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The Wyatt Family or The Brood?

James Greiga

Pre-Show Stalwart
Who was better?

Judge this in the following categories
In ring skills:
Promo Skills:

Also, consider this. If they were switched and The Wyatts debuted in the Attitude era and The Brood debuted in this era which would have/have had more success?

For me it goes
Entrance: The Brood
Ring skills: Wyatts
Gimmick: Brood
Promo skills: Wyatts

The Brood only didn't make it bigger because at that time there was Austin, Rock, Taker, Kane, Big Show, Mankind and HHH was soon to follow. There just wasn't enough room at the top of the mountain. If they debuted in any other era, especially this one, they would have been the greatest faction to hit pro wrestling since the nWo. If the Wyatts debuted in that time they would have suffered the same fate, only a bit worse because at least the Brood fit in with the Ministry. The Wyatts wouldn't fit in anywhere and have been buried into obscurity. Overall the Brood's gimmick would have broken out bigger than the Wyatt's in this era but probably would be much more watered down to make three Gothic vampires more PG friendly which would have ruined it a bit so who would have been the bigger stars in this era is debatable.

Overall, I prefer the brood's gimmick but the Wyatt's matches are better
Sorry, but the Wyatts win every category as far as I'm concerned. The Brood were largely forgettable. The head of the group, Gangrel, never really amounted to much, and it wasn't until the angle was dropped that Edge and Christian really came into their own. I just wouldn't even make this comparison.
For me personally, I much prefer The Wyatt Family over The Brood any day of the week. I understand that there's always some degree of hokey involved in pro wrestling, there always will be when you look at how over the top it generally is. However, to me, The Brood gimmick as a whole was beyond silly with Gangrel as this RPG inspired vampire character with the "chalice of blood" or whatever the frig it was. If the purpose of The Brood was to give off some sort of creepy vibe, then it failed miserably. By the late 90s, for one thing, vampires were no longer scary and Edge & Christian were these sort of Emo/Goth guys that...well I don't really know what they were all about to be totally honest.

The Wyatt Family is simple and something that I'd personally find much more intimidating: a trio of big, burly, hairy, unwashed hillbillies comprising a backwoods cult. If I saw The Brood on the side of the road late at night, I'd think they were on their way to Comic Con or to some sort of vampire themed Cosplay party. If I saw the Wyatt Family, I'd have images from Deliverance or the Wrong Turn horror movies flashing through my head.

When it comes to mic skills, none of them could remotely touch Bray Wyatt.

As far as matches go, again, I'd easily go with The Wyatt Family.

In terms of entrance, I think both entrances fit each faction well. The Brood had the flashing lights, the ring of fire surrounding the elevated stage floor, the fake smoke, etc. and it fit. The Wyatt Family comes out with Bray Wyatt carrying only this lantern and, again, it fits when you consider that these are guys who live in a Florida swamp on a farm with no electricity.
Come on. The Brood was only forgettable because it was in an era of too many icons. The Hardy Boys were around during that time but who really remembers them until 2001? You can't compare success because The Wyatts are still green and the Brood again was around at a time with too many people at the top
To this day, Gangrel had one of the coolest entrances in wrestling. To have that ring of fire and come through it from underneath was awesome. I would say, wrestling wise, I would give the edge to the Brood, simply because of Edge and Christian. Both of their storied careers gives them the win.

Wyatt's promos are out of this world. I don't even remember a single Brood promo. Bray on the mic is one of the best things going right now in the WWE. The Wyatt's have a better backstory to them as well. As cool as the Brood was, there was no real story to them and that may be what hurt them in the long run. Edge nor Christian said much on the mic at the time and Gangrel wasn't much of a promo guy either.
Easy decision for me to choose between the Wyatts and Brood. Think of it this way,One group you would be scared for your life,and the other well those are goth people.

The wyatts pretty much blow the Brood out of the water,in every category imaginable. From entrance,to skill,to everything. Both entrances were unique though,but the Wyatts look like something out of Deliverance for those of us,who actually saw the movie. Squeal like a pig!
I like how no one mentions how the Brood had the Hardy boys in it, not only Edge and Christian. It must be because the majority of you all in here are probably kids. And I say that with deepest condolensces for not being able to see wrestling at its peak time :) Now... well its like watching cartoons.

If I had to choose, Id choose the Brood. Gangrel would spit blood out and have it dripping all over his chest and shirt. Nothing for the sensitive world were living in now.
The Wyatts, hands down. The Wyatt family is more cult like, while the brood were just a bunch of Goths. Bray,Luke and Eric legitimately creep me out, while Gangrel, Edge and Christian made me chuckle. No contest
Come on. The Brood was only forgettable because it was in an era of too many icons. The Hardy Boys were around during that time but who really remembers them until 2001? You can't compare success because The Wyatts are still green and the Brood again was around at a time with too many people at the top

That could very well be the case, but I got to go off of what I was able to see. I can't recall one feud that these guys had that was of consequence, or any major match that made me sit up and take notice. Like you said, that could just be a bad break and a misuse of talent at the time, but then not really -- 2/3rds of that group went on to bigger and better things. As it stands right now, The Wyatts have had a bigger impact and have put on some good to great matches with Daniel Bryan and The Shield.
as Jack-Hammer said. You can't compare. I think the op gave gimmick to the brood, just actually laugh out loud. That black rebel music, darkness, rocking chair is the best thing i've seen since taker. They won't run long with it, but it works.
The Brood did not have The Hardy Boys. The NEW Brood had the Hardy Boys and no one here is talking about them. Just like when people think nWo they think Hogan, Hall, and Nash not Hogan, Hall, Nash, Sting, Mr. Perfect, Ted Dibiase, Mach Man, the Giant etc.
That could very well be the case, but I got to go off of what I was able to see. I can't recall one feud that these guys had that was of consequence, or any major match that made me sit up and take notice. Like you said, that could just be a bad break and a misuse of talent at the time, but then not really -- 2/3rds of that group went on to bigger and better things. As it stands right now, The Wyatts have had a bigger impact and have put on some good to great matches with Daniel Bryan and The Shield.

The Wyatts only had a bigger impact because there were no real stories to outshine them. The Brood joined the Ministry then feuded with the Ministry but still during that time you had the Ministry vs. Austin, the Corporation vs. Austin, Rock vs. HHH, Mankind vs. HHH, the Unholy Alliance and many others to outshine them. Who really is there to outshine the Wyatts? No one's gimmick is more creative or interesting than theirs at this time unlike the Brood who had nothing but creative gimmicks surrounding them. Comparing their impact is like comparing Daniel Bryan's breakout to Rock's break out. Bryan broke out at a time where there's a small number of major guys. Rock broke out at a time where there was nothing but major guys. You can't compare them because they were two different times which is why i said which is better in pretty much every aspect but success
ok, i see what james means, but there is a difference. The brood got mixed with ministry as the shield got mixed with the authority. But who is there to out shine them doesn't matter. Christian and Edge were better than gangrel. him on his own, i never really rated. That click, and i mean when the the wyatts come out, is better than i've seen in a long time.
The Brood had one thing that makes it memorable....it was the crap gimmick Edge was stuck in until he broke out. Christian is a fine worker and all, but if he never made it out of the tag team ranks, the WWE would have been just fine, the same cannot be said about Edge.
Christian made the peeps gimmick, he wasns't given anything by the creative, so he went out on his own, the peeps got over. He went to the meh company, ruled the world, came back, edge gave up and everyone said he got it because of edge. If you liked edge baby face, getting mad, stroking his hair down over his face before the spear, infront of christian giving you good money in the bank spots, table ladder chairs, look at this years chamber. You can say what you like about wrestling, Christian might look awkward, might look out of place, but he has done a really good job for us
Breaking it down... if you're judging by the head of the groups...then it's a no-brainer. Bray Wyatt over Gangrel by light years. As the other poster said...Gangrel never amounted to much.

Comparing Harper and Rowan to Edge & Christian...then so far, for obvious reasons you take E & C all day.

But in terms of stables...the Wyatt family have IT. Together they make a great team and story, easily one of the most interesting teams in the WWE today.
The Brood's theme song is still my all time favorite. Love that song.

Other than that, it's the Wyatts. I don't buy this nonsense that The Brood had too much competition for airtime. Gangrel sucked ass in any era. Once Edge and Christian broke away from the dead weight, they found something that worked and they did stand out amidst all of the great talent around them. They were featured heavily in 2000.

The Brood was a shit, forgettable stable of green guys. The Wyatts, while still young, have their leader in a program with the face of the company. The Wyatts may ultimately fail to reach their potential, but they have already done more than the Brood ever had.
The broos are light years away from the wyatts.
The wyatts has a man who will get out of the group (or with it) into the main event scene.
Also they are a main event stable unlike the brood.

So basically the wyatts are way better
I think The Wyatt Family win in every category mentioned.

Brays promos are out of this world, given how long he has been on the main roster.

Compare it to The Broods first promo on Smackdown where they basically killed their own gimmick,especially Gangrel
The Brood just didn't make much sense - when Edge debuted he was a nomad, a loner, walking the streets. He actually had his first feud against Gangrel. Yet all of a sudden, they unite (along with Christian) to form the Brood!

Then you have the annexation of the Brood into the ministry of Darkness, which effectively killed the group.

Literally the only memorable thing they did as a group was to 'hang' the Big Boss Man at the end of the Wrestlemania XV Hello in a Cell match - a HIAC so bad tat it is NEVER referenced on WWE tv.

Wyatts all the way for me
Are we just judging the members of The Brood based on their time in that group? If we are then the Wyatts win hands down. Once E&C broke off from the group I'd go with them but during their time in The Brood they weren't given too many chances to show their talent. While we stil haven't seen Rowen and Harper get to show their skills I'm skeptical that they'll be on the same level that E&C were on.

Gangrel is one of those guys who people seem to remember fondly because he was part of the Attitude Era and they equate everybody in that era with success. Gangrel was pretty horrible though. He couldn't work and he was god-awful on the mic. He had the cool-factor of the entrance and a unique look and gimmick but Wyatt beats him by a long way in every category.

The purpose of the groups seem different. Wyatt carries the Wyatt Family and is the focal point of the group. It's designed to get him over. In The Brood, E&C were always more over than Gangrel and I'm sure it was supposed to get them more over than it was him. Since these type of groups live and die on the strength of their leader, the Wyatts get the nod for me.
A better comparison to a similar gimmick would be ravens flock from ecw wcw eras.

You had the clear leader and mouth piece raven vs bray.
Entrance with the flock sitting in the crowd to Wyatt's haunting walk to the ring.

With the members I really like Harper and Rowan but I hope they start to get more personalities rather then just being the muscle.

Flock to me in wcw had Saturn and Kidman as the most memorable but they were never intimidating. In fact no one was a threat except raven who would injure anyone who dare speak up.

In ecw you also had raven crucify sandman which later was copied copied by wwe with the crucifixion of Stephanie

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