's I've ever seen. Terrible wrestling. Really enjoyed it though.
What KOTDM was it. What company.
Anyway woke up at 1:30 pm today(stayed way up last night). WAs on computer and SDvR 07 until 5 when i went to get food and until now been on computer drinking coke and watching Ron White and Sportcenter.
I resently got a job working at a plant nursury, this week was my spring break, and I spent it working. I have also been working on my show, UWWF, for Book This! I'm almost done.
Today I'm kinda sick... had the windows open on the highway on the way home from the hockey game saturday night cause I'm an idiot and it was friggin boiling in the Bell Centre (arena where the Montreal Canadians play). But I had free tickets so who am I to complain?

Getting kinda worse though. Bad timing. School finishes in a couple of days.

School today... ugh. Sucked. Didn't do much. Habs (Canadiens) won tonight though so that's great. Now I'm fucking around a little while until I get to bed.
I should be going the Joe Calzage fight tomorrow. My mate's got a spare ticket. Not really into boxing. But I'm sure the atmosphere will be good.
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